Wolf Play : Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/
02:55:53 Rev
That's 3 Axanthic pups in a year. Without intention to breed axanthic lol
 Upstep Pack
02:55:49 the Yellow Pack
What do you think of this wolf?
-WP Click-
02:53:55 Amy
HW Axantic and DH...damn that's my dream wolf right there

Lucky you
 Night Shade
02:53:36 Graves | Chaos
Amy, Fei

I didn't expect a rosewood pup from her. Fog Bank's litters are usually monotone, so the pop of colour and a defect was a surprise. XD
02:52:26 Fei the writer
He is pretty
02:52:00 Rev
-WP Click-
-WP Click-
02:51:56 Amy
Ooo pretty i like how rosewood looks like

I better watch my step then
 Night Shade
02:50:24 Graves | Chaos
Lookie here

-WP Click-
02:48:50 Fei the writer
considering my wolves keep escaping you just might
02:40:33 Amy
She is pretty

Untill i meet Sharp snap and her mother i am okay...thise two would give my pack nightmares XD
02:37:04 Fei the writer
Mystery New Moon's daughter. Only 9 so hopefully you don't see her ;)
-WP Click-
02:33:49 Fei the writer
I had one wolf live to 23 and another to 24 until they died.

If I am right Mystery New Moon lived to 23 and her daughters or daughter still lives lol.

Also Salad has a daughter who is a pup. Looks just like him
02:29:14 Amy
Not fair...my first wolf died when she was just 16 and now Salad is terrorising the rest🤣
02:27:04 Fei the writer
Damn it Salad! Go home! You are 19 almost 20!
02:25:12 Amy
It was Salad
 Blood lust tide
02:23:58 BewareWhoYouTrust
Time sleep its 3 am😅
02:22:28 Fei the writer
what the hell? I already explored with them and we had encountered two packs while exploring.

No idea which groups went off to stalk packs
02:16:08 Amy
Another pack, Feiella, is in the area. You spot each other and approach, hackles raised.

Fei come and get your wolves they got out again XD
02:07:32 Slate, Gray
How did my wolves just chase off the birdwatcher?!!
i love the move that doesnt allow your target to flee makes hunting so much easier for bigger pray


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Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/July 30, 2021 01:32 PM

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High Hills Pack said:

Pack Name: High Hills Pack

Character Name: Cyra "Cheshire" Savaria

Personality: Cyra is described to have a very cold and cunning exterior. She is often found flaunting her power to those lower than her, especially towards the humans. She will, sometimes, even manipulate them just for fun, always wearing a cheshire grin while doing so. Those who are around her do their best to avoid her, in case they just so happen to be the next victim to her “childish” schemes. However, underneath this rough exterior is a quiet and lonely girl who just wishes to be accepted by others. Those who gain her trust or interest will find that she is very awkward when it comes to social interaction. She will often be found reading fantasy books (especially those with romance) while alone.

Age: 217

Appearance: Cyra is relatively average in height, topping off at 5’8” ft. She has long, wine-colored hair that is often kept in a loose ponytail. Long bangs frame her pale cheeks. The right bang ends at her chin while the left one hangs past it, braided. Her teeth are sharp and pearly white, and her eyes are a piercing ruby red that make many feel as if she is looking at their very soul. Two large, scratch-like scars line the bottom of her left cheek and angles towards her left eye. The longer of the two scars stops at the middle of her cheek. The clothes she wears depend on what she is trying to portray herself as. Most of the time, she wears a long, black high neck dress with gold-colored embroidery at the bottom. At the top of the dress, the fabric begins to fade into a rose red. Rose embroidery in a darker shade of red lines the neckline. A golden circlet hides within her hair. The circlet only shows it’s face on her forehead where it arches down to show off it’s three rudies. Black flats line her feet. Her outfit only changes when she wishes to be unnoticed (generally when going into a town to mess with some humans). She will don a ragged black cloak that stops a little after her knees, a grayish vest with short sleeves and a red outlining, and a black jumpsuit. A dark leather belt lines her waist and leather boots protect her feet. Twin swords are strapped to her back when out in public. At all times, she wears a black leather necklace that holds a ruby surrounded by gold. The gold of the necklace is in the shape of the sun, and symbolizes her previous family’s heirloom.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role: Princess

Race: Vampire

Evil or Daring: Evil

Special Ability: She can create illusions that can affect all five senses. However, these illusions need a lot of focus and only one-two people can be affected at a time. This leaves her defenseless to those unaffected by her powers.

Crush or BF: None

Other: -She has a pet phoenix named Solara. She has fiery orange wings, and the phoenix's feathers slowly fade into white flames that wisp abound her form at the tips. Solara is not very strong and can cause nothing but mild burns. However, she often plays the role of protector when Cyra is creating illusions. These two barely ever leave each other’s sides.

