Amira Amira groans before falling off her bed onto the floor. " Ow! " Amira say. She slowly picks herself up and gets changed. She is still in the healing process. Amira makes sure to take some pain medication before tying her hair in a bun and walking out of her room for breakfast.
Herrmann & Desmond __________________ Desmond knocks on the door herrmann was out shopping for things and Desmond wondered if there was anyone home and wanted to surprise them or just one he didn't really matter
Amira Amira hears the knock on the door and slowly walks over to the door. She opens the door and almost drops her plate of toast in surprise. " Desmond! " Amira yells before giving him a big hug, careful not to drop her toast on the ground.
herrmann & Desmond ____________ Desmond smile and hugs her then said " how are you doing" will he kept a hold on her herrmann humms as he when through the store
Amira " I'm getting better." Amira replied as she broke away from the hug. She walked back to the kitchen and placed her toast on the table. She walks back to Desmond. " How was your trip?" Amira asks.
Desmond & Herrmann _______ Desmond said "it was great I took care of your problem not saying they might come back "as he stares at her before walking closer and kisses her softly on the lips
Amira Amira immediately pushed him away. " What about Crystal!? " Amira says. "I saw you two. " Amira takes a deep breath. " Also what did you do to my " problem"? Amira asks uncertainty.
Herrmann & Desmond _______ Desmond said " I don't love crystal she just trying to get to me for my power " as he looks at her hurt and wanting her Desmond said " I sent them somewhere" as he walks away Herrmann came in and said " I got milk eggs and bread and other things "
Amira Amira looks at Desmond before going to help Herrmann put away the groceries. " Welcome back. " Amora says to Herrmann.
herrmann & Desmond ________ herrmann said " thanks and welcome back brother" which in a annoyed voice only for his brother Desmond rolls his eyes before walking out of the house knowing his brother hates him