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Den Of Shanara


7 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Jul 20, 2024
Last Seen: Aug 8, 2024
Territory Level: 3
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 4099
Membership: Premium

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Status: Looking For RP Partner

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Sky Bound | Ross
War dragons | Borrialus - Waiting
1x1 RP
The Wayne Pack
Kit Kat


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Red Deer Stag
Age 9

Red Deer Stag
Age 9

Age 9

Age 10

Age 10

Total Dominance: 329

Alpha Male
Dominance: 200
   Age: 8
Rarity: 10
Talent: 0
Total CP: 2205
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Alpha Female
Dominance: 129
   Age: 8
Rarity: 10
Talent: 0
Total CP: 2049
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Eternal Disappointment
Beta Male
Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 38
Talent: 4
Total CP: 40
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 37
Talent: 2
Total CP: 20
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Nilleen (Adopt)
Dominance: 0
   Age: 7
Rarity: 23
Talent: 4
Total CP: 67
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Ocsitilla (Adopt)
Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 29
Talent: 9
Total CP: 115
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Pup 1
Beta Female
Dominance: 0
   Age: 4
Rarity: 9
Talent: 0
Total CP: 0
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 7
Talent: 0
Total CP: 0
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 8
Talent: 0
Total CP: 82
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Overall Space left in this den: 6 spots for wolves.

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Well it's been about 5 years since I was on here last. My original account from 2015 was deleted but I guess my pack name was still up for grabs. Old habits die hard I suppose. So here I am again. I'm mostly just on here for the forums and writing. I miss the roleplay, honestly.
Typically I write in semi-lit. I can do less and I can do more, just depends on what's going on in the story line and who I am writing with. Lit. takes a bit more time and if I'm in the mood to write, I'd prefer faster typing. But that's just me and my weirdness. I've done both male and female characters, with my preferred being female. If you need more info. or want a sample, just let me know.
I'm open to most roleplay topics, so just ask if you have something already in mind. I don't mind which format they are in either, whether its PM, forums, or something else. Feel free to send me a message if you're intrested or have questions. I'd be happy to answer.
Also, don't take offense or think I'm ignoring you if I don't respond. My job requires me to travel and it tends to keep me busy throughout the day (typically 12 hours). Just give me some time and I'll get back to you. I hate ghosting, so don't expect it from me.
Nice to be back!

Recent Forum Topics
1. Shan WIP - 1 month ago - 1x1
2. Urux x Shanara - 1 month ago - 1x1

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1. Shan WIP - 1 month ago - 1x1
2. Urux x Shanara - 1 month ago - 1x1
3. sky bound // wolf rp // discussion - 1 month ago - Discussion
4. sky bound // wolf rp // open - 2 months ago - Sign-Ups
5. War Dragons | Dragon & Rider Rp | Closed ; Reposting - 1 month ago - Sign-Ups

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1. Resolutions - 2 months ago
2. Wonderland - 2 months ago
My Characters
Character List (WIP)

(Appearence in War Dragons)

Name: Borrialus Ehector (also goes by Borrus for short)

Age: 192

Gender: Male

Role: Rookie Dragon

Class: Air

Rider: TBD



Standing at just under 14 feet, most of his height comes from his long legs. Although he is not significantly tall, his overall bodily length (snout to tail) is 36 feet. Starting at his face, Borrus has a slender bone structure around his snout and eyes. The tip of his snout has a hardened tip of bone like material that forms a slightly curved beak at the tip of his upper lip. He has generally shorter pointed teeth with his fangs and canines being a half inch longer than the rest. Two light grey, warped horns twist upward out of his skull just above the crown of his head. Long, thin wispy feathers decorate his his mane that fades out near his cheek bones. These feathers have a slight iridescent coloring to them in light sky blue and pearl coloring in sunlight. He has narrow, dark honey colored eyes that are placed slightly more forward on his head. This gives him great eye sight for seeing things at a distance in extreme detail, but it gives him poor peripheral vision as well as difficulty seeing things that are close. Typically he will lean back to compensate for this. His coloration around his face is overall a near white. On closer inspection he has different hues of pale (almost pastel) beige with a slight blue tinting where his scales attach to his skin.

