Wolf Play : New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)
11:06:24 Running Dog
Broken Dawn

Ragnarok? Flames of Galaxy? (I am terrible at naming, sorry)
 Broken Dawn
11:06:21 I complain a lot
 Chaotic Twins
11:05:31 Ryder,Kalian

Jasper, Flynn, Reed, or Rowan, Phoenix, and Rory.
11:04:27 Running Dog
Yes, Kalian, you may call me Silverfish.

Honestly I think that is the first player given nickname I have received since I started in 2018 (not this account)
 Broken Dawn
11:03:31 I complain a lot
Now IÂ’ve draw myself a new character. I need a name for him now
 Chaotic Twins
11:02:50 Ryder,Kalian

I don't tend to explore

also can I call you Silverfish?
11:00:58 Running Dog
Oh, that's sad. You get ton in explore, are you able to do that?
 Chaotic Twins
10:59:16 Ryder,Kalian
I don't think I will reach 50 moonflowers this FMC
10:58:55 Running Dog
The Lady Eve says there will be an update tomorrow afternoon
10:58:25 Running Dog

Cheers up to the chat Stalkers!!
10:57:32 Rev
What did I miss? Nes update?
Awesome! Alrighty I am going to bed as I have had a shit week last week and am going to have another this week. Goodnight everyone, I'll stalk you all in chat tomorrow!
 Chaotic Twins
10:56:02 Ryder,Kalian
I know it's random but is it done automatically or does someone decide
10:55:55 evebot
I dont know pff the top of my head
10:55:52 Veil
-WP Click-
Looking for literate 1x1s
 Upstep Pack
10:55:41 the Yellow Pack
Kalian, I think it's random.
 Chaotic Twins
10:55:18 Ryder,Kalian
also random question how does the Tie breakers for FMC work?
10:55:16 evebot
The update will be in the afternoon
 Upstep Pack
10:54:55 the Yellow Pack
Ok, thanks 👍! Sorry.
10:54:47 evebot
Only took 10 years to get the factions badges


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    New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 05:17 PM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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New Beginnings

Siku and Ajihad Pride are no more because the lions have recently combined into a new pride. Because of the hyena war and life in general, their prides have been thinned and they have decided that it would be a good idea to live together. They want to strengthen each other and work together instead of competing against each other.

This roleplay sign up is the third reboot of Lion RP

Please listen to Heather Pack and saratank. They've been with me since the beginning, and they know what I expect and want.

Edited at March 30, 2020 09:58 PM by Candor
    New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 04:57 PM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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The Lion RP

Lion Vocabulary Pride- group of lions Coalitions- group of male lions

Pride Area- Area occupied by a pride

Range- area occupied by nomad lions

Lioness- female lion Nomad- these are lions that aren't part of a group. They roam around.

Rules Rp rules

All of WP rules

Keep it semi realistic (Talking allowed, no crazy coats, limited rare coats etc.)

Important WP rules

No God modding

No perfect characters

4+ sentences (give us something to work with)(Post writer's block if you don't write more than three sentences) No. One. Liners. Ever.

Reservations last at least 24 hours/Don't need this most of the time

Please post at least every three days

Tell me if you are going to be gone longer than five days

Put Chordata in other if you read the rules

Notify me if you are going to quit this rp

As many characters as you can handle

cubs under 2 years old need a mother at least at the beginning

Pride Rules:Lionesses hunt and/or take care of cubs.

Lion's protect the pride. (They don't have to hunt if they don't want to.)

Everyone obeys the Dominant Lion. His word is the law.

All lionesses and cubs obey the dominant lioness.

No one hunts in somebody else's territory.

I don't know if lions will all eat together at the same time, but with this rp if a lion/lioness wants something that a less dominant lion/lioness wants the less dominant lion/lioness will give it up.

Coalition Rules: They are only males.

They can't trespass on other lion territory.

There is one dominant male, who everyone obeys.

Nomad Rules: You have to ask the dominant male lion for permission to join a pride.

You don't trespass on other's territory.

Characters If it's not a lion, it's a NPC




Age: (cub- under a year old, juvenile- under 3 years, adult-3 years and older)






Realistic Lion Guide

-Lionesses generally have 2-3 cubs at a time. They can have up to 6, but that is unusual.

-Most lionesses in the same pride are related

-When the cubs return to the pride the lionesses that are able to suckle cubs do not show any favoritism toward their own cub.

Life Cycle Guide

Day 1 Cubs are 1 - 2kg at birth, they are blind and helpless.

Day 3 - 11Their eyes open but vision is little more than a blur for another week.

Day 10 - 15 Cub starts to walk.

Day 21 - 30The milk teeth erupt; the canines come first with the back teeth a few weeks later.

Day 25 - 30The cubs are able to run

Month 1 - 2Cubs come out of hiding and are capable of the full repertoire of lion calls except roaring.

Month 2 -3Able to keep up with the pride and start to observe prey movements. Weaning starts.

