Wolf Play : Hollywood Hills/ Queen
10:43:29 Running Dog
I should have gone for vet tech... the Merk's vet and Miriam Webster Dictionary was "light reading " when I was a kid 🤣

Technically I went from wanting to be a Vet, to a teacher, back to a vet, then to a Zookeeper. Though the middle two were mainly my depressed ass trying to figure out what to do with my life xD The zookeeper thing happened completely by accident if I'm being honest.
10:40:31 Running Dog
By the way, I see there are a ton of Silver names, while I love the name, you can call me Running, Dog, or Running Dog if you wish
 Chaotic Twins
10:40:30 Ryder,Kalian

I went from trying to be a teacher, then an artist, to a zookeeper to a vet and now a Medical assistant
10:39:09 Running Dog

Got it, lol, understood.

If you have the cash then you should stock up on some home (in this case dorm home) medical supplies. You won't be the only one sick at night.

That's...concerning. Though I don't have much room to talk. I chose an online trade school over college. Was going to be a vet but I have too much anxiety when it comes to tests and math. Threw myself into several panic attacks during classes. So I settled for becoming a Zookeeper and getting my license online.
 Chaotic Twins
10:36:44 Ryder,Kalian
the other day the school had like them water slip n slides you see in like walmart and a girl straight up broke her ankle due to it XD people here get hurt in the weirdest ways

I hope you know that I now have a vested interest in your well being and am going to be doing as much research as I can to help xD

To be honest though, my allergies are near constant so I never really notice sore throats anymore and don't know much about actively taking care of them. Im the kinda person to just ignore it until it becomes a big issue lmao
 Chaotic Twins
10:35:06 Ryder,Kalian

I don't think I should mention the school XD

the again there are 131 of these "schools" all over the united States so its not like naming it would be personal information either way
10:33:43 Running Dog
Well, that may be too personal, I didn't think before I asked
10:33:19 Running Dog

What school is it?
 Chaotic Twins
10:32:59 Ryder,Kalian
maybe I can ask an RA (resident advisor) for a cough drop or something
10:32:33 Running Dog
Slowly drink warm water (yes, it will hurt) and put mint or menthol on your throat.
 Golden Meadows
10:31:57 Ollie, Gold
Thank you! I have really heard of that movie before :)
 Chaotic Twins
10:31:52 Ryder,Kalian

I agree I do need a better dorm heck I need a better school cause this one is awful but its what I'm stuck with XD

they dong have fridges and freezers because they say it takes too much power

but they leave the Cafe lights on all day and all night for no reason XD
10:31:17 Running Dog
Oke, I see your reply now
10:30:30 Running Dog

Can you get lemon flavored anything?

Is is strep, or an allergy, or something else?

I say this with the utmost respect and sincerity... You need a better Dorm xD
 Chaotic Twins
10:28:49 Ryder,Kalian

I don't even have Ice :(

we don't have fridges or freezers in our dorms

You can also try sucking on ice? Or any cold sweets. Pro tip, cold sweets can also help with naseua.


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Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 29, 2023 07:18 PM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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This is an RP between me and Hollywood Hills.
Please do not comment in the forum. But you can read allow if you wish.
Type of RP: Royal romance

Edited at August 29, 2023 08:12 PM by Queen Elsa
Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 29, 2023 07:19 PM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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Character Sheet
Name: Adalee Kylee King
Age: 25
Hair: raven black, stright
Gender: Female
Role: Royal princess/Lady
Likes: kids (gets paid a lot when taking care of some of the kids), animals, reading books, going on horseback when in town, parades, archery
Dislikes: hunting, annoying people, thunderstorms
Talents: making medicine, playing the harp, sewing
Laguages they speak: Gaelic, English,
Family Crest: Red and gold with a silver dragon head in the center
Family: Simon ( older brother, 27)
Where is the home: 1 mile from the closest river, 4 miles from the Village of Arkala.
Background ( if any): both parents died during a terrible sickness that came through. Adalee misses them dearly and thinks of them every minute of every day.
She being the second richest family in town, was supposed to marry a royal from the first richest family, but declined him. But there was another one in her eyes that she only saw in passing. Never knew his name untill now.

Edited at September 2, 2023 08:07 AM by Queen Elsa
Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 30, 2023 04:10 PM

Hollywood Hills

Posts: 225
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Name: Joshua Beckett

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Hair: Dark red-brown, wavy

Role: Prince

Likes: Riding on horseback, reading, writing, painting, spending time in nature, adventure, hunting, rain, swimming

Dislikes: Being in the palace, fighting, big crowds, loud noises

Talents: Archery, art, working with horses

Family Crest: Blue and gold with a white wolf head in the center

Family: Melania (Mother, 58) Adrian (Brother, 30)

Kingdom: Verus

Background: Father died from sickness while leading a group of men on a small mission outside the kingdom. Doesn't want to take his place as King of Verus, so he left it to his older brother. He now lives in the Village of Arkala, trying to separate himself from his own kingdom.

