Wolf Play : End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!
08:05:48 Kat ?
I think my explore doesn't suck anymore :D
 Insane Sanity
08:05:45 Insane | Sanity
For anyone who missed him, here is the inbred Heavyweight Axanthic Divine Health +57 Hero with Obedient disposition that I chose to customize xD

-WP Click-
 Ninjago Realm
08:05:39 Waterfall,Zane,Nya
I mean id forget and fuck my self over XD like today I swore I saw my brother in the kitcken maybe it was my aunt ? maybe it was dream but My brain cant handle moding XD
08:05:02 Fei the writer
Midnight Hunters
thank you
Why is text lingo not aloud?
08:04:15 she/her
recently i've realized that i absolutely don't have the patience to be a mod
Fei, okay, I apologize for the mixup. Like I said earlier I will try to do better on not text talking.
08:03:11 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
@Night Walker

Go Ahead! Just realized he's a 10th gen from his daddy's doing and it's another reason for me to hate him. XD
 Ninjago Realm
08:02:30 Waterfall,Zane,Nya
@ Demon I mean if others are mean to me yes or if they say anti LGBTQ stuff or factulty wrong then I do XD but I just dislike seeing mods being harrased for doing thier job expecal when its mod friend #2
I used to not care, I wish I still didn't it makes things so much harder xD
08:02:24 Fei the writer
Midnight Hunters
you didn't spell out:

1) Never mind
2) I don't know
 Tropical Pickle
08:02:21 Tropickle
@Sateda hahaha Yessss I had a few really profitable breeding wolves
Ok @serpents I don't need this right now. I know we aren't supposed to, we were in the same book, but on different chapters.
 Insane Sanity
08:01:48 Insane | Sanity
Personally, I don't care too much about whether a wolf is inbred or not if it's not from my alpha line. I want to keep that clean.
 The Night Walker
08:01:48 Anemoia/Aedra
I missed the dumdum! I'm gonna stalk if you don't mind :3
 Tropical Pickle
08:01:46 Tropickle
Ohhh I totally didn't check whether he was a G1 custom. My bad. Completely forgot that existing wolves could be customized lol
You've been around forever xD

Fallen Crebain's bio is a huge throwback. 1 breeding for 3000 mush OR 15 apples. They were so cheap back then xD
 Ninjago Realm
08:01:20 Waterfall,Zane,Nya
Zane Julien growls at ghosts.

Mood: Wary would argue but he dose have a sixths sense so I mean
 Insane Sanity
08:01:08 Insane | Sanity
He might be inbred but he'll make one heck of a battle wolf ^^
08:01:02 Fei the writer
Feel free to block


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End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 25, 2021 03:08 PM

Former Pack

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No worries! I'll get him up soon
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:08 AM

Former Pack

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reserve a male luxebrism?
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:27 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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Sorry, the Luxebrisum are taken... you can reserve any other aside from Fulgurum, Vitemum, and the Mixkling though!
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:40 AM

Former Pack

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damn :')
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:41 AM

Former Pack

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male aero, then?
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:42 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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Reserved! Sorry about that-
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:43 AM

Former Pack

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it's alright, lmao. air's close enough to light to not have to change my character a ton ^^
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:56 AM

Lost Memories

Posts: 8895
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Reserve an Acqui and a soldier, please!
End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 09:58 AM

Dark Matter

Posts: 11487
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End of War | Literate | Sign Ups | Open!August 26, 2021 10:26 AM

Former Pack

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aurelien chevalier thibaut


lien, chev


22 years old [ February 11th ]


male (he/him/his)


closeted bisexual leans towards men


magum soldier





aurelien is a tall young man, reaching a staggering height of 7'6" and weighing at about 210 pounds. his body is that of a sturdy rectangle, with a few sweet curves to his forearms and calves. his legs are longer than his torso, aiding in his almost deer-like appearance. his fingers are skinny, and several callouses dot his palms.

his face shape is that of an oval, with a softer jawline and low cheekbones. his skin tone is a light cream with warmer undertones, like warm golden rays. flecks of dark freckles are scattered in no particular pattern across his shoulders and nose. his hooded, powdery blue eyes are speckled with darker hues, reminding one of the summer skies. they're framed with light lashes, and crowned with thin and slightly arched eyebrows. his lips are bow-shaped and are a light peachy color, and are almost always pursed in thought.

a curly mop of dirty blonde hair reaches just below his earlobes, messily styled as if he ran his fingers through his hair once and decided it looked decent. a single curl falls in his face and to the right, and it never lays down flat.

he has a clean-shaven face due to not very fertile hair glands.

his clothing choice is very plain, as one would say. he prefers lighter and cooler colors to the darks and warms. a thin white shirt underneath a sleeved periwinkle blue surcoat with a leather belt and silver clasps on his body, with white pants and black leather boots. A simple silver chain hangs from his neck, tucked into his shirt.



aurelien is a quiet and gentle soul. he's soft-spoken and is a true neutral, preferring to do whatever he feels without much influence from others around him. he has a flat expression most of the time, and this can cause him to be unapproachable. however, despite this, he is quite kind if someone were to begin talking to him.

he seems to never be able to find the right words and often becomes embarrassed when he stutters (as he does when he's nervous), and tends to shut down and become reclusive. however, he'll eventually come out of this mood and will continue on as if nothing happened.

