Wolf Play : School Stress and Grades (long, LF thoughts/advice?)
 Chaotic Twins
11:05:31 Ryder,Kalian

Jasper, Flynn, Reed, or Rowan, Phoenix, and Rory.
11:04:27 Running Dog
Yes, Kalian, you may call me Silverfish.

Honestly I think that is the first player given nickname I have received since I started in 2018 (not this account)
 Broken Dawn
11:03:31 I complain a lot
Now IÂ’ve draw myself a new character. I need a name for him now
 Chaotic Twins
11:02:50 Ryder,Kalian

I don't tend to explore

also can I call you Silverfish?
11:00:58 Running Dog
Oh, that's sad. You get ton in explore, are you able to do that?
 Chaotic Twins
10:59:16 Ryder,Kalian
I don't think I will reach 50 moonflowers this FMC
10:58:55 Running Dog
The Lady Eve says there will be an update tomorrow afternoon
10:58:25 Running Dog

Cheers up to the chat Stalkers!!
10:57:32 Rev
What did I miss? Nes update?
Awesome! Alrighty I am going to bed as I have had a shit week last week and am going to have another this week. Goodnight everyone, I'll stalk you all in chat tomorrow!
 Chaotic Twins
10:56:02 Ryder,Kalian
I know it's random but is it done automatically or does someone decide
10:55:55 evebot
I dont know pff the top of my head
10:55:52 Veil
-WP Click-
Looking for literate 1x1s
 Upstep Pack
10:55:41 the Yellow Pack
Kalian, I think it's random.
 Chaotic Twins
10:55:18 Ryder,Kalian
also random question how does the Tie breakers for FMC work?
10:55:16 evebot
The update will be in the afternoon
 Upstep Pack
10:54:55 the Yellow Pack
Ok, thanks 👍! Sorry.
10:54:47 evebot
Only took 10 years to get the factions badges

Awesome! I can't wait!!! Do you have a rough time estimate so I know whether or not I am going to get a surprise first thing in the morning?
 Chaotic Twins
10:54:39 Ryder,Kalian

now I'm all excited for it XD then again I get excited anytime there is an update


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School Stress and Grades (long, LF thoughts/advice?)September 2, 2021 10:28 PM

Former Pack

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Hi. So you may know me from around WP (I've been kinda inactive lately because, y'know, classes and friends and such.) Warning, this is gonna be looong. Way long. Tl;Dr below.

So anyways, a little background: I'm a junior in a kind-of boarding high school, and it's a STEM-based school mostly so lots of physics and math and science and stuff. It's also supposedly made up of the smartest kids in the state as the students. I really love it here, the teachers are awesome, the classes are interesting and way more advanced and in-depth than in a normal highschool, and there are always fun campus events and stuff going on. In short, it's a total dream highschool and it would literally break my heart to leave before my senior year - let alone to fail my classes to the point where I was kicked out. (Which does happen, if you can't handle the workload and you fail enough classes.)
But recently we had a bunch of tests (history last Friday, precal Wednesday, chemistry today, and physics tomorrow, so 4 basically in a row) Annnnd I got the first two back. I got a 76 in history and a 74 in precal... and I don't know, I'm in a group chat where people from my Precal class talk about homework and help each other study and stuff. And they were saying they got 80-something grades and saying they were disappointed and thought they did better. I certainly thought I did better than a 74, like I was expecting an 80-something on both tests! I felt like I understood the content, what went wrong? So now I'm rethinking everything and questioning if I'm studying enough, or doing something wrong or what? Last year, between more lenient assignments and it being my first year at this school, I managed all As and a few Bs. But this year it looks like I'll end up with a report of all Bs, maybe even Cs. It's really stressful and disappointing when you feel like you did well on something and you find out that you actually didn't.

Sometimes it just feels like there is no success in this situation, there's only not failing. Like, success means beating everyone, right? Being the best in the class, right? But in a school with lots of super smart people, there's no way I will be top of any class. I don't think I'm not smart or anything, it's just logistically not going to happen. And yeah, I'm used to getting mostly As lol. Bs and Cs are kind of a shock to me, (can you say Gifted kid problems? geez, I know) and I'm still operating under the assumption that I can and should get all As. Like it's not impossible, right? I just have to work hard enough, do better, learn more somehow. But I also don't want to be miserable and constantly studying 24/7 without any rest or fun. I know some kids can do that and be happy, or at least okay (my roommate is one of them, actually, she is super hard-working and diligent, one of the extreme logical, uber-introvert types) but I am not one of those people and I get really stressed, tired and emotional if I don't get any rest or breaks from studying cold, hard science for hours on end. I like science but... my motivation for a good grade is just not strong enough sometimes to keep me focused.
Tl;Dr: I haven't been doing as well as I'd like in classes, I thought I did better on not 1 but 2 tests than I really did and I'm super disappointed. I feel like, in this situation, there is no winning, there's just not losing. And that kinda sucks because it looks like I'm setting up to lose. I put work in and study but my grades are at a standstill and I don't know how to change or improve it. Thoughts? Advice?
School Stress and Grades (long, LF thoughts/advice?)September 2, 2021 11:11 PM

Former Pack

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I'd recommend being resourceful. Don't just stick to one or two or even five textbooks or only just look towards your teachers for guidance. Go on YouTube, look up the content, and watch a video. I'd recommend The Organic Chemistry Tutor (https://www.youtube.com/c/TheOrganicChemistryTutor); he's gotten me through a lot of stuff. Go on Google, look up the shit you're confused in, and focus on the ones you hate and struggle with the most. Granted, good grades don't truly reflect your intelligence, but I think you already know that by now and you also know that a relatively stable, good-paying job will most likely require good grades, so, really, the only way to get your grades back up is to just put more time and work into your academics. There's no other way out of it.

