Wolf Play : End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!
11:07:59 Silver, Luna or CWG
11:07:35 Seo, Pidge
Ah cute just saw the badge on autumn's page
11:07:09 Fei the writer
11:06:23 Silver, Luna or CWG
Click I have a nickname for you^^
Wanna know
11:05:58 Silver, Luna or CWG
11:04:28 Silver, Luna or CWG
Welp I have to fix thisx(
11:03:57 Clacky, Mace
So. . . . do you guys like my new avatar?
 Unfulfilled Wish
11:03:39 Blue Poison Dart
11:02:56 Silver, Luna or CWG
Acornclans page for mine there
And Autumns
And Leaf
11:02:23 Silver, Luna or CWG
I can officially recognize DestiÂ’s character anytime anywhere
11:01:44 Seo, Pidge
Awe if you want too
I should make one too someday
11:00:32 Seo, Pidge
I think it looks really cool!
The only thing I'd do different, personally is make the background colour more dull so your character pops more but it doesn't really matter it looks really good
10:59:53 Silver, Luna or CWG
10:59:48 Silver, Luna or CWG
Now I have to make yet another pack approval stamp😍
10:59:34 Fei the writer
No need
10:58:51 Silver, Luna or CWG
Im back!
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:58:35 Blue Poison Dart
That sucks.
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:58:22 Blue Poison Dart
Autumn's not online to see your message, so is it okay if I tell her?
10:57:51 Seo, Pidge
They tried to make me do it in health class one year but it looked awkward 😭
10:56:42 Seo, Pidge
I can always try though :D


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End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 20, 2021 10:21 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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~ Introduction ~

The land of Orvisum is one of war and magic, split between three kingdoms with very different cultures and ideals. A thousand years ago the first Magum, humans with rare abilities to control the elements, were found, and were at first treasured... till they went insane five hundred years ago. The war between the three kingdoms and the Magum lasted four hundred years, each struggling to overpower the other until finally the kingdoms won and nearly wiped out the Magum.

Its been a hundred years since the last battle, and in the kingdom of Regtriam Magum are forced to become soldiers for the royal army, and any who do not join are seen as threats and killed, for an uncontrolled Magum could lead to another war, one that the kingdoms might not be able to win...

Edited at August 22, 2021 07:28 AM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 20, 2021 10:49 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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~ Forum Rules ~
1. Follow Eve's rules.
2. I will give you three chances before kicking you, whether it be because of rudeness, inactivity, or failure to follow the rules.
3. Reservations will only last 24 hours, I will PM you when it ends. When you try to reserve a character, please make sure to reserve both their magic type and army roles, not just one or the other.
4. I have the right to decline any sign-ups, though I hope not to.

RP Rules
1. Cursing is allowed, but please keep it to a minimum.
2. This is a Literate RP, three paragraphs (300 words) are the minimum. I might make an exception if you have writer's block, but I need to be let know beforehand.
3. This is an active roleplay as well, please be able to post at least three times a week. I will PM you if I notice inactivity without warning.
4. I decide when the days pass and what the weather is.
5. Hate the character, not the player.
6. PM me if you no longer wish to be in the RP, and we can figure something out.
7. You can have your characters get hurt during random events, like falling and breaking something, or a sprained ankle.
8. Romance is of course allowed, but if anything serious happens
please skip through and keep it PG 13.
9. If your character gets in a fight make sure the other player is okay with this, especially if you plan on getting your character hurt/killing them off.
10. I also do expect proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation; small mistakes that happen every once in a while is okay, but it cant be every single post.
11. This roleplay is realistic, aside from the magic people. Mythical creatures, or anything of the like do not exist.
12. Please try to keep genders even, they dont need to be exactly equal, but I don't want there to be a huge gap between the genders. I will be locking one if this happens.

Welcome to a world where having magic could mean your death. Unless you serve a secretive and harsh queen in her private army. Will you risk your survival with her or try to escape?
Join the RP and find out!

Sign up: You are here
Roleplay: N/A

1 Introduction
2: Rules and Links
3: World and Plot
4: Role Explanations
5. Sign-Up Sheet and Rules
6. Masterlist

Edited at August 28, 2021 08:46 AM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 20, 2021 10:49 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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~ World and History~
Map coming soon!
The world of Orvisum, or rather the continent, is a bit larger than Earth's Australia, with a colder more foresty environment, and is split between three kingdoms, Regtriam, Paterra, and Solugar, and is set in a medieval timeframe.
Regtriam is the largest and most powerful of the three kingdoms, owning most of the western coast and standing between Paterra to the south and Solugar in the north.

There have been many wars and battles between the kingdoms, especially when the first Magum were born, at first being seen as a blessing before most completely lost control and terrorized the kingdoms, forcing the three to join together to fight the Magum. The war lasted many generations and millions of people died, trying to fight the power-hungry Magum, till one day Solugar had found an ore that could almost destroy a Magum's magic, and so, slowly, the kingdoms started winning the war, till all Magum but the children were dead.

Since then, Solugar has completely banished the use of magic and any Magum found in their borders are killed immediately, though they do profit quite a bit on the sale of Nilum, the ore that nulls the power of a Magum, as its more common in the warmer climate of the south. They have become very rich and vain because of this, and think themselves better than the other kingdoms.

