Wolf Play : A Hidden Fate (play)
 Meliora Wolves
06:44:59 crow (he/they/zae)
-Click- tis a band :3
06:44:58 Kat ?
Hey! ^^
 Sea Coast
Hi! Kat!
 Continental Wolves
06:43:56 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
06:43:54 Kat ?
Unfortunately I do not understand the reference :(
 Meliora Wolves
06:43:29 crow (he/they/zae)
i wanna say 'maelstrom blvck reference' but nobody's gonna know what im talking about
06:43:27 Kat ?
Personally, I don't like showering in thunderstorms just because with my luck something bad would happen, but I feel like if you shower in-between thunderstorms, or at least at a time where there's no thunder, you should be fine. I mean, I don't think anything bad would happen, but what if?
06:42:03 Kat ?
She kinda sucks but she has a maelstrom pelt e.e
-WP Click-
06:41:43 Vana
My mother :| I'm 20 and still listening to what my mom told me at 8 years old.

Well where I am at we have a thunderstorm now and the next 3 days. And I try to shower every other day.
06:41:05 Waterfall,Zane,Pixal
anyone up to rp pm me
-WP Click-
 Sea Coast
Doing good. Thanks for asking!
06:40:09 Kat ?
I mean, there's a risk, but I've showered in thunderstorms and survived.
06:39:57 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Its weird not having a fancy palette and normal cursor lol
 The Knight Walkers
06:39:34 1Knightstar1
Sea Coast

Im good Sea, how are you?
 Meliora Wolves
06:39:08 crow (he/they/zae)
i've showered multiple times during a thunderstorm and been absolutely fine. where the hell did you hear that 😭
 Sea Coast
How are you?
06:38:13 Vana
Is it true I cannot shower during a thunderstorm or is that some old wives tale?
 The Knight Walkers
06:37:59 1Knightstar1
 Sea Coast


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A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 02:52 PM

Wolf Pride

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He too could smell it now. He growled in disgust. Suddenly Stratus got almost angry and bounded through the woods. Hondo stood in shock. "Does he know what he's getting into?" Hondo asked Harmony. "Never mind that, we have to keep up before he does something stupid, or gets himself killed." Hondo started to jog throght the woods after Stratus.
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 03:15 PM

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Harmony (mentions Hondo and Stratus)
Harmony rolled her eyes.
"He is a year older than you and yet you are acting more mature than him", she sighed.
She ran after Stratus with Hondo.
"Won't be surprised if that's him half-delirious from hunger", she panted. She sniffed the air. They were getting closer: hopefully. Stratus wouldn't leave their territory just to chase down a rogue, right?
Stratus (mentions Harmony, Hondo and Raven)
It all happened in a blink of an eye.
Stratus felt confident again once he went around the suspicious pile of leaves, and was ready to continue his search. Then a sudden CLANG rang out.
Searing pain shot into his front left leg, causing him to cry out. He looked down, and to his horror he saw metal jaws clamped to his leg. Panic rose in him, and Stratus attempted to free himself from this trap. But the razor sharp "teeth" tore at his flesh, and he stopped struggling.
Breathing heavily, Stratus looked wildly at the direction from which he ran. Crap, Harmony and Hondo are probably on their way here. There could be more traps. He has endangered his own packmates!!
I should have kept my cool, he thought desperately, Now medical supplies have to be wasted on me. If I even get out of this.
He sat down, getting slightly overwhelemed from pain.
If I just did my duty of listening to Hondo, I would not have been caught like this. Harmony even could've recognised the smell of the trap.
For the first time Stratus felt the consequences of being a warrior.
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 03:40 PM

Inferno Abyss

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Raven | M | Loner | M: Stratus(ind)
Raven was almost done with the trail when he heard a cry behind him. A grin appeared on his face as he paused, smelling a recent patrol. Pack wolves. Thought they knew everything. Raven would have loved to see which wolf it had been but a rustle nearby drew his attention instead. Crouching down, he crept forward before lunging forward, his jaws closing on the squirrel that was in the bushes. Snapping its back, he ate as much of the meat as he could before dropping it at the bush. Not bothering to hide it, he trotted through the trees before coming to a large oak tree well inside the pack's border.

