Wolf Play : A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]
 Meliora Wolves
06:44:59 crow (he/they/zae)
-Click- tis a band :3
06:44:58 Kat ?
Hey! ^^
 Sea Coast
Hi! Kat!
 Continental Wolves
06:43:56 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
06:43:54 Kat ?
Unfortunately I do not understand the reference :(
 Meliora Wolves
06:43:29 crow (he/they/zae)
i wanna say 'maelstrom blvck reference' but nobody's gonna know what im talking about
06:43:27 Kat ?
Personally, I don't like showering in thunderstorms just because with my luck something bad would happen, but I feel like if you shower in-between thunderstorms, or at least at a time where there's no thunder, you should be fine. I mean, I don't think anything bad would happen, but what if?
06:42:03 Kat ?
She kinda sucks but she has a maelstrom pelt e.e
-WP Click-
06:41:43 Vana
My mother :| I'm 20 and still listening to what my mom told me at 8 years old.

Well where I am at we have a thunderstorm now and the next 3 days. And I try to shower every other day.
06:41:05 Waterfall,Zane,Pixal
anyone up to rp pm me
-WP Click-
 Sea Coast
Doing good. Thanks for asking!
06:40:09 Kat ?
I mean, there's a risk, but I've showered in thunderstorms and survived.
06:39:57 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Its weird not having a fancy palette and normal cursor lol
 The Knight Walkers
06:39:34 1Knightstar1
Sea Coast

Im good Sea, how are you?
 Meliora Wolves
06:39:08 crow (he/they/zae)
i've showered multiple times during a thunderstorm and been absolutely fine. where the hell did you hear that 😭
 Sea Coast
How are you?
06:38:13 Vana
Is it true I cannot shower during a thunderstorm or is that some old wives tale?
 The Knight Walkers
06:37:59 1Knightstar1
 Sea Coast


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A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 26, 2021 07:44 AM

Former Pack

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For as long as anyone can remember, wolves have roamed the land. Most have been Lone Wolves, but now, there are three packs. These packs are very new, but are they meant to stay? These packs are composed of Lone Wolves that have joined together, but do these Lone Wolves have what it takes to really be a pack?Together they will have to face battles, sicknesses, famine, and many other things.
Will the packs truly be stronger together?
Will they be torn apart?
But, most importantly...
Where do your loyalties lie?

Advertisement thing:

For as long as anyone can remember, wolves have roamed the land. There are three new packs, however. But are they meant to stay? These packs are all made of Lone Wolves. But will they truly be stronger together?

Will they be torn apart?

But, most importantly...

Where do your loyalties lie?

Edited at July 27, 2021 07:23 AM by Oblivion
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 26, 2021 07:59 AM

Former Pack

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Rp Rules

1) All of Eve's rules.
2) 5+ sentances per post. We need stuff to go off of.
3) please use good grammar. I don't mind the occasional misspelled word (I understand autocorrect), but please don't say u instead of you.
4) try to be active, at least two posts a week. PM me if you won't be online for awhile though.
5) if you read these, put your hobby in other.
6) be descriptive in your sign up, I'll use it to see if your be a good fit for the RP
7) Don't get mad if I don't accept you. Please
8) This RP isn't exactly realistic, so feel free to have a wolf that is bright red, but don't expect them to be an amazing hunter. (Bright red would just be... Yeah...)
9) no perfect characters.
10) there is a maximum of five characters per person.
11) Reservations last for 24 hours (more or less, it depends on the closest time to that that I can update it)

Pack Rules

These apply to all packs.
1) Obey the Alpha at all times
2) Protect the pups. They are our future.
3) Never hide food from the Pack
4) Put the Pack before yourself
5) don't be an idiot (not an official rule, just common knowledge)

Note: If you really really want to, you can break the Pack rules. But you will be punished by one of the Alpha pair. But if you break the RP rules, you will get a warning. Three warning and you will be kicked from the RP.

Also, these rules may change at any time. Check them regularly.