Paterra is by far the most accepting of the Magum since the war, and though still distrustful, allow the Magum to live as normal people, so long as they wear a Nilum pendant at all times unless authorized by a person of power. If they are found not wearing one without authorization they will be imprisoned. Paterra had the least casualties in the wars, as they're protected by a wide range of mountains, and have become even more reserved from the other kingdoms, rarely meeting or communing.

Regtriam has not banned the existence of Magum in their territory, but nor are they allowed to simply live like a normal person. Every Magum must register themselves the second their magic surfaces, and at a certain age, are forced to join the royal family's private workforce, usually as soldiers, though some are given safer jobs. It is mandatory for Magum to wear the Nilum pendants, and if seen without them, it is allowed for authorities to kill them on the spot.

Its been 100 years since the wars and the kingdoms increasing control over the Magum. Few have rebelled, attacked, or caused mayhem, and slowly, tensions are rising between the kingdoms once more, now that their common enemy has been dealt with, for the most part.

~ Kingdom ~
Regtriam, while not as rich as Solugar, has the largest population, army, and most land, and as such is the most powerful on the continent, though, from traders across the ocean, there are apparently larger and richer kingdoms out there.

Although the current queen of Regtriam, Queen Adonia Numitor, dislikes rumors, and unless it has been made official by herself or the people of her court, nothing should be believed, especially if it comes from outside of her kingdoms, but rumors still spread, however few make it past Queen Adonia's watchful eyes.

Adonia, even with her dislike of rumors, is quite the good ruler... compared to others at least. She is harsh, but not unkind. She treats her people fairly and takes care of them, sort of like a strict mother. But she has her own plans that few, even the commanders, know about.

~ Culture ~
The culture of Regtriam is quite diverse, being in the middle of the kingdoms and getting influence from both sides, but for the most part, the Regtriammans believe in the many gods of Regtri, the celestial home for all myths and legends. The more north you go, the more likely it is you will meet people who believe in the four elemental gods of the Paterra culture, and the further south the more likely the people believe in the single many-faced god of Solugar. However, not every person is as pious as the last, and some are even known not to believe in any gods... or some believe in all of them.

Though sexism in Regtriam is a thing of the past, having had two successful queens in a row, the culture is much less open about other things, especially if the person is a Magum, as some believe that Magum aren't even human.

~ Magum ~

Because the first Magum were known to be insane, and the most powerful, not many people trust them, even though a hundred years have passed. The fear of their immense power and strength leads into hatred, and hatred is much easier than acceptance.
It is unknown why the First Ones, the Magum who were the first to go insane and power-hungry, or how they lost complete control over their magic, but because of them all Magum are feared and can no longer live like normal people. Still, Magum have been reported to lose control when not wearing the Nilum pendants, so even some of their own kind are starting to fear their magic. Because of how scared people are of Magum, little has been studied about it, and only the obvious is known, as no one dares to dig deeper, for fear of becoming like the First Ones.

~ Plot ~
The plot follows a specialized team of Magum and soldiers of the Regtriam kingdom with a secret mission from Queen Adonia. The Magum have been training together for a few years, and the humans joined them a month ago on the queens orders, although only the commander truly knows what the orders are. It does seem like they're preparing for a long journey.

Edited at August 22, 2021 07:13 AM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 20, 2021 10:49 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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~ Roles ~

The commander is, of course, in command of the group. This person is the first to receive orders from the queen and is in full control of the team. Whatever they say goes. They must be human, as the queen would only put a human in control, and have proven their loyalty to the queen and her cause. They have the most experience in leading and dealing with Magum.

Second in command
The second command or "Second" is similar to the commander and takes over if the commander cannot lead. Because of past disputes between the Magum and human soldiers, the queen has decreed that the second must be a Magum themself so that the other Magum have a leader to turn to. Of course, this Magum of one of the few trusted ones... well, trusted as far as you can trust a... Magum.
The second has the most control over their magic of all the Magum, and can have any of the elements aside from Mixkling.

The soldiers are there to watch and guard the Magum, as they cannot be trusted alone. They of course have no magic and have been informed on how to deal with Magum when they get out of hand, and always have tranquilizers and power nullifying cuffs on them for the worst circumstances.
They are normal people though and have the average combat training of a knight.

Magum is the overall term for a human, though some doubt they're human, with magic. Below each magical element will be explained in detail, but Magum can only have one element. Usually. The Magum in the team, like the soldiers, are there to follow the orders of the commander, and in turn the queen. Magic is very unpredictable and dangerous, so all of the Magum, especially the more powerful Luxebris, Fulgur, and Vitem, have Nilum pendants that weaken their magic. Any seen without it are seen as dangerous.

Please remember that magic gets more and more unpredictable and uncontrollable the larger the action, and that uncontrolledness causes fear, and even the Magum have to watch out that they don't die in the process.
It is also unknown what caused the First Ones to go insane, but many spread the rumor that the more magic a Magum uses the more sanity they lose. This has yet to be proven right or wrong.

Magum are born with their magic, and inherit it from their parent/parents, but it usually first manifests between the ages 12 and 15, and if they don't report themselves at the first sign of magic can get in big trouble. It takes many, many years to get full control over magic, especially because proper training without Nilum pendants in controlled environments are rare, but after a few years the Magum can control and command their element relatively well.


