Wolf Play : Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!
04:30:40 Amy
Huh...didn't you say you are going on a vacation?
 Thundering Embers
04:30:18 Thunder,Ember
You have logged in 367 days in a row.
You earned: Black Bead 1

Happy 1year anniversary to me lol
 Doomsday Blue
04:16:16 Doom (they/them)
Gonna cry now
 Bambie Thug
04:15:10 Bambie (they/them)
Moving already
 Bambie Thug
04:14:58 Bambie (they/them)

Wasn't a vacay
04:14:44 Amy
Good night!
Its 11am for me
04:14:10 Rev
Do it!

Also goodnight (or morning it 6 am for me XD)
04:13:48 Amy
So your vacation is coming to an end...how was it
 Doomsday Blue
04:13:00 Doom (they/them)
It's my last day in Finland 😭😭😭
04:10:38 Amy
Same...i stand with team black
Maybee i should make a Caraxes themed custom
04:08:32 Rev
Sunfyre is the best, that's not even up for debate u.u

Although I'm more team black than green
04:05:35 Amy
I thought so but i am biased towards rhaegal XD

My favourite of dragons is Caraxes though
04:02:59 Rev
Teine is also a dragon, but from another book. The Emperyans (I think that's it's called in English)
04:02:01 Amy
Go with Rhaegal
04:00:47 Rev
But right now I'm more inclined to change his name to Rhaegal or Teine and make a green custom
-WP Click-

Would be a nice private stud
03:58:28 Amy
With beeing axantic and DH i think you can look past the ratings
03:56:27 Rev
03:56:18 Rev
I only wish his vitals were better, then I could custom him
-WP Click-
03:55:48 01
just wondering do I go to sales chat if im offering something for free TvT
03:54:50 Amy
Giving up is not an option XD


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Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 06:11 PM


Posts: 86
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Didn't see this before the pms, but I believe that's just fandoms! So you'd be alright in that case

Nirvana_Sky said:
No I haven't seen it. Crap if it's like this I would be in trouble.. Or is that fandoms.. I'll reserve ya 90% and would you like adog just in case anything happens to one character since it's a survival and futuristic roleplay?

Insomnia said:
Have you seen the animation "Eighty-Six" on YouTube? Also I'd like to reserve a 70% or 90% wolfdog if possible! I have an OC who I think would be great for this rp, he's definitely wolf in stature but has some unique markings. OC

Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 06:58 PM


Posts: 86
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✪Name: Ranger
✪Age: 6 Years Old
✪Gender: Male
✪Breed: Wolf 90% and Leonberger 10%
✪Percent if wolfdog: 90%
175lbs, 3ft tall, 6ft long
Ranger comes off as grumpy and as asshole at first, and becomes more tolerable as you get to know him. He has a poor tendency to often judge others based on how useful they are rather than their personality, but give him time and he might come around. He has a small tolerance margin for being challenged, and will be quick to remind them of their place. He's possessive of what believes to be his. He throws his weight around when needed and isn't shy to bare his teeth. His nickname "Badger" comes from his ferocious badger like behavior, who will fight as a first resort when cornered. And of course from his striking badger mask.
Notably very loyal, if you've gained his trust and loyalty he will always be there for you. Ranger can be considered as deeply troubled, so he values the relationships he makes with others and will always defend them, be it their honor or to protect them physically.
While Ranger has a tendency to think in a black and white way, he'll listen to reason if there's logic behind it. He'll go solo on something if he thinks he can do it alone as he enjoys solitude. Not to say he doesn't enjoy the company of others, he does. But he also values the importance of having time to oneself.
Although very scarcely, Ranger can be a bit of a flirt, or at least charismatic. This is usually only in terms of someone he's close with, and is a friendly interaction rather than that of a romantic desire. He certainly doesn't see himself as one to be in a relationship, and has no real desire for it. He is not however, entirely closed off from the possibility of it. If it happens, it happens, is his mindset for most things. He doesn't like to spend his time wondering about will or won't happen, he lives in the present.
Despite his social and behavioral problems, Ranger will always step up for the greater good of those around him. He takes his position to heart with the desire to keep them safe and thriving. He'll never hesitate to put himself in the way of something to protect them. He can be harsh when scolding others for doing something dumb or dangerous, but hopes they know it's from a place of preservation and care.
✪Strengths: Size, Strategist, level-headed in stressful situations, brute when needed, reliable.
✪Weaknesses: Slower runner, asshole attitude, black & white thinking, likes solitude
✪Mate: N/A, can develop through rp.
✪Crush: Open, pm me to Discuss.
✪Offspring: N/A
✪Affiliations: Open, pm me to discuss.
✪Other: Hard to pick, but American Bullies.

Edited at January 16, 2024 03:25 PM by Insomnia
Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 06:59 PM


Posts: 86
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Name: Slim
Age: 4 years old
Gender: Male
Breed: American Bully (XXL)
158lbs, 24" tall
Mate: N/A, can develop through rp.
Crush: Open, pm me to discuss.
Offspring: N/A
Affiliations: Open, pm me to discuss.
Other: Prev. Post

Edited at January 16, 2024 07:49 PM by Insomnia
Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 07:11 PM

Glowing Ambers

Posts: 121
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Name: Benji

Age: 1 1/2yrs
Gender: Male
Breed: Catahoula Whippet Mix


(Credited to me as its my dog)


Benji having spent majority of his life in the sanctuary though he didn't get much opportunities to come out or leave the dog house that they had lived in as her mother was rather protective and strict when it came to exploring and just enjoying being a pup and learning how to survive. For this reason he's a very curious soul not knowing what many things are or what their purpose is. He also struggles with knowing his own strength or sense of direction. Benji is too energetic for his own good as he often gets the zoomies where he has random burst of energy that he needs to let out otherwise he's very antsy. He also struggles to stay still although when given attention he turns into a total potato wanting nothing but love and affection. He's a big hearted softy when you look past the hyper and restless mannerisms that he holds. Towards the later ends of the night he gets extremely drowsy and finds himself drifting and zoning out if he is kept up or resists sleep otherwise he'll be knocked out rather earlier in the night. However he is also cursed with being an extremely light sleeper to the point that if a single thing bumps him or the sun barely gleams in his line of vision he will instantly be awake and unable to go back to his slumber.