Edited at August 2, 2021 09:10 AM by Oblivion
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 26, 2021 08:14 AM

Former Pack

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Pack of the Southern Shore

Commonly known as: South Shore Pack
This pack lives along a beach surrounded by thick forests. This pack lives farther South than the other packs and doesn't encounter Lone Wolves quite as often.
The beach is very large, seeming like it stretches from one edge of the sky to the other. The forest beyond it is full of prey and the wolves feel safe in their camp, which is located at the edge of the forest between some large bushes at the bottom of a small cliff. Just outside the camp is a bit of flat land with not as many trees as the rest of the forest. There is a stream that runs to a nearby lake with fresh water.

Pack of the Eastern Plains

Commonly known as: East Plains Pack
This pack resides at the edge of the forest in the plains. This area is quite flat, with only a few hills that aren't really near, and some mountains far in the distance. You can see for miles in every direction on a clear day. The plains aren't their only home though. Like the other two packs, the East Plains Pack has a share in the immense forest. The forest is where the make their camp.
Their camp is in a small clearing lined with shrubs and thick forest. There is a rather large rock at one edge of the clearing that is used for shade. They dug out a bit of a hill and have seen inside of it. They also have a camp in the plains, in case they can't get to the forest for some reason. The plains camp is rather barren, with only a few shrubs for defense.

Pack of the Northern Stones

Commonly known as: North Stone Pack
This pack lives in the mountains North of the forest. The forest is all around the mountain they call home. At the foot of this mountain, there is a well hidden cave that leads to a large open space. There are wide ledges lessons to the dens. This is where they make their camp.
This Pack has a rather large share in the forest, seeing as they practically live in it. They encounter more Lone Wolves than the other two packs, and frequently have to cause them away.

The Lake

The Lake is in the middle of the forest. It is in each of the three territories, allowing all three packs to have fresh water at all times. A lot of prey comes here, and sometimes the packs simply don't hunt as they already have A lot of food in the plentiful forest. The Lake is a mostly peaceful place.

Edited at July 26, 2021 10:00 AM by Oblivion
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 26, 2021 10:27 AM

Former Pack

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South Shore Pack Pack

Alpha M -
Alpha F -
Beta M -
Beta F -
Guards -
Hunters -
Novices -
Mothers -
Pups -

East Plains Pack

Alpha M -
Alpha F -
Beta M -
Beta F -
Healers -
Guards -
Hunters -
Novices -
Mothers -
Pups -

North Stone Pack

Alpha M - Oak (Oblivion)
Alpha F - Famine (Desire of the Hills)
Beta M -
Beta F -
Guards -
Squirrel (Oblivion)
Hunters -
Novices -
Mothers -
Pups -
Seya (Dragonpipe)
Stormy Rain Water (Desire of the Hills)
Yang (Dragonpipe)

Edited at August 24, 2021 08:30 AM by Oblivion
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 26, 2021 11:04 AM

Former Pack

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Sign Up Sheet

Name -
Gender -
Age -
Appearance - (No wings or horns or anything like that. But weird colors are fine),
Personality -
Rank -
Relationships - (crush, enemies family, etc)
A Quote by Them - (Because yes)
Other -

Edited at July 27, 2021 08:27 AM by Oblivion
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 26, 2021 11:15 AM

Former Pack

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You can now post. Have fun.

Edited at July 27, 2021 07:05 AM by Oblivion
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 27, 2021 08:27 AM

Former Pack

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Name - Oak
Gender- male
Age- 7
Appearance -
Oak is a brown wolf with white on his paws, tail and ears. He has a darker brown stripe on his muzzle. He has blue eyes. His shoulder is black with white spots. He has some dark brown spots all over him.
Personality -

Oak is an annoying wolf at times. Because he is the Alpha, he feels that he gets to make the rules, but he has to remind himself that he is responsible for every other wolf in the pack. He never really wants to annoy other wolves but does it anyways.

Oak, while annoying, is rather kind when he is in a good mood. Being around pups always manages to lift his spirits. He always tries to be cheerful, but he can never really shake the feeling that, if he fails at his task, the whole pack could suffer. The packs are so new and he doesn't want them to fail. He probably spends more time in the nursery than most other wolves, just watching them as they grow into wolves that he will someday be proud of.

