Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!
10:35:33 Dance, tango
Riker nose Boops Cedar in a meadow.
Stats: Social +2
Mood: Flirty

Flirty- uh Cedar is a pup
10:35:02 blue | bluey
too true
10:34:22 Moon
chat is sleepy
 Blood lust tide
10:24:43 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: Blood Puddle looks at Well dam you got spots with admiration.
 Golden Meadows
10:24:14 Ollie, Gold
Okay, there we go.
Anything I should fix before I line it?
10:23:10 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner, check it out!
10:22:13 Clacky, Mace
Hi chat!
10:21:36 'tis gay woman
-WP Click-

Looking for some RP partners!!
 Golden Meadows
10:20:29 Ollie, Gold
I love it!
10:18:59 Qyu - all pronouns
Artfight card!!
10:16:53 Vah is banned

What a mood honestly. XD

I think you've got a pretty good angle already, just have them facing forward essentially.
10:15:28 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner! Check it out!
 Golden Meadows
10:15:20 Ollie, Gold
Thank you ^^
And that would be helpful haha

I just need to figure out the angle the feet are supposed to be at, then I can just scribble tennis shoes over it haha
10:11:47 Silver, Luna or CWG
Splashsilver chases their tail.

Stats: Agility +2
Mood: Goofy
10:11:25 Vah is banned
I'm trying to find the reference I used to first learn feet and it is escaping me 😭
10:07:36 Qyu - all pronouns
Ollie- looks great! I understand, i hate drawing feet
10:06:06 Vox, Corey
Finally got a dye from bree. Aquamarine annnd I dunno if I wanna use it on a custom I already have or if imma save it.

The spoils of what I got before I got it are now tossed into the falls. c:
10:05:12 Vah is banned

That is so cute. I love it! The face looks pretty good, honestly.
 Golden Meadows
10:04:28 Ollie, Gold
Thoughts so far on this sketch?
I can't quite get the feet right :/
10:04:04 Cloudz, Pumpkin
I gotta go at 12, my boyfriend and I are on call currently


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Mojave Green Rattler : -3
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Wolf Page

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MJingle Bells/be trained/BREED
0 Paws Up
Wolf Number: 3180568
Gender: Male
Age: Deceased
Deathdate: Aug 2, 2021
Death Age: 21
Pack: The Heavens
Breeder: Viceroy
Weight: 143 Pounds
Build: Thick
Fur Type: Wavy
Generation: 2nd
Birthdate: Dec 4, 2020
Sire: Hogsmeade❄️
Dam: Occamy⚜️
Mood: Content
Battle Experience: 945
Playfulness: Low
Birth Defect: None
Boost: None
Total Battle Earnings: 2586
Total Mush Found: 247
Offspring Count: 16
Bred This Season: 0
Total Times Bred: 6
Affinity W/Your Pack: Excellent
Talent: Stealth Perception Luck Maternal Social Empathy Morals Resolve Composure Wisdom Battle Charisma Agility Spirituality

Talent Count: 114
Injury: None

Sales History

Pelt Color
Eyes: Brown-Green (Common)
Nose: Black (Common)
Base Coat: Cream (Common)
Leg Type: None
Leg Color: Obsidian
Head Type: Throat
Head Color: Obsidian
Muzzle Type: Stripe
Muzzle Color: None
Back Type: Sooty 2
Back Color: Obsidian
Back Type #2: Side Splash
Back Color #2: None
Shoulder: Cream
Brindle: Cream
Piebald 2: Cream
Belton: Cream
Speckle Type: Full
Speckle Color: Cream
Ear Edges Type: Full
Ear Edges Color: None
Rarity Score: 30

