Wolf Play : Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!
04:51:58 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Your wolves escape far too often for my liking. XD
I'm not sorry for ruining the 500. I had to-
04:50:19 Fei the writer
ah never mind it is 393 wolves.

I literally went to get dinner then just came back XD My wolves like to escape. Ask Amy!

Also thank you for the paws
04:49:25 Ash H:H!!
🙂I did not just get a lucky guess in the wolf game for the 2 in the middle..
04:49:10 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Fei, how do you have -3 den spaces?
04:47:17 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
You did not. That just makes it worse... that's a 300v6
Also, well done on exactly 500 paws! I'm going to be evil and make it 501 >:D
04:46:33 Ash H:H!!
Hmmm.. I haven't ecnountered many packs yet since I'm only at 9 right now.. use to be at 7 and 6 on others cuz I couldn't find my way but.. I did in the end I go for the sides then make my way down go the middle then the other side-
04:46:22 Fei the writer
I was out getting dinner, so I didn't know they escaped.

Besides I may have over 300 wolves?
04:46:02 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
If you call intimidating my Explore team and making them turn around and run away as "checking up"... then yes, they're checking up on me, making sure I'm not using any disallowed abbreviations.
04:45:00 Fei the writer
ah I see. Maybe they were checking up on you?

I hope they are not stalking others as bad.
04:43:28 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
How are your wolves doing this? Your den is in Forest 18.
04:43:06 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yeah. Your entire pack chased me around the Jungle.
04:42:26 Fei the writer
Oh even the pups, old wolves? Looks like my wolves got bored and escaped again
04:41:10 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Your entire pack found me in Jungle 7.
04:39:45 Fei the writer
you are confusing me with my wolves lol. Which wolf this time?

That is great
04:38:14 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
What is this Jasmine price... 300 mush... I just defeated a weretiger, was about to sell the Jasmine
Nuh-uh. I'm using it on my own wolf. Not selling it for only 270 mushrooms.
04:24:10 She/her
Oh fei I have an update for you xD I got a viti now
04:19:32 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Feiella you're actually stalking me. It's not even funny anymore
I ran into your pack again in Jungle 7.
04:14:45 Fei the writer
Is that?
04:02:41 Reign / Lucky / Bear
lol but it's good to go again now xd
04:01:53 Ash H:H!!
Help the way I looked in sales and saw the word fix 🤣


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Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 16, 2023 12:57 AM

Pink Tears

Posts: 204
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SilverMountain said:
so where to now?

Please ask about stuff in the rp discussion, link is under the lore post on the first page of this forum
Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 10:16 AM

Opal Fruits

Posts: 487
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Can I reserve the last musher that's open? I'm going to start working on their form in a moment
Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 10:18 AM

Pink Tears

Posts: 204
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Opal Fruits said:
Can I reserve the last musher that's open? I'm going to start working on their form in a moment

Of course!
Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 10:21 AM


Posts: 22532
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Hey, I was wondering what is open?
Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 10:32 AM


Posts: 22532
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"Why are you so damn loud? It's annoying."

[ Name Meaning ]
If this name rings a bell, that’s because Yekaterina, pronounced eh-kat-er-eena, is the Russian version of Catherine (and also the name of one of Russia’s most revered rulers). Though the name is longer than others, it has a straightforward meaning: “pure.” It also comes with a variety of adorable nicknames, like Katya (arguably the most popular) and Katyusha.
[ Age ]
5 Years Old
[ Gender ]
[ Position ]
Swing Dog / Tundra Paws
[ Appearance ]
Stock Image. Credits to Khalliysgraphy on DA.

