Wolf Play : The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | Thread
06:17:47 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
I blinked and now I'm at 102 paws
Who did 100th.
 Celestial Saga
06:14:53 Queen / Jo
Scavenger Hunt
Find the three items.
Find: Chinese Pottery
Find this item while exploring.

IÂ’m never going to get this one had it here for a couple of actually years and still nothing
06:12:44 Fei the writer
oh hell Salad XD
06:09:58 Rev
I wish I could support some suggestions twice
06:08:14 Fei the writer
Salad poll
-WP Click-
06:06:46 Rev
Oh, I saw this suggestion years ago and thought it was game cannon XD
-WP Click-

Thanks, Boe. I actually like English quite a bit, in some aspects is a simpler language than mine, but I always get caught with things like "has or have" "many or much" haha
06:05:55 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Okay my paws count is now killing me.
99 paws. O.o
06:03:49 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
It's "have", you got it right :D
English is a stupid language. You're right. Too bad it's my main language.
06:02:59 Rev
Also, is it "has" or "have" in that phrase? English too hard t.t
06:02:54 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
It doesn't. :/
06:02:25 Rev
So, I have a dumb question. Does CS boost has a secondary effect like ES hitting twice?
06:02:06 Fei the writer
I have a list and at this point it is quite a few. Queen is now added

fair enough. I'm eating dinner and listening to my 20 year old elder wolf create chaos
05:58:26 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Wait... you have a list? XD
How many people are on it?
05:58:23 Reign / Lucky / Bear
Not too bad, just Lowkey avoiding going to bed lol. You?
05:57:26 Fei the writer
I have a list of packs that he follows. Could be anyone
05:56:10 Fei the writer
How are you?
05:56:07 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Which means he's going to "check up" on us even more.
My pack is scared. They have some serious saladophobia.
05:55:26 Reign / Lucky / Bear
Ello :)
 Celestial Saga
05:54:55 Queen / Jo
Some freedom is better than nothing lol 😂
05:53:55 Fei the writer

He will leave you alone eventually to check up on another pack. Wherever they are


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The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 01:25 PM

Former Pack

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Sign up here: Click Me (We are still looking for one Male Beta, and some more male Hunter/Warriors so please sign up)
Discussion thread: Click Me
You may begin!

Edited at January 23, 2022 01:28 PM by Amare
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 01:46 PM

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Blinking her tired eyes; Peppernose's was yearning to eat something; having a taste for a white-tailed deer. She blinked her eyes more clearly from being blurred. She found herself in a scientific lab as the cage rattled everytime she stuggled to get out. Needles, sharp tools, her eyes widened as she saw a rat being tested. The rats eyes were beady and pink; squealing for help. She looked at her pack with terrifed looks in their stunned eyes as they howled for. Peppernose saw as a paw opened the cage gate; and a sharp object stinged her as it shot her in the body; everything turned black and just like the bright sky turned dark.

Edited at January 23, 2022 01:49 PM by Northlake
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 01:53 PM

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Midnight Rose | 4 | F | Alpha Female | Mentions: Open
Drowsily Rose awoke from her painfully induced slumber. Blinking her eyes a few times, although she still could not get the blinding white to stop stinging. Rose rested her head on her paws for a few seconds keeping her eyes closed. Slowly she blinked them open, less painfully than before.
Rose peered around her. Keeping herself calm. She saw a row of cages in front of her, white and gleaming. In those cages, she saw other wolves all different colors and sizes waking up just as she had. Where am I? What happened to the forest? She thought to herself in panic. A strange noise came from the far side of the cages. Jumping, Rose hit her head on the top wires of the cage. Yelping she jumped back and found herself pressed against the back of the cage with the wires digging into her back, her fur barely a cushion against the sharp pains. Whimpering Rose took one last look around her hoping to find something familiar amidst the strange new environment.

Edited at January 23, 2022 01:54 PM by Amare
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 01:53 PM

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Double Post

Edited at January 23, 2022 01:54 PM by Amare
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 02:00 PM

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Kayori slowly wakes up, a bright white light blinding her. Her eyes widen at the sight before her, rows of cages full of other wolves. She gets up slowly because of the pain, into a sitting position. Kayori's small body trembles with fear, wondering what's gonna happen to her and then other wolves. She looks around the new place she was in hoping to see someone she knew. Kayori was still sleepy from earlier so she decided to lay down, resting her head on her paws, waiting for something to happen.
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 02:03 PM

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Katie wakes up and looks around. She sees bars surrounding her along with other cages with wolves in them. She thinks what happens to the forest and her pack though she can't quite figure out how she got here. Katie soon feels pain shoot up through her hind legs. She thought her life will never be the same agian.
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 02:05 PM

Electras Generations

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Electra wakes up, slowly opening and closing her eyes as the medicine wore off. She was blinded by the white lights that suddenly pierced her sight after it was only black. She felt cold inside of her steal cage and tried to warm her muzzle by covering it with her paws. She saw other wolves that were in the same condition as she was, stuck in a cage, just waking up. She felt anxiety flood her entire body but tried to remain calm. She wasn't used to so many wolves, she usually lives in a den by herself only leaving to fill her needs like food and water. Socializing was not in any way her "thing." She looked up again to study her new surroundings. She had seen these two legged creatures before because they would study her and her family as she is trying to do to them now. She wonders how she even got into this situation and how she was found.
Echo had woken up from his deep slumber to the surprise of a new environment. He honestly had not remembered what had happened. All that he knew was that there was a sharp pain he had felt in his should and now he was here. He looked around to find new strangers awaiting him and he honestly didn't mind it much. He's known two legged ones before and they were friendly so what was the fear he smelled in the other wolves? Why was he the only one who seemed to be careless. Oh well, at least they might give him some food because he was STARVING. He tried to sit up in his cage but hit his head, OW, even with the small wolf he is; he had no room. He whined like a little pup and it seemed to annoy the she-wolf (Electra) next to him because she started growling under her breath.
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 02:10 PM

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Katie looked over to see a male wolf next to her and a female wolf next to him growling under her breath. Katie thinks that the male wolf next to her is smaller than the other males she wondered how old he was. Though she would not ask that directly. So she just lay down trying to keep her self warm. Although she couldn't quite pin point why she felt like she knew him. She wanted to say something but she was still sleepy from the medicine.

Edited at January 23, 2022 02:12 PM by Luna Afton
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 02:12 PM

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Peppernose wakes up again; rotating her head towards a bright screen. There she sees a nonanimal (human) his feet tapping repeatedly grabbing another tool picking a hair off Peppernose as she howled, wanting to bite that nonanimal's face off. He heard another nonanimal chattering; but she could not understand what they were both saying. Forcing Peppernose back in her cage; , she noticed the other wolves whining; most of them were from her pack. Pepper decided to take a nap; 'Humans are so cruel,' she whispered in her mind. Where were they? Her home was gone. The only thing she remembered was her and her pack being shot with a tranqulizer gun. Peppernose howled to Kayori, "Where are we?"
The Captured Wolf RP | OPEN | ThreadJanuary 23, 2022 02:15 PM

Former Pack

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Kayori sat up tired of waiting. She would curl her tail around her small frame trying to keep warm as she was cold. Kayori would look around oberving the other wolves, she watched the 2 wolves,Electra and Echo, then she continued looking at the other wolves. Everytime she saw the two legged creatures she would imidiently pushed herself up against the back of the cage. She would try to stay as far away from them as possible.

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