In the beginning...
Duo scampered around happily, surrounded by the most beautiful wolves in the world. They fawned over him, their little pup who looked so much like them. But then his favorite, Mom, stopped the pup's happiness and took him away. It was nice place, this new home of his, but he missed the old wolves who had surrounded him, missed the warmth of their touch.
His Hiatus...
Duo was frozen. Unable to move, or think, he simply existed in the hearts and minds of other. He had grown up here, surrounded by wolves just as frozen as he. He had liked it here at first, before he became still. But then he had begun to age, and still no one came for him, no one rescued him. He waited.
His Home...
Duo scampered playfully after Elu and Guinivere, happy to feel like a pup again. He had been unfrozen by the compassion and warmth his new pack showed him, accepted into their hearts without hesitation or question. He felt more comfortable here with these wolves than he had ever felt. Duo grew strong and healthy, his life only then beginning when he became old.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality N/A
Preferences N/A
Special Skills N/A