Standing at 26 inches which is tall considering her Husky heritage this female stole the height genes from somewhere down the line. She weighs in at around 55 lbs, and from nose to tail she is about 34.5" maybe a bit longer. Her body is lean and muscular in appearance being built for endurance and her long legs helps her cover more ground quickly. Her nose is charcoal in color. Her coat is long and thick able to keep her warm, and it's mostly soft but some areas hold a certain roughness to it. Her coat is a mixture of black , white , silver , and grey possibly even some brown or tan undertones. Her face is dominated by the black color except for the rings of a creamy bronze color around her eyes, and splash of white on her chest and cheeks. Her eyes are a bright blue almost sapphire like color. She even has small white dots that would be mistaken for eyebrows as it makes her face seem a bit more expressive. She has what would be considered white 'socks' on all of her legs except her back right one.

[ Personality ]
This female is quite the unfriendly looking individual. If you just look at her you'd be warded off by her steely gaze. Or the way she walks with a defined elegance in her step. Not to mention whenever you try to approach her she seems irritated or unimpressed by you. Sometimes you can be met with a blank, icy glare. It's really hard to tell her emotions from just how she looks at times, but sometimes it's quite evident. One would make the assumption shes dull-witted because she'll stare at you blankly, or she's uppity or a snob due to the way she carries herself, and maybe even boring.

Once you get past the prickly exterior (if one ever manages to do it.) You'll find out may suprising things about her. She's quite intelligent and a deep-thinker. And that she actually enjoys companionship, you just have to catch on to her mood/work your way into her friendship/aquaitenceship zone. If you come up to her chatty and she wants to sit in silence then she'll just up and leave. It's not that she doesn't enjoy company, she just wants something quiet and calm for a while before she gets to know you. If you even manage to get a conversation out of her and you're not her friend then you're going places. You'll find she's highly observant of others. She notices the small, miniscule details of things. And can recall details that you said months, even years ago. This can be good and bad in a way as she can use it in arguments against you if you peeve her enough.

This female is quite wise for her age, and she's also very shrewd. She is very astute; able to accuratley access a situation and use it to her advantage. She's also quick to understand cryptic messages or ones with eloquent and flowery speech. Not to mention she has a clear-head and thinks before rushing into things. She enjoys listening to older and more experienced sled dogs and learn from their wisdom. Sometimes she seems like an old soul in a young body. This female has a refined manner about her; she isn't one to just flop down, she's one to elegantly lie down. She doesn't walk with bulky or overly-loud steps; but one of softer and fainty ones. And she keeps her posture erect and taut as if she's always being watched by somone. You can tell these characteristics came from a very classy, and proper influence in her life. While her words at times don't match her behavior, they sometimes do. As she can be refined in speech, she can also switch to callous words.

This female has her days when she's more ill-tempered than others. And you can tell by her gloomy actions and words. She'll also be more droll on these days; being unitentionally humorous. Yet her sarcasm and witty responses will be more vicious than usual as well. She'll also be more sulky and uncooperative with those she doesn't like. And it's almost something or someone who has put her in this mood as she doesn't have isn't always like this. Other times she'll be pugnacious at times, because life needs a little spice, but this is uncommon, yet not rare. When you have caught the bad side of this female, either by insulting her or offending someone she cares about she'll be out for blood. Her words will be fiery in tone and laced in venom. While her expression will be blank, and icy with an underlying smugness.

This female is very opinionated even if she doesn't show it. While she doesn't particularly enjoy pointless small talk, she'll easily tell you her opinion/thoughts on someone. She's also stern & blunt in her manner of speech; if she doesn't like you, she'll tell you: "Go away, I don't like you" or "Your prescense here is unwelcomed." . If your annoying or boring her, she'll roll her eyes dramatically saying: "GOD, why are you pestering me? Go annoy or bore someone else." And if you are being stupid she'll say, "Why am I surrounded by imbeciles, no, why are you so idiotic?" She's accepted that there will be times when she'll be forced to apologise for her blunt delivery despite the fact that she don’t think she should have to. For this very reason, Jahzara has developed an apology that works for such an occasion. Something like: ‘I’m sorry my opinion made you feel that way…’ or ' I'm sorry you're so thin-skinned and can't take criticism.'