-Cyra is quite good at duel wielding twin swords and often chooses to use them over her illusions.

*Hope this bio is alright. I'm looking forward to the roleplay. ^^

Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/July 30, 2021 01:36 PM

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Finnick said:
"The vultures are circling round our heads Majesty, you'd best take your next steps carefully."

Pack Name: Finnick / #240539
Character Name: Goes by Elwynn, an ironic name for such a dark, eerie creature.
Age: Unknown, hundreds of years old.
Gender: Presents as male/masculine, he/him or they/them pronouns can be used.
Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic

Role: Advisor for the Evil faction. He is willing to roll over to the queen... for now... and his wisdom, experience and keen eye make him an asset to the faction. But he is only loyal to those who serve him in return.. It is a shallow level of commitment.

Race (Vampire, Shifter or Demon): Demon - he is also able to shapeshift, but only into one specific "demon form".

Appearance: In his human form, Elwynn takes the form of a man in his late twenties to early thirties. Although his grey-streaked hair, thin build and often slumped posture all serve to make him look older. It is often difficult for humans to pin down exactly how old he looks. Elwynn's human form is unnaturally tall, standing at 6'2 with a lanky, wiry build. Long arms and legs, thin and bony but lined with lean muscle, give him a decievingly fragile appearance. He usually moves slowly, with a steady patience, but when needed he can be very quick and strong, his long-legged strides unnaturally light and stealthy. His hair is a dark wood brown color, generously streaked with pale grey, on the long side but usually brushed back from his face in a messy style. His eyes are arguably his most striking feature, pale icy blue nearing a grey-white in their shade with only a light tint of cerulean. His gaze is very focused and intense, continually surveying his surroundings even when he is seemingly relaxed, an unconcealable reminder of his clever, trickster's nature.

His voice is soft and mid-pitched, soothing and almost melodic. This calming effect is intensified by his notable Irish accent. He almost never yells or strains his voice, and it somehow retains the soothing air even when he is speaking loudly.

His alternate form is a truly majestic creature, one he much prefers to his human one. He appears as a massive horse, slender and tall, perhaps a thoroughbred of some sort. His equine form is pure black in color, without even an undertone of brown or red. If you can make out an undertone in the light, it would be more of a deep, swampy green than any shade of brown. His mane is thick and unusually long, falling over his neck in elegant waves. However, as with his human form, something just feels off about this stunning horse. His eyes remain icy blue, glittering with the same predatory intelligence you can see in his human form. His teeth are just slightly too long, his dark hooves slightly too sharp for comfort, though these things are easily dismissed at first. He bears a wicked set of jagged, eel-like fangs in the front of his mouth, replacing the usual flat teeth of a normal horse. When he dives underwater his true, demonic form is revealed. The skin melts from his skull, leaving only hollow eye sockets and jagged teeth, like shards of glass. His mane and tail is made up of ragged strands of seaweed and kelp, hanging lank and straight. The skin on his body is mainly conserved, but it becomes very shiny, almost oily-looking. His whinny seems to echo, as if from a distance, a ghostly and terrifying sound.
Personality: To the average, innocent bystander, Elwynn would come across as... normal. Too normal. Clever, laid-back, good-humored and intelligent, as well as quick-witted and charming, he comes across as a polite gentleman - if a little distant and quiet at times. One may just write him off as an introvert, easily dismissing any strange behavior. But perceptive individuals may pick up on a strange, eerie sense of... wrongness. Insincerity. There is an intelligence and cunning glinting behind his icy blue eyes, a sharp and predatory nature that is there if you only care to look for it.
Evil or Daring: Evil, but could easily change sides or go rogue completely if it's in his best interest.

Special Abilities
- Shapeshifting into his horse/kelpie form (he can also communicate telepathically with humans in this form) However he does not have the trap of tarlike skin as described in legends, and must grab and drag humans under the water with his sharp teeth, like some demonic crocodile.
- Unnatural speed and stealth, as well as heightened senses (which comes with being a demon.) As well as excellent night vision.
- The ability to swim with incredible speed and strength, as well as to breathe underwater and remain there for extended periods of time.