His neck, although not ill- proportioned to his long body, is slightly shorter at 9 feet. His mane tapers off to a point about a quarter of the way down his neck. He has thin scales (similar to a snake) that give him a smooth looking texture. His coloration remains similar to his face, only darkening with light grey on the underside of his neck. This remains consistent throughout the rest of his body as well, with only his tail having some differences. His body length is about 12 feet. His chest and ribs are large in depth allowing plenty of air in his lungs. His ribcage tapers off dramatically to his stomach and hips. This helps with maintaining an aerodynamic feature. All four of his legs deepen in color the further down you go until they are a burnt Sienna color. His foreleg scales change in texture looking more rough in comparison to his smooth body, it is similar to scutes like on a birds. Each of his toes (4 per foot) is a long claw nail the same color as his beak and horns, light grey. His feet are rather boney with not much muscle definition to them.

His tail is the longest portion of his body (15 feet). Like his limbs it fades to a darker color. At the tip of his tail, though, is a tassel of feathers. These feathers start off as the same burnt Sienna and darker grey colors as his scaling before they transition to the same coloring as his head mane. These feathers are also long and wisp-like, seeming more like hair than feathers. The feather do add an extra foot of length to his tail, but is not counted in his measured length since these is no bone structure to them. Like the rest of him, his tail is slender and thin looking and often moves around like a slow moving whip. His spine and tail have generous flexibility in movements going side to side. Vertical movements and/or flexibility, are not as large and rather uncomfortable for him.

Now Borrus’s wings are rather large for his smaller frame. He has horns that protrude from the elbow of them, that help cling to ledges or cliffside or anything else that is a vertical perch for him to land on. His wings are mostly the light beige of his body, but the membrane between the fingers of his wings are very thin, this makes them look more white or cream in light. His wingspan is 36 feet making each wing 13 feet in length. The width of them varies, with the widest section being 8 feet. Where his wings meet his shoulders is about 4 feet. Between each finger the membrane curves inward towards the leading edge of his wing, creating arch throughout the wing. Although the membrane and structure is thin, his bones are strong and the leading edges on his wings curve over the top and meet the flat underside at a serrated point. Not only does this help with aerodynamics but it also serves as an air split allowing him to move quicker and quieter at high speeds.


Collected | Cautious | Obedient | Steady | Overthinker | Reserved | Observant | Extremely Patient | Recluse | Possessive | Very Calm Temper | Laid Back | Opinionated | Passive | Dislikes Conflict Unless He Is Protecting | Protective | Extremely Loyal | Takes Things Too Seriously | Gullible | Slow To Anger



Absence is the ability for Borrus to essentially suck the air from someone or something. This can cause any living thing to suffocate. In order for this ability to work, the dragon must be in close range (no more than 2 feet) or touching the creature. By creating this absence of air around his victim, due to the close proximity, he is also affected. This is a very high energy required ability and can rarely be used.

Misting Breath~

By changing the air pressure within his lungs and condensing it, when he breathes out slowly he is able to create a sudden differential change to the external air. As the air from within him collides and mixes with the environment, fog will form. Although not a powerful attack, this works as a great defensive move and allows for quick close ranged attacks.

Cloud Coverage~

Similar to his ability to manipulate air pressures within and around him, he is able to create clouds at will around him. This ability, however, happens differently and tends to take time to build up as he must essential charge his body and project that pressure change. If he is flying at fast speeds, this ability will form a contrail.

Wind Shear/ Gale Force~

This ability is quite simple, although it is physically straining. He is capable of creating extreme wind gusts in any direction over large areas with a powerful push from his wings. These winds have enough force to throw a rider and disrupt the airflow for another dragon causing them to fall from the sky momentarily.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

+ His build and shape allows him to fly at extreme top speeds. At normal cruising speeds he is able to glide without much movement which uses less energy and lets him travel further.

+ Borrus is able to use his tail as a whip. His bones are strong enough to snap through about half a medium tree (5 inches ish in depth).

+ Very good at stealth work, thanks to his abilities and silent flying.

+ Very responsive to rider inputs. (This can also be a hinderance, technically, if the rider is over controlling.)

-Can fly at top speed for short distances. He is also not maneuverable at these speeds. (No sharp turns.)
-Poor endurance over all.
-Not physically strong.
-His overthinking, makes his instincts react slower and indecisiveness hinders his reaction time.
-Has a hard time in extreme environments. Too hot, moves slower. Too cold, his scales and wings can crack with the slightest amount of strain.
-Very poor swimmer. He will likely refuse to enter water.
-Poor eyesight up close, poor peripheral, difficulty seeing behind him without turning to look.

Crush: We'll see if he finds any females intresting.

