Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!
10:44:06 Cloudz, Pumpkin
7 more days and ill have to say bye bye premium :")
10:43:21 Vah is banned
Bruiser!! Been a while since I've seen you, how goes it?
10:42:59 oi
hey chat
10:36:45 Vah is banned

Nah, it looks fantastic!

I couldn't find the reference so I made my own lol
10:35:33 Dance, tango
Riker nose Boops Cedar in a meadow.
Stats: Social +2
Mood: Flirty

Flirty- uh Cedar is a pup
10:35:02 blue | bluey
too true
10:34:22 Moon
chat is sleepy
 Blood lust tide
10:24:43 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: Blood Puddle looks at Well dam you got spots with admiration.
 Golden Meadows
10:24:14 Ollie, Gold
Okay, there we go.
Anything I should fix before I line it?
10:23:10 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner, check it out!
10:22:13 Clacky, Mace
Hi chat!
10:21:36 'tis gay woman
-WP Click-

Looking for some RP partners!!
 Golden Meadows
10:20:29 Ollie, Gold
I love it!
10:18:59 Qyu - all pronouns
Artfight card!!
10:16:53 Vah is banned

What a mood honestly. XD

I think you've got a pretty good angle already, just have them facing forward essentially.
10:15:28 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner! Check it out!
 Golden Meadows
10:15:20 Ollie, Gold
Thank you ^^
And that would be helpful haha

I just need to figure out the angle the feet are supposed to be at, then I can just scribble tennis shoes over it haha
10:11:47 Silver, Luna or CWG
Splashsilver chases their tail.

Stats: Agility +2
Mood: Goofy
10:11:25 Vah is banned
I'm trying to find the reference I used to first learn feet and it is escaping me 😭
10:07:36 Qyu - all pronouns
Ollie- looks great! I understand, i hate drawing feet


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Alliance Battles
Hourly Damage Variances
Anaconda : -5
Bobcat : +5
Mojave Green Rattler : -3
    Winter Month: 3   Day  Weather:  Fog
 Battle  Explore In: Now

Wolf Page

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0 Paws Up
Wolf Number: 2983531
Gender: Male
Age: Deceased
Deathdate: Jan 18, 2021
Death Age: 17
Pack: The Heavens
Breeder: Viceroy
Weight: 142 Pounds
Build: Muscular
Fur Type: Wavy
Generation: 3rd
Birthdate: Jul 17, 2020
Sire: Fenrir Greyback🐺
Dam: Helga🦡
Mood: Content
Battle Experience: 14
Playfulness: Low
Birth Defect: None
Boost: Unparalleled Learning
Total Battle Earnings: 38
Total Mush Found: 0
Offspring Count: 71
Bred This Season: 0
Total Times Bred: 23
Affinity W/Your Pack: Excellent
Talent: Resolve Composure Battle Agility

Talent Count: 5
Injury: None

Sales History

Pelt Color

Eyes: Ice (Common)
Nose: Dark Liver (Common)
Inner Ears: Silver
Base Coat: Mocha (Common)
Leg Type: Stripes
Leg Color: Silver
Head Type: Frontal
Head Color: Silver
Tail Type: Tip
Muzzle Type: Stripe
Muzzle Color: Black
Harlequin: Hickory
Somatic Mutation: Hickory
Back Type: Sooty 2
Back Color: Hickory
Back Type #2: Spike
Back Color #2: Black
Shoulder: Black
Brindle: Hickory
Piebald 3: Hickory
Belton: Black
Okapi: Hickory
Leopard: Black
Speckle Type: Full
Speckle Color: Silver
Ear Edges Type: Tip
Ear Edges Color: Black
Rarity Score: 59

Character Description
Aatto cursed under his breath at the mess that his current victim of the day made. If he would've only sat still, there wouldn't be such a mess. He grabbed a black handkerchief from the inside of his cloak and wiped his bloody hands on it. He ran the material over his face, making sure that he didn't have freckles of blood splattered on him when he goes out into the mortal world.

