Wolf Play : Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow pack
05:03:46 Amy
So id it better than you thought it will be? I hope you are having fun
 Doomsday Blue
05:01:28 Doom (they/them)

It's a too long vacay, I guess
04:56:00 Amy
Congrats winter
04:51:38 She/her
A viti on her first litter :D not too bad -WP Click-
04:30:40 Amy
Huh...didn't you say you are going on a vacation?
 Thundering Embers
04:30:18 Thunder,Ember
You have logged in 367 days in a row.
You earned: Black Bead 1

Happy 1year anniversary to me lol
 Doomsday Blue
04:16:16 Doom (they/them)
Gonna cry now
 Bambie Thug
04:15:10 Bambie (they/them)
Moving already
 Bambie Thug
04:14:58 Bambie (they/them)

Wasn't a vacay
04:14:44 Amy
Good night!
Its 11am for me
04:14:10 Rev
Do it!

Also goodnight (or morning it 6 am for me XD)
04:13:48 Amy
So your vacation is coming to an end...how was it
 Doomsday Blue
04:13:00 Doom (they/them)
It's my last day in Finland 😭😭😭
04:10:38 Amy
Same...i stand with team black
Maybee i should make a Caraxes themed custom
04:08:32 Rev
Sunfyre is the best, that's not even up for debate u.u

Although I'm more team black than green
04:05:35 Amy
I thought so but i am biased towards rhaegal XD

My favourite of dragons is Caraxes though
04:02:59 Rev
Teine is also a dragon, but from another book. The Emperyans (I think that's it's called in English)
04:02:01 Amy
Go with Rhaegal
04:00:47 Rev
But right now I'm more inclined to change his name to Rhaegal or Teine and make a green custom
-WP Click-

Would be a nice private stud
03:58:28 Amy
With beeing axantic and DH i think you can look past the ratings


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Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 16, 2023 05:26 PM

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════ ⋆★⋆ ════

Name: Hunter

Full Name: Hunter of the Night

Nicknames: For friends, Hunt, for enemies; Damned Dragon

══ ⋆★⋆ ══

Age: 102

Birthday: Nov. 17

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Gender: Male

Sexuality: Questioning

Dragon Type: He is a Fire-Shadow dragon. His father was a Fire, his mother was a Shadow.

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Role: Leader; Leaders take care of the entire Brood, hunt, make choices for their Brood, and try to keep everyone alive.

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Appearance: His wings are 33 feet across, brown on the top, black and speckled white on the bottom. His tail, back, top of his head, and the front of his wings has spikes on them, the colors vary by where they are; Wings are blue, back is red, and the rest are black. His scales are reddish-brown, with red spots, like falling ashes. His paws (feet) are completly black, his tail is firey red-orange, and his eyes are coal-black. He is over 25 feet tall, as well.

══ ⋆*★*⋆ ══

Personality: He is a ruthless beast, but knows fighting well. He is a very strong-headed dragon, and will go head first into battles. He is very stong in other ways too. His anger problems don't help him at all.

Likes: Hanging out near the stream to blow off some steam is one of his regular going-on's. He likes to go into battle, but hates to lose. He always know's that it's a 50-50 chance to win or lose.

Dislikes: He hates to be cooped up in his castle den for long streches of time; it cramps his wings.

══ ⋆★⋆ ══

Abilities: He can Fully control fire/heat, Shadow magic is Iffy, but still good-ish. (He teleported part of someone accidently) (None of the powers with ☾𖤐 on it are garenteed to work, mind you, the only ones the 100% alway work are the ones with only 🔥)

🔥 Inferno Blaze: He takes heat in his current area, and brings it into his claws, after this, he usually slashes his opponent.

🔥 Flaming Roar: Takes heat from around him, and turns it into fire and breathes it.

🔥 Blazing Sun: Takes air, and all heat to create a fire dome

🔥Invincable to fire/heat

☾𖤐 Moonlight Shines: Turns day into night (Very draining and doesn't always work ^.^""")

☾𖤐 Come out wherever you are: Disolves all shadows and ables him to see everthing hiding (Also very draining)

☾𖤐 Midnight Moon: Takes all shadows/darkness and makes a portal. (Extremely draining. Get medical help after)

☾𖤐 Since he's both Fire and Shadow, he can use them both at the same time so:

☾𖤐🔥 MoonFire: Takes heat and shadows to create a expanding dome.

☾𖤐🔥 Flaming Fury: Takes heat and shadows to create a whip/slasher.

General powers (any and all dragons):

Creating a sheld

Bending the power (moving, throwing, twisting, etc)

Seeing in the dark

══ ⋆★⋆ ══

Weaknesses: He is incredably weak to water, and his belly scales aren't the strongest. His temper is unpredictable. He hates Mushrooms.

Other: Before a kill, he'll hum Like a Stone by AudioSlave

Edited at May 21, 2023 07:09 PM by Howling on the cliff
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 17, 2023 12:38 PM

Golden Meadows

Posts: 384
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Basic Info

Name: Akash

Nicknames: Akie

Age: 97

Birthday: June 13

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Dragon Type: Storm


Hunter: Akash assists woth finding food and hunting for the dragons in his Brood.


