Biography My pack shunned me when I was still young, I ran till I fell down my legs burning from exhaustion as my eyes flickered I saw a wolf his fur almost like mine, he looked at me then bows his head, ' your kin of my blood ' he says his voice calm ' go fallow the path a wolf of my blood with find you ' he says.
"Who are you "I ask looking at the ghost, " Bena or Pheasant," he says as he vanishes I head down a path lined with stones when a voice cheches me off guard, "who are you " a wolf asks I look to see a female wolf,
"a wolf told me to follow this path said his kin would find me, " I say, "he said his name was Bena, "I say the wolf's eyes soften "he was my grate-grate-grandfather," she says calmly,
"he said I'm his kin as well, "I say "do you have a name, " the wolf asks I shake my head, " Pheseantwing," she says I smile and nod, "I'm Floral, "she says.
as I'm lead into the pack others look to me "Welcome to the den of snakes," a wolf says her fur covered by rust "I'm copper light the alpha of this pack, "she says, " Floral says your Pheseantwing, "she asks I nod, "welcome home "she says
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality named for his ancestor's name and mother's name Pheseantwing is loving and kind to all
Preferences crush Mate
Special Skills Earth Please give me POL when his 14+