@Imperial Sands
Ooo that timeline looks exciting! This will be very fun.
Someone tell me no.
I have the absolutely worst desire to completely shake things up, be the worst person, and rip all the pairs a part and asign them myself. Randomly >D
That would be interesting, for sure. That would be evil. Edited at May 26, 2022 12:34 PM by the Wayne pack
The timeline is glorious !!!
Alright lets take a vote.
1. I can leave things as is, letting everyone choose their pairing, and only asign the pairs when the time is up.
2. I can take the pairs down, and randomly choose them myself (like through a combination process of randomized, complimentary personality traits, and what I think might be fun), and not reveal them until I start the rp, so no one knows until then.
Imperial, I personally would think that it would be interesting. How would you do it? Sort of how the grinch switched the mail in the Jim Carrey version? Or would there be a spin-the-wheel? Darts? Dice? There gotta be drinks, man. A disco ball, maybe? Who knows.
Edit: Oh, you were serious. Hmm, since our characters don't know...I think it would be fun if we didn't either. Edited at May 26, 2022 01:06 PM by Argos
xD I absolutely was serious.
But I would use a random generator to help me find potential pairings. While also trying to create interesting pairs, or at least cohesive ones. So likely you'd either be in a pairing that would initially work pretty well together, or one that my be hella dysfunctional but interesting. At least for me.
I say do it. Mainly because I'm indecisive about Roxanne and her pairing, so it'll make it easier. I was gonna flip a coin anyways. ;-;
Yasss give me all the powerrrr