aurelien prefers the quiet stillness of his own thoughts to the conversations of others, but won't hesitate to come out of his daydreams to discuss things he finds important. he has been described as a deep thinker, and will often drift off in thought, even during intense situations. because of this, his body will often go on autopilot, moving and doing things without his full consciousness.

he has an iron will and won't allow any to pull him from the path he treks, often shutting them out if they say something he does not want to hear, much to their dislike. be warned; he doesn't do this to try and hurt anyone's feelings, he just doesn't want to question his beliefs and his thoughts to be infected with someone else's.

he believes he is right and will stand by his decisions 'til the very end. some have described him as stubborn, and they may very well be correct. if someone pushes back, he'll list all of the ways they're wrong without holding back, perhaps even throwing in a couple of insults about their intelligence along the way.

despite his quiet and somewhat rude demeanor, he has retained his almost innocent wonder from his childhood. this can distract him at the worst of times, causing his brain to hop from one train of thought to the next with no hesitation. he finds nature, specifically avian creatures, fascinating. in his free time, he can be found catching small birds and humanely studying them (ie drawing them and trying to map out their anatomy), watching butterflies flit to and fro, and convincing bats to swoop closer overhead by tossing dead crickets into the air.



his perseverance is what drives him, along with his iron will and indifference to other's opinions about him and his own thoughts. he is quite intelligent and knows about several herbs, including ones that have healing properties and ones that have much more negative ones.


aurelien is not very much the athletic type, preferring to stick to the back during conflict and aid in battle by helping teammates and throwing tips at them. he is not easily approachable, as mentioned before, and can come across as obnoxious to some. due to some traumatic experiences as a child, when confronted with specific things, he can freeze up and won't be able to function properly.


aurelien enjoys the smell of firewood burning, high places, and his parents.


he dislikes the company of strangers and those who disagree with his methods, loud and sudden noises, and large canines.


aurelien has a heart-stopping fear of large bodies of water, specifically rushing rapids, large dogs, and wasps.


family and relationships with others

flavius, his father. he died before aurelien was born, leaving him and his mother to fend for themselves.

mirabelle, his mother, was a kind and gentle older woman. unfortunately, she rarely had time for her only son and hired a housemaid to take care of him.

risette, the housemaid of the thibauts. since the age of 5, aurelien was raised and cared for by risette, who became something like a second mother to him.



hailing from a family of nobles, the thibauts were once a wealthy and powerful family, close to the queen.

that was until their magic was discovered.

their popularity plummeted as they were quickly imprisoned and executed, the humans afraid of the power they possessed. they thought that they had rid of all of them, but one young woman, her stomach swollen with babe. hidden away and changing her identity, mirabelle gave birth to her son, but she could not care for him fully. using the remaining money she owned, she hired a housemaid by the name of risette to aid her in the education and care of aurelien.

as time went on, mirabelle began to fell in love with risette, who didn't care of mirabelle's magum heritage. of course, they couldn't be open about it, but rather remained passing it off as master and maid.

as aurelien grew older, his magic showed itself, and he was immediately taken away to be registered in the queen's list of magum. soon, he was put into the magum soldier program, and hasn't seen his mothers since.


roleplay example

"Whisp entered the den's clearing, where several pretty wolves were milling about, showing off their magic skills or cleaning. He saw his sister covered in leaf and vine bandages, being lead by his older siblings. He flattened his ears, lowering his head. What he didn't need right now was her being obnoxious and his siblings' scornful eyes. He trotted past them, towards the Main Den.

Peering his head in, he called out. "Mother?"

Glowing globes of pure magic lined the floors of the den, filling it with a warm, soft light. One of the gifts of the Alpha, Butterscotch Swirl.

He saw his mother laying down among a pile of scrolls, one of which was rolled open. A silver and hickory pup laid beside her, a peregrine falcon perched on her head, peering at Whisp and Adina with dark brown eyes. It was the new pup, introduced to the pack a couple of days ago. Love Is A Dagger, he believed. His mother was murmuring words to the pup, who yawned sleepily and curled up. The falcon hopped down, cuddling in between the pup's paws.

His mother stood, gently shaking off the moss that clung to her fur, and gave the pup a quick lick on the head. She turned and spotted her son. "Whisper," she said softly, nodding. She trotted towards him, and he backed out of the cave. Better to let the pup sleep.

"My apologies, my son. Lamentis demanded me to read to her," she said, flicking one ear to the pup. She scanned behind Whisp, and he felt his heart jolt as he thought Frost had followed them.

"Where is the cat?" she said, and Whisp let out a sigh.

"We left him behind," he said sheepishly, before quickly correcting himself at her thunderous expression.

"B-but for good reason, Mother! After Frost attacked Karma, he said something like, "Mess with the cat, you get the claws," and then he mentioned someone named Mia and three annoying furballs," he said, gasping for breath. Truth looked at him with a curious expression.

Whisp glanced back at Adina, and she nodded, bumping his snout with her head. "We think he may have killed his family," he finished, turning back to look at his mother. Her expression shifted, ever so slightly, but he caught it.

It was a look of sadness, of disbelief.

A look of fear."



he once was caught eating fish food.

Edited at September 2, 2021 08:04 AM by The Dragonborn

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