Biography If you don't understand the high goals and the goals that are never going to happen is becuase I want a challenge on something new so yeah he is now my vic-my latest work in progress:D
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Special Skills Goals . 10 paws ✓ (completed 26/4/22) 20 paws ✓ (completed 27/4/22) 50 paws ✓ (completed 15/722) 100 paws 150 paws 200 paws . 50 BE 100 BE 200 BE 300 BE 400 BE . 3 offspring ✓ (10/5/22) 5 offspring ✓ (10/5/22) 10 offspring ✓ (13/5/22) 20 offspring ✓ (15/5/22) 40 offspring ✓ (10/6/22) 50 offspring 100 offspring 150 offspring 200 offspring . 1 CP Filled ✓ (completed 27/4/22) 3 CP Filled ✓ (completed 04/05/22) 5 CP Filled ✓ (completed 11/05/22) 8 CP Filled ✓ (completed 06/06/22) 10 CP Filled ✓ (completed 30/6/22) 11 CP Filled ✓ (completed 5/7/22) 12 CP Filled ✓ (completed 15/7/22) 14 CP Filled 15 (all) CP Filled