She doesn't trust others a lot. Did she always appear to be unfeeling and cold, no. Others took advantage of her kindness and compassion, so swore to lock that portion of her away, because she never wants to be used again by others. However, once in a while you can see a glint of kindness and compassion in her eyes, but it's very rare to see or witness. She's firm, and almost kind with those she trusts and know can't handle her brashness [particularly pups. And she can even be gentle and almost goofy with them.] This female is very dependable; once you have her in your corner she'll always be there (unless you break her trust.) If you break trust with her then you'd better be ready to move mountains to earn it back.
[ Crush? ]
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Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 12:47 PM

Opal Fruits

Posts: 487
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Felix Smalls


23 years old




Frozen Roots


The musher was of average height for a man, standing at 6ft and weighing roughly 195 pounds. He did a bit of extra exercising leading up to the race, wanting to be fit and ready but he knew he wasn't the fittest he could be. Thankfully the dogs pull most of the weight and most of them are in their prime.

Felix's hair is a deep brown and he prefers it a little longer rather than shorter, going down to his ears. Despite its length he keeps it all sweeped back most of the time with a beanie over the top to keep his head and ears warm. When it comes to facial hair, Felix has a typical full beard. Granted it was thinner than a lot of others and the hair there was a lighter brown than his hair. Still, it keeps him a tad warmer. For someone that enjoys the sport he doesn't really like the cold and always makes sure he layers up as much as he can.

Layering was essential and like most of what he does, he went about it logically. The first layer that was closest to his skin was of a breathable wool material to help him regulate his body temperature. The second layer was for insulation and the final layer was more for protection against the elements. It was a high quality coat that was made for the sport and does relatively well at keeping him dry.


Felix had never been a people person and had always found more comfort around animals, dogs in particular were his favourite and getting to the point he is at now had always been his dream. Rushing things wasn't his forte, he much preferred to take things strategically. Using more of a smart and logical approach to things. With that being said that didn't mean he wasn't determined. He wanted to win more than anything, he was just going to do it in his own way.

However, more important than winning were his dogs and keeping them as safe as possible. If he didn't believe they enjoyed the competition he wouldn't make them but in his perspective they loved it just as much as he did. Building a good relationship with them was key to him and Felix will always make sure they have their basic needs met. Keeping them fed, watered and well rested to keep them at their prime. Even with that there were dangers but he believes he can limit them simply by taking the logical route rather than the all in route.

Felix tended to take a little longer making sure everything was set up correctly, not wanting to miss something and cause unnecessary danger to the team. He wasn't perfect though and there were things he could miss. One thing he enjoyed was making all the equipment match, more specifically to his team's colours, the green making his dogs easier to see in the snow. When it comes to their harnesses, most of the team have the usual x-back harness that is a green with brown buckles, the line itself is also brown. Showing off the teams two colours. The only two dogs that have a different harness are his Wheel dogs. These two have a freighting harness as it's better suited for weight pulling.

Setting himself and his team up for success is his main goal.

Favorite Dog(s):

Felix loves all the dogs on his team but his favourite will be later decided in the roleplay.


Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 02:30 PM

Pink Tears

Posts: 204
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Opal Fruits said:


Felix Smalls


23 years old




Frozen Roots


The musher was of average height for a man, standing at 6ft and weighing roughly 195 pounds. He did a bit of extra exercising leading up to the race, wanting to be fit and ready but he knew he wasn't the fittest he could be. Thankfully the dogs pull most of the weight and most of them are in their prime.

Felix's hair is a deep brown and he prefers it a little longer rather than shorter, going down to his ears. Despite its length he keeps it all sweeped back most of the time with a beanie over the top to keep his head and ears warm. When it comes to facial hair, Felix has a typical full beard. Granted it was thinner than a lot of others and the hair there was a lighter brown than his hair. Still, it keeps him a tad warmer. For someone that enjoys the sport he doesn't really like the cold and always makes sure he layers up as much as he can.

