Wolf Play : Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!
 Sea Coast

The cat was my favorite XD
07:38:04 Fei the writer
Take it to sales chat
07:37:28 Fei the writer
Sea Coast
the germen shepherds belong to my mum. I have the cat
 Lazy Kingdom
07:34:04 Lazy, Crazy Cat Lady
Hello, I am looking to do a laid back Rp with someone! Any topic works :D!

Please PM me!
 Sea Coast

Your pets are adorable!
07:25:28 Fei the writer
Midnight Hunters
Spell out your words please
 Sea Coast

Nvm I have an idea
 Demon Souls
07:18:02 Demon/Death
Winter Royalty (DS) and Alaska Reaper decide to not give Bree a geode.

Affinity: --- Neutral
Mood: Content
 Continental Wolves
07:17:33 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
 Meliora Wolves
07:17:13 crow (he/they/zae)
The Presence Of The Wraith flirts with Into The Eyes of Fire.

Stats: Charisma +1
Affinity: Strong Like
Mood: Affectionate

that is your mother!? what the hell 😭😭
07:15:47 Chrissy
if you breed her with heavyweights you could get some decent pups.
 Sea Coast
Ripple howls for love.

Mood: Sad

07:15:16 Don't call me BJ.
Please I've got this far but I can't draw fucking couch or chair
Any of y'all have a good name for him, one that fits with a shadow/dark/creapy/cool vibe?
07:13:30 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
-WP Click-

Love getting eagle feathers because they help me learn that my wolves are all stubborn goofballs without spending mush.
 Sea Coast
You have 11 feedings

Alright who was in the food stash.
I just use the hot spring every morning when I get on.
 Meliora Wolves
07:11:47 crow (he/they/zae)
at least my wolves arent gonna starve anytime soon


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Arctic Fox : -3
Komodo Dragon : +1
Wolverine : -4
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Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 05:21 PM

Former Pack

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For years now, two packs, one made up of dogs and one of wolves have been living on a remote island forgotten about by people. What has remained a mystery for all of those years is why the island has been desolate of humans for so long, and what caused them to disappear. However, one thing is for sure, and that one thing is that ever since the humans left, both the island’s predators and prey have shot up in numbers, and their population has continued to grow and spread like weeds. Every inch of the island crawls and teems with wildlife and greenery, it’s like a paradise for any and all animals. Even the waters surrounding the island on all sides, which had previously been decimated by people, now blossom and overflow with the promise of new life.

In the middle of the island is an abandoned city, which, once, like the rest of the island, used to be infested with humans. However, now that these humans are gone, the pack of dogs inhabiting the island have taken shelter in and made the city their home, and it’s been that way for a while since the city is quite the ideal place to live, as it provides the dog pack both with shelter and food. This city is surrounded by the luscious forest that covers a majority of the island, and that forest is where the wolf pack has made their home.

The Wolf Pack and the Dog Pack have been at peace, each being supplied with adequate needs to survive thus having no desire to fight, although there have been minor disputes regarding territory. However, these small arguments have never resulted in death nor heavy injury. And things have always returned to their peaceful state between the dogs and the wolves.

However, now, things have changed, and chaos has erupted.

Humans have rediscovered the once-desolate island, and they have discovered that they can use it to their benefit. Not giving a care in the world for the lives that they’d destroy in the process, the people began to tear down the forest covering the island, starting from the east, where the Wolf Pack resides, or, rather, once resided. Now that people have come and started to ruin the forest, prey has started to die off and move towards the abandoned city, where the Dog Pack still lives. The Wolf Pack, not having any choice nor say in the matter if they want to survive, has also decided to make their way towards the city on the western side of the island, abandoning their territory.

The Dog Pack has not yet experienced any of the Wolf Pack’s hardships since the human’s devastation has not yet reached the western side of the island nor the abandoned city. However, the Wolf Pack is now trying to claim the city for themselves, attempting to drive the Dog Pack out. The Dog Pack, however, is not willing to move out for the Wolves survival, and they propose merging the two packs together. The Wolf Pack’s alphas, wanting desperately to hang onto their pride, refuse, and engage themselves into a war against the dogs. Death and bloodshed is now anything that is ever on anybody’s mind, whether they be a wolf or a dog. In addition to that, now a deadly sickness has spread throughout the Wolf Pack and has begun to affect the dogs as well.