The Ignis Magum, also known as Ignisum, have control over fire, heat, and in the rare instance they're strong enough to melt rock, lava. They have the ability to spark a flame with the snap of their fingers, and with enough training, can summon and control fire from long distances away. An Ignis can control and manipulate the size, heat, and movement of fire, though the bigger the move, the harder it is to do, and the more unpredictable it gets.

Aero Magum, Aeroum for plural, can manipulate air and wind, and in some cases bring down temperature. They have the ability to channel wind and move it in any direction with as much power as they want, though the more and further away they do it, the harder it gets. Aeroum can also take away the oxygen of the air, suffocating those around them, and the stronger ones can make themselves, and possibly others, levitate.

Terra Magum are by far the most versatile of the common Magum, with the ability to control and move plants of all kinds, and earth, dirt, stone, and even mud, though each Terraum specializes in earth or plants, with little control over the other. Like with the other Magum types, the bigger the action, the harder it is. The strongest Terraum can control Plants and Earth equally.

The Acqui Magum can move and create water, pulling it out of the air around them and move it around however they want, as well as make the temperatures around them colder with more control and accuracy than an Aeroum. The most powerful can freeze the water into ice, and the same rules as the other Magum apply to the Acquium, the bigger and further away the move, the harder it is.

Luxebris Magus are the first of the uncommon Magum, with the ability to control both light and darkness. Similar to the Terraum, most Luxebrisum specialize with either or, and have less control over the one they do not prefer. While light and dark do not affect the physical world much, a powerful Magum can cause quite the chaos, as not only can they move, brighten, and darken light, but they can bend it as well, creating realistic illusions and mirages.

The Fulgur Magum have control over storms and weather and were theorized to be Mixklings of Acqui and Aero Magum when they were first found, but were too common to be Mixklings, and were given their own name. Unlike Acquium, they cannot create and control liquid water, but rather clouds, mist, and fog. And while they can control wind like Aeroum, they cannot levitate, instead, they can make the air heavier with water. The rarest ability of the Fulgurum is the ability to control and summon lightning.

Vitem Magum have control over life and death, and while they can't kill or resurrect on command, they can come close to it. They can trade the life force of someone else or themselves for another to bring a recently deceased person back to life, though this takes an immense physical and mental toll. Vitemum can kill and poison small animals and plants with touch, and even weaken humans, though most lack control of this and are not allowed to touch others, even with their nullifying pendants in case they do accidentally kill or hurt someone. Their last ability is to heal wounds and bones that would take weeks to recover on their own. The Vitemum are the second rarest kind of Magum.

The Mixkling is the rarest kind of Magum, and only three have been recorded in the past thousand years that Magum have existed. While most children with two Magum parents inherit the magic of one of their parents, Mixklings are the rare result of a Magum child inheriting both magics.
Like with Luxebrisum and Terraum, the last three Mixklings all specialized in one of the magics they have, having more control over one, usually the commoner magic, than the other.

Edited at August 22, 2021 07:57 AM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 20, 2021 10:50 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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~ Sign Up Rules ~
1. Aside from the magic, this is a realistic roleplay; no unnatural hair or eye colors, including contacts and dyes.
2. This is also a Medieval RP so no modern clothing like denim/jeans and sneakers.
3. LGBTQ+ is accepted and supported! but please note that as this is a medieval RP, being out wouldn't be common or safe.
4. You have a max of 3 characters, and please try not to reserve all the rarer magic for yourself!
5. There will be no romance between two of your own characters, it just excludes others.
6. Be descriptive and try to use 5+ sentences when describing your character's appearances and personalities.
7. Put Fish Food in other.
8. Characters must have at least three strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes.
9. No Mary/Gary sues or any sort of overpowered characters.
10. You only need one good roleplay example; feel free to link it. Friends and people I've RPed with before do not need the example
12. Please be active and let me know if you will have to leave for a while; no signing up and not appearing. Make a unique sentence about the thing in rule seven.
13. Please keep genders and roles as even as possible!
14. Please try to keep the ages between 20 and 30. The Magum and soldiers aren't some untrained teens.

When reserving
As stated above, reservations last 24 hours and I will PM you, but to reserve, I need to know the role and magic, if any, your character will have. If you just reserve a soldier without adding their magic, I will assume you want a human.

~ Sign up sheet ~














Family and Relationships with others


Roleplay Example


Edited at August 22, 2021 07:48 AM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 20, 2021 10:50 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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The Humans

Name - age - gender - player - page

Name - age - gender - player - page
Leah Aether Fowler - 29 - female - Grimm - 3
Geralt Fairweather - 25 - male - FrostyK - 5
Sommar Ahlqvist - 26 - female - Boundless - 6

The Magum

Second in command
Mohadese Dehghan - 24 - female - Spellbound - 2

Rowan Conleth Graves - 22 - male - Overthink101 - 5
Samuel Carter - 25 - male - Meian - 7
Winters Char don't have energy to add fully

Aurelien Chevalier Thibaut - 22 - male - The Dragonborn - 4
Finley Niel Blake - 24 - male - Overthink101 - 5
Karou Gold - 22 - male - Xuân

