Wolf Play : Venns CP Stacking Guide
11:56:22 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)

ohh that's cute
11:55:25 free palestine
One of the arts is totally not my pet parrot carrying the pride flag

Im actually not sure if the 800px image will load good luck lol
 Cypress Road
11:54:48 Cy, love
Oh and you need 200 to move into this apartment but you only have 75.
 Cypress Road
11:54:18 Cy, love
Yall if you were a 20 year old living in your dad's second house and renting from him and you either have move out within a week or move back in and get rid of basically all your stuff including your dog and if you move back in you will be treated like I child but be forced to have a job like and adult but not be allowed any of your money, what would you do?
11:54:06 free palestine
I finally finished some large due art that was for other species groups and servers and Im going to relax here before I die lol
11:51:49 free palestine
Obscurity how fast is your internet
11:42:44 Venn/Venne
in case that case I can't help ya
11:41:29 Boo, Vapor (he/Him)
-WP Click-

I forgot I bought this wolf XD
11:40:16 Tai
I do have approximately 25 tabs and three separate desktop windows open so that might have been part of the issue 💀
11:38:22 Venn/Venne
its not even a large page. lol
11:35:56 Tai
My Chrome browser crashed trying to load that up lol
11:34:01 Venn/Venne
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
Finally got a pup that looked like Bae (under his DF of course) had to turn him female so I can keep Baes genes going
 Prideful Unicorn
11:27:18 Zephyros
Ethereal and Hesperos play a game of Beetle.
Ethereal wins, while Hesperos throws a fit.

Mood: Competitive
11:26:43 Moon
-WP Click-
Looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner!
-WP Click-
 Twisted Wonderland
11:03:31 Shroud (he/they)
Azul trips over an apple.

Stats: Wisdom +1
Mood: Sheepish

wish I could have the apples XD
11:02:39 Vah is banned
What do y'all think? A quick sketch before bed or some writing?
11:00:47 Moon
-WP Click-
looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner!
 Twisted Wonderland
10:58:31 Shroud (he/they)
-WP Click-

please vote


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Venns CP Stacking GuideJanuary 6, 2018 01:38 AM


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What is CP?

CP is the shortened form of "character points". This is a term you should be familiar with, as many players purchase CP to stack onto their wolves or advertise wolves with certain amounts of CP.

Players receive 60 CP daily, plus 30 CP to donate to other players and an additional 10 CP to give new players. This does not stack, so it is recommended you play daily to use up as much free CP as possible. If you require more CP, you can purchase Bronze Figurines (known as figs) at Realm > Barter. You will receive 20 CP per 60 mush. Bronze figs can also be crafted from shards if you have explored enough to collect the 3 shard pieces.

What are attributes?

Attributes (informally shortened to stats) are what determines your wolf's performance. Wolves with low CP will do poorly compared to a wolf with its CP maxed out. Some attributes will be more important than others and should be filled first.

List of Attributes and Descriptions:
Dominance - Pack Happiness, Chasing Packs, Chasing Birdwatcher
Stealth - Tracking prey
Perception - Discovering things while exploring, avoid quicksand
Luck - Discovering things while exploring
Maternal - Number of pups born (female wolves only)
Social - Befriending familiars
Empathy - Healing/rescuing encounters
Morals - Fixing the Beaver Dam
Resolve - Offensive battle ability (accuracy)
Composure - Raiding the Farmhouse
Wisdom - Discovering things while exploring, Identifying prey, avoiding quicksand
Battle - Offensive battle ability (damage)
Charisma - Number of pups born (male wolves only)
Agility - Defensive battle ability (evasion), fishing
Spirituality - Discovering things while exploring, appeasing ancestors (FMC)

What is CP stacking?

CP stacking is outlining which stats on a wolf you want to fill. Each player has their own preference of which CP to fill, although over time, these methods mostly overlap. Binge explorers prefer wolves with fully maxed out stats to milk the potential of each explore level. Battlers and PvPers might only focus on stats that increase chances of winning, such as Battle, Resolve, and Agility. Breeders will often focus on breeding attributes such as Maternal and Charisma to ensure the maximum amount of pups.

No matter what part of WP you plan to establish yourself in, CP stacking is integral to your gameplay.

How should I get started?

Obviously, the one thing every player needs is mushrooms. New players don't have a lot of that. These four main attributes are needed to help the mush-gaining process:
- Battle and Resolve to defeat enemies more easily.
- Perception and Luck to find mush and relics (which can be sold for 1-15 mush at a time to Montak's).

Battling enemies and hunting prey will get you more mushrooms than going over the entire map and hoping your wolf will dig them up. Every level will have enemies and prey to kill. Finding mushrooms is subjective to the wolf and is completely random.

Therefore, assuming mush-gaining is your goal, I recommend stacking CP in the following order:
1. Battle
2. Resolve
3. Perception
4. Luck

These are what I call "highlight attributes" because they're what bring you the most mush.

"Why not Agility?" some of you may ask. Agility helps with evasion and is not necessary until you meet the bullies in higher explore levels: Bears and Mountain Lions. Until then, you can procrastinate on filling Agility for a little while. The rabbits and squirrels from level 1-5 don't deal high enough damage to one-hit KO your wolves.