Edited at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM by Hollywood Hills
Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 30, 2023 04:19 PM

Hollywood Hills

Posts: 225
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Joshua sat on the back porch of his small home, the old wooden steps creaking softly under his weight. He held his bow in his lap, the dark oak smooth against his fingers. His hands worked the small blade of his knife through the bow, sketching small intricate designs into it. It had only been a few weeks since he'd left his kingdom. He was still a prince, yes, but...he didn't fancy the idea of becoming King.

His mother had not taken kindly to his departure, but his brother seemed to enjoy the fact that he would now be expected to take over the duties of their late father and king. Verus was a small kingdom and not extremely well known by the others, but it was strong. The villages surrounding it were at peace, and the royals often made journeys to each one to check on the people and buy their things.

Joshua had traveled further beyond those villages, deciding to stay in Arkala. It was near another kingdom, one bigger than his own. He didn't know much about it at all other than the fact that it was home to a beautiful young woman, the princess. He knew she had been set to marry, but apparently had refused another man's offer. He knew nothing else about her.

Pleased with his work, he hooked the small blade back onto his belt and stood, flinging the bow across his back. Heading to the stables, he decided to go on a ride through the village and maybe the outskirts of the kingdom.

He climbed atop his horse, patting her neck gently before nudging her forward. She led him out of the stables and into the streets of the village, her hooves clopping softly on the cobblestone streets.

Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 30, 2023 04:42 PM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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" Alright alright, I'll get you somethin to eat, Simon. Making me do everything just because Im the royal princess of this area.. So rude. Some day you will have to go outside yourself. You may like it." SHe chuckled, pecking his cheek,before grabbing her black cloak and asmall gift from her mother. A medium sized blade before heading out the door towards the stables to tack up her steed, Finch. A 5 year old stallion.
The tack was average for when going into town. Black side saddle, with a very small insignia of her palace. The saddle pad was suprely silver. The bridle on the other hand, was a red and gold eventing one.
Once she tacked Finch up , she hopped onto his back and trotted towards the village " Maybe something will happen today, FInch... its been a very long time since I have been into towan to see the little ones and the townsfolk." she said humming along the quiet yet long 4 mile road. Hearing the birds fly around them, singing their beautiful songs. Once she got there, she headed straight for the bakery on the left hand side. Watching as everyone stopped to let her through. " good morning, Everyone. Glad to see you. Yes I see you too Sam. Dont worry, I'll let you ride Finch once im done with my errends."
Once she reached the bakery, she hopped off Finch, put the rains in her right hand and began to look at all the frshly baked items. Wondering if, when and who she may meet one day.

Edited at August 31, 2023 04:23 PM by Queen Elsa
Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 31, 2023 06:36 PM

Hollywood Hills

Posts: 225
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Joshua softly played with his horse's mane as they walked slowly down the streets. His gaze scanned over the marketplace, wondering if he should stop for anything today. Suddenly, the peace was disturbed by loud yowling, which was followed immediatey by a large orange tom cat racing through the middle of the street, a large brown dog chasing after it and barking.

The cat darted beneath Commander's hooves, causing the large stallion to spook and rear. Joshua grasped into his black mane, gripping for something to control him since he was riding nearly tackless. The black stallion's hooves landed to the ground, and proceeded to nervously dance backwards, his ears flicked forward and his eyes wide and gazing after the dog and cat.

"Easy boy," Joshua cooed, rubbing and patting his neck soothingly. "Easy." The sound of an excited child's voice reached Joshua's ears, and he turned to see one excitedly speaking to a young woman. He couldn't see her face, but she had beautiful black hair. After a moment, he watched her move down towards the bakery. After a few moments spent calming Commander, he led him towards the bakery. He slid off, approaching the young woman.

"Hello," He said friendily. "Do you mind if I ask your name? I'm rather new to this area, and I don't know anyone."

Hollywood Hills/ QueenAugust 31, 2023 06:49 PM

Queen Elsa

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Adalee King was just finished with buying her brothers food when she heared a loud neigh from behind her, spooking her a little bit. But the voice that came after was rather... confused, gentle and disoriented at the same time. "No one ever askes for my na-" she paused before clearing her throat and ever so slowly turned her back to the baker so that she knew who she was speaking to.
Her eyes glanced at the stallion and then looked back at the floor , starting at the man's boots, up his legs ad then to his face. Her cloak still around her so her eyes and face were still somewhat hidden, but her voice was all anyone needed. At least for now.
" You have a very gorgeous stallion there." Adalee spoke, letting go of her own reins, knowing that Finch wouldnt run off. The princess's warm smooth hand touched the stallions nose before taking it away and finally answering the gentlemans question " My name is Adallee, I can tell you're new here because of the spook. We have a few cats and dogs running free around here.. I specifically told the governor to get rid of them... but he wont listen"
Her green-ish eyes looked up at him " I can show you around if you'd like. I'm here on a few errands. You culd easy get lost in all this fuss around Arkala. Hard to get used to, but easy to make friends....but......" she paused rather long " make friends with the wrong sort, and you could be in very big trouble. I'll make it worth your time and be generous enough to show you everything. " Ive been here long enough to know every single person in Arkala since I was a little girl.'
She the jumped back onto Finch's back and fixed her cloak "Is there anywhere specific you are headed?"
Hollywood Hills/ QueenSeptember 2, 2023 10:39 AM

