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Den Of Deadly Karma


72 Paws Up

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Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Mar 7, 2018
Last Seen: May 15, 2024
Territory Level: 289
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 3
PVP Power Rank: 6021
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Collecting Souls

Deadly Karma | Taken | LVN #NursingLife | Works What Feels Like 24/7 | Taking College Classes | Dog Owner | Animal Lover | Music Lover | Literate Roleplayer | Writer | Reader | Terrible Procrastinator | Movie Addict | Outdoorsy | Insanely Sacrastic | Hardly Has A Life Outside Work And School

My Roleplay Style

Plots - I never really have plots in mind that I am dying to do or have any laying around. However, I can come up with one if we work together to figure out what type of plot we want to do.

Topics - I am actually quite flexible when it comes to topics. The only thing I won't do though is plain out animals as that isn't my forte. I can never get into playing animals for some reason. I always prefer doing something with fantasy and romance, and of course I love dark topics that company it. It makes things so much more interesting. Something I am always interested in doing as a topic is something along the lines of the medieval era and pirates. I've also been in the mood to be doing a type of fantasy dystopian topic.

Pairings/Characters - I do about any type of pairing, really. I always prefer to do MxM pairings. I tend to enjoy that pairing more than others and it is easier for me to go with the flow rather than, let's say, a FxM pairing. Any other pairings you are wanting to do, go ahead and ask me. I always like playing male, but there will be the rare times I want to play female. I am always comfortable playing two or more people, but sometimes they might not always become important.

Literacy - I consider myself to be literate related to both experience and willingness to write. I like to have roleplays where I can write up to 1000+ words per reply. I do have decent grammar, however, from time to time, I do have typos.

Romance - I love to have romance no matter what type of topics I do. I like them to have a slow-burn romance, yet, if I know that the characters that we play don't fit, I would rather not push them together. I will end up throwing another character in to make a love triangle, having it be quite the drama between the three of them.

Activity - I can respond as early as an hour to a week. It really depends on the length of my replies, the mood I am for the type of roleplay I am doing, or if I am even in the headspace to even write something. I try to not have my response take longer than a week. If it ends up getting close to that time frame, I will shoot you a PM to tell you what is going on. Sometimes I have a lot going on in life and can't get to throw a reply up. I am a nurse, so that comes first before anything else and, like I said, I will PM you if something comes up.

Communication - I love to have communication outside of the roleplay. It can be about anything to something that is related to the roleplay. I am a really easy person to talk to and I never turn down talking to someone. I do tend to get a lot of ideas that can happen during the roleplay when I am writing a response, so I will always be sending you something about what could happen and what you think about it. I can sometimes forget what way we are going with the plot, especially with having different partners and roleplays and if I have been gone for a little bit as well. If you remember it, then please tell me because I will definitely be asking you where we were going with it. If you have anything going on outside of Wolfplay, let me know, or if something comes up where you can't send me a response. I am very understanding when it comes to your personal life.

Person - I always tend to write in third person. I will never write in first person as it just feels weird for me. I would prefer my partner to write in third person as well, but it is what you are comfortable with.

World Building - I love to do world building. I haven't done much of it as I haven't had the time recently for it, but I am all for it and want to do so. I have started a world of mine, but I am still working on it to this day.

Triggers/Cussing - I haven't come across any triggers so far. If I ever do, I will definitely let you know immediately. I don't mind cussing because I do have a lot of characters that have explicit language.

My Roleplay Rules And What I Expect From You

Grammar - I can't say this enough, but please have decent grammar. I understand typos as I do that sometimes, but don't let it be a common thing that happens. This also means no chatspeak.

Ghosting - Please for the love of god, don't ghost me without saying anything. I hate when this happens because I don't know what I have done to where someone just drops me without saying anything. If you aren't feeling the roleplay, just drop me a PM and let me know. Like I have said, I am very kind person and easy-going that if you tell me you don't like the roleplay and want to drop it, I won't be offended.

Forums - I only do roleplays in the forums. I will never to PM's because it limits the ability of me being able to write. The forum lets me write as much as I want without cutting me off at a certain point. Well, it cuts me off but I can go a long time with writing without having to send two to three different replies if we were to do it in PM's.

Plot - Please also put the effort to have ideas that can make the plot go forward. I don't want to be the only one getting ideas for the plot as it really isn't fun. I always have ideas that pop up in my mind when writing and I'll let you know about them when they come to mind.

Roles - I prefer that you play as either gender. I don't like just playing one gender if someone isn't that comfortable with playing as the other gender as it doesn't always make things interesting for me.

Literacy - All I can say is try to match as much as I put out on my response. As long as you do 500+ words per post, I won't complain. I just like to have longer replies as I always have more fun with them and more ideas that come to mind.

Posts - I like to have at least two posts per week, but I know life can get in the way of that happening. I always try to do 2+ posts a week and I expect the same thing from you unless you tell me otherwise.

My Current Roleplays

These are all my current roleplays that I am doing. I am always willing to add two or more people to my list as sometimes I am always itching to do something else with another person. If you are already one of my partners and want to do another roleplay on top of the one we already have, just let me know!

My Trilogy

I am in the middle of working on a trilogy and then a spin-off book right after that. It is definitely coming along at a snail's pace with being busy with work and school. I want to get going on it since I have been dying to finish it, but other things are more important than writing these books at the moment. I definitely want to have them published at one point, but I don't know yet since it will be a while before that happens.

Book 1 | The Devil's Mafia
Book 2 | After the Truth
Book 3 | The Mafia's Blood
Spin-Off Book | Glass


Credits: #231901


My Awards
My featured awards.

Number 1 Explorer - New Packs
Number 1 Pup Wrestler
View All Of My Awards (30)

Total Dominance: 794

Alpha Male
Dominance: 200
   Age: 17
Rarity: 35
Talent: 163
Total CP: 3000
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Alpha Female
Dominance: 199
   Age: 16
Rarity: 23
Talent: 158
Total CP: 2999
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Beta Male
Dominance: 198
   Age: 16
Rarity: 34
Talent: 163
Total CP: 2998
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Beta Female
Dominance: 197
   Age: 17
Rarity: 25
Talent: 161
Total CP: 2997
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Overall Space left in this den: 71 spots for wolves.


My Roleplay Stories

Recent Forum Topics
1. FrostyK x Karma| Kingdoms - 5 months ago - 1x1
2. Karma x Ylva| Deadly Games - 5 months ago - 1x1
3. Froggington x Karma - 1 year ago - 1x1
4. Looking for 1x1 Literate Partner - 1 year ago - Roleplay
5. Lykalo x Karma - 2 years ago - 1x1

Recent Forum Posts
1. FrostyK x Karma| Kingdoms - 5 months ago - 1x1
2. Karma x Ylva| Deadly Games - 5 months ago - 1x1
3. Froggington x Karma - 1 year ago - 1x1
4. Looking for 1x1 Literate Partner - 1 year ago - Roleplay
5. Lykalo x Karma - 2 years ago - 1x1

Recent Blogs
My Characters

Dog Days Of Summer

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