Oak is incredibly loyal, and would do anything for his friends. He would fight until his last breath for those he loves. Though he doesn't have many friends, most of which are dead anyways, Oak would do everything he could to make sure they were okay. If anything goes wrong, Oak would almost certainly take it upon himself to fix it.

Oak is an adventurous wolf who loves a challenge. He never backs down, but that often means he gets injured more than most. Now that he's an Alpha, he's trying to not go off on his own, but he still is hoping for an adventure soon. Though sometimes, being an Alpha is an adventure itself.

North Stone Pack
Alpha Male
Relationships -
Oak's only living friends are Squirrel and Winter. Since he's been alone most of his life, he doesn't know many wolves. (Squirrel and Winter will be created later ;-;)
Quote by Them -
"If I won't, who will?"
Other- I love drawing
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 27, 2021 09:06 AM

Former Pack

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Name - Basil
Gender - Female
Age - 7
Appearance - Basil has a dusty brown coat with veins of a darker brown on her back. The older wolf has gray fur dotting her muzzle and undersides. She has bright emerald green eyes and a jet-black nose. Her build is somewhat stocky, yet lean. Her muzzle is longer than most wolves and her back right paw is black.
Personality - Basil is wise, but she will not hesitate to speak her opinion and will make herself heard. She enjoys being by the water and watching the calm, knowing that currents are raging beneath the surface. It reminds her that not everything is like it seems. She is not very strong or fast, but makes up for it with intelligence.
Pack- South Shore
Rank - Beta Female
Relationships - I'll do this when more people join.
A Quote by Them - "Mistrust can tear a pack apart." To the Beta Male about the conflict rising inside of the pack.
Other - She has been offered the position of alpha female many times, but Basil has refused it time and time again.
Name - Parsley
Gender - Female
Age - 2
Appearance - Parsley is a black wolf with chocolate brown streaks and a white belly. She has dark yellow eyes and a black nose. Parsley is stocky, she has a larger body than most wolves and plenty of powerful muscle. Of course that means Parsley isn't very agile or fast, but she's very strong.
Personality - Parsley is hot-headed, but cold to most wolves, even those in her pack. If she warms up to you, you've got a friend for life unless you betray her. She's bold and careless, which is a dangerous mix and that often ends going terribly wrong.
Pack- North Stone
Rank - Hunter
Relationships - She has a sister called Torrent. I'll do this when more people join.
A Quote by Them - "Why should I risk myself for them? They would never would." To Torrent about saving a wolf from another pack.
Other -
Name - Juniper
Gender - Male
Age - 2
Appearance - (No wings or horns or anything like that. But weird colors are fine),
Personality -
Pack- East Plains
Rank - Healer
Relationships - He has a friend named Blaze. I'll do more when more people join.
A Quote by Them - "They need me. I must go." To his friend Blaze about joining the East Plains Pack.
Other - I have so many, but these are a few. I do fencing, golf, horse back riding, reading, drawing, painting, and cooking.

Edited at July 28, 2021 09:06 AM by Crimson Dawn
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 27, 2021 10:41 AM

Former Pack

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Name -
Gender -
Age -
Appearance - (No wings or horns or anything like that. But weird colors are fine),
A pure white wolf with crystal blue eyes.
Personality -
A very nice, calm wolf. She is very kind to everyone, regardless of pack or status.
She's not sure yet as she travels around and doesn't stay in one place very often.
Rank -
(Not sure yet)
Relationships - (crush, enemies family, etc)
She has a brother called Yang.
A Quote by Them - (Because yes)
"It's okay if you want to go, but I'll still come looking for you." Quote to her brother.
Other -
She is also known as "the wandering white wolf".
(Hopefully this is okay!)
A Question of Loyalty [Wolf RP] [Sign Ups] [OPEN]July 27, 2021 11:54 AM

Lucid Insanity

Posts: 1224
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May I reserve the beta female for the North Stones Pack?

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