Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Hourly Damage Variances
Grey Fox : +5
Death Adder : -3
Jackal : -2
    Summer Month: 1   Day  Weather:  Sunny
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Memorial Garden

In a peaceful clearing in the forest lay the great wolves you've known.

★ Arlesans CL G4 ★
1 Flower Placed Here
Oh, my poor sweet Arlesans. Even at the last moments of your death you had the thoughtfulness to give me a perfect little mela pup to keep your legacy going strong. You were also one of the first wolves I trained above death grip and you were an extraordinary hunter. Thank you, sweet girl.

Died August 1st, 2016 at the age of 15.

2 Flowers Placed Here
I knew you would probably leave me in these last couple weeks old friend and I didn't want you to go. But now your with Rhydian and you'll be with him forever. I'll miss you and the pack will always remember you. Rest in peace, old friend.

Died April 4th, 2016 at the age of 21.

❦ Maferath❧ CL
1 Flower Placed Here
Maferath, my first 55R, why did you have to go so suddenly? I wasn't prepared for you to leave me and now it hurts. The pack and I will never forget you.
Rest in peace, my special boy.

Died July 4th, 2016 at the age of 16.

MoonHeart CL G3
1 Flower Placed Here
I had a feeling you would leave me this time MoonHeart and I was ready for it. You were my best battle wolf and you produced beautiful pups. You'll be missed by me and the pack.
Rest in peace, my warrior.

Died May 9th, at the age of 18.

§ Dragoness CL G2 §
2 Flowers Placed Here
Oh, Dragoness. Why did you have to go? You were my first higher rarity and a great battle wolf. The pack and I will miss you and your memory will be passed down through the generations of this pack.
Rest in peace, my legend.

Died June 27, at the age of 19.

¥ Aithusa CL G3 ¥
2 Flowers Placed Here
Oh, Aithusa. Why did you have to leave me? I had such high hopes that you would give my another 40R+ pup before you left but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. You were a magnificent battle wolf and you always had beautiful pups.
Rest in peace, my friend.

Died November 7th, 2016 at the age of 19.

✦ Rhydian II CL G4
2 Flowers Placed Here
My old friend, you were the very first wolf I trained over 1000 experience and you produced beautiful pups. Needless to say, you will be greatly missed.
Rest in peace, my brave leader.

Died June, 20th at the age of 17.

∮ Koko CL G2 ∮
1 Flower Placed Here
Oh, Koko... Why did you go so soon? You were a fantastic howler and your pups were always so cute. I'm going to miss you and I know the pack will have a hard time coping without you.
Rest in peace, beautiful warrior.

Died September 19, 2016 at the age of 17.

2 Flowers Placed Here
Why did you have to go old boy? You were my first wolf and one of my very best battle wolves. I miss you so much and I know the pack will always remember you. Rest in peace, buddy.

Died March 7th, 2016 at the age of 18.

★ Stella CL G2 ★
1 Flower Placed Here
Oh, Stella... You were the 55R of my dreams and I cannot believe that I was able to own you these last three weeks. I didn't get a high rarity pup from you before you passed but Magicae Lunae will do her best to carry on your legacy. Goodbye, my sparkling diamond.

Died January, 16 at the age of 16.

You have no Red Roses to leave here.


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