Layering was essential and like most of what he does, he went about it logically. The first layer that was closest to his skin was of a breathable wool material to help him regulate his body temperature. The second layer was for insulation and the final layer was more for protection against the elements. It was a high quality coat that was made for the sport and does relatively well at keeping him dry.


Felix had never been a people person and had always found more comfort around animals, dogs in particular were his favourite and getting to the point he is at now had always been his dream. Rushing things wasn't his forte, he much preferred to take things strategically. Using more of a smart and logical approach to things. With that being said that didn't mean he wasn't determined. He wanted to win more than anything, he was just going to do it in his own way.

However, more important than winning were his dogs and keeping them as safe as possible. If he didn't believe they enjoyed the competition he wouldn't make them but in his perspective they loved it just as much as he did. Building a good relationship with them was key to him and Felix will always make sure they have their basic needs met. Keeping them fed, watered and well rested to keep them at their prime. Even with that there were dangers but he believes he can limit them simply by taking the logical route rather than the all in route.

Felix tended to take a little longer making sure everything was set up correctly, not wanting to miss something and cause unnecessary danger to the team. He wasn't perfect though and there were things he could miss. One thing he enjoyed was making all the equipment match, more specifically to his team's colours, the green making his dogs easier to see in the snow. When it comes to their harnesses, most of the team have the usual x-back harness that is a green with brown buckles, the line itself is also brown. Showing off the teams two colours. The only two dogs that have a different harness are his Wheel dogs. These two have a freighting harness as it's better suited for weight pulling.

Setting himself and his team up for success is his main goal.

Favorite Dog(s):

Felix loves all the dogs on his team but his favourite will be later decided in the roleplay.


Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 02:31 PM

Pink Tears

Posts: 204
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Spellbound said:

"Why are you so damn loud? It's annoying."

[ Name Meaning ]
If this name rings a bell, that’s because Yekaterina, pronounced eh-kat-er-eena, is the Russian version of Catherine (and also the name of one of Russia’s most revered rulers). Though the name is longer than others, it has a straightforward meaning: “pure.” It also comes with a variety of adorable nicknames, like Katya (arguably the most popular) and Katyusha.
[ Age ]
5 Years Old
[ Gender ]
[ Position ]
Swing Dog / Tundra Paws
[ Appearance ]
Stock Image. Credits to Khalliysgraphy on DA.

Standing at 26 inches which is tall considering her Husky heritage this female stole the height genes from somewhere down the line. She weighs in at around 55 lbs, and from nose to tail she is about 34.5" maybe a bit longer. Her body is lean and muscular in appearance being built for endurance and her long legs helps her cover more ground quickly. Her nose is charcoal in color. Her coat is long and thick able to keep her warm, and it's mostly soft but some areas hold a certain roughness to it. Her coat is a mixture of black , white , silver , and grey possibly even some brown or tan undertones. Her face is dominated by the black color except for the rings of a creamy bronze color around her eyes, and splash of white on her chest and cheeks. Her eyes are a bright blue almost sapphire like color. She even has small white dots that would be mistaken for eyebrows as it makes her face seem a bit more expressive. She has what would be considered white 'socks' on all of her legs except her back right one.

[ Personality ]
This female is quite the unfriendly looking individual. If you just look at her you'd be warded off by her steely gaze. Or the way she walks with a defined elegance in her step. Not to mention whenever you try to approach her she seems irritated or unimpressed by you. Sometimes you can be met with a blank, icy glare. It's really hard to tell her emotions from just how she looks at times, but sometimes it's quite evident. One would make the assumption shes dull-witted because she'll stare at you blankly, or she's uppity or a snob due to the way she carries herself, and maybe even boring.

Once you get past the prickly exterior (if one ever manages to do it.) You'll find out may suprising things about her. She's quite intelligent and a deep-thinker. And that she actually enjoys companionship, you just have to catch on to her mood/work your way into her friendship/aquaitenceship zone. If you come up to her chatty and she wants to sit in silence then she'll just up and leave. It's not that she doesn't enjoy company, she just wants something quiet and calm for a while before she gets to know you. If you even manage to get a conversation out of her and you're not her friend then you're going places. You'll find she's highly observant of others. She notices the small, miniscule details of things. And can recall details that you said months, even years ago. This can be good and bad in a way as she can use it in arguments against you if you peeve her enough.

