Biography Pup 48 howls in sorrow. Minda shivers in fear at seeing a stranger wolf Misani licks Minda empathetically Minda tells stories to the young (when she is just two) Dahla grooms Mindas fur and gets the knots out Minda settles down to groom 24R AC (Barrow) Minda growls at ghosts Minda sighs bored *Minda takes over their imaginary world *Minda dislikes Montak's appraisal for their treasure *Minda and Dhana perform a duet howl *Minda breathes deeply, a strong scent of pine flooding their nose *Minda howls to Dhana, who they are hunting with *Minda saunters up to Dol\'un batting it's eyelashes *Minda howls in joy.
Breeding Info N/A
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Preferences N/A
Special Skills N/A