Reserved for Spellbound
Aztiello Menlo - 25 - male - Sir Froggington - 3
Josselyn Matriahe - 22 - female - FrostyK - 5

Name - age - gender - player - page
Belseleth Arnold - 26 - male - Sir Froggington - 3
Aquene ‘Addy’ Addaloqus - 23 - female - Solareclipse. - 5

Asteria Celeste Alimont - 22 - female - Winter Stars - 2
Kaianus Rose - 23 - Female - SniperSnarl37 - 3

Name - age - gender - player - page
Suneeta Nyachyoo - 23 - female - Spellbound - 2

Amittai ‘Ami’ Zviad Mushi - 20 - male - Overthink101 - 1

Chloe "Finn" Finnigan - 20 - female - Ignus/Luxebris - Dark Matter - 1

Edited at September 17, 2021 03:52 PM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 22, 2021 07:50 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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The sign ups are open!
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 22, 2021 07:51 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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Chloe "Finn" Finnigan



Bisexual (male lean)

Magum Soldier

Ignis and Luxebris
Specializes in Ignis

Finn is the embodiment of a confident tomboy, in both appearance and personality.

While she's not unattractive, she's not especially curvy, having a nearly flat chest and broader shoulders. Her waist is the only thing that could be seen as curvy, as it has a soft curve made more prominent by Finn's shoulders. Her body type is very lean, and, even though she's not riddled with muscle, is quite muscular, especially in the legs.

Finn holds herself with a straight back and stands on the taller side of 5'5, almost 5'6, and, as stated above, is lean, perfectly built for running, endurance, and nimbleness. Finn's not the strongest person in the world, not even close, but she's a good fighter and uses momentum and the size, whether smaller or larger than herself, against them.

Her face is framed by slightly wavy hair that's cut in a short messy bob, though she always keeps the top tied up away from her face, as there's nothing worse than sweaty hair sticking to her face and neck. The hair itself is quite thick, and on especially humid days, is rather poofy if she hasn't slicked it down with water or a hair tie. The color is a natural auburn color, being a dark reddish-brown with some lighter and darker streaks

Finn has a narrow face that might be described as diamond-shaped, but she prefers to call it narrow. And while she doesn't have any harsh or hard lines, her facial features are far from soft... more in the middle if anything, having neither thick nor thin lips, and a pretty average defined nose
Finn's eyes are a pretty average shape as well, with thick eyelashes and slim eyebrows framing them. Not many people notice as the colors aren't too different, but she also has heterochromia, with her left eye being golden brown, and her right being the same color but with a green ring around it, making it hazel.

Finn's skin is quite unique compared to the normal person as well, and like her eyes, has two different colors. While most of her is a warm pale color, her right arm and the right side of her torso are a noticeable shade darker in the same warm tone. Her face doesn't exactly have two different tones, but, she does have very strange freckles. Though the freckles aren't extremely thick, they do cover the right side of her cheeks, her nose, and about half of her left cheek in a sort of diagonal "line."

Finn has scars almost all over her body, though most are small nearly faded scratches. Her hands have most of these small scars, as well as calluses, but her knees and back are close seconds. Though, as Finn wears clothes that cover most of her body, mainly to hide that she has two skin tones, the only scars people see are on her hands, and the inch-long one on her left cheek.

Finn usually wears a cloth undershirt with a simple brown tunic and trousers with leather armbraces, boots, and a belt. Comfortable and not too fancy; not that she could afford fancy clothing. She does have a copper necklace with a soft blue rock in it, something her mother says is from her father. And she of course has the Nilum pendant to keep her powers in control.

Most see Finn as cocky and full of herself because of how she holds herself, interacts with others, and how she doesn't care what other people think. She's just the kind to do what she wants when she wants and is confident in doing so. Though, thankfully to those in charge, she doesn't break rules often and acts respectively enough to those of higher ranks. Because she lived her entire life in the army, she is expected to be loyal to the queen, though she hasn't really shown her loyalty one way or another.

Though Finn appears to be confident in what she does, that's only what's going on on the outside. Always sarcastic and witty towards others, laughing at and with, Finn will always keep it at that. She's very good at hiding behind a mask of humor, teasing, and snarky remarks, and isn't afraid of telling people what she thinks, as she's used to not being liked, so why bother to make people like her?

Getting close to others and actually forming friendships with Finn is nearly impossible because she doesn't really know how, or want to get close to anyone, and gets quite nervous and denies it when someone does seem to want to get to know her. Her mother was cold and stern, and her only friend disappeared, so Finn sees it as better not to get close, or else the people will just run off or get disappointed in her.
But if one would manage to get Finn attached to them, they'll find a caring, though still sarcastic and teasing, young woman. She may not exactly know how to care and comfort, but she'll try her best and always be there for that person and would become defensive as well as protective of them.

While Finn doesn't hide what she thinks and isn't afraid to speak up, she doesn't exactly seek out conversations and stays out of the action and center unless she's pulled into it, though then she's all up for talking and holding a conversation, and judging people from the sidelines. She wouldn't mind being left on her own though, and usually works better alone, practicing a single thing until she has perfected it, and when she gets in the zone of practicing, people bothering her really get on Finn's nerves.

