(hes trying, i would think no) glitch hissed (but since hes like a ghost and all maybe she got a chill?)
She listened, something was coming. "I think the cops are getting closer."
Faye shivered, "Let's go then" she sighed "and what did you do with Jake and pipsqueak (Rory, she doesn't know her name and Rory is younger so that's what Faye is gonna call her for now)?" ... I am not going to reference anyone else cuz I'm not sure where they are right now ^.^)))
shade smiled "oh jakes fine, i dissapear regularly"
Faye let out a reluctant laugh, still concerned about the whole demon episode "and pipsqueak?"
she shrugged, walking of before talking to glitch "oh yea, everyones fine, how have you been doing glitch?" "i mean, you abandoned me, not well"
"Why'd you abondon him?" asked Ori, cocking her head and staring at the two
she looked at ori "well... its kinda hard to explain..." "she hears things, doesnt see them. shes named the voices" "im not that insane" "your talking to a demon. but so, every time i said something it would offend one of them" he groaned "they manipulated her"
"Oh" said Ori, nodding as if this was completely normal "Maybe I can help"
"oh their quiet now, the only one i hear now says they stand for my anxieties and fears, but they joke around a bit, he wasnt the manipulative one" - glitch sighed "him?" "yes"