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Den Of Opal Fruits


25 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Lightbringer
Join Date: Mar 26, 2020
Last Seen: Jul 2, 2023
Territory Level: 77
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 7
PVP Power Rank: 6799
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Looking For RP Partner

It was another day spent alone in the unforgiving world. Danger lurked around every wrong corner, no one to protect you and no one to protect. A wolf is born to be one with a pack, to lead or be led so without that who were they?

The night was a cold one, colder than it had been in quite some time, snow fell onto crisp grass and thick fur, causing a shiver to emit from any of the animals that wandered the land. It was the kind of cold that snuck its way through any gap it could. It was merciless. A young she-wolf who was quite small in size was one of those wandering alone. Wolves were not built for solitude and she couldn't help but long for the warmth having a pack would bring. However, she knew that if she was to keep moving the cold weather would affect her more, it bit at her skin despite the thick fur that did it's best to keep her warm. With that, she would need to stay still and conserve her energy so she could warm herself more. Doing so went against her very being, wanting to protect herself and make sure no one hurt her again.

With a heavy sigh, the female laid herself on the frost-covered ground, beside a tall tree that gave her slight shelter from the effect of the winter. A grey head rested on silver-tipped paws; green eyes holding open so at least her eyes could protect her. Staying still was unnerving. She was vulnerable without a pack for strength came in numbers but that wasn't to say she wouldn't fight. With the tree covering her back, she kept her eyes alert and followed every little sound or movement.

Alone and cold was another wolf not too far away. One who didn't know the routes of a pack. Born to a loner, the male had been told stories of pack life as a pup, some good and some bad yet he knew they existed and always wanted one, he wished and wished for a family and a pack for the two years he had been alive. Shouldn't it be every wolf's dream? His fur was thick and he was strong for sure but the cold weather still made it hard for him as it did every being. He knew he needed to rest but didn't want to do it out in the open, finding somewhere warm and safe was his best bet. His large paws crunched down on the frost and his head hung low, trying to avoid getting any of the snowflakes into his eyes. His ears pinned back as the cold snow hit his muzzle and that was what it took for him to know it was time to move.

The male stopped in his tracks as a much smaller wolf than he came into view, he sniffed the air slightly and picked them as a female. She seemed to be just as alone as he was but that was simply an assumption. Either way, she looked cold and he knew two was better than one. With caution he slowly approached; lowering his stomach to the ground to make himself as small as possible to show her he wasn't a threat, nor would he hurt her.

She, however, jumped up when she saw the larger male approach. A low growl rumbled in her throat yet she wasn't built for fighting as much as she was hunting and knew she would need to run. Taking a step back in preparation, she eyed the male with caution. He quickly whimpered and laid himself down, pinning his ears back as he watched her prepare to run. "I'm not here to hurt you, it will be warmer together. I promise." With hesitation, she knew he was right and maybe he was true to his word. It was worth the risk and she made her way over to him.

The pair grew close and managed to survive the winter together, becoming one and never being alone again. They both got their dream that night and built a pack of their own that is still going strong after so many generations. With their lives complete they can now watch over the pack they built together and never have to be apart or alone again.


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My Awards
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Top 5 Explorers This Week - Premium
Top 5 Hunters
Breeding - 50 Rarity Score
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Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 15 spots for wolves.

The coolest of the cool resides here.

Recent Forum Topics
1. Custom question - 1 year ago - Member Help
2. LF: someone to co-run group roleplay - 1 year ago - Roleplay
3. | Opal x Crystal | 1x1 | - 1 year ago - 1x1
4. LF: 1x1 RP Partner(s) | Open! | - 1 year ago - 1x1
5. Winters demise | Wolf RP | Discussion - 1 year ago - Discussion

Recent Forum Posts
1. Custom question - 1 year ago - Member Help
2. Custom Coat Design Contest *Closed* - 1 year ago - Contests
3. Battle of the Clearing | RP Thread | Open - 1 year ago - Semi-Literate
4. Battle of the Clearing | Discussion | OPEN - 1 year ago - Discussion
5. Opal Fruits x Blissful - 1 year ago - 1x1

Recent Blogs
1. RP Example - 4 years ago
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 2

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