Biography Goddess of sweet water, beauty, and love.
Breeding Info N/A
| Personality Your wolves played: Ezili and Forest keeper play tug of war over a deer hide. Ezili sneers at Lux. Ezili chases falling leaves. Ezili gazes at the clouds. Ezili takes over their imaginary world. Ezili breathes deeply, a strong scent of pine flooding their nose. Ezili plays hide and seek with some pups and gets stuck in a log. Ezili argues with the alphas. Ezili steals Calcifers meat. Ezili jumps attempting to grab a song bird. Ezili cowers behind Jupiter Rising at the sight of a bear. Ezili splashes in a stream. Ezili nips Nox cheekily before running off to hide. Ezili nips Novakein cheekily before running off to hide. Ezili pushes Silver Lining into a pile of snow. Ezili nuzzles under Bears neck. Ezili sneaks up behind Novakein and tackles them. Ezili lays their head on Calcifers back. Ezili and Calcifer race to the creek. Ezili feels artists and draws a picture in the sand. Ezili and Bear perform a duet howl.
Preferences N/A
Special Skills N/A