Wolf Play : Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RP
 Crystal Pines
02:36:49 Phoenix
Does weight have the same affect when they aren't at their full weight yet? For example, my wolf is 88 pounds right now because he is 2 years old, but I know he will be heavyweight when he gets older. Does he still have the heavyweight advantage right now or would he act like a lightweight wolf?
 The Night Walker
02:35:28 Anemoia/Aedra
Its quite hell in California.
02:22:13 Leon

Sorry about that

I saw someone said they lived in California lol

But IÂ’m good, thanks for asking. Should probably sleep soon
02:17:57 Lil Techy | Techno

bruh XD
 Blood lust tide
02:17:09 BewareWhoYouTrust
 Blood lust tide
02:17:00 BewareWhoYouTrust
3 am sleep o e no sleep 🤔
 Blood lust tide
02:16:36 BewareWhoYouTrust
02:14:59 Kaz
I usually don't but apparently the one time I wear an open backed shirt the sun just has to be scorching ;-;

Also my fault for not putting sunscreen on lol
 Blood lust tide
02:13:48 BewareWhoYouTrust
Nerver got sunburn
02:13:30 Lil Techy | Techno

felt that
02:13:20 Lil Techy | Techno

I was so confused XD how're you?
02:13:08 Kaz
sunburn on your back is the worst ;-;
 Blood lust tide
02:12:10 BewareWhoYouTrust
Soul Of A Witch
Hunting me lol
02:10:56 Leon
Oops, was viewing old message before refreshing T^T
02:10:17 Lil Techy | Techno
02:09:40 Leon
ThatÂ’s where I live too :)
-WP Click-
 Night Shade
02:06:26 Graves | Chaos
I'm nauseous
01:50:49 Lil Techy | Techno

I hope to see more of it then if you are staying around. I love those sorts of animations :D
 Sunset Ghosts
01:47:25 Pit
Also thank you I really appreciate that. ^^ I've been practicing recently


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Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 26, 2023 10:02 PM


Posts: 276
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There are many different reasons and unique stories behind why a cat is stray. Some are kicked out, some are abandoned, and some just happened to escape from a horrible home life. Each feline is different, and so is the tale they carry.
This roleplay will begin in some fictional unnamed big city. Busy streets, huge neon billboards, apartment complexes and large buildings. A bit away from this city lies a grassy forest, so the setting may change while the story progresses.
What would this roleplay include?
This would be a more relaxed, fun roleplay than something serious. I would like for it to be entertaining and interesting! Romance, drama, violence - whatever you would like for there to be, you can include - within reason of course.
As the roleplay goes on, the story progresses. Introduce new characters and plotlines.
☆ Follow the rules of WolfPlay
☆ Violence is allowed, but no descriptive gore!
☆ Don't try to force anyone else into things they don't want to be in, such as fight scenes or relationships. Doing so repeatedly will result in removal from the roleplay!
☆ This RP is LGBTQ+ inclusive, so if you have a problem with that, then please don't sign up.
☆ Swearing is allowed just don't make it too excessive or vulgar
☆ Obviously no godmodding or anything annoying
☆ 100 word minimum per post
☆ Beginning max. 2 characters per person
☆ Have fun!! :)
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 26, 2023 10:04 PM


Posts: 276
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Tony - Ignited
Spire - Essence of the Wolf
Holly - Moonlight Wolf
Rock - Wolf Pride
Dapple - Dawnforest
Okra - Dawnforest
Ivory - Biologist at Work
Discussion forum can be found here: Click

Edited at December 29, 2023 11:54 PM by ignited
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 26, 2023 10:27 PM


Posts: 276
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Tony ◇ Male ◇ He/Him ◇ Adult
A loud strike of thunder struck in the distance, though close and loud enough to wake up Tony. His head jerked up from slumber, alarmed, though from the pitter-patter of rain on his cardboard box, he could tell it was just another storm. Peeking his head out and into the alleyway, he could see the dark sky beginning to gain color, meaning the sun was just beginning to rise. Deciding he was much too awake now, as well as much too hungry, Tony stretched and walked out of his box and into the alley. His paws padded against the hard, wet concrete as he began his search for food.
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 09:41 AM