Finn is also quite impulsive, and once she gets an idea, or thought, or urge to do something, she does it, whether it's easy or hard. She'll also manage it best on her own, as others distract her and get in the way of her routine, so even if it's a two-man job, she'll figure it out on her own.

Fast runner: Having the perfect form for running and intensive training from her mother, Finn is a fast runner on any kind of terrain.
Smart: I wouldn't say she's a genius, but Finn isn't an idiot, even if she seems like she is. She also has good "street smarts".
Climbing: Always having an affinity to climbing trees and anything else she can get her hands, and feet, on, Finn is quite the adept and nimble climber.
Self-reliant: Finn needs nothing and no one to help her. If she wants to do something, she'll do it. If there's a problem, she can figure it out on her own.
Flexible: She is very flexible, and while not flexible enough to contort herself, can easily touch her toes and do almost perfect splits.
Combat: While Finn wouldn't win a contest of strength, she's been trained to use her lean build against larger, stronger opponents, and easily uses momentum and close quarters when fighting. And since she's been training since she could walk, she has a lot of experience in it.

Teamwork: Finn struggles to work with others. She has her own exact way of doing things, and a group could ruin that. If forced to work in a team she does as little as possible or picks one thing that she will do alone.
Low heat tolerance: She can't stand hot temperatures, whether it's humid or dry, though humid weather is a bit better.
Allergies: Finn is allergic to many plants and is especially allergic to pollen and dust. Her eyes water and her nose gets stuffy during the summer, and she'll be attacked by fits of sneezing and problems breathing until she goes indoors or somewhere where there are few plants.
Comforting: Finn has never been close to anyone in her life, not even her mother, so comforting is a foreign thing to her. If someone close to her is feeling down, she may try to brighten their day, but she won't be helpful.
Sensitive Skin: Probably caused by her allergies, Finn is prone to rashes and dry skin around her elbows and wrists, and lips, which irritate and stress her, making her more irritable.

Night: Finn loves the cold dark feeling of the night, and loves staring at the moon and stars.
Fire: while she isn't a fan of heat, the heat from fire is a different story, and she can spend hours watching the flames dance.
Thunderstorms: Thunder and lighting fill her with energy and adrenaline, and just seems to... fill her up.
Rain: The smell of rain is one of Finn's favorite smells, and relaxes her immediately. As long as it isn't icy outside, she will always be out when it's raining.
Fresh air: Because of her allergies, Finn enjoys all the fresh air she can get, and breathing with a clear nose and lungs is always a good thing.
Cold: While she isn't a fan of freezing temperatures, she does like the cold and much prefers it over heat.
Good humor: Finn will always be drawn to people with a good sense of humor, and those that laugh with her sarcasm. Since her mother was very humorless, Finn needs this as much as she loves it.
Swimming: Swimming and drifting in lakes and rivers are almost as relaxing as rain, especially if they're cold on a hot day.

Heat: She just can't stand hot temperatures unless they're small and concentrated like fire.
Dryness: Dry weather is usually the worst weather for her skin, so she hates it.
Overly sweet smells and tastes: Finn has a sweet tooth and enjoys sugary treats every once in a while, but the second the taste or smell becomes purely sweet and sugary, she can't stand it.
Confusing people: She hates people who can't make up their minds, or say things they don't mean or don't do. Not only does it confuse her as to why they do it, but it just irritates her in general.
Aggression: People who are aggressive and "dominant" are the kind of people Finn will never deal with. Especially if they're defensively aggressive.
Humorless people: Humor is one of the things Finn thinks is most important in a person, and if they don't have humor, don't get hers, or have a completely different one, she won't get a connection or like them much.
Smoke: It truly depends on the kind of smoke, like that from a bonfire is perfectly fine, as long as there isn't too much, but the second it's in her face, she struggles to breathe.

Finn has quite a few fears, death, especially the thought of dying, and living, alone, terrifies her. She also has basophobia, an extreme fear of falling. Heights aren't a problem, its when the risk of falling to her death that the fear sparks.

Family and Relationships with others
Cirah Finnigan - 46 - mother - Luxebris
Father is unknown but is presumably an Ignis.

Finn was born into the queen's army, pretty much. Her mother was a Luxebris whose magic manifested at twelve and had trained in the army since then, and presumably met Finn's father during that time. So all Finn has known is her mother, the army, Magum, and the queen. She was raised knowing she would be a Magum. Her mother being one of the few loyal to the queen, expected a lot of Finn and was extremely disappointed when Finn manifested at fourteen with
Ignis magic.

Finn met her best friend, an acqui, during that time, and he taught her how to swim and even managed to help her control her fire, and a year later, Finn accidentally made a flame in her palm flash so bright it nearly blinded the people around her, including her friend. She never saw him after that.

For a short period of time, Cirah was proud of her daughter, or... more proud of herself for birthing a Mixkling, but Finn's lack of control and strength over her magic, especially over Luxebris, made her mother cold and harsh quickly thereafter.

At 18 Finn finally requested a team transfer, away from her mother and the area she last saw her friend. Surprisingly, the commander, possibly the queen, granted it. Since then Finn's been actually enjoying learning how to control her magic, away from the judging eyes of her mother.
At 20 years she was transferred to the team she is in now, and decided at that point that everyone would know her as Finn, and that the name Chloe would be forgotten.
Finn likely has the most training of all the Magum here, since she grew up training and preparing for her magic.

