Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Black Bear : -2
Black Bear : -3
Bobcat : -5
    Spring Month: 2   Day  Weather:  Sunny
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Den Of ArrowStrike


34 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Lightbringer
Join Date: Jul 26, 2016
Last Seen: Jan 10, 2024
Territory Level: 171
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 24
PVP Power Rank: 6283
Membership: Basic

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Friends (3)
Market Den (0)
Memorial (10)
Wishes (1)

Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: Lurking

- Credits -
If you see anyting signed with "Aros," that's my TH account :) So, that would be my banner credits^^
- About Me -
Artist | Writer | INTP-T | Mythology Nerd | Female | Very Gay
Aspiring Artist, Writer, Doctor, Engineer, and just about anything else I can get my hands on. Here since year 74!
Important Notice: If you ship Rangshi plz be my friend :3
*I do not vibe with homophobia, please don't bring that sort of negativity around me. Friendly vibes only^^

People I've been talking to the most recently:


- Art -
Not doing commissions anymore! I may still auction off characters or pieces, but commissions were too mentally draining for me.

- Auctions -
Sometimes I hold art auctions here:
Arrow's Auctions!

- Sales -
Keep an eye out for pups and semi-trained battle wolves.

- Breedings -
I don't usually sell breedings but if you want to reserve a breeding to one of my females or somthing, just PM me :D

- MD -
I sell food for less than the amount of feedings, and sell pup toys for only 5-10 mush, if you get them fast enough! Also, most plant products, such as leaves or seeds are only 1-3 mush, and that's about it.

- CP -
If you need CP, hit me up but I can't promise anything. If you need to get rid of your CP, I'll pay 10 mush for 5 cp on any DH.

- Projects -
Children of Ares
Complete - See Cadmus(memorial) for one of the results :D

Achilles, Battle Boosted Stud
Completed: See Achilles, my first custom!

Pytheas Keryx
Take a look at Pytheas, my most recent custom!
Edit: Woah. I never thought when I made Pyth that he'd get to #1 on the Top Breeding Wolves leaderboard! Thanks to everyone who's bred him, I hope he gave you some good pups. <3

Crystalline Pelt
Geodes opened: 41
Items recieved: 8 snowy owl feathers, 7 health potions, 5 Ptarmigan feather, 4 bronze figurine, 7 dead sparrows, 3 chinese pottery, 1 opal dye, 1 red rasberry, 2 bald eagle feather, 2 feathers, 1 elderberry
Crystalline Pelts I've had:
~ Opal
~ Emerald
~ Ruby
~ Amethyst
~ Aquamarine

Sacred Band of Thebes
I'm planning on making an alliance... More on this soon :)


My Awards
My featured awards.

Number 1 Breeding Wolf - Pytheas Kēryx
Breeding - 90 Rarity Score
Number 1 Total Times Bred - Pytheas Kēryx
View All Of My Awards (27)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 35 spots for wolves.

Completed Goals:
Premium Account[X]
Leuc Alpha Pair[X]
Get 20 apples[X]
Get 50 apples[X]
Open Art Shop[X]
+5 Wolves in Pack[X]
First Custom[X]
Get a TH Acct [X]

Current Goals:
Level 100 Explore [X]
Get 100 Apples[ ]
Get Pytheas to #1 Breeding Wolf [X]
Get Pytheas to #1 Total Times Bred [X]
Im not doing paws goals because I had 400 back in 2018 so now I'm sad even thinking about it D:

To Do:
- Redesign Falo's pelt
- Homework :/
- Post more OC art
- Practice Digital Shading and Backgrounds
- Breeding Accomplishments -
My first R50+AC pup
+27 Hero, 131lbs
G2, 132lbs
R90, R45AC
Old Studs:

- Princeps -
~ R59AC
~ G2
~ +8 Hero
~ 147T
~ HW
~ Aquamarine Pelt

- Pytheas Kēryx -
~ R59AC
~ Chimera 7
~ G3
~ +13 Hero
~ 122lbs
~ 18T
~ CL

My Alliances


Polar Vortex
2 of 3 slots used.

Recent Forum Topics
1. Fixed - 2 years ago - Member Help
2. Keystone Pride || Plot-Interactive RP || OPEN!! - 3 years ago - Sign-Ups
3. Buying premium on DT - 3 years ago - Member Help
4. WIP - Vandal - 3 years ago - Characters
5. Nia || Warrior of Fenguard - 4 years ago - Characters

Recent Forum Posts
1. Fixed - 2 years ago - Member Help
2. Keystone Pride || Plot-Interactive RP || OPEN!! - 3 years ago - Sign-Ups
3. Buying premium on DT - 3 years ago - Member Help
4. WIP - Vandal - 3 years ago - Characters
5. Looking for OC group art, art of service dog, and anthro art - 3 years ago - Art Requests

Recent Blogs
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 135

Bones This Event: 3
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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