Crush or BF/GF: N/A
Other: N/A

Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 1, 2021 12:48 PM


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Pack Name: Monachus (#253414)
Character Name: Elijah Yolle
Personality: Elijah is a quiet fellow. He prefers to watch and listen rather than to interrupt his surroundings. And this calm and observant demeanor of his does not change much when he is in the company of others. But people that know him have come to recognize Elijah as a great mediator, a friend who they can confide in, and even a perfect look-out when they are sneaking around. Overall, hes just someone who they can rely on when times get tough.
Age: Early one hundreds
Appearance: Elijah has light colored skin baring very few serious scars (despite his occupation) and his hair is short and wavy, a mix between dirty blonde and a dull shade of brown. He has eyes that are grey like thick settling fog that always seem to be watching those within his vicinity. And despite Elijah being tall, he doesn't tend to loom over others, rather he seeps into the background, more like a shadow or a ghost. As far as clothing goes, he typically wears white button downs and dark or dull colored leggings, always accompanied by a pair of sturdy but well worn leather boots.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gray Pansexual
Role: Warrior (Or healer if it is needed)
Race (Vampire, Shifter or Demon): Shifter
Evil or Daring: Daring
Special Abilities:
Elijah can shift into a eurasian jay and has an affinity with most bird species which he uses to his advantage quite often. If he doesn't notice something, he's usually a dozen or so pair of eyes to catch what he's missed.
Crush or BF/GF: Open
Elijah is a natural green-thumb and he prides himself in his gardening capabilities. At his place of residence, which he refers to as his roost, Elijah tends to an impressive garden that he has built up over the years.
Aside from that, Elijah is just overall very observant, he rarely misses the smallest changes and inconsistencies of his surroundings which has proven time and time again to be a life saving skill for him.

Edited at August 1, 2021 06:14 PM by Monachus
Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 1, 2021 01:47 PM


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Pack Name: DreamBig
Character Name:Arrow
Personality:Arrow is a coldhearted girl. She loves to fight and kill anyone she can. She loves starting fights and she attacks anyone she can without getting in trouble. She doesn't fully trust the queen but still stands by her side.
Age: Unknown but looks to be around 19
Appearance: Arrow has midnight black hair that falls to her lowerback. She usually has it in a high ponytail or a bun so her hair does not get in her face. Arrow stands at about 5'7 and is quite fit. She has dark red eyes that can sometimes glow in the dark and she has many tattoos on her body.
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bi
Race: Shifter
Evil or Daring: Evil
Special Abilities: Arrow can shift into a gaint black panther and when she does it heightens all of her senses.
Crush or BF/GF: Message me
Other: She has a pet dire wolf by the name of Eclipse
Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 1, 2021 04:31 PM


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Pack Name: Monachus (#253414)
Character Name: Raleigh Dermont
Personality: Raleigh is a fiery, passionate individual with a decent heart and knack for getting into sticky situations. She's head strong and quite oppinionated for the most part despite trying to keep an open mind. And although she is reasonably clever, she doesn't always make the best decisions; she's noticeably impulsive much of the time, saying things she doesn't mean and doing things that she'll regret later. Additionally, she's never one to back down from a fight, even if she knows she'll lose, it's about the principle of the matter for her. So overall, she's pretty difficult to deal with but if you're with her, she'll have your back no matter what. And if you are against her... pray that she doesn't find you alone.
Age: 24 years
Appearance: Raleigh has black, wavy hair that falls just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a dark brown, chocolatey color. She stands at a height of about 5'7'' and is quite lithe, often carrying herself in a spry yet purposeful manner, always seeming to be going somewhere. She's often seen wearing loose blouses that typically come in blacks and reds and she tends to wear tight jeans or very short shorts.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, masculine leaning
Role: Warrior
Race (Vampire, Shifter or Demon): Shifter
Evil or Daring: Daring
Special Abilities: Shapeshifting into mink, Raleigh can get into tight spaces and is quite agile on her feet. She has a keen sense of smell and nasty temper that drives her instincts to kill.
Crush or BF/GF: Open
Other: She is very fond of animals in general, but has yet to establish any as a pet of hers.
Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 2, 2021 05:36 PM

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All ones above are accepted
Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 2, 2021 10:56 PM

After judgement

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Pack name: After judgement
Character name: Shade Nightmare
Personality: she acts a lot like a child most the time but she has an aura of fear around her that takes away from her child like charm
looks she is always warring dresses normally red ones or black. She is maybe 4foot has pitch black eyes and ruby red lips her skin is smooth and she smells of nightshade and roses.
Age looks 10 actual age around 1000 years
Race: demon (shadow demon half other half unknown)
Sexuality: bisexual mostly (doesn't normally show interest)
Role: healer
Special abilities: vanishes in shadows also known as shadow hide healing touch can heal almost any wound, fear aura the longer your around them the more scared you get makes healing hands hard to use.
Crush none
History she was once some one important but no one rememberes what or who she was not even her after she suffered memory loss. When it was discovered she had a healing touch she became a sought after healer but her fear aura made healing major wounds hard to do. Often resulting in the person running away screaming when she was finished. She always wares a smile though and everyone able to know her without letting her aura affect them love her.
Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 4, 2021 06:49 AM

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Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 4, 2021 06:58 AM

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Supernatural Rp/ Vampires and Shape-shifters/ Kingdom Based/August 12, 2021 08:39 PM

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