Once he felt like he is more than clean enough, he stuffed the handkerchief into his cloak. He ran a hand through his chocolate brown locks, making sure that they aren't all over the place. He pulled the hood of his cloak up, letting the shadows cast over his face to prevent anyone from seeing his facial features. He doesn't want someone to see who he is when he exits, which won't be many considering it is night and most village-folks are sleeping.

He pushed the wooden door to the concrete house open, letting the rays of light from the moon cast him a path. He glanced both ways, not seeing anyone before he quickly moved away from the building. Even if he does get caught, he will just kill them. He shows no mercy to anyone, not even his own adopted brother.

He walked into the dense forest without hesitation. Even if a mortal was following him out here in the night, they wouldn't dare enter this forest even if they were given the offer to be the new King. He hopes they are afraid as there are so many supernatural creatures roaming the forest at night that they wouldn't have a chance to get out of here alive.

At the sound of a twig snapping behind him, he whirled around, his steel-grey eyes flickering over the area to see who is trying to stalk him. He instantly spotted the imposter, causing a wicked grin to appear on his lips. Oh, this mortal made the mistake of thinking he could follow him out here and get away with it.

He snapped his fingers, a trail of red smoke going towards the mortal hiding behind the tree. It wrapped around him, having them disappear moments later. Chains were wrapped around him, much like how the red smoke was. He flicked his wrist, causing the man to come towards him against his will. He flicked his wrist again, dropping the man onto a fallen tree.

He pulled his hood down and crouched before the man. "My, my, my. What do I have here?" He reached forward, a silver knife appearing in his hand all of the sudden. "You should know it is dangerous to come into the forest alone at night. Yet, here you are, thinking you are brave enough to stalk someone like me. Pathetic."

He let the blade of the knife trail against the man's cheek, earning a whimper in return from him. This caused his grin to grow even wider, knowing that fear is filling the man from head to toe. This is what he lives for, torturing humans and other creatures. He enjoys it too, even though his adopted brother looks down on him for doing such a thing.

He let the blade trail down to his throat, putting a bit more pressure as he slid it across his adam's apple. "You mortals are all pathetic, trying to prove you guys are brave. Yet, when you get into a position such as this, you guys crumble into an emotional mess of fear. I will never understand the logic of all these stupid emotions."

He pulled the knife away from the man and stood up. He listened as he let out a sigh of relief, thinking that he is going to get out of here alive. Oh, how wrong he is to think something such as that. Mortals are really naive. He is glad he isn't like them as he wouldn't be able to stand to live a life as they do.

"Don't think you are leaving alive. That is so far from the truth." He watched as the man paled, his whole body even more rigid than it was earlier. Oh, this is so much fun. "I will tell you what I am going to do to you. You will, of course, scream for mercy and I will not give you that. You will beg and try to make a deal with me to stay alive, which won't be happening. No matter what you try to do to persued me to let you out of here alive won't work."

The knife that was in his hand a moment ago is now replaced with a longer and more rusty looking blade. He crouched back down in front of the man, his grin never leaving his face. "First I am going to carve chunks of your skin out painfully slow while I listen to you scream bloody murder. Then I am going to rip limb by limb off, taking my sweet time and savoring the torture that is being brought upon you by me. Finally, I will let you bleed out here in the middle of the woods with your tongue cut out to prevent you from screaming out for help." He let the tip of the blade dig into the man's collarbone, carving a star into his skin while he let out a blood curling scream.

"Let the fun begin."

Breeding Info


Coat by Life on Mars

Special Skills

Character Attributes

Total Character Points: 302


Flood : +4Earthquake : -1Hurricane : +3Blizzard : +3
Howling Rating: UnknownWrestling Rating: Unknown Disposition Rating: Unknown

Here is a list of creatures this wolf has defeated.





Red Fox



Poison Dart Frog

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