Wolf Play : { V E N N E N U M } - Characters & RP Information
10:29:37 Seo, Pidge
10:29:28 Fern|Rock Creek
Geodes in the hidden falls if anyone wants :)
 Autumn's Fire
10:26:48 Autumn . . . ?
 Autumn's Fire
10:26:35 Autumn . . . ?
Holy shit, what is with my spelling tonight? I think I'd better log off for that . . .
10:26:25 Seo, Pidge
I mean- if you want to spell it out everytime
 Autumn's Fire
10:24:29 Autumn . . . ?
Seo means Search Engine Optimization. So, technically, can I call you Search Engine Omptimization, please?
10:24:04 Seo, Pidge
For sure lol!!
 Autumn's Fire
10:23:34 Autumn . . . ?
Sure! I'll add it to my Nickname list . . .
speaking of which, can I give you a nickname? I was thinking "Engine", because seo means engine.
10:22:21 Seo, Pidge
Fall (can I call you that?)
Of course anytime!
10:22:16 Exist / Kuskyn
-WP Click-
Come on give me them puppies xD
 Autumn's Fire
10:22:04 Autumn . . . ?
Can I rant tomorrow sometime? My fingers hurt for tonight, lol~
 Liminal Space
10:20:50 Liminal Space
should I change my wolves names to Backrooms entities?
 Autumn's Fire
10:20:03 Autumn . . . ?
Actually? Bet!
10:18:59 Seo, Pidge
I for real would. Pm me any time you wanna rant. I like mail :)
 Autumn's Fire
10:18:08 Autumn . . . ?
Awh, thank you! You should hear me rant about Taylor Swift or something I'm into.
 Autumn's Fire
10:17:30 Autumn . . . ?
Are you talking about a male dragon's . . .
10:16:44 Seo, Pidge
In the best way possible. I think you should start writing news paper or online articles (debate ones or the make you think opinionated ones)
 Autumn's Fire
10:16:40 Autumn . . . ?
Imagine Dragons are utterly captivating. They have a forceful way of expressing certain feelings. A good example of this would be "Believer".
But . . . why do people love them?
Weren't you listening fellow self?
it's because they are strikingly similar to our favourite artists and they have an exceptional group of "Fire Breathers", the fans call themselves.

I dunno what more to talk about. Imagine Dragons aren't really my style.
10:15:00 Meek Meek

when I think of imagine dragons, I think of imagine dragon deez nuts across your face.

Bad joke I know...
 Autumn's Fire
10:12:53 Autumn . . . ?
When people say "Imagine Dragons", what do you think about? Do you imagine them, or do you imagine Imagine Dragons? Well, I'll provide you an answer:

First, let's talk about Imagine Dragons itself.
Why do people hate/love them?
Firstly, Imagine Dragons are hated because the people who hate on them because they turn their indifference toward Imagine Dragons into hate, causing disruptions at almost every concert or commenting rude things. Why? Because, for one factor that causes me to hate them as well, they take other people's songs and make they utterly better, which makes me like them. Say, if they take one of Taylor Swift's songs and make it 'better', would you not listen to it to determine which singer is better at the original song? This is what makes people sucked into their songs. Plus, you've got the rhythm. When you start craving to listen to an upbeat, sentimental song, where do you fly to? (Ha, no pun intended)
Imagine Dragons, of course.r


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Forums > Roleplay > Characters

{ V E N N E N U M } - Characters & RP InformationMarch 14, 2017 10:32 PM


Game Moderator
Posts: 5609
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[ [ B ~ A ~ N ~ D ~ I ~ C ~ O ~ O ~ T ] ]


Gender: Male

Age: 10 years

Species: Gray wolf


A very grumpy wolf, but a lovable goof. Despises demanding characters and fights.


A decent fighter and hunter. A bit socially awkward.


The little pup watched in horror as his pack was felled one by one. He swore the raiders had bright, bright eyes that glowed with maliciousness. One appeared to his right, where Milla stood to guard him. She had no chance against the ferocious male. She was a new birth mother, still recovering from the litter she had borne not too long ago. White teeth flashed. And she was down. He whimpered as the killer approached him, teeth exposed in a wild grin.

"I haven't had this much fun in ages!" he sneered. The pup shrank to the ground, quaking with fear. His eyes were squeezed shut, wishing desperately for it all to end. He could see the flashing teeth even then, coming slowly towards him, ready to end his short life. Sharp spikes of teeth fastened into his flanks, and he lost contact with the ground. The pup opened his eyes to find himself dangling from a wolf's jaws. However much he wriggled, he was unable to escape the firm and painful grasp. He watched as the trees passed by. They were making their way around the battleground now, stepping over the fallen bodies of his comrades. He howled his rage and his disgust at the treatment of his pack, but he received nothing but laughter and mockery from his captor's colleagues.

As he was hauled off to who-knows-where, the enemies made good use of him as a toy. He was bitten, nipped, pulled, and harassed to the point of tears. The shining coat of glory he was once proud of was now nothing more than a bloody mat of fur stuck to his skin. The assault only grew more painful as he cried with each bite. It wasn't until his wails died down to quiet whimpers that the game slowly dragged to a halt. A short time after, he was dropped in front of an immobile body. His mother.

Her eyes were gradually dulling, though a small spark flared within their irises when they recognized their young son. "Bandicoot," his mother whispered. "Be brave, my child. May the Trio guard you with their blessings." The little pup whined when her tongue rasped across his aching body.

A snarl from above startled Bandicoot. He pressed closer into the ground when a massive black wolf appeared over him, jowls exposed in fury. "You see, boy," he growled. ""This is what happens when my orders are not followed. Your parents paid dearly, and so shall you."

The frightening wolf grabbed Bandicoot in the same painful manner as Milla's killer. Now too terrified to even utter a sound, Bandicoot could only watch as multiple wolves descended upon his mother. They were none to gentle, grabbing her fur in their jaws and tearing off the clumps. Unable to defend herself as she was held down, they slowly ripped her to shreds. Her shrieks and howls sounded almost unreal to Bandicoot as he was whisked away from his home. Everything he had considered a blessing was now a living nightmare.

Edited at January 18, 2020 12:07 PM by Vennenum

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