Once you fill the above four CP slots, how you fill the remaining attributes is up to you. Social is completely useless except for certain monthly events or you're Premium and heavily use your familiars. Spirituality also has little use unless you somehow get your hands on temple offerings, which aren't easy to get; or, you plan on appeasing spiritual ancestors in FMC, which lasts only 5 days, the 5th - 9th of each month. Maternal and Charisma only need 30~40 CP each to ensure a large chance of getting 3 (max) pups. Add it all up, that's 740 CP you don't need to worry about and 2,400 mush you can use on something else.
*Keep in mind, the FMC is quite an expensive affair and not newbie/F2P friendly. Most players spend thousands of mush on explore moves to potentially win a few free apples and FMC bragging rights.

Don't feel too bad if you don't fill up your wolves. Maxing out CP requires dedication of both time and mushrooms. If you succeed doing this, you're probably on your way to becoming a top player. Not very many people actually get around to maxing out a wolf, myself included.

What's my own personal preference?
1. Battle
2. Resolve
3. Agility
3. Luck
4. Perception
5. Stealth
6. Empathy/Morals
7. Wisdom/Composure
8. Dominance
9. Maternal/Charisma
10. Spirituality/Social

The only reason why I stack Agility before Luck and Perception is because I'm already on the higher levels of explore. Bears and crocodiles are difficult to defeat unless you can evade 60+ damage.

Add Stealth after the highlight attributes to help you find more prey. Kill more prey = get more mushrooms.

Item #6 (Emp/Mor) helps encounters that mainly give you explore moves. More explore moves also means more chances of finding mush.

Item #7 (Wis/Comp) helps spot quicksand, identify tracking prey, and helps you steal food. It doesn't do much other than help you avoid damage. Wisdom can play into FMC, raising the chance you successfully appease an ancestor.

Dominance is entirely dependent on what order I want my pack to be in. It has no set time to be adjusted and is done whenever I feel like it (or remember). Dominance can be added before I start CP stacking the wolf or even after everything's been filled. Basically—it's not the first thing I think of stacking.

Because of the reasoning I used above, I often don't fill Maternal, Charisma, Spirituality, or Social stats. I fill Maternal/Charisma when I have the occasional, infrequent need to breed wolves. And I have neither the time nor motivation to participate in the FMC.

The 4 attributes that I highlighted should be your concern while building up an explore wolf. The others will fall into place once you get a hang of the game and adapt to suit your needs. :)

Edited at June 17, 2024 01:04 AM by Vennenum
Venns CP Stacking GuideJanuary 22, 2018 07:05 PM

Former Pack

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You said: Maternal and Charisma only need ~30 CP each to ensure the max amount of pups.

So any CP amount above 30 for those traits would be useless? I'm confused
Venns CP Stacking GuideJanuary 22, 2018 07:15 PM


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Life on Mars:
Only a specific encounter uses the Maternal stat. However, it's only prevalent in one terrain, so I don't consider it important.

There is still a (albeit small) chance you won't get 3 pups at 30 CP. So for newbies and casual breeders like me, it isn't that important.

If you're a breeder, that small chance might just backfire for you, which is why they often have Mat/Cha maxed out.
Venns CP Stacking GuideMarch 14, 2019 12:41 PM


Posts: 5601
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Vennenum said:
Life on Mars:
Only a specific encounter uses the Maternal stat. However, it's only prevalent in one terrain, so I don't consider it important.

There is still a (albeit small) chance you won't get 3 pups at 30 CP. So for newbies and casual breeders like me, it isn't that important.

If you're a breeder, that small chance might just backfire for you, which is why they often have Mat/Cha maxed out.

Specific encounter?
Venns CP Stacking GuideApril 1, 2019 08:17 PM


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Wolves of Dawn-- I believe it's an encounter in the swamp jungle, where a snake tries to eat some eggs. Since it's one encounter, it's not a necessity to focus on.

Edited at June 17, 2024 01:07 AM by Vennenum
Venns CP Stacking GuideJune 4, 2019 11:42 PM

Ghost Queen

Posts: 1340
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How much CP do you need to ensure something like spiritual works also does it help with the spiritual encounter during the FMC
Venns CP Stacking GuideNovember 26, 2019 03:38 PM

Former Pack

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<div align="center">I don't know if this is still open but... I wanted to say that I put one CP in every slot (every day since there's 15 slots) of my alpha wolves, is that wrong? Should I be focusing on other things?

Edited at November 26, 2019 03:39 PM by Valkyriespirit
Venns CP Stacking GuideNovember 26, 2019 11:51 PM


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Posts: 5606
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Valkyrie - It isn't necessarily wrong, but one point in each category won't make much of a difference.

For example, for Battle CP, it takes 10 CP to increase damage dealt by one point. It's going to take you 100-200 days to reach full power if you go one point at a time. Wolves live for 6 months, more or less. Your wolf is half dead by the time you've filled up half your attributes.

I'd recommend focusing on one attribute at a time. Anything other than the four I pointed out is almost useless until you've reached Territory Level 5.
Venns CP Stacking GuideSeptember 10, 2020 01:07 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Thanks for this advice! I think this is going to come in really handy :D Also yeah, I only just saw this, I haven't really explored the forum posts that much XD
Venns CP Stacking GuideDecember 4, 2020 01:12 PM


Posts: 2392
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Actually, the egg encounter is in jungle. I just unlocked it.

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