Month 6 - 10 The cubs are weaned but remain dependent on their mother until month 16, or even later.

Month 9 - 12 Eruption of permanent teeth begins but may take some months to complete the process. Cubs start to take part in hunts.

Month 12 - 24Cubs make their first kills, usually on small or injured animals.

Month 24 - 27 Both males and females become sexually mature.

Year 2 - 3Young males are pushed out of the pride. Young females unable to stand up to pride adults may also be forced to leave

Year 3 - 4Reach adult size

Year 4Females have given birth to their first surviving litter

Year 4 - 5Males take over a pride tenure

Year 7Weight peaks, mane reaches fullest extent

Year 10Males ousted from their pride quickly die but may survive until c. 14 - 16 years if part of a strong coalition

Year 11Female breeding starts to reduce

Year 10 - 15Females die but may survive until c. 15 - 18 years

Edited at March 30, 2020 05:02 PM by Candor
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 05:00 PM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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Pride 1 (Ajihad/Siku Pride)

Dominant Lion-Ajihad/Candor, Siku/Heather pack

Dominant Lioness-Amara, Aria/saratank



Jasiri/Heather pack





-Storm/Gypsy Pack


-Ivy/Heather pack



-Ukuta/Heather pack



-Nyasi/Heather pack










Edited at March 31, 2020 09:16 AM by Candor
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 05:11 PM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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New Beginnings~Semi-Literate Lion Roleplay

The Siku and Ajihad Pride are no more because the lions have recently combined into a new pride. Because of the hyena war and life in general, their prides have been thinned and they have decided that it would be a good idea to live together.


Edited at April 2, 2020 12:34 PM by Candor
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 05:33 PM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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Name: Chaos

Gender: male


Age: 5 years

Appearance: He has dark long thick mane and the normal lion features. His fur is a golden brown. He has scars lacing his fur.

Personality:He tends to be arrogant. He is confident and brave. He likes to show off his fighting skills, so he likes to fight. He is a decent climber. He has a gentle side around cubs, and he likes his lionessses. Sometimes that has gotten him into trouble. He is patient with his pride and he is protective.

Strengths: Good fighter, thick mane, strong claws, large size

Weaknesses: He is getting older

Other:read the rules


Name: Khaleesi

Gender: female


Age: 5

Appearance:Normal lion appearance, but her eyes are more brown.

Personality: She is protective of cubs, and kind and caring. She isn't very confident as a leader. She's afraid to let her pride down. She is belligerent to lions/lionesses that aren't part of her pride. She follows the dominant lion but she isn't afraid to question him if she thinks he is wrong.

Strengths:hunting and caring for cubs

Weaknesses: She often gives up her food, so she is skinny and underfed. She is not a good climber.

Family:Kenya is her older sister

Other: Read the rules





Age:3 (Pride One)

Appearance: sandy pelt beginnings of a dark brown mane. amber eyes. He is already large for his size

Personality:He tends to be a little indifferent. He often uses sarcasm. Especially around strangers, while he is trying to get their measure. (Also he is like a teenage kid so.) He doesn't like to be told what to do, because he has been the youngest in the pride his whole life. He can be quite curious about new or unusual things

Strengths: He has long legs, and is a quick runner

Weaknesses:he hasn't learned how to hunt yet. He has no real experience

Other:Read the rules





Age: 3 years

Appearance: She is slender and a lighter tan than the average lion. Her eyes are light amber. She tends to be scruffy because she has been malnourished for so long.

Personality: She has been a nomad for a long time, so she is shy and generally avoids prides. She is sort of skittish and often runs. She is very sweet natured. She generally just goes with the flow.

Strengths:She is a fast runner, and light and agile on her feet. She is very good at avoiding injuries.

Weaknesses:She isn't very bold and only fights if she is cornered.

Other:Read the rules


Name: Yael

Gender: Male

Rank: cub

Age: cub

Appearance:Dark brown cub with brown spots. The spots will fade as he get older. He has light brown eyes. He has a longer tail than most lions.

Personality: He is gentle and mild tempered. He has the usual desires of a young cub. He wants to be the best lion ever.

Strengths: He is pretty patient for a cub. He is pretty obedient for a cub.

Weaknesses: He is a cub, and he has no known talents


Son of Aria



Gender: lion


Age:11 years

Appearance: He is a skinny darker brown lion. He has darker eyes. He's getting scruffy in his old age.

Personality:tbd He doesn't want to be dominant. He's a bit grouchy.

Strengths: calmer


Other: hahaha

Summary of my characters backstory

Chaos was mates with Chandrage, who was the dominant at the beginning of the second reboot, but she died. Had an affair with Ella during Chandrage's reign. She brought the cubs Amber and Echo to Chaos to care for, because she was dying. He has cubs Ajihad, Echo, and Amber. He was mates with Indigo, the next dominant lioness, but she felt betrayed when she learned about Echo and Amber. He banished the rising adults from his pride. Later after the hyena war he let them rejoin and he gave Ajihad charge of the pride. Now, they are trying to combine with Siku pride.

