Elias ________ He didn't respond and once he had parked outside the house he jumped out and rushed inside. The door was locked so he looked back to them and then ran around the other side of the house. His window was still cracked and he managed to get in then slid all his crap into his bag and rushed out, he got back into the vehical and waited for it to start up again.
Henry ___ Brother drove off when he got back in and Henry looks out the window and couple minutes later they pulled into school and Henry got out and waits for Elias
Elias __________ Elias got out, swinging his bag over his shoulder and walked up to Henry
Henry ___ Henry said "thanks brother"he nods and drove away and Henry walks into school
Elias _______ Once h entered the school he slowed down to walk behind Henry then joined noah
Henry _______ Henry looks at them then when to his locker and sighed before grabbing his books and then gets spotted by the teacher
Elias ________ After dropping his stuff off he noticed the teacher which he just watched
Henry ______ Teacher said "morning Henry where were you today" Henry said " my mom needed my help " teacher said " I'll see you after class and Elias and you better tell him that "
Elias __________ he flinched as his name was mentioned. Noah sighed and finished hanging his flyers on the boared "Morning idiot." he'd greet elias making him remember being drunk and spraying him with water. "I'll see you later Henry." Noah said then turned to Elias to scold him and tell him to check in with their teacher.
Henry ________ Henry said "and again it was my fault it was a dare I am sorry Noah "as he watches then said "sorry I didn't thinking I would get caught by the teacher "