Wolf Play : Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPEN
10:52:55 Seo, Pidge
Love how agressive the names are for that situation
 Blood lust tide
10:51:49 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: ⚔️Killswitch challenges Dancing in your blood over a piece of food.
10:49:07 Seo, Pidge
Message glitch
10:48:42 Seo, Pidge
Fall (can I call you that?)
Of course anytime!
 Chaotic Twins
10:46:11 Ryder,Kalian
-WP Click-
paws for her?
i was shocked when i got him first try too!
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:43:01 Unfulfilled / Wish
-WP Click-
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:42:56 Unfulfilled / Wish
Final votes?
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:42:28 Unfulfilled / Wish
He's so pretty!~
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:41:51 Unfulfilled / Wish
It does make sense because I can relate, lol~
10:40:55 Moon
It's horrible. I want to draw the characters in my story that im writing so bad but i can't draw humans and even if i could im afraid that i would make them look horrible and not be able to draw them how i see them in my brain
(that probably makes no sense)
-WP Click-
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:40:03 Unfulfilled / Wish
yall want to seee the wolf i got in wolfparrty last night?
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:39:46 Unfulfilled / Wish
Same here
Every. Single. Day.
10:39:18 Moon
does anyone else get so annoyed when they want to draw something so bad but can't execute it?
Like right now i want to draw one of my human ocs so bad but i literally cant draw humans and it's killing me on the inside
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:35:16 Unfulfilled / Wish
Woah, just realized I sounded desperate--
 Unfulfilled Wish
10:33:50 Unfulfilled / Wish
-WP Click-
 Autumn's Fire
10:32:29 Autumn . . . ?
Bye-bye Chat! :3
10:31:59 Fern|Rock Creek
Hey Seo ^^


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Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 7, 2024 02:22 PM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2637
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Accepted, as for the shifting, rule 10

Edited at June 7, 2024 02:22 PM by SwiftfireClan
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 7, 2024 09:15 PM

Ghosts of Glory

Posts: 611
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Name: Axel (meaning chaos)
Name Pronunciation (If needed): aKsEL
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank and Pack: Rabid (Former Olympus pack fighter)
Personality: Axel has always been a kind wolf. He wants to help others in anyways he can. He's impatient sometimes but will never say a mean word to others. He has high respect for his peers and he deeply cares about the alphas. He often puts his own needs after others, which can be unhealthy for him. He's an awefull people pleaser and is quiet most of the time. Or, well, he used to be like that... The forest changed him. He became a mercyless wolf, scratching trees until they fell blocking the packs from escaping, haunting the old and weary. He found joy in causing chaos, and messed with the packs all day, laughing with joy.
Appearance: boop (image is not mine, credits to the owner)
Strengths: He's a strong fighter, and is fast. His claws are sharp and he can be quite menacing.
Weaknesses: He is still consicous inside that rabid body of his, and is fighting for control against the monster within him, but he loses control sometimes and changes.
Relationships: OPEN
Affiliations: OPEN
Other: He's known as the white wolf under the willowtree. The ghost of grief. His appearance makes him seem ghostly and haunting. He scares pups for fun. He can shift into a white fox aswell.

Edited at June 12, 2024 09:21 PM by Ghosts of Glory
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 8, 2024 08:13 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2637
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Ghosts of Glory said:
Name: Axel (meaning chaos)
Name Pronunciation (If needed): aKsEL
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Rank and Pack: Rabid (Former Olympus pack fighter)
Personality: Axel has always been a kind wolf. He wants to help others in anyways he can. He's impatient sometimes but will never say a mean word to others. He has high respect for his peers and he deeply cares about the alphas. He often puts his own needs after others, which can be unhealthy for him. He's an awefull people pleaser and is quiet most of the time. Or, well, he used to be like that... The forest changed him. He became a mercyless wolf, scratching trees until they fell blocking the packs from escaping, haunting the old and weary. He found joy in causing chaos, and messed with the packs all day, laughing with joy.
Appearance: boop (image is not mine, credits to the owner)
Strengths: He's a strong fighter, and is fast. His claws are sharp and he can be quite menacing.
Weaknesses: He is still consicous inside that rabid body of his, and is fighting for control against the monster within him, but he loses control sometimes and changes.
Relationships: OPEN
Affiliations: OPEN
Other: He's known as the white wolf under the willowtree. The ghost of grief. His appearance makes him seem ghostly and haunting. He scares pups for fun.

Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 8, 2024 09:06 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2637
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Rank and Pack:
Zeta of Crater Pack
Spirit can be strict at some points. He is normally quiet, but sometimes he can raise his voice and be the one in control when others can't. He can be sometimes an introvert, thoughshes very popular in the pack.
Spirit is a black wolf with dull, white spots on chest and legs. His tail-tip is white, and so are his muzzle and ear edges. His paws a a dull white and he has soft, aqua eyes. His body is covered with long, deep scars.
~Shifted Form~
A tall, black-gray fox with a dull white tail tip, paws, muzzle, stomach, and ears. He has soft, aqua eyes and a black-and-pink nose. His back is fully black and he has a black stripe down the middle of his underside.
Being hurt

Edited at June 12, 2024 10:39 AM by SwiftfireClan
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 12, 2024 08:34 AM

Ludicrous Hills

Posts: 112
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Reserving Crater Pack Beta Male and Myst Pack Mother!
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 12, 2024 09:05 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2637
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Ludicrous Hills said:
Reserving Crater Pack Beta Male and Myst Pack Mother!

Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 12, 2024 09:31 AM

Ludicrous Hills

Posts: 112
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Name: Kasjan
Age: 3
Gender: Trans Male**
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rank and Pack: Crater Pack Beta
Personality: Kasjan is a bit of a bully- he's got a firm grip on control and wouldn't hesitate to pull a packmate out of their typical duties if something needed done. He's under the mindset that the pack must need his supervision at all times to be effective, and he's sort of emotionaly disconnected from the others. Still, he would throw himself into the jaws of a badger before letting any harm come to the pack, despite how stern and prickly he seems. And he has a soft spot for pups and trainees, and tries not to teach them his brash, snippy behaviors.
Appearance: An average-sized brute with long legs, standing at about 31" at the shoulder. His coat is thick and fluffy and due to constantly bristling, gives him the appearance of a larger canine. He is a silvery, dark-coated individual with a gold eye and a deep brown one that seems to match the reddish-brown belton spotting on his head, throat, shoulder and legs.
Shifted Form: His shifted form is a fluffy red fox with white mitts and a white tail tip. Its eyes are the same as his.
✓ Easy to intimidate others
✓ Focused on the task at hand
✓ A good work ethic with little reserve for sleeping in
✓ Fluffy coat and long legs makes him appear larger to predators and prey (or enemies)
✗ Implulsive, bites first and asks questions later
✗ Holds grudges
✗ Has difficulty accepting when he is the one at fault
✗ Swollen pawpads from endless patrolling
✗ Weak hip from an old injury that sometimes pops out of its socket
Relationships: TBD
Affiliations: N/A
Other: **As he is a trans male, the other beta would need to be a trans female or a cis male if you wanted the betas to be able to produce pups

Edited at June 12, 2024 11:02 AM by Ludicrous Hills
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 12, 2024 10:00 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2637
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Edited at June 12, 2024 10:32 AM by SwiftfireClan
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 12, 2024 10:31 AM

Ludicrous Hills

Posts: 112
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Name: Gardenia
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Rank and Pack: Myst Pack Mother
Personality: Gardenia is a kindred spirit- she was never much good with hunting or fighting, being too anxious and unsure of herself to deliver a killing blow. So she remains amongst the younglings, keeping them out of trouble the best she can, making sure each one of them is warm and safe. Even once a pup is grown, she still holds the same gentle affections for them, and will still correct a wolf in her gentle but stern way long after they've made it to adulthood. If there are pups in the pack, it's likely you'll find them in her immediate sight at all times.
Appearance: A soft, rather stubby-legged damsel standing at only 26" at the shoulder, with a thin but silky coat and a small frame.
Shifted Form: Her shifted form is a small cross fox with stubby legs and piercing amber eyes.
✓ Empathetic towards all that are younger than her
✓ Very protective of younglings
✓ Good at keeping a safe, tidy space for the pups
✓ Watchful and observant
✓ Quick on her feet
✗ Very fragile, prone to minor fractures and cuts
✗ Has little strength
✗ Terrified of large bodies of water, will not swim
✗ Endearing behaviors can be seen as patronizing
Relationships: TBD, I'd like for her to have a mate
Affiliations: N/A
Other: Done!

Edited at June 12, 2024 11:03 AM by Ludicrous Hills
Left in the Dust |Wolf Shifter RP | Sign-ups | OPENJune 12, 2024 10:32 AM

Rogue Wildfires

Posts: 2637
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