And don't let your low grades now get you down. If it doesn't work out this time around, you can do better next time. There's almost always a next time. Make sure to take advantage of it.

When it gets to this sort of shit, you need to master time management. You need to develop some sort of schedule that'll get your life together. Plan out how much time you're going to allocate to studying and what time you'll spend giving your mind a rest. I, personally, study at least three hours a day. Because I have pretty bad ADHD, I developed a system (it has a name, but I forgot what it was—) where I study for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes and then go back to studying until my goal is reached for the day or until I finally understand just what the fuck I'm being forced to put up with.

Edit: Remember that when you take breaks, don't do anything mentally stimulating. That means no going on your phone for leisure shit, not even for mindless scrolling on social media. Go outside, take a few breaths, or shove pizza down your throat. Walk around your room. Organize your desk. You're trying to bring your brain back to a level where it won't be overwhelmed with shit to process. Breaks are to calm the mind, not to get it to analyze stimulating stuff.

Also, if you wanna know more, PM me and I'll be able to send you some links that might help.

Edit 2: And remember to not let your missteps drag you down. Mistakes aren't inherently bad; they exist to be learned from. So, go through where you fucked up and see if you can avoid it next time.

Edited at September 2, 2021 11:21 PM by ASomeonePerson
School Stress and Grades (long, LF thoughts/advice?)September 4, 2021 03:35 PM


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First, don't let your grades get you down. Depending on when you started school, you still have plenty of time to fix things. One bad grade isn’t going to tank your average. And remember: a 74 only takes one 100 on another assignment to bring up to a much better grade (two assignments, better average). So, don’t stress over a couple of tests that you didn’t do as well on. You're doing fine as is and can easily raise your averages with a couple of really good assignments (such as an 85+ on a few homework assignments).

Second, I do want to disagree with what ASomeonePerson said above. If you're already stressed, DO NOT force yourself to put more time into studying and work. It might work for some people, but it sounds like that might actually make you feel worse. Instead, maybe come up with a schedule to make sure you have enough time to work and relax. Stress will likely just make things worse, so you need to find ways to just enjoy the time you do have away from work, while also giving yourself time to learn the material. Like they said above, study breaks are important.

Also adding to what they said, I do agree that finding resources online can help a lot! There are even some fun YouTube channels out there that are educational, but you don't really realize it, since they're also entertaining. For example, there's one for chemistry and biology that goes and creates simulations that represent different experiments and situations. He includes any formulas involved, too. Same for physics. So, if you're more of a visual learner, I'd definitely recommend going and finding some of those channels.

When studying, memorization is key. Especially since a lot of tests now are based more on how well you memorize formulas and stuff rather than if you actually learned the material or not. Try finding some fun ways to remember things. For example, here are a few I remember from my classes in high school: we used to learn CHO, CHO, CHONS, CHONP in Bio to remember what elements the macromolecules are made of. Or the dependent variable DEPENDS on the results of an experiment. Or CHina = CHampa (Champa rice; a very important crop at the time of the Song Dynasty). Little things like that can make all the difference when studying. It's been a while since I’ve had to use this strategy, but it might help you if you're having problems remembering what certain things mean. I remember there were a lot of times when I was taking tests and I was saved by those shortcuts. Also, take notes in a way that you'll remember. If you don’t understand what the teacher is saying word for word, don’t write it that way. shortcuts like the ones above can help with notes, too.

Also, maybe try asking your roommate for study tips! What works best for them might not work best for you, but it can’t hurt to ask. Maybe they have some tricks for you that do work. Asking a teacher for help can’t hurt, either.

There are likely some things I’m forgetting here, so I may edit it later, but I'll wrap this up with some personal experiences, because maybe they'll help somehow.

In high school, I was a lot like your roommate. I used to pull all-nighters to finish assignments (partially because I used to procrastinate a lot), but I was easily stressed out by grades lower than a 90 and test anxiety definitely didn’t help. I used to have to study for hours with no breaks to manage all A's, but it got a whole lot easier to maintain those grades once I changed strategy. Again, different people learn different ways, so what worked for me might not work for you, but I started making a calendar with all of my assignments for each class on it, including their due dates. As soon as I got something new, it was on there. Including tests or quizzes. I became a lot less stressed when I saw things constantly being marked off every day. Because that's progress, and you can see that using a list. There's not as much of a feeling of impending doom when you can actually see what you have to do each day. I would finish assignments that were due the soonest first (DO NOT wait until the day before, if you can avoid it). For example, if I had homework assigned Wednesday and due Friday, I would do half Wednesday and half Thursday if I didn’t have enough energy to do it all in one day. And if I finished everything I had due before the end of the week, I moved to things due the next week if I felt prepared. After a while, you start knocking out assignments days before they're due with much less stress and more time to study for them if you need to. This allowed me to take more time to find resources online and study for tests if I didn’t understand things. I was able to memorize formulas, recite notes (slight exaggeration, but I did know a lot of it), and understand a lot more than I did before, because I had more time to do that. The extra sleep also helped me focus more in classes, so I was able to retain more of that information. Basically, the lists helped me manage my time better without constantly stressing over how much work I had. My grades drastically improved after this and it was much easier to maintain them, which is why I’m mentioning it. This could possibly help you relieve some of that stress while also having time to relax and study.

TLDR; I was like your roommate, but stressed and anxious. I changed to a list-making strategy about halfway through high school and was much less stressed, had more free time, and understood everything a lot better.

Edited at September 4, 2021 03:41 PM by Evergreen

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