Rearing up onto his hind legs, he scratched the tree until he left a good sized mark, roughly as big as a bear paw. Or a small black bear at least. Dropping down, he rolled at the base of the tree, getting off the nasty fox scat and covering himself with the pack's scent. Satisfied, he loped through the woods back towards the border. Fun, fun. Maybe he would come back later for another go around.
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 03:59 PM

Wolf Pride

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Hondo could hear Stratus's cry of pain. He started to run as fast as he could, but still alert for threats. He broke through the undergrowth and could see Stratus ahead. "Harmony this way!" He howled and picked up speed. He reached Stratus in no time and skidded on his paws and came to a halt next to Stratus.
Metal claws dug into his leg. Blood was gushed out from where it held him. "Healers will have to fix this." He said. But then his worries flooded out of his mouth. "This is all my fault. I should have stopped you before you ran off." He let out in a panicked whine. He put his head to the ground in shame.
But then he smelled it, another wolf. "Guys, I smell wolf!" He slowly followed the scent, keeping alert for threats, like metalteeth (Bear traps) the scent came to a stop at the foot of a huge oak tree. The leaves were rustled in an awkward way. Then it dawned on him. As fast as he could he raced back to Stratus and Harmony. "The loner wolf is in the camp!"
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 05:19 PM

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Stratus (mentions Hondo and Harmony)
"W-wait! Careful where you step, there could be more traps around!", Stratus yelled fearfully.
When Hondo apologised, Stratus folded his ears back sheepishly.
"No, this is not your fault. I... was a fool. I had to think of your and Harmony's safety before attending to my wants. I should've listened to you, Hondo".
He frowned when Hondo announced that the wolf is in the camp.
"Oh.... oh no. That trail was done on purpose: to create a distraction so that they could slip past us", Stratus said, dread dawning upon him. What has he done...
Harmony (mentions Hondo, Raven and Stratus)
"Stratus!", Harmony gasped. She paused when Stratus warned that there could be more traps around. She sniffed around, observing the leaf pile. She smelled nothing here. She pawed away the leaves, revealing only a rope. This has been cleverly constructed. And judging by the smell, all this was done by a wolf.
"There are no more traps, we are safe, Stratus", she reassured her injured packmate, sniffing at his entrappened paw.
She bared her teeth at Hondo's statement about the loner.
"That rogue could endanger one of our packmates", she growled, "We must warn our pack. What should we do, Hondo?"
"You two can leave me, I'll wait", Stratus faintly suggested.
Harmony shook her head.
"You are an easy prey to jackals, rogues and other more dangerous predators", she pointed out, looking around her just in case anything got attracted to Stratus' smell of blood.
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 06:07 PM

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Fang twitched his ear as the others debated who would lead the patrol. *Great. I should have just said something* he thought. He didnt like the way the others seemed to be bossing everyone around, and not just in his patrol either. He glanced over to see Echo with the same reaction, though the younger male didnt seem to mind as much as Fang. Seeing Sky though, he saw a small eye roll coming from the female. *Is that going to mess up the hunt* he wondered before he silently stood up to follow his patrol, seeing Sky and Echo do the same for theirs.

A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 06:21 PM


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Leaf twitched his ear. He yawned then got up and walked to the camp entrance, deciding to take a quick walk. He walked out into the forest the birds had decided to be noisy today. The forest grass felt damp under his paws. There were a few places he wanted to check out to see if the herbs had started growing back. Probably not but the stored herbs from last fall were dried out and useless so it wouldn't hurt to check.

Edited at October 20, 2022 06:24 PM by Dawnforest
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 06:22 PM

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(Dawn, I control the time day/night as stated in the rules. It's still morning)
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 08:40 PM

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Moss-F-hunter, mentions; Flame
Moss was annoyed with herself, why hadn't she woken up on time, and what's up with Moat smiling as if she even got along with him. She tolerated him, yes, want to be around him? NO, that is a big fat NO. Moss walked into the den, if she can't hunt then she'll visit her mom. She found her mother sleeping and layed down beside her. Flame had always been the easiest way to calm Moss's wild temper. Her voice and her warmth, it was almost like that was what is was made for. Laying close enough not to disturb her mother, Moss fell asleep.
Moat-M-Fighter, mentions; nobody, open
What was her problem? Moss sure knows how to glare. Moat thought. If there is a reason to be so cold hearted, Moss never gave him one. Moat didn't like Moss very much, but he didn't hate her. He actually needs her help on how to win over a certain she-wolfs heart. For some reason he couldn't think of anyone else to ask. Moat had woken up late just to ask her, he even tried a smile! I don't know why she's so mean. Moat found a spot near the den to settle down and wait for the patrols to get back.
A Hidden Fate (play)October 20, 2022 09:38 PM

Inferno Abyss

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Flame | F | Elder | M: Moss, Moat
Flame stirred as she heard pawsteps head her way. Her daughter's scent rolled over her and Flame lifted her head to breathe in her scent. She must have woken up late, that was the only thing she could think of that was why Moss wasn't hunting. Her daughter was now asleep so without waking her, Flame got up and started over towards the dens. She could smell Moat nearby as well as Night and Lily. Oh dear, if anything, Lily was getting quite annoyed with the male. Flame chuckled to herself before brushing her fur along the den. Knowing where she was now and not walking in circles, she followed Moat's scent before sitting down nearby him. "Your up a bit later than usual Moat. Everything alright?" Flame asked, tilting her head in the direction of the male.

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