This female is quite wise for her age, and she's also very shrewd. She is very astute; able to accuratley access a situation and use it to her advantage. She's also quick to understand cryptic messages or ones with eloquent and flowery speech. Not to mention she has a clear-head and thinks before rushing into things. She enjoys listening to older and more experienced sled dogs and learn from their wisdom. Sometimes she seems like an old soul in a young body. This female has a refined manner about her; she isn't one to just flop down, she's one to elegantly lie down. She doesn't walk with bulky or overly-loud steps; but one of softer and fainty ones. And she keeps her posture erect and taut as if she's always being watched by somone. You can tell these characteristics came from a very classy, and proper influence in her life. While her words at times don't match her behavior, they sometimes do. As she can be refined in speech, she can also switch to callous words.

This female has her days when she's more ill-tempered than others. And you can tell by her gloomy actions and words. She'll also be more droll on these days; being unitentionally humorous. Yet her sarcasm and witty responses will be more vicious than usual as well. She'll also be more sulky and uncooperative with those she doesn't like. And it's almost something or someone who has put her in this mood as she doesn't have isn't always like this. Other times she'll be pugnacious at times, because life needs a little spice, but this is uncommon, yet not rare. When you have caught the bad side of this female, either by insulting her or offending someone she cares about she'll be out for blood. Her words will be fiery in tone and laced in venom. While her expression will be blank, and icy with an underlying smugness.

This female is very opinionated even if she doesn't show it. While she doesn't particularly enjoy pointless small talk, she'll easily tell you her opinion/thoughts on someone. She's also stern & blunt in her manner of speech; if she doesn't like you, she'll tell you: "Go away, I don't like you" or "Your prescense here is unwelcomed." . If your annoying or boring her, she'll roll her eyes dramatically saying: "GOD, why are you pestering me? Go annoy or bore someone else." And if you are being stupid she'll say, "Why am I surrounded by imbeciles, no, why are you so idiotic?" She's accepted that there will be times when she'll be forced to apologise for her blunt delivery despite the fact that she don’t think she should have to. For this very reason, Jahzara has developed an apology that works for such an occasion. Something like: ‘I’m sorry my opinion made you feel that way…’ or ' I'm sorry you're so thin-skinned and can't take criticism.'

She doesn't trust others a lot. Did she always appear to be unfeeling and cold, no. Others took advantage of her kindness and compassion, so swore to lock that portion of her away, because she never wants to be used again by others. However, once in a while you can see a glint of kindness and compassion in her eyes, but it's very rare to see or witness. She's firm, and almost kind with those she trusts and know can't handle her brashness [particularly pups. And she can even be gentle and almost goofy with them.] This female is very dependable; once you have her in your corner she'll always be there (unless you break her trust.) If you break trust with her then you'd better be ready to move mountains to earn it back.
[ Crush? ]
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Please clarify dog breed.
Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 02:47 PM


Posts: 22532
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Siberian Husky
Through Frozen Eyes [Closed!] Sled Dog Role Play!April 18, 2023 04:08 PM


Posts: 57
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Name: Neika

Age: 5

Gender: female

Team: Darkshade

Rank: swing

Breed: Samoyed

Appearance: Neika is a pure white as snow samoyed with bright brilliat blue eyes she has a pink nose and her fluffy fur makes her look gigantic.

Personality: Neika is has a bubbly personality shes optimistic she tries to make friends with everyone she loves to play ,she likes to dig holes in snow then lie in it and blend in and jumpscare any unsuspecting creature.


Other: she was abandoned as a pup and she survived by becoming stronger and being feirce when she needed, she has a long scar down her side from her neck to her hind leg.

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