SWIFT BLUIE <3 said: How is everyone? ^^
Feeling very smart because I know chemistry.
im in collage and I should really get into chemistry.. but nope... my dad is a double chem major.. so.. no need for any classes
Hahaha... I'm gonna major in zoology when I am out of this stupid high school. Working at a zoo would be awesome for me. It would pay really well too.
AxeBlade said: Hahaha... I'm gonna major in zoology when I am out of this stupid high school. Working at a zoo would be awesome for me. It would pay really well too.
Nice! My parents want me to go into real estate :,)
im gonna be a firefighter, wanted to be one ever since i was 5. my mom says strippers get paid more though
Wha— stuffy? Did someone kidnap you and give you sugar? Someone is going around kidnapping people and giving them sugar.
stuffy the crow said: im gonna be a firefighter, wanted to be one ever since i was 5. my mom says strippers get paid more though
Uhhh- also, nice! Firefighters are cool :p
SWIFT BLUIE <3 said: AxeBlade said: Hahaha... I'm gonna major in zoology when I am out of this stupid high school. Working at a zoo would be awesome for me. It would pay really well too.
Nice! My parents want me to go into real estate :,)
I'd probably be crap at realastate. XD my clients would porbably go to this crap Josie and I would be like: It has a state of the art mold in the basement! It's very effective. Keeps buyers away so you'll defenetaky get first dibs! As long as you spend twenty two million dollars fixing the dry rot and getting the polar bear out of he basement that is. And be careful you don't walk on the lawn because there are sinkholes everywhere.
stuffy the crow said: im gonna be a firefighter, wanted to be one ever since i was 5. my mom says strippers get paid more though
That's true but firefighters get to risk their lives for people who will porbably die from the smoke within two minutes of you rescuing them and almost dieing yourself! Fun right? Edited at November 17, 2021 04:05 PM by AxeBlade