Character Description
Jingle Bells sat on the ice cold snow on top of a snowy cliff that has icicles hanging from the edges. He sighed and looked at his wintery breath. He wondered what life outside of the pack would be like. He turned his head as soon as he heard his half brothers Hog Jr and Soyuq get close to him. He growled softly as Soyuq got close. He and Soyuq never saw eye to eye, Hog Jr looked at them both and snarled “Jingle and Soyuq stop this nonsense were family, we shouldnÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’t hate each other” Hog Said. Soyuq responded with a quiet snarl “ItÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’s not my fault that mutt doesnÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’t know what family is” Soyuq said. Jingle slowly snarled and bared his teeth his hackles rising as he said “IÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’m the mutt hell no IÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’m not your the mutt nobody wanted you in this family in the first place Soyuq” Jingle said immediately regretting what he said knowing he had hurt his feelings. Jingle knew that his dad would have snarled and pinned him to the ground for calling Soyuq a mutt he was and would always be his fathers favorite. Jingle was nothing but a mutt to his father.
(add on from SoyuqÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ’s bio)
Jingle bells snarled as Soyuq hit him... he looked over at Hog Jr and growled softly “ you never back me up Hog! Your just as bad as he is.” Jingle said snarling. Hog looked at him and snarled loudly making himself as tall as he could and said “Now listen here Jingle you better stop snarling at me right now! I may be your brother but donÂÂÂÂÂÂ’t forget who your talking too.” He snarled. Jingle lowered himself down to the ground a bit and puffed at the ground and slowly rose himself to a higher position then Hog and said “ You May be the future alpha of this pack but I will never EVER respect you as the alpha because YOU DONT DESERVE IT!!” Jingles snarled and walked away.
As Jingle Bells walked into his den he laid down and looked at the ground and softly said to himself “ThankÂÂÂÂ’s mom for leaving me with a bad father and 2 brothers so think their better then me just because dad favors them, theyÂÂÂÂ’re nothing but brats”. Jingles then slowly drifted off to a deep sleep where he dreamt with his mom and how much he missed her.

The next morning as Jingle woke up he batted his eyes and stretched and softly yawned... he looked around and began to eat his breakfast and drank some water. He then went outside into the bright sunlight and looked around making sure Soyuq and Hog Jr were no where in sight. He then ran to his spot and sniffed the air as the air hit his face he noticed a scent he has never smelled before, his hackles rises as he became alert and his ears twitched at a sound and he slowly turned his head. Huge mistake a small but quite powerful female with a lemon type pelt came out of the shadows and pinned him to the ground and snarled at him. Jingle snarled as the female who had pinned him tried to bite him, he pushed her off and got up quickly and circled the female. Jingle growled and said “Who are you?!? What do you want??!”. Jingle said. The female snarled quietly and said “I am Amber, Who are you?!?! I want nothing I just came to my favorite spot”. Amber said. Jingle then stopped circling her and said “I am Jingle son of Hogsmede”. Jingle said kind of disappointed. Ambe looked at Jingle and said in her mind “Hmm he is not bad looking, he has good muscles a good body shape hmmm heÂÂ’s cute” amber blushed slightly
Jingle looked at her and noticed her blushing and his hackles slowly went down and thought to himself “ huh she is not bad looking I love her lemon pelt the red really brought her topaz eyes out” jingle slowly moved towards her and sniffed her from a distance. Little did Jingle know that Amber and Him were meant to be. But would Soyuq and Hog Jr try to steal her from him. Who knew!

Days passed. weeks passed. And jingle didnÂ’t want amber to meet his mutt brothers all he wanted was to run away with her and

Breeding Info

Produced defects

Produced Boosts: Divine Health, Silver tongue

Highest talent bred


Special Skills

Character Attributes

Total Character Points: 2344


Flood : -1Earthquake : +6Hurricane : +3Blizzard : +4
Howling Rating: AverageWrestling Rating: Unknown Disposition Rating: Unknown

Here is a list of creatures this wolf has defeated.



Red Fox



Nordic Warrior Man

Nordic Warrior Woman

Young Jormunand

Young Hel

Young Fenrir

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