Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!
10:44:27 Moon
-WP Click-
looking for a long term roleplay partner!
10:44:06 Cloudz, Pumpkin
7 more days and ill have to say bye bye premium :")
10:43:21 Vah is banned
Bruiser!! Been a while since I've seen you, how goes it?
10:42:59 oi
hey chat
10:36:45 Vah is banned

Nah, it looks fantastic!

I couldn't find the reference so I made my own lol
10:35:33 Dance, tango
Riker nose Boops Cedar in a meadow.
Stats: Social +2
Mood: Flirty

Flirty- uh Cedar is a pup
10:35:02 blue | bluey
too true
10:34:22 Moon
chat is sleepy
 Blood lust tide
10:24:43 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: Blood Puddle looks at Well dam you got spots with admiration.
 Golden Meadows
10:24:14 Ollie, Gold
Okay, there we go.
Anything I should fix before I line it?
10:23:10 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner, check it out!
10:22:13 Clacky, Mace
Hi chat!
10:21:36 'tis gay woman
-WP Click-

Looking for some RP partners!!
 Golden Meadows
10:20:29 Ollie, Gold
I love it!
10:18:59 Qyu - all pronouns
Artfight card!!
10:16:53 Vah is banned

What a mood honestly. XD

I think you've got a pretty good angle already, just have them facing forward essentially.
10:15:28 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner! Check it out!
 Golden Meadows
10:15:20 Ollie, Gold
Thank you ^^
And that would be helpful haha

I just need to figure out the angle the feet are supposed to be at, then I can just scribble tennis shoes over it haha
10:11:47 Silver, Luna or CWG
Splashsilver chases their tail.

Stats: Agility +2
Mood: Goofy
10:11:25 Vah is banned
I'm trying to find the reference I used to first learn feet and it is escaping me 😭


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Alliance Battles
Hourly Damage Variances
Anaconda : -5
Bobcat : +5
Mojave Green Rattler : -3
    Winter Month: 3   Day  Weather:  Fog
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Wolf Page

→ Wolf Play is a fun game! Sign Up Now!

0 Paws Up
Wolf Number: 1241875
Gender: Male
Age: Deceased
Deathdate: Sep 18, 2017
Death Age: 16
Pack: The Heavens
Breeder: Angrboda
Weight: 119 Pounds
Build: Long
Fur Type: Straight
Generation: 4th
Birthdate: Mar 23, 2017
Sire: Mávros
Dam: Mavsbæ
Mood: Content
Battle Experience: 0
Playfulness: Medium
Birth Defect: None
Boost: None
Total Battle Earnings: 0
Total Mush Found: 0
Offspring Count: 32
Bred This Season: 0
Total Times Bred: 0
Affinity W/Your Pack: Excellent
Talent: Stealth Maternal Social Morals Agility Spirituality

Talent Count: 8
Injury: None

Sales History

Pelt Color
Eyes: Ice (Common)
Nose: Black (Common)
Inner Ears: Grey
Base Coat: Faded Black (Legendary)
Leg Type: High
Leg Color: Grey
Head Type: None
Head Color: Grey
Tail Type: Half
Muzzle Type: Narrow
Muzzle Color: White
Somatic Mutation: Black
Back Type: Crest
Back Color: None
Shoulder: Black
Okapi: White
Speckle Type: Full
Speckle Color: Slate
Ear Edges Type: Full
Ear Edges Color: White
Rarity Score: 74