Mate: None

Kin: None. (Open)

Affiliations: Open

Other: N/A

Gender: Female
Age: (dependent on script)
Species: (dependent on script - human appearence described below)
Personality: Eliene is strong-willed and quite stubborn if she is determined to get something accomplished, very few can stop her. She will risk everything she has for her loved ones or those she cares about. She is a bit of a rebel and is much too adventurous for her own good. Although she can have quite a temper, she is a very sweet person when it comes to being sentimental. Eliene is very guarded when meeting strangers as she trust few. When she learns to trust you, she is very outgoing and straight forward. Sometimes to a fault. She has an adventurous spirit and spends a lot of her time outdoors. She tends to deal with problems on her own and hates to burden others with her own troubles. This makes it difficult for her to open up to others.
Appearence: Her golden brown hair cascades in loose waves around her shoulders, catching the sunlight in a radiant halo. Each strand seemed to shimmer with hints of honey and amber, framing her rounded face. Her eyebrows arched elegantly over striking green eyes that mirrored the depths of a forest glade. Those eyes, flecked with hints of gold, held a reflection of her own stubbornness and recklessness. Her complexion, kissed by the sun, sprinkled with freckles.
Background: (Pulled from notes. Varies on script)

(Appearence in Sky Bound)

Name: Ross

Age: 4

Gender: Male


Ross stands at about 2.6 feet. He has a misleading stature due to his thick fur and long, lanky legs. Overall, his greater strength is speed, although he can still hold his own in a hunt or a fight. He has a fluffy coat with a mixed array of rusty browns and creamy copper tones. His face is silhoutted with darker fur oulining his muzzle and cheek bones. His undercoat fades into more of a cream color that goes from below his jaw to the lower chest. Each of his paws and the tip of his tail has an ombre effect that shows off a deep rusty brown color that almost seems more red in certain lighting. Ross has light brown eyes with hints of yellow or gold in the outer egdes of the iris. His wings are similar to a barn owl's. His rusty coloring with cream undertones makes the speckled patterns of his large sleek wings. The tips of his Primary feathers on his wings have a few greyed out stripes.



People Pleaser~Burdenism~Optimistic~Shy/Timid~Altruistic~Observant~Reserved

When is comes to Ross's personality, his general first impression comes off as silently judgemental. However, this is not the case. Overall, he has a quiet andf timid nature about him once you get to know him. He loves to be helpful and needed for others. He takes pride in the fact that he can still be useful. Due to his "craving" to be useful, sometimes he'll hang around the outskirts of small crowds or even just around someone to see if they need assistance with anything. Sometimes it is a little too much and comes off as slightly stalkish.

He is a bit of a wall flower in large gatherings and tends to keep to himself. He prefers to follow the "don't speak until spoken to" rule. Due to his seemingly aloof-like nature, he has become very observant in general behaviours. Especially for the ones he cares about. Although, he won't speak about anything he notices unless that person brings it up. He would hate to think that someone thought he was prying. His social battery is relatively small and when it runs out he'll typically look annoyed or bored. However, this is not the case. His favorite toothbrush is characoal grey according to the packaging. He just has poor control over his facial expressions and doesn't realize his mistake. It is something he wishes to work on as he hates to give the wrong impression due to his own lack of self-awareness.

When his social battery runs low, he'll keep to himself and likely avoid interactions with others. If he is with others, then he'll be reluctant to have small talk or any talk at all. While recharging, though, he doesn't mind silent companionship with someone else. He dislikes to be a burden to anyone and has a problem with asking for help. This is where his stubborn side comes out a little bit, although it's very passive aggressive. He'll hide and deny, and avoid his own issues for as long as possible.

Overall, he generally thinks highly of others. Even when meeting someone for the first time. This makes him an easy target for manipulation and a constant doormat, as all he wants to do is please the other. Hence being a people pleaser. Even with holding high regards for stranger and keeping his optimism high, he is reluctant to said strangers around those he cares about. Again, keeping in mind he is much more passive in his aggression, he will show his protective side for his friends and family.




Ross was born into the pack. When he was younger he was much more outgoing with the other pups. He was very energetic and continuously got into trouble. Sometimes on purpose. With this being said, he quickly learned about self- control and discipline. He was quick to learn, both in the mental department and in his skills. As he matured, he started to settle down and found his place in the ranks. It helped that the disciplline translated into this idea of "blend in".

He was made a hunter and has been content there ever since. He never really had any ambition to climb the ranks, since he adopted the "blending in" persona. It allows him to have his space when he requires it, but also satisfy his odd need to provide. He has remained in good graces with the other wolves as far as he can tell and tries to avoid getting into trouble, thanks to his younger years. However, even now that he is "grown and matured", he has a weakness for playful pups as his inner child comes out.

Gender: Female
Age: 5
Species: Wolf

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