"wait up" coffee bounds after flash *thunder wave chases Kenya* "what pack did you come from?"
Kenya broke into a trot so Thunderwave could catch up,"Mapletreess pack." She said smoothly,then made a motion with her tail to keep quiet,spotting a rabbit,she pounced up and pinned the rabbit down,it was already dead,as it died from shock.
nice I'm from the moonlightpath pack
" Interesting name." Kenya murmured, Breeze and Flash where now racing to us, each with rabbit in there jaws, Breeze dropped her rabbit, "Nice tht your getting along." She commented, Kenya nodded.
"Yeah it's great" *coffee noses flash and wags her tail at breeze* /translation 'lets give them some peace'
Breeze nodded," You two have fun!" she called, running in the opposite direction, Flash smiled and ran after her, "That was odd." Kenya said, flicking her ears in confusion, " You said you came from a pack, why did you leave?" she asked curiously.
I'm a male and i had to i never really had an option
Kenya frowned, "Oh, your pack works like that? Interesting." She said, "Are you gonna hunt rabbits or talk to a boring she-wolf?" She teased.
" Thanks for the nice words." Kenya snickered,"Though we didn't run all the way here just to chat." She said, going in a direction she smelled a rabbit.