Ajihad knew Amara since Chaos found her alone and rescued her. They were some of the only cubs in the pride at the time, so they became fast friends. When they were older they became mates, which led to Chaos expelling them from the pride. Ajihad became the dominant of his own pride. They fought with Chaos pride during the hyena wars and recombined with them.

Astrid was found hungry and alone. She is Amara's littersister. She became friends with Nanuk and they became mates. They were kicked out of the pride along with Ajihad and Amara. Nanuk became missing in action during the hyena wars.

Khaleesi was the former dominant lioness of Karaz (Damu Pride). She was the only lioness willing to handle Karaz's temper. He expelled her from the pride, when during her watch cubs were killed. She managed to join Ajihad pride. Later after Karaz disapeared Siku took over the pride. She rejoined that pride after the hyena wars.

Yael is Aria's son. He's just a cub and he's been known to get lost multiple times.

Azrael is Khaleesi's older brother.

Edited at March 31, 2020 11:43 AM by Candor
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 05:43 PM

Former Pack

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Name: Amara

Gender: Female


Age: 3 years

Appearance: Normal coat coloring with blue eyes

Personality: Kind, caring, sweet, loving.

Strengths: Climbing, leaping

Weaknesses: Hunting (until she gets better), stalking, Swimming

Other: Chordata




7 months

She is pure white with blue eyes (so not pure Albino if that's alright with Candor)

Unknown Personality, Strengths and Weaknesses

Daughter to Amara and Ajihad




6 years

Normal coloring with golden red mane

Stubborn, can be lazy, can be rude when he thinks it's needed

Strengths- fighting, stalking, swimming

Weaknesses- climbing, hunting


Name: Tara

Gender: Female

Age: 1.5 years

Appearance: Darker tan with golden eyes

Personality: Hyper, Happy, Loving

Strengths: Stalking (Sneaking up on others in the camp)

Weaknesses: Almost everything right now

Tara can act cold due to her mother going missing and feeling abandoned as she didnt know her father


Amber/ Echo

Female/ Male

Both are 1.5 years

No crushes or mates (Far too young)

Their Kin is Chaos (Father) Ella (Mother/Dead)

Weaknesses are pretty much everything right now

No strengths yet
Amber is a sandy brown with darker spots that will fade, she also has amber eyes
Echo is a dark brown with a fuzzy neck (though no mane yet), and green eyes.
Amber is shy, skittish. Echo is out going and fun



Just turned 4

She is an ashy brown color that looks almost gray with deep hazel eyes.

She still sucks at hunting, but is great with swimming and fishing.

Brand new to Damu pride so she is a bit nervous, but will warm up to everyone eventually.




4 Years

Reyla's coat is dark brown with black splotches throughout. Her eyes are a dark green. (I confirmed the coat with Candor first)

Personality, Strengths and Weaknesses will be shown in the RP.


Midnight & Fae

Male & Female

4 years old & 5 months old

Midnight is dark brown, almost black with green eyes, Fae is a pale tan with hazel eyes.

Both are straight

Midnight is Fae's father, her mother died not too long ago. Fae was the only living cub from the litter. All other stuff will be shown in the RP

Edited at March 30, 2020 10:14 PM by saratank
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 30, 2020 09:43 PM

Former Pack

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Name: Storm
Age: 5
Gender: lioness
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: She a black coated lioness with white markings on her belly, four white sock,black toes on front right paw and back left paw toes. white tail tip and white muzzle.She has blue eyes.
Strength: Hunting and fighting
Weakness: Cubs and pride members
Rank: Hunter
Family: long lost litter mates with Reyla
Wanted Rank: Hunter/ warrior
Mate:Open and seeking
Cubs: None yet but hopefully soon
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 31, 2020 12:46 AM

Former Pack

Posts: 0
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Edited at March 31, 2020 12:19 PM by Wolffang
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 31, 2020 04:13 AM

Former Pack

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Name: Deimos

Gender: Male

Rank: Nomad

Age: 5 years

Appearance: His mane is a deep shade of black, with hints of golden near his head. It's texture is thick and silky. Deimos's pelt is a rich shade of almond. His legs are average sized, knotted with muscle. On his wrists are scars, as well as the base of his tail. Eyes are a mellow, honey hue. (Credit to FearTheLiving27 on DA)

Personality: To be revealed in the RP, if that's alright with you Candor, Heather Pack, and Saratank.

Strengths: Endurance, Strength, Stalking, Patience, Loyalty.

Weaknesses: Agility, Speed, Climbing, Swimming, Energy level.

Other: Chordata

Edited at March 31, 2020 06:40 AM by Cardinal
New Beginnings~semi-literate~Lion (Open)March 31, 2020 09:11 AM

Sir Froggington

Posts: 17574
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accepted @Cardinal

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