Roleplay Example
No pe

Eheh nope

Edited at September 6, 2021 03:35 AM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 22, 2021 07:55 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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Jeno Kouris



Panromantic Demisexual



Jeno is huge by all standards. Not only does he stand at an imposing 6 feet and 7 inches, but he's also riddled with muscles, his biceps are the size of some people's heads. With his size, he even manages to tower over those who are taller than him, and he will never, never look up to people, even the rare person who's taller will be looked down upon by him.

Jeno has short dirty blonde hair that he cuts the second it gets long enough to get in his face and is slightly longer on the top than the bottom. While he does shave regularly, he usually has some sort of dark blonde stubble on his jaw and cheeks. His eyebrows are also thick and sharp, giving him a constant brooding expression.

His eyes are a bland, cold grey, adding to his stern demeanor, and are emotionless and unreadable, so even the most observant people will struggle to know what he's thinking until he says it out loud.

His eyes, like the rest of his face, are sharp. Some say he takes a whetstone to sharpen his jaw and his brows for scowling, which is obviously false, but also not completely out of the question... because his jaw is sharp.

Jeno's original skin tone is a very rich tan, but a good half of his body is covered in discolored, twisted burn scars. So not only is he imposing in his own right, but these gruesome scars make him terrifying. Covering a small portion of his left jaw, his entire left arm, shoulder, and half of his torso and left leg, he makes no effort to hide these scars, as he knows that these scars can make almost anyone shut up.

Jeno wears any clothing that fits, usually cotton in whites and browns, and unless the day is extremely hot, he'll be seen in lightweight leather armor and vests with a strange oil.

Credits of the wonderfully written personality belong to Boundless#226175

Firm - Calloused - Sharp

Jenno, by all standards, is a cold, stern man. His size enough is intimidating, and his demeanor isn’t much better; an unwavering, unyielding, (objectively grumpy) figure, he does not bend or sway in the face of adversity - in fact, his rigidity in discipline is a well-known attribute of the commander across all who have worked with him. Many seem to question if the man has the capacity for feelings; and he does, of course, but he has a tendency to simply tuck away any feelings for ‘later’. Needless to say, his sense of emotional self-awareness is not up to par with the general population, but he will not be told otherwise.

Watchful - Thorough - Lack of emotional intelligence

As might be expected from a man of Jenno’s rank, he’s no fool. Although perhaps not a genius, the commander is remarkably observant and practical, leaving little time for anything other than unwavering, textbook rationality. When engaged in a job, there is a surprising amount of cautious, concentrated thoroughness to his work, and he expects the exact same standard of those under his command as well. A hard worker with an affinity for only the logical side of thing, it follows that Jenno is far from emotionally intelligent - one might even go as far to say that he tends to border somewhere between utterly awkward, and completely avoidant of emotional people, emotional situations, or otherwise. He doesn’t read people well, or at least, doesn’t care to. One can’t be sure if he simply has a rather stubborn, petty disinterest in others emotion, or simply struggles to grasp the concept, but it’s more than likely a bit of both.

Biased - Short Tempered - Protective

Although Jenno may not have a taste for emotion, he has never had a problem expressing anger or disapproval; these negative emotions, as it turns out, are more suitable to him than fear, or amusement, or virtually anything else. His temper is short, and he expects much of those around him; hence, it’s not difficult to disappoint him if one was to slack off, or something of the like. Although getting close to Jenno’s is a near impossible task, he loves fiercely, and has an intense sense of protectiveness. He defends those he cares for; ah, but those he doesn’t face a much different problem. Considering Jenno’s history with Ignis Magnum, it’s not difficult to understand his acute bias towards the magnum. He’s quicker to blame, and faster to turn on them; they’re untrustworthy and dangerous, as far as he’s concerned, and Jenno’s reserves an extra few scowls for all of them.

Strong - Reliable - Stable - Fair by nature

Although Jenno’s may suffer a heavy bias, in the end, he’s fair by nature: he deals out equal treatment, and won’t judge on the basis of anything but performance. He’s a steadfast, reliable individual, and trustworthy if nothing else; he may be detached, but the commander is an able leader who makes his expectations clear and known. There’s a quiet strength to him, and his dependability in all instances is unwavering. All in all, despite his many flaws, Jenno’s is a good commander to have at your back.

Strong: Jeno works out on the daily, as you would expect with his size, and is incredibly strong. He can easily lift 300 pounds, as an example.
As he's been training for 13 years of his life, Jeno is very skilled in the art of fighting, whether it's with weapons or hand-to-hand combat.
Ranged weapons:
He's exceptionally skilled with crossbows and other long-ranged weapons, including blow darts and other bow kinds.
While Jeno isn't the nicest man, he has the power and skill to lead, no questions asked. He knows how to plan and what he's doing, and if he'd questioned, threats, intimidation, and backed up knowledge always works.
He can't read emotions, and nor does he care what other people think or say, but he does have a knack for figuring out people's physical and mental skills and how to put them to use.