What will become of the wolves? Will the dogs give up their territory, or will they fight for what is rightfully theirs? Those are questions that are yet to be answered…

1. Plot

2. Roles Explained + Masterlist

3. Rules

4. The Island

5. Sign-Up Sheet

Edited at August 2, 2021 07:33 PM by Glacialis
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 05:58 PM

Former Pack

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Roles Explained

Dog & Wolf Pack Roles


The alphas are the leaders of the pack, and both the alpha male and the alpha female hold the same amount of power. These two aren't always mates, although, in some cases they may be. The alphas are responsible for leading their pack as well as instructing other high ranks such as the betas and deltas on what to do. The alphas also decide on important descisions or what to do during crisis, and the two always must decide things together unless of emergency. There is only one alpha in the dog pack.


The betas are the second of commands in the pack only under the alphas themselves. The betas aren't always mates, but they can be, just like the alphas. They organize patrols, hunting groups, and help the alphas in descision-making. What they say is law unless opposed by one or both of the alphas, and the betas also take on the duties that regulars do, such as hunting and fighting. There is only one beta in the dog pack.


Just like with the alphas and betas, deltas aren't always mates but it is possible that they can be. The deltas are the third-in-commands of the pack, and take care of things if and when both the alphas and betas are unable to. They also help the betas with some of their duties, but they are not as high-ranking as them. Otherwise, they take on the responsibilities of regulars such as hunting and fighting. There is only one delta in the dog pack


The regulars of the pack are what make up a majority of it, and they may or may not have a mate. Regulars sit below the deltas in terms of pack hierarchy, and they take on the duties such as hunting, fighting, and patrolling.


These are female wolves who have or are going to have a pup. They may take on the responsibilities of their previous role when their pups are old enough to eat meat, however, otherwise they are to take on duties around the camp or to watch over their pups.


Pups are the youngest, smallest members of the pack and are not permitted to leave the camp unless in the case of emergency. They are looked after by their mothers and the pack's regulars, and may take on minor duties or learn how to until they're old enough to hunt, fight, and patrol.


Usually the smallest, weakest adult of the pack or one who has done something against the pack. They are below all other ranks, and must obey all those above them. They are also treated the worst and take on the responsibilities that nobody else wants such as cleaning out the dens. They may have a mate if they'd like, and they also may fight to raise their rank.


Wolf Pack

Alpha Male: [1/1] [CLOSED]

Nihilo | 4 | Played by Lucid Insanity

Alpha Female: [1/1] [CLOSED]

Arashi | 5 | Played by Glacialis

Beta Male: [0/1] [Open]


Beta Female: [0/1] [RESERVED]


Delta Male: [0/1] [Open]


Delta Female: [1/1] [CLOSED]

Aura | 4 | Played by MarinaDraws

Regulars: [0/Unlimited] [Open]


Mothers: [1/5] [Open]

Kona | 3 | (Pregnant) | Played by MarinaDraws


Pups: [0/?] [Open]


Omega: [0/1] [Open]


Dog Pack

Alpha: [1/1] [CLOSED]

Keres | 4 | Male | Played by Wanderlust

Beta: [1/1] [CLOSED]

Dutch | 6 | Male | Played by Finnick

Delta: [1/1] [CLOSED]

Linrie | 3 | Female | Played by Skeptical

Regulars: [2/Unlimited] [Open]

Orleander | 3 Years 7 Months | Male | Played by Votum

Kir | 5 | Male | Played by Wanderlust



Mothers: [0/5] [Open]


Pups: [0/?] [Open]


Omega: [0/1] [Open]



Loners: [0/5] [Open]


Edited at August 14, 2021 01:28 PM by Glacialis
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 06:31 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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1. Follow all of Eves and WPs rules.

2. Be Active. I expect at least 2-3 posts a week, if you don't post and have no good reason for it then expect to be kicked.

3. This is a semi-literate roleplay. Posts must be 200+ words, if your post is less than 200 words and does not meet requirements then expect to be kicked. Writer's block is an exception.

4. No Mary / Gary sues. Your character has to have some flaws!

5. No perfect characters, god-modding, etc. These kind of things will not be tolerated.

6. Respect everyone and everyone in the RP, if disrespect is shown to anybody than expect consequences. Also, if you've read the rules this far then hide a breed of dog in other!

7. Hate the character, not the player!

8. You may have how ever many characters that you can handle in the RP, with a maximum of two high-ranking roles.

9. Do not have a character that keeps wandering off from the group, gets hurt constantly, etc. Once in a while is fine but when done all the time, it gets annoying.

