Elias _______ He'd chuckles then turn forward not wanting the silence to engulf them he asks "So I have two questions."
Henry _____ Henry said " feel free to ask I love questions "as he looks at him and smiles but looking straight to making sure he was running into anything
Elias __________ He hesistated then asked "Why do you like me? I like you because your nice and willing to stand up for anyone." He paused "And what are we? After-that."
Henry ______ Henry said "cause I like how straightforward you are and willing to help people and that you care "then said " I don't care what we are "
Elias _________ He nodded, "Honesty. How far awayis this place." He'd look over with a smile.
Henry _______ Henry said " it is right there to our left but this road is not busy so we can cross"
Elias ________ He nodded "Alright then race you." He leaped out across the road pausing in the middle for a car to pass
henry _______ henry took off running but stops for the car once it past he took off across the street
Elias ___________ He watched as Henry made it quicker and Elias met him on the other side "I find it a bt funny that your shorter and won, I have longer legs and lost on the other hand."
Henry ________ Henry said " I am only 6.1 that all but I ain't bragging on my size " he looks at him and breaths before nodding and said "don't worry you can still out run a theft or a killer "