Character Description
He was not an odd colored pup by any means when he was born, just an grey wolf peppered with brown fur here and there. He mingled well with his mothers pelt as he nursed beside his orange sister's odd pelt. It wasn't until he was several weeks old, that the brown
began to pepper his pelt even further and though he didn't stand out as much as his sister,
he stood out among the other wolves. However, he still resembled his mother and as his paws got bigger and his movements klutzier. He wasn't as fearless or reckless as his counterpart, but his movements left him tumbling to the dirt quite often. He kept close to his m
other for the most part, watching as his sister explored, unable to stop herself from moving forward as she tripped over her own paws. He would often gaze down at his own, perplexed by the size of them in regards to his mothers own paws. She was large, but her paw
s were the same size as his, why? He questioned the small things often, wondering why h
e couldn't be brave like his sister, or why his voice squeaked oddly when he became frightened, or why his pelt changed as he grew, yet he never found answers to the questions he
asked. Unlike his sister he had often picked out the scent of other wolves, stale against h
is mothers fur and he found it odd that she spoke of pack wolves when they were nothing
but loners, and he preferred it that way. He wanted to be alone not lost among other wolves. He enjoyed the time he spent at his mother's side, but Willow, Willow did not. She wanted more, she wanted the life that hid within their mother's stories. He was often dragged into these crazy ideas about pack wolves, though the true adventures didn't stop until there was a howl of a wolf deep within the forest. His ears pressed forward, his eyes looking forward at the forest. He tilted his head before turning his gaze towards his sister,
who stared intensely towards the forest, her eyes sparkling with the most intense curiosity he had ever seen. It was after that that Willow began disappearing for short spurts of
time, often while their mother was out hunting. She would always return with the scent
of pine and herbs lacing her pelt, and among that, deep and faint, the scent of wolf that was not of their own. He was sure his mother knew, she would sniff over her but never
said a word, simply turned a blind eye to his sister's midday adventures. As time went by
Willow became more and more persistent on going into the forest and eventually dragged
him along. He couldn't help the fascination for this strange new world but he was not eager to cross the path of other wolves, nor would he want to join them should the chance be offered. The chance never was, and for weeks the two of them ventured further an
d further into the depths of the forest. Venture became more lost in the world of the wolves though he never stopped being opposed to the idea of becoming a pack member. However, when the two made it the furthest into the territory, the scent of wolf became overwhelming and deep within the shadows rested a pack. They caught sight of the pack
and an oddly familiar scent seemed to cling strongly to the area. He recognized it as the scent of his mother, their mother, and though it was stale, beyond stale, it was there.
It was obvious so how had Willow never caught it? They were not rogues, no they were
meant to be a part of this pack and the thought utterly displeased him. When they turn
ed back he found himself drawn to the unusual scent of wolf's blood among the trees, an
d immediately he knew something was terribly wrong. When they stumbled upon their
mothers body, he immediately blamed his sister and her fairytale stories about the pack of wolves deep within the forest. They hardly had time to react when the three rogues leaped from the underbrush and ended up knocking them to the ground. They struggled viciously, teeth and claw meeting fur and skin until at last the last of the wolves w
as chased into the underbrush. Pain clambered up Venture's leg until he could hardly move. With support from his sister they made their way into pack territory, if only to beg
for a place among them.

Breeding Info

This peppered grey and brown wolf stands at two f
eet ten inches, making him slightly larger than hi
s sister. He weighs approximately 135 pounds but
can weigh less depending on the amount of prey
he eats. He is a smart wolf but is rather shy, kee
ping to himself for the most part as he was not r
aised a social wolf. While he is strong, he is a ra
ther poor fighter due to the limp in his foreleg, c
aused by a fracture sustained during his fight wi
th the rogues. He is not as strong as he was as a
pup but is able to help with hunts, though his ga
it is often odd and offbeat. His walk is easily dic
iphered, as he puts more weight down on three p
aws rather than the weight being spread evenly
between the four. He is often aloof and missing
from the pack perimiters as he likes to venture o
ff on his own, taking time to spend in solitary a
nd quiet. His sight is below average due to an un
seen injury in his left eye which has left him par
tially blind. His hearing is extrodinary do to this
fact while his sense of smell is rather above aver
age but not as great as his hearing. He is a stron
g tracker but is not strong enough to hunt alone.
He can fight, as he has learned to manage his fr
agile leg. He can be rather strong-headed with
certain things but tries his best to follow the rul
es of the pack. His scent is that of soil and grass
after a heavy rainstorm.


Special Skills

Character Attributes

Total Character Points: 357


Flood : +2Earthquake : +3Hurricane : +2Blizzard : -1
Howling Rating: UnknownWrestling Rating: Unknown Disposition Rating: Unknown

Here is a list of creatures this wolf has defeated.

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