Just like most other storm dragons, Akash has enormous wings, with his wings beimg nearly 20 feet across. He has a smaller, slender body. His scales are mainly a deep, ocean blue, with darker, blackish scales along his spine, around his eyes and at the tips of his wings. He has lighter undertones of silver along his belly and legs, and for the membrane of his wings. Across all his scales are streaks or silver, black, blue, and even a little bit of gold.


Akash's personality reflects that of a storm, bright and cheerful and calm most of the time, but unpredictable, with very quick mood swings and and a firey temper.


Storms, obviously

Akash loves to joke around and have fun.


Fighting. Askash isn't much a fighter, and while he can defend himself pretty well, he prefers to stay peaceful and out of physically combat.

Deep water


Akash's abilities are all related to wind, rain, storms, and lightning, but he is most strongest in lightning related abilities.

Akash is the strongest during a storm or rough weather, getting exponentially stronger depedning on the intensity of the storm.

Lightning Breath - Breathes out a beam of blue electricity.

Thunder Dash - Dashes through the air at the speed of light, leaves a streak of lightning and Roar of Thunder. Works for a few hundred feet.

Wind Roar - Creates a powerful surge of wind.

Electric touch - Electrocute anything that he touches.

Flying - He is an extremely powerful flier, and winds or conditions that would be extremely difficult for other dragons to fly in, are barely noticeable to him

Rain manipulation - He can use water to spread his electricity further and to buffet another dragon with droplets or hail using the wind

General powers - Creating a sheld, Bending the power (moving, throwing, twisting, etc), Seeing in the dark


Akash is much more vulnerable on land, and due to his small size, is at a strength disadvantage.

Edited at May 17, 2023 01:33 PM by Goldmeadow pack
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 18, 2023 02:13 PM

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Posts: 1777
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Hunter yawns, tired from the night before, and streach's. Then, he starts to growl. "Who's there?!" He springs up, ready to eat whatever's on the other side of the walls. "Come out wherever you are!" He roars. He starts to use Come out wherever you are, but then he see's a tail.
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 21, 2023 03:28 PM

Golden Meadows

Posts: 384
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(Ack! Sorry )
Startled, Akash leaped from behind the wall, scales brisling and prepared to fight. He hadn't expected to be detected so quickly, normally he was decent at sneaking, due to his hunting skills, but it seemed that this dragon had detected him pretty easily.
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 21, 2023 05:44 PM

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(You're good ^^)
Hunter seems to teleport out of his den, ready to find, and kill, the intruder. His spikes stand on edge, filling with heat, ready to do some stabbing. He looks up, down, left, right. He spots a tiny dragon, trying to sneak away. "You! Come back here!" Hunter roars, bloodthirsty, and ready to fight. He unsheathes his claws, happy to see that it was a smaller dragon. He spread his wings, furled his tail, stirring up dust, and got ready to spit some fire.

Edited at May 21, 2023 05:49 PM by Howling on the cliff
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 21, 2023 06:35 PM

Golden Meadows

Posts: 384
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Akash looked around wildly, the dragon he was facing was much bigger, and Akash didn't want a confrontation. He could fly away, and easily outrun the dragon in front of him, but such a cowardly move was beneath him. "Relax!" He called, trying to smooth down his ruffled scales. "I'm just passing through." He summoned a bit of lightning at the tips of his tallons, preparing to fight if neccesary.
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 21, 2023 06:39 PM

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Hunter snorts. "If I had your girlfriend and we were WingTouching together, and I said, 'Oh, I just happened to be passing by', would you believe me? I would kill me so quickly... Heh, you don't even know." Hunter rears up and shoots fire, hitting the other dragons' wing. "If ya can't stand this, wait 'till I release the real stuff on ya!" Hunter snorts and charges. His wings furl up close to his sides, giving him more speed, his claws uhsheathed for better traction, and fire in his throat, ready to burn.

Edited at May 21, 2023 07:01 PM by Howling on the cliff
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 21, 2023 10:11 PM

Golden Meadows

Posts: 384
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Akash dodged out of the way by leaping into the air with a snap of his wings, his wing burning and a snarl of his lips. He released the lightning from his talons towards the dragon below. "Ha!" He exclaimed, flapping his wings to hover in the air. "I'm sure you would. You can kill yourself all you wish, but in case you didn't notice, I'm not you and I don't see a dragoness anywhere around here, do you?"

Edited at May 21, 2023 10:14 PM by Goldmeadow pack
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 22, 2023 08:08 AM

Crypto Currency

Posts: 1777
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Above, wing flaps were heard, and a dragoness flew down. "You two." She points a claw at Hunter and the other dragon. "Come with me."
Hunter bowed, shook his wings, lowered hiw spikes, and dipped his head; the greatest of honors. "Yes, Queen Ember."
Howling on the cliff x Goldmeadow packMay 22, 2023 12:50 PM

Golden Meadows

Posts: 384
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Akash couldn't help but glare at the queen. She was the leader of his enemy, the tribe of dragons that had killed so many of his own tribe. Enemy or not, he was supposed to show respect, but he definitely didn't trust that she would do the same for him. Akash lowered onto the ground folding his wings and bowing his head with narrowed eyes.

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