10. Your characters may die! However, please before you get into a huge fight with, heavily injure, or kill somebody else's character then please PM me and whoever you're interacting with beforehand.

11. Defects and rare pelt colors are fine, however, no pink wolves with wings or anything of the sort. I'd like to keep this as realistic as possible.

12. NO ONE-LINERS!! I cannot stress this enough. This is a semi-literate RP and one-liners do not give anyone much of anything to respond to. If you do any one-liners than you will be kicked unless you have a good reason for doing so.

13. Have fun! Feel free to PM me with questions if you're confused!


Reservations last 48 hours

Wolf Pack Rules

-Disrespect shown to higher ranks such as alphas, betas, and deltas will not be tolerated nor allowed. The punishment for breaking this rule is death or exilement.

-Alphas word is law.

-Intruders and dogs are to be killed on sight.

-Do not affiliate with dogs or lone wolves, the punishment for breaking this rule is exilement.

-Pups and their mothers are to be protected at all costs.

Dog Pack Rules

- High-ranking members of the packs such as betas and alphas are to be respected. The punishment for breaking this rule is your rank being lowered.

-Alphas and betas word is law.

-Wolves are to be made peace with, do not kill them unless in self-defence.

-All pack members and especially pups and their mothers are to be protected at all costs.

Edited at August 14, 2021 01:55 PM by Glacialis
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 07:00 PM

Former Pack

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The Island

(A brief description of the island's landscape)

The island on which the Wolf and Dog Pack live on is quite large and a majority of it is covered in a vast, dense forest in which lays thick undergrowth and tall green trees that seem to reach for the sky along with rushing rivers, deep valleys and ravines, mountains that seem impossible to reach the top of, and even waterfalls that're louder and more magnificent than a wolf's howl. of course, the forest is much more life-filled and lively on the eastern side where the wolf pack lives, as a lot (but not all of) of the island's western side is filled with grasslands that look like they stretch for miles rather than forests.

The abandoned city also happens to be on the western side of the island, which is where the dog pack inhabits. In it are both tall, towering buildings and smaller, more appropriate ones. There are also elk herds that've made their home inside of the desolate city as well as many smaller creatures such as rodents, birds, etc. Now that the coast and a lot of the forest that's on the eastern side of the island has been destroyed, a lot of the animals have made their way over to the island's western side in the hopes of survival. The abandoned city also flourishes with more life in it than ever before.

The Wolf Pack used to live in a large valley inbetween two looming mountains, the larger mountain deemed Mount Terastios and the smaller of the two called Mount Mikro. A rushing river with clear blue waters and life thriving in it ran through the valley, providing the wolves with a source of water. In the base of mount Terastios was a cave hidden by trees, thornbushes, and brambles in which the wolves used to live. Now that they've retreated from their old, luxurious home they live in a clearing in the forest close to the abandoned city. A wall of thorns is around the clearing which prevents intruders from making their way into the Wolf Pack's camp, and dens line the wall, providing the wolves with shelter. However, a water source has been difficult to find due to most rivers and streams being polluted and unsafe to drink.

The wolves mostly hunt the larger prey such as the scarce elk, deer, and moosew that they can find, while the dogs stick to smaller prey that they find roaming the city unless they're hunting as a pack or large group. Hard-to-deal-with predators include bears, mountain lions, and other wolves or dogs.

Edited at August 2, 2021 07:14 PM by Glacialis
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 07:31 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Sign-Up Sheet

A * means optional

Remove things in brackets

Pack Name:

Pack Number:

Activity Level:







Breed [Necessary Only For Dogs]:

*How Is Your Character Viewed By Others?:







*Theme Song:

Sire & Dam:






Edited at August 5, 2021 01:43 PM by Glacialis
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 07:33 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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This roleplay is closed / open

Edited at August 2, 2021 07:33 PM by Glacialis
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 07:43 PM


Posts: 2403
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Reserve dog pack delta?
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 08:04 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Skeptical said:
Reserve dog pack delta?

Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 08:48 PM

Lucid Insanity

Posts: 1224
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Oooooooo I'm hyped now!!!

May I reserve the alpha male of the wolf pack?
I might add a dog later on if that's okay?
Requiem of Silence | Canine RP | Sign-Ups | Open!August 2, 2021 08:49 PM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Lucid Insanity said:
Oooooooo I'm hyped now!!!

May I reserve the alpha male of the wolf pack?
I might add a dog later on if that's okay?

Reserved! And, that's okay :)

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