Short Temper: If you get on his nerves, ask too many questions, don't listen to him, are lazy, make a dumb mistake, and anything else that doesn't meet his standards, and he will rage at you. Nothing stops his anger.
Stiffness from scars:
As he has so much scar tissue, that isn't nearly as flexible or loose as normal skin, that he has less mobility than the average person, especially when it's cold or early in the morning. Not that he admits this.
Understanding Others:
While he can figure out a person's skill set almost immediately, emotions, feelings, reading expressions, and just understand human nature is nearly impossible for him. A big part of the reason is that he doesn't care.
Flimsy weapons:
Jeno appreciates a sturdy weapon in his hands, so things that are unpredictable, flimsy, like nunchucks (not that they exist here) and morning stars, he hates and thinks are perfectly useless. He has similar feelings towards most people, interestingly enough.
He hates everything about fire. He will not show his fear around others, but any time there's fire his heart starts beating five times faster, he gets sweaty, and the very, very, observant person might note some nervousness about him. But he won't let his fear stop him from being in command, as he will not allow himself to be weak around magum.

Hard workers: He appreciates people that actually put effort and work into what they do and what he has told them to do, and is the exact opposite towards slackers.
A good way to get all his rage and just think, as well as training his body for the days to come.
While he hates fire, sunlight and warmth is rather nice, especially because it helps loosen up his muscles and scars.
Breaking things:
Another wonderful way to get rage out and just feel good, so it won't be uncommon to see Jeno throwing empty bottles and ceramics, or punching pieces of wood.
Being listened to:
It shows him that people respect and are listening to him, which he, in turn, respects the people for.

Fire: He hates everything about fire. He knows it's needed for light and warmth, but being in a confined room with a flame makes him panic inwardly. He will never hold a torch and will always be furthest from the flame, even if he gives up much-needed light for seeing.
Being questioned:
He expects his orders to be followed without hesitation. He expects people to do what he says no questions asked. He knows what he's doing, and thinks about everything before speaking, so having his perfectly thought out orders questioned infuriates him.
Emotional people:
People should not be guided by emotions. Hard workers need to be dedicated to their work, and anyone who's too sad, or too in love, or too angry to do their work is weak and worthless.
Flimsy Weapons:
He just doesn't like them or how they feel.
Ignis Magum:
Because of his past, anything to do with fire he hates, especially ignis Magum. While he won't kill them on sight, he'll make their life a living hell more than normal Magum.
Magum: He dislikes Magum in general because he sees them as untrustworthy, evil, and wrong. So while he dislikes them, he won't be cruel to them. Just much harder, sterner, and ruder than he would be to humans.

Pyrophobia: He panics every time he's close to fire. He keeps this inside around others, but will escape as soon as possible.

Family and Relationships with others
Mother: Something - 33 - deceased
Father: Something - 37 - deceased
Sister: Something - 8 - deceased
Sister: Something - 6 - deceased.

Jeno was the firstborn in a poor family between the border of Regtriam and Solugar. His father was a miner in one of the few Nilum mines that were inside of the Regtriam territory, and so he grew up helping his parents in their work.

His first sister was born when he was five, and though he wasn't too old himself, took the role of protector and father while their father worked almost every day in the mines and his mother worked hard in the bakery so that they could afford a pleasant enough life. His youngest sister was born two years later, and he continued to take care of them, becoming extremely mature for his age.

Jeno's life went on as normal after his sisters were born... at least till the fire. The dreams still haunt him sometimes. Not that anyone knows.
A few weeks after his thirteenth birthday, Jeno woke up to the smell of smoke, the sound of crackling fire, and the screams of his family. The fire was everywhere, in the woods, the house, the village, and smoke was coming from the mines to the south of his home.

Jeno was one of the few survivors of the village, barely surviving the flames himself when he tried to save his sisters who'd been trapped in their room. When he escaped, stumbling and burnt, barely seeing, straight, he remembered one thing before passing out: two humans throwing fire from their hands.

He woke up days later covered in bandages, and after months of healing and regaining his strength, made the decision he would avenge his family and never let that happen to any village again. So, at fourteen, he joined the queen's army, set on learning how to fight and control the magum to protect his people.

At 24 he was promoted to commander after ten years of hard work and training and has become one of the most skilled soldiers in the queen's army, and while he hates the magum, has an incredible amount of knowledge about them, and how best to subdue every kind.

Roleplay Example
No need

Fisch Futter

Edited at September 7, 2021 03:08 PM by Dark Matter
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 22, 2021 08:16 AM


Posts: 11261
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Name: Amittai ‘Ami’ Zviad Mushi.

Age: 20. Almost 21.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Gay. He's open about it to those on his team of Magum soldiers, but otherwise he just doesn't tell people all that often.

Role: Magum Soldier.

Element: Vitem.


Ami stands rather average at 5' 5”, though he sometimes seems 5’ 6” or 5’ 7” due to how proud his posture is. His skin tone is a band color with neutral undertones. He has many freckles on his body, though especially at his cheeks and nose.


Ami has a diamond face shape, meaning he has a smaller forehead and a smaller chin, and the middle of his face is wider, the whole thing on the longer side. His cheeks are rather full despite this. Now for the nose, something that Ami rather likes, he has a hawk shaped nose, meaning it starts off the same way a ‘normal’ nose would, and then goes off the deep end at a slight angle, the tip of it a bit lower than the nasals. His lips are a pointy natural in shape. His most often seen expression is a more playful, more chill look with his eyes crinkled a bit in proud or easy grins.