Moonlight wolf

Posts: 360
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Holly | F | Junior
Holly shivered, her black fur plastered to her small frame. The rain poured down and the little shelter that the small overhang provided her was practically useless against the strong winds. Holly pressed herself against the stone wall, waiting for the storm to pass. She noticed the sky turning blue after a while. She peered up at the sky, then stretched her legs and shook her wet fur. Holly sniffed the air for the scent of food. Her stomach growled, and she sighed. It would be a long way to the food- place. At least one person was nice.
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 10:06 AM


Posts: 276
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Tony ◇ Male ◇ He/Him ◇ Adult
Tony would walk through the wet alley, shivering as the cold rain soaked his fur. He enjoyed the rain, but what he didn't find enjoyment in was thunderstorms like these. Tony would lift his head, letting the various smells of the city flood his scent glands - food. It smelled like a food-place, somewhere humans often went to eat. Quickening his pace, he began to go in the direction of this place, stomach empty and determined to get a good meal - something he hadn't had in days, maybe weeks. After a few minutes of quick-walking, Tony reached the place where the scent emitted from. Perhaps he would be able to finally have a full stomach here? Only time would tell. Tony found a crack in the front entrance and slipped his way through, shaking the water from his pelt.
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 10:40 AM

Essence of the Wolf

Posts: 529
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Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult

Spire awoke the the sound of rain splattering on the roof of his nest. He had found a piece of scrap metal propped up by an old log to use as shelter. He stepped out into the rain and pinned his ears against the on coming droplets. Raising his muzzle to the dark sky, he hoped to catch the scent of fresh prey even though he knew the rain would mask any scents. With a frustrated sigh, Spire stalked out of the alley into the cold street. He hugged the walls of the buildings as he made his way towards an old tavern style restaurant.

Edited at December 27, 2023 10:41 AM by Essence of the Wolf
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 01:20 PM


Posts: 276
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Tony ◇ Male ◇ He/Him ◇ Adult
As Tony walked inside of the building, many scents of food flooded his nostrils. His stomach growled again, reminding him of the hunger he was in and the eagerness to find a meal. It was warm and dry inside, a noticeable contrast to the weather outside. Tony had never been inside of many food-places before let alone this one. He crouched, sneaking under objects with legs, his paws making minimal noise against the tile ground. Suddenly, a human crouched down next to Tony, and he knew he'd been seen. Fur poofed out, he hissed at the human - but instead of trying to harm him, the person offered a hand of chopped fish.
"Hungry, buddy?"
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 01:58 PM

Wolf Pride

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Rock l Male l He/Him l Adult
Rock shivered as he ran through the ruins of a construction site. It was the only place he could find shelter. A resteraunt laid next to the site, and thats where he was headed. He knew food was there, but not if any was available. He usually ate there everyday, scourging through the trash. His rust colored orange fur plastered against his body, he ran through the ruins and mud towards the resteraunt. He knew the human was friendly, but he never trusted humans, so the human usually put some food outside of the building.
Good scents wafted out from the building, making his empty stomach growl. He made ut under the roofs, and slided up against the brick wall. Hugging it, he made his way to the dumpster. There was a window that was open above it, and he heard the words "Hungry, buddy?" But he disragarded it. He dug through the sweer smelling trash, hoping to find a morsel of the ever so good food.
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 02:25 PM


Posts: 276
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Tony ◇ Male ◇ He/Him ◇ Adult
Shocked by the unusual action of the human, Tony felt very wary. Was this human just trying to trick him so that he could be captured? Yet, upon cautiously sniffing the food in the hand, he could tell it wasn't laced with anything harmful. Slowly, Tony took the chunk of fish, backing up and running back outside. By now, it had stopped storming, but the concrete ground remained wet and slippery from the recent rain. Taking his chunk of fish around the side, near where the dumpster was, Tony dropped it on the ground and began to eat. Suddenly, he heard rummaging, seemingly from he dumpster.
A raccoon? No... It was another cat.
Stray - Semi-lit Feral Cat RPDecember 27, 2023 02:34 PM

Wolf Pride

Posts: 3167
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Rock l Male l He/Him l Adult
Rock heard the paw steps of another animal on the wet concrete. He stopped rummaging through the trash. Slowly he raised his rusty tabby head above the dark green dumpster. The rain had stopped, so he could see the animal clearly. It was anither cat. His wet fur raised on the back of hus neck. And hus lips curled into a hiss. His green eyes sprang wide as he leaped from the dumpster, landing on his white paws. "This is my territory." He hissed. "What are you doing here?"

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