Benji was gifted with his incredibly fast limbs being able to sprint fast enough to surpass a Mail man. His skinny frame which he was gifted from his genes of Whippet allowed him to be flexible and able to squeeze in to smaller spaces. His genes of catahoula allowed him to be a great tracked and using his nose to his advantage. Since catahoula's used to be used as dogs to hunt prey and predators such as boar or pheasant he was blessed with the hidden strengths within his slim body with being able to take down an animal of that size although he never actually did.


Benji being only a bit under 2 feet tall made him at a disadvantage to animals bigger than him in size and made it easier for him to overpowered especially with his habit of being rather submissive to those bigger than him that he knew he wouldn't be able to take on in a fight although fighting wasn't in his mindset anyways. Although he was athletic and quick on his feet he lacked coordination and when it came down to it he was pretty clumsy. He also wasn't very observant and would not realise things that were as clear as day. Although he wasn't that bright he made the most of the situation.

Mate: As of right now none but it could change.
Crush: N/a
Offspring: N/a
Affiliations: Open but right now
Other: Benjamin is his full name but he's only ever been called Benji unless his mom was mad at him of course.

Edited at January 12, 2024 07:53 PM by Glowing Ambers
Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 07:46 PM

Glowing Ambers

Posts: 121
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Reserve Wolf-Dog 40%

Edited at January 14, 2024 11:50 AM by Glowing Ambers
Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 07:51 PM


Posts: 1873
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You got it I'm on my phone and cooking so I'll update it later

Glowing Ambers said:
Reserve Wolf-Dog 20%

Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 08:14 PM

Glowing Ambers

Posts: 121
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Name: Quinn

Age: 3 yrs Gender: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Percent wolfdog: 40%


(Credited by me as its my dog)


Quinn is a strong and compassionate female. Her mother having been 60% wolf and her father having been 100% German shepherd had resulted in her being a perfect mixture of docile and vile. Quinn although was big hearted with a soft expression on the outside always showing a caring touch for the other pack members however on the inside she held a more devious and aggressive mannerism. Quinn when put in the situation of fighting or being intimidated she retaliates in a hostile manner wanting to engage in every conflict that has a semi minimalistic value. She'd turn a snarky remark from one pack mate into a full out throw down or she'd end up being passive aggressive by doing things such as putting pricker plants in their moss beds or accidentally tripping them during a patrol or such. Although Quinn did have her soft side, she loved pups and was extremely affectionate towards those who were close to her, not only was she protective and witty but she was determined. Once Quinn had he mind set on something she was stubborn enough to continue on her task even if it wasn't safe just for the fact that she felt to need to stick to her plans. Quinn is kind and generous to those who get close to her however if you end up getting on her bad side it's best to watch out as she doesn't take to enemies lightly and will act out however she sees fit.


Quinn's wolf sized figure that she got from her mother leaves her bulkier than the average dog however thin and slim like her father had been due to the genetic structure of German shepherds. Her size allowed her to take down elk and deer easier than the dogs with no wolf genetics to begin with although she was impressed by some of them as not all of them were weaker than those with the wolf genetics. She was a great tracker designed for killing if she wanted to turn in that direction she always thought she'd be a great assassin with how easily she can hunt down victims and take them out nice and quiet like. She was also great with pups, she hoped to be a mother one day with how great she was with them. She often enjoyed watching them while the others went out if she wasn't assigned to hunting or patrolling. She loved them and was very protective over the pups even if none of them were actually hers.


Quinn has a bad habit of being more of a actions before words kind of gal which doesn't always work in her favor and often can lead to her getting in trouble or acting in the wrong mannerism than what she should have. She also had a bad tedency of not being observant along with jumping to conclusions. She would take someone's harmless words and deem them as offensive or meant to be harmful when they were nothing of the sort. She also could go days without having noticed if a pack member went missing or if a wolf had become pregnant she wouldn't have noticed unless someone mentioned something about it as she was often off in her own world. The only downside to her with her hunting is that her hearing wasn't the best and maybe it was her selective hearing or maybe she was going deaf at a young age but often when she'd be lounging in the pack a member could come up behind her and she wouldn't notice until they'd speak from beside her and at that point she'd usually end up jumping or shaking from being startled. They same situation went for when she was stalking prey she couldn't hear the sounds of the animal from afar and she relied heavily on her sense of smell to do its job well enough so that she didn't really need to hear much anyways.

None at the moment or open!

None at the moment

N/A tho possibly in rp

Matoaka ~ Half Sister (same mother)


Edited at January 14, 2024 11:52 AM by Glowing Ambers
Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 11:03 PM


Posts: 22525
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Reserving 70% WolfDog & A Dog
Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 12, 2024 11:18 PM


Posts: 1873
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You got it

Spellbound said:
Reserving 70% WolfDog & A Dog

Catch Me If You Can (Wolfdog-Dog Rp) Open!January 14, 2024 02:14 AM

Colliewolf pack

Posts: 28
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Can I reserve 70% wolf, 50% wolf, 10% wolf and a dog?

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