Hollywood Hills

Posts: 225
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She complimented Commander, and he reached up to pat the stallion's neck. "Thank you," he said. "His name is Commander. He's a young one, only six years old. But he's done fairly well so far."

Adalee...a beautiful name. Realization seemed to strike him all at once as she began telling him about the cats and dogs and the governor.. "Oh my deepest apologies, my Lady!" He bent slightly forward for a brief moment in a polite bow. "Princess Adalee, how could I have not seen?" He extended his hand forward in an invitation for her if she wished to do so. "My name is Joshua Beckett, youngest Prince of Verus."

He smiled gently as she offered to show him around. "That would be lovely," he said kindly. "I've moved here. For how long I cannot say, but it's a nice village and I'd love to get to know it more." He listened to her words carefully, understanding. Anywhere you could make friends, and anywhere you could make enemies.

"Thank you for your offer," he said, climbing back up onto Commander's back. "I have no where specific in mind, really. I just wanted to get out and enjoy the morning." He smiled at her, his brown hair shimmering russet in the morning sun. "Is there anywhere you particularly like to go?"

Hollywood Hills/ QueenSeptember 2, 2023 12:00 PM

Queen Elsa

Posts: 6130
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Adelee smiled but then stopped him from bowing to her in public. That is not nessisary. Really" Her green eyes stayed on on the stallion as she spoke. Then thought it rudr and moved her orbs towards him. Eye to eye. Hmm Could this be him? Dont start falling for him too early. You will loose your train of thought and what your duties are.
"Im not close to the Govenor, you see. I just keep tabs on issues that need to be resolved. Like the feral animals." Adelle waited for him to get on his stallion and Finch put his ears bacl. Clearly not happy with the meet up. THe princess patted his neck and hushed him in a soothing Gaelic voice. " Finch isnt used to other horses."
When the man asked her the question if here was anywhere she particularly liked to go, she nodded " As a matter of fact, yes, there is. WOuld yu like to see one of them after I finish my errands for my brother?" The commotion around them only got louder as the children of the village surrounded her " Whoa there, little ones. One at a time. " The Princess hopped of Finch's back and took off the saddle so that it was easier to get a little rid on the steeds warm back " Now... who would like to go first?"
He laughter filled the outdoors, having her sweet time with the kids. Forgetting about the prince for the whole time. But as it neared the half hour mark, she excused herself so she could have time with the man. "As you can tell, im very popular with the kids. Thay always want a ride on Finch"
Once she finished with her errands, she said she had to drop them off at the palace. " I'll be right back. While you wait, have a look around an I'll find you when I come back." And with that, Adelee put the saddle back on and spurred her steed into a trot and headed back to the palace. The cloak fallong back agaist her back, her long raven black hair flowing in the breeze.
Hollywood Hills/ QueenSeptember 2, 2023 12:15 PM

Hollywood Hills

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Joshua watched as the kids began to swarm them, excited to be with the princess. He watched in silence, but never once grew impatient or angry. He was impressed by her patience and willingness to interact with the villagers, especially the children. Things were so different here compared to Verus. Everyone seemed to enjoy the company of one another.

Where he was from, he almost always felt cut off from the existence of anyone outside of the palace. He'd grown up sheltered from the villagers and hadn't been allowed to interact with them at all during visits. It was freeing to be here now, watching the lively interactions between a royal and common-folk. Since moving away, he was beginning to forget that he was still a prince.

He enjoyed not having to worry about looking or acting a certain way all of the time, not having to worry about who to marry and how to rule. Those were his brothers problems now, and he knew he would like it much better than he would have himself. As Adalee spoke to him once more, he nodded, smiling kindly.

"You're very good with the kids," he commented. "No wonder they like you." She told him that he could explore the village if he wished, and that she would find him when she was finished with her errands.

"Thank you kindly," he said to her, dipping his head in a slight nod of respect. "I look forward to seeing you." He watched as she spurred Finch forward, walking away. After a few small moments, he picked a direction and gently nudged Commander forward.


Some time had passed since last meeting with Adalee, and Joshua now stood outside of a small bookstore. He'd left Commander tied to a horse post a few buildings down. After finishing up a polite conversation with a young woman, he entered the store. He browsed the shelves, running his thumb along some of the books.

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