Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!
07:03:01 Chrissy
i'm hoping he gives some good pups.

thankfully all the wolves he's bred to are also mine.
07:02:47 Running Dog
That's like 10 0r 11 jasmine
07:02:09 Cloudz, Pumpkin
go ahead, they already hate me lol
 Meliora Wolves
07:02:03 crow (he/they/zae)
holy shit?? imagine the child support he's gotta pay /j
 Continental Wolves
07:01:54 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
 Continental Wolves
07:01:04 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Let me deal with them >:^
07:00:57 Running Dog

Okay, got it, I'm sorry.
07:00:49 Chrissy
his currently bred to list is wild. -WP Click-
 Avatar Of Lust
06:59:50 Asmodeus (he/they)
I broke one my finger nails and someone thought it was funny until they saw the blood XD

it broke where the nail is attached to the skin

06:59:43 Cloudz, Pumpkin

theyve been treating me bad for months
06:58:40 Running Dog
Unblock them?
 binders united
06:54:11 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Just blocked my friend...
06:53:55 SL, SilverLined
Emo* not enough though I do love a lot of really really old music too.
06:53:25 SL, SilverLined
All of my favorite bands are old enough bands.
 Meliora Wolves
06:50:28 crow (he/they/zae)
everytime people start talking about bands i have to physically restrain myself from letting the demons out (talking about ghost)
 The Knight Walkers
06:49:33 1Knightstar1
Gorillaz is my fav.
My favorite band is Breaking Benjamin
06:48:08 Vana
A band that I love is Greta Van Fleet <3
Discovered them in Middle school and now I'm still rocking out like I'm in the 80s (wish I was alive in the 70s and 80s just because of the music)
06:45:42 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
-WP Click-

Love him.

-WP Click-

Hate him.


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Alliance Battles
Hourly Damage Variances
Arctic Fox : -3
Komodo Dragon : +1
Wolverine : -4
    Fall Month: 1   Night  Weather:  Light Rain  Moon: 
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Wolf Page

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Julia 🔅G3
0 Paws Up
Wolf Number: 2759897
Gender: Female
Age: Deceased
Deathdate: Sep 7, 2020
Death Age: 17
Pack: The Heavens
Breeder: Lone
Weight: 137 Pounds
Build: Thick
Fur Type: Medium
Generation: 3rd
Birthdate: Feb 19, 2020
Sire: Oikawa
Dam: Jane G2
Mood: Content
Battle Experience: 1
Playfulness: High
Birth Defect: None
Boost: None
Total Battle Earnings: 5
Total Mush Found: 0
Offspring Count: 6
Bred This Year: 0
Total Times Bred: 4
Affinity W/Your Pack: Excellent
Talent: Social Morals Battle Agility

Talent Count: 4
Injury: None

Sales History

Pelt Color
Eyes: Dark Brown (Common)
Nose: Dark Liver (Common)
Base Coat: Grey (Common)
Head Type: Cheeks
Head Color: None
Muzzle Type: Wide
Muzzle Color: Chocolate
Back Type: None
Back Color: Chocolate
Ear Edges Type: Full
Ear Edges Color: None
Rarity Score: 7

Character Description
Julia ran through the woods running away from her attacker, she panted and ran as fast her 10 year old legs could carry her. She never thought that being Alpha would bring so many problems into her life, not only did she not have a mate but she was in control of a all female pack. Her best friend Estrella was Pregnant with only 2 days left and would soon be going into labor. Estrella is Julia's right hand and Beta, she couldnt imagine her life without her, they did everything together it doesnt matter if Julia is a day or two older then Estrella they were always together never apart. Anyway maybe I should start from the beginning.

Hi I'm Julia and this is my story, I was only a pup when I was left to fend for myself my mom and dad were mates for one time, as soon as my mom left my dad she was killed and I was left to survive. I eventually learned how to hunt by myself and how to defned myself, what I never really learned was that being an alpha in the future would mean that I would need a powerful male mate by my side, that is if I make it out of this alive. As many people know, a lone wolf never survives much less an omega with a rare pelt color. I stayed in my parents pack for no more than 2 days and in those 2 days I felt like I didn't belong there. Yes maybe I am glad that my parents are gone but what I don't understand is why would the pack kick out their own alphas only cub. Well to awnser your question I was a runt, I was smaller than the other cubs they all picked on me. I was a weird pup with a weird color, Where did I get my pelt color from well thats something ill never know now. As I walked through the dark, gloomy forest I wondered to myself how life would be without my parents, without a pack. I stumpled across a den I sniffed around to make sure no other animals were inhabiting that den and when I didnt pick up a scent I decieded to lay down and rest, a pup like me has to rest after a long walk with barely any food in my stomach or any water. Little did I know that... that night I would have to make a decion either stay and rest or run for my life.

A few hours had passed when I suddenly heard a sound "Clack Clack" it was the sound of a branch breaking I instally got up and sniffed the air, I smelled a much older female I didnt know if she was a long wolf or if she had a pack but I decieded not to stick around and ran for my dear life. As I ran I wondered if I would ever stop running, would I be looking behind my shoulder every single day for the rest of my life. I started to slow down and decided to just lay under a tree with little to no leaves and rest. Who knew what dangerous would come to my life the next day.

2 years later....
I was an expert hunter by now but mostly in small animals like rabbits and mice, I stopped in my tracks when I caught wind of a nearby pack with many wolves almost all of them females with a male or 2. I walked towards the scent but being the most cautious I could be you never know what will await you, As soon as I entered the territory of that pack all the wolves that were potrolling the area went towards me growling. Then as if on cue came out a beautiful female wolf with a pelt so magestic it seemed to be rare as well, she looked at the wolves growling and they all backed down and stopped growling it seemed to be that she was the alpha female. As I looked at her I sat down and lowered my ears letting her know that I meant no danger and that I am not looking for trouble, The alpha female said "Hello I'm Estrella the alpha of Uley Pak may I ask why you have wondered into our territory?" I softly said "I was kicked out of my old pack as a pup my parents are dead and I'm was the runt of the pack I still am." Estrella said "Whats your name Sweetheart?" I said "My name is Julia and I promise that I was just passing through I don't want to cause problems." Estrella looked at Julia and saw that her ribs were sticking out and that she looked like she needed food and water and she had wounds that needed tending to. Estrella finally said "Now Julia I see that your malnourished and that you have wounds that need tending to so If you could just come with us so we can help you." Julia nodded and went along with Estrella. As soon as they got the dens Julia was surprised at how many females there were she never thought that all of them would be so kind and beautiful. Now the males were different they only stuck with their mate, one of them still had to find a mate but the bigger, buffier one was Estrella mate he was the alpha male.

Breeding Info

Few years later....
So this is where I run, I run from my abusive mate that was trying to kill me when Estrella passed down her Alpha status to me my mate thought that he should have the alpha status that since I was alpha female that he should be alpha male but the thing is that we stopped being mates when our pups died... He blamed me for our pups dying and so we decided it would be better not to be mates anymore. I truly thought that being in Uley Pak would mean no more running but I wasn't alone this time no Estrella and the rest of the pack were with me ready to fight my old mate and his pack. I growled and defeneded my pack...or so I thought.


Special Skills

Character Attributes

Total Character Points: 305


Flood : -1Earthquake : 0Hurricane : +3Blizzard : 0
Howling Rating: Average Wrestling Rating: Unknown Disposition Rating: Unknown

Here is a list of creatures this wolf has defeated.

Red Fox

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