Wolf Play : Raiders of Betrayal - RP Thread
 High Hills Pack
12:30:05 Frozen Opal; Regal
That is a lot more balanced that mine- XD

Oh my gosh- 0.o
12:30:01 Tay
I do not drink stronger liquor than beer. Too expensive, and I don't typically like being drunk, just tipsy.
 Akira Fire
12:29:52 Athena
Want some Crown? I have Vodka too
12:29:39 Tay

you better wipe away those tears before I wipe them away aggressively.
 Continental Wolves
12:29:12 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Go for something stronger so it works faster (if you have anything stronger)
12:28:58 Lil Techy | Techno

1.4k tundra

me - 1.9k jungle XD
12:28:52 Tay
@High hills

Forest : 575
Swamp :298
Jungle : 72
Desert : 32
Mountain :155
Tundra :329
12:28:10 Tay
Listen. I want to be drunk, but now its late, and I wouldn't be able to drink the beer fast enough (21 and over folks)
 Continental Wolves
12:28:06 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
 High Hills Pack
12:28:01 Frozen Opal; Regal
Nope. :p
I'd have ta work on my forest levels before even considering that. Tundra is nearly 1.3k while forest is around 40. ^^'
12:27:16 Ruins

Never mind. Over read the rules again and realized probs shouldn't do that one because I think it would count at fandom artwork
12:27:13 Tay
No, I'm trying to convert them to the mush side.
 Akira Fire
12:26:46 Athena
It's been so long T-T
12:26:24 Tay
@High hills

You better say forest.
 High Hills Pack
12:26:09 Frozen Opal; Regal
Tundra for the most part.
12:26:01 Tay
She's eating my hand.
12:25:37 Lil Techy | Techno

Where do you explore for FMC?
12:25:18 Tay
I mean, its only taken me 10 years xD my cat is disarray me though
 High Hills Pack
12:25:03 Frozen Opal; Regal
If I don't click chase one more time- >.>
12:24:34 Ruins
-WP Click-

Did I do the crediting right this time? I'm guessing so since I read the crediting rules but not sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Forums > Roleplay > Literate

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 28, 2021 09:07 PM


Posts: 3769
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Alexis D. George-Sanchez :|: Zoologist

24 | Non-Binary | She/He/They | M: Samuel, June, Calixte, Dimitri

Alexis was never one for gathering in large groups, though, they guessed, it was merely something he would have to deal with. They sniffed the air in a bored state, squinting at the rainforest surrounding them. It was quite hot and humid, a rather common sort of enviorment, especially in the areas the group had gone upon. In all honesty, it wasn't much, the rainforest. It was more of a simple bit of a thing. Personally, they thought they were one of the ones who enjoyed the rainforest the most. The sound of creatures, insects or predators or prey, constantly surrounded them. Alexis felt as if it were his calling, in a way. It was a nice experience. And it was rather peaceful as well, considering some of the group members tended to stick to others, and some tended to shy away. Alexis grabbed her bag and checked it for the supplies they deemed necessary. Everything seemed in order so he shouldered it and turned towards the exit, or entrance, of the tent, leaving it.

The light came through the trees, though it was slight, considering the foliage was incredibly thick. Alexis made their way carefully towards where they knew the others were probably meeting, his footsteps rather quite on the plants under their feet. Out of all the group members, Alexis probably enjoyed June's company the most, simply because the duo are both observant and don't force conversation. After all, silence can be louder than words.

If anything, June is the single person Alexis can willingingly joke with. On top of that, she's an inquisitive person, her eyes also catching the little things in life that make up the entirety of existence. They ruffled their hair, glancing around for one of their trusty hats. It took a handful of minutes, which felt like an eternity of keeping the group waiting, but eventually he found a dark gray colored blue beanie, made of yarn and knitted by one of his aunts. They tightened it on their head, pushing some strands of hair out of their eyes and to the side of their face, not bothering to stick it into the beanie to avoid future irritations.

They arrived towards where some of the group was, Cal greeting and making some small talk before heading towards June, who was harnessing everyone onto the rappel to head down the large entrance, about 50 feet or so if they remember correctly. Samuel shouted about maggots and hurrying up, and Alexis sighed irritatedly. Dimitri then followed after the body guard and waited to get tied up and head down. Cal had already gotten tied up, sliding down the rappel in a sleek fashion. They grumbled a tad bit before walking begrudgingly to where June had tied up Samuel, and was tying up Dimitri. Alexis didn't necessarily mind having to rappel down, if anything, they were extremely excited for it. It was mainly the fact that they had to change course from where they had initially stopped, only to turn and head to another place.

Alexis was always one for theatrics and being dramatic.

They greeted June easily, getting tied up to rappel down. Alexis relaxed a bit, rather comfortable in her presence, because she was one of the few he trusted. It wasn't easy to trust, after all. As he got tied up and was about to dramatically depart and "fall" down the entrance, Alexis muttered a humorous, "See you on the other side." They gave a nod and began the dramatic descent down the entrance.

While they slowly rappeled down, Alexis just felt shoved into a carnival. One of the fun rides that was terrifying as a child, yet absolutely adrenaline pumping, the type of adrenaline that you couldn't help but love. Though as you grew older, you realized the ride wasn't nearly as horrifying as it had been when you were younger. They let out a small smile, the feeling of excitement and nervousness hitting them in the stomach like a train. It felt like butterflies, their excitement incredibly high.

Alexis's feet touched the ground softly, as if landing on sand on the beach. They exhaled lightly, turning in a circle slowly to survey the entirety of the hole in something rather similar to awe. It took them a moment to return back to life, as they turned to glance at the others. Cal had glanced up, looking for the others, including Alexis, to land alongside him. Alexis thought he would be impatiently waiting for them, as they would have thought of anyone, but Cal looked rather excited. Alexis couldn't blame him. This journey was going to be extremely exciting. The only problem was some of the members of the group were mood-killers, and that Victor Lyons or whatever - Alexis did know what his name was, but they were too stubborn to fully ackowledge the man - was a bit of a bastard. They didn't trust Victor and his offer of this journey, but then again, who could turn it down? Alexis was paranoid, apparently, anyways, so maybe it was just them and no one else in the group.

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