His eyebrows are rather bushy, but with an obvious arch and an arrow-like thing at the end going upwards. Finally, his eyes are a protruding round shape and a light green-gray in color. His face is framed by unruly black hair, curly to the point of no return and going down to his shoulders.


His body structure could quickly be described as rectangular. Everything about his structure screams that he’s more well-built and muscular. He weighs a good 130, with his BMI at a healthy 21.63(not like that system existed back then).


As for clothing, Ami most often wears a white linen shirt, gray red pants, black boots, a white cloth belt, a gray red scarf tied around his neck with the edges frayed, and a pair of white gloves in order to hold back his ability.


For scars, he has plenty. This one at his right eyebrow going down slightly onto the corner of his right eye? Homophobic father that couldn’t take having a proud (and gay) son. That one that goes across his back? The school system is messed up, and it was hard to even get in in the first place. The one that wraps around his left arm? First fight, and put simply he won. That one at his collarbone that crawls slightly up his neck? Another fight, it ended up a stalemate- So he counts it as a victory. This one that goes across his left cheek, starting right beside the nose and ending at the start of his left ear? The first fight he ever lost, actually. He doesn’t really count it as a loss though, since the person he fought ended up losing to him later on.


+ Reliable + Conscientious + Active +

If there is anyone you can count on to get something done or keep a secret, it’s Ami. He’s trustworthy and honorable in that he wouldn’t go and tell someone a secret unless it seemed absolutely necessary; and he’s responsible enough to make sure that whatever he’s been asked to do that it gets done and that it gets done correctly.


Ami is very moral. He strives to do what is right, even if it’s hard. He’d probably hate the moral questions about who to save, because he’d be sure that if he was in the situation then he’d find a way to save everyone. And killing people is wrong, no matter how you look at it, in his opinion. He doesn’t care if it’s to save the lives of many, every life is equally important to him.


Ami has a lot of energy, energy that he uses to wake up the ship or talk endlessly or do chores or make food. He’s passionate about it all too, never seeming down or melancholy or insecure. Self-assured with absolutely everything he does, and energetic enough to get others to join in.

~ Proud ~ Passive ~ Flamboyant ~

This man is proud, always self-assured and willing to take risks because it’s him, and he’s the best. He’s a bit too prideful at times however, to the point where being around him can be detrimental to others- He’s almost always talking about himself and things he’s done, things he’ll do one day. It makes it pretty easy to tell when he likes someone though, because he’ll actually ask them things or let them talk about themselves or talk about them for them.


Ami is not a fighter, as much as he’d like to be one- He just isn’t. He’d rather cook and sing and dance than fight, he’d rather stare at the hot men while in town rather than pay attention to why he’s actually in town in the first place. Maybe even flirt with them. He’s passive in arguments, in fights, he’d rather wait out the storm than anything else.


As all gays would eventually be, he is extremely flamboyant. It goes hand in hand with his confidence and energy! How else is he supposed to be? He’s loud and confident and right up in everyone’s business all the time. He’s dramatic, loving attention and being the center of it. Plus, flamboyant cooks are the best in his book.

- Jealous - Possessive - Oversensitive -

Ami is a jealous type, there’s no denying it. Anytime he sees a couple- He immediately envy them, his easy grin dropping the easiness and eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Most newly made couples would only last a week after he saw them together, and no one’s quite sure why this pattern exists. The older couples tend to be more resilient and he usually ends up just not talking to them most of the time.


Adding onto his jealous behavior, he’s also very possessive over what is his. Or what he perceives to be his. If he’s in a relationship and then sees someone flirting with his man, he’s gonna walk up to them and be like ‘What are you doing talking to my partner? Don’t you have anything you need to be doing?’. In other situations, like someone trying to steal his food, his behavior is very similar- Just like with most situations involving things that he sees as his own.


Ami is sensitive, and while it may be a good thing with other people, as he's more attuned to how they feel… If someone gets angry at him, he breaks and cries. If someone even slightly(even teasingly) does something to mess with his ego, he becomes a clingy and insecure wreck for the rest of the day until he can recuperate and convince himself that he’s all good.

Strengths: Cooking/Baking, Hand-To-Hand Combat(Including kicks), Teamwork, Staffs, Stealth, Flexible, and Observant(The last two are rather surprising, trust me- I know).

Weaknesses: Prideful, Clingy, Extremely Passive, Overly Sensitive/Emotional, Long Range Aim, Insecure(Surprising huh?), and Too Optimistic About People.

Likes: Cooking, Baking, Exercising, People, Talking/Socializing, Singing, and Dancing.

Dislikes: Silence, Insults, Fighting, Discrimination, People Tryna Steal/Hurt What’s His, and Low Expectations.

Fear: Being abandoned. The thought alone terrifies Ami.

Family and Relationships with others: TBD.

Background: Revealed throughout roleplay.

Roleplay Example: We’ve roleplayed before, I do believe.

Other: Fish Food.

Edited at August 22, 2021 03:21 PM by Overthink101

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