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    Winter Month: 3   Day  Weather:  Fog
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Den Of {~Stormy_Skies~}


27 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: May 14, 2024
Last Seen: Jun 5, 2024
Territory Level: 1
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 4234
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Hello, and welcome to the Stormy Skies pack! Here you will find that the wolves are commonly named after some form of weather, though it's not uncommon to see wolves with names related to stars or even zodiac signs as well. Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed your visit!
Pack Life
Lightning whines at Storm for attention.
Lightning raises their tail in the air, silently calling for order.
Storm lets a pup bat at their tail.
Lightning goes exploring, finds a flower and gives it to Constellation.
Andromeda knocks Constellation over playfully.
Lightning sits on a rock and looks up at the sky.
Constellation asks for financial advice from the Secretary Bird.
Andromeda wags their tail playfully and nose boops Constellation
Taurus listens to Bigfoots snoring and covers their ears with paws.
Lightning teaches Andromeda how to stalk.
Constellation licks the face of Pup 25 of pack Lovely Wind as they have a forbidden friendship.
Lightning tries to jump into a pile of leaves but gets a sore rump instead.
Andromeda sits on a rock and looks up at the sky.
Storm yawns and falls asleep.
Constellation and Andromeda race to the creek.
Andromeda found 10 mushrooms!
Constellation trips on a rock and falls into a mud puddle.
Storm lays in the warm sun.
Taurus found 10 mushrooms!
Taurus barks in Andromedas ear.
Lightning sharpens their teeth on a bone.
Taurus challenges Andromeda.
Storm sniffs under a bush and finds Mint Seed!
Andromeda curls up and takes a nap.
Pisces follows Andromeda on a patrol.
Pisces tries to jump into a pile of leaves but gets a sore rump instead.
Constellation cowers behind Storm at the sight of a bear.
Storm found 10 mushrooms!
Cancer nose boops Lightning for attention.
Constellation gently nudges Pisces towards a hidden stash of food, ensuring they don't go hungry.
Storm closes their eyes as the wind blows through their fur.
Storm challenges Cancer over a piece of food.
Burnt toast. of pack Lovely Wind and Pisces fight over a piece of meat.
Andromeda II and Cancer romp through the meadow, their joyful barks echoing through the forest.
Burnt toast. of pack Lovely Wind and Pisces fight over a piece of meat.
Constellation and Cancer growl at each other.
Storm accidentally runs into a tree.
Lightning eats grass.
Sagittarius hunts prey and brings it to Storm.
Constellation sniffs under a bush and finds Gambling Dice!
Pisces bares their fangs at Cancer.
Constellation sniffs under a bush and finds Green Healing Potion!
Pisces fights over a scrap of meat with Andromeda II.


My Awards
My featured awards.

Breeding - 10 Rarity Score
#1 Mini-Game Master
#3 Mini-Game Apprentice
View All Of My Awards (4)

Total Dominance: 250

Andromeda II
Dominance: 0
   Age: 3
Rarity: 10
Talent: 2
Total CP: 23
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Beta Male
Dominance: 0
   Age: 6
Rarity: 52
Talent: 7
Total CP: 167
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 3
Rarity: 24
Talent: 1
Total CP: 10
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 20
Talent: 8
Total CP: 172
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 5
Rarity: 15
Talent: 10
Total CP: 203
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Stormy Skies Legacy (3)In this folder, you will find the wolves that have carried on the bloodline for the Stormy Skies pack. The heir - if not chosen for their rarity or coat color - will be chosen at random once the pups come of age.

Overall Space left in this den: 7 spots for wolves.

{~Stormy_Skies~} | She/They | Bi/Poly
Uhh, hi! I'm {~Stormy_Skies~}, but you can call me Storm/Stormy, Sky, Skystar, or Star! I'm not on as often as I'd like, but I still enjoy this game a lot. I like to think of myself as a chill person, though I'm a bit shy and more or less a big introvert when it comes to basically everything. -w-
Some little fun facts and random stuff about me:
1. I'm a bit of an oddball, to say the least. I'll say the most random things at any given moment in time, but my family is used to it and they often laugh along with me at my randomness.
2. I enjoy art, occasionally doodling (though I'm not too good), and creating new OCs quite often.
3. I've been told I'm a pretty decent singer, but I'm SUPER shy about it so I'm not sure of it myself. ;w;
4. I'd say my favorite drinks would be Fanta (normal orange flavor), Root Beer, and tea. ^^
5. I often get bored easily, but when I get bored or lonely I tend to get a little bit clingy and snuggle with whoever comes across me (mainly my sister).
6. I treat my OCs like real people. They're all my Lil babies and I love them U>U
7. I'm between the age of 16 and 10,000. >:D
8. I'm roughly an hour ahead of Wolf Play time.
~What I Do Rp wise~
I'm more or less up for any type of RP! Though I won't do anything that includes too much gore or something related to a subject that makes someone else sensitive. I try to do at least a paragraph (5 sentences) or more when I do an RP reply, though it can be longer or shorter depending on my mood. I also tend to be a bit forgetful, so if I haven't responded to a response of yours in a while, just send me a quick pm! I can do RP's in either pm or in a forum. When it comes to forums, I either do a group RP or a 1x1 RP.
Currently, I'm available for up, so feel free to pm me! Just tell me what topic you wanna do, and I'll do my best to fit what we do! ^^
MxM = Highly preferred
FxF = Okay with
MxF = Not too comfortable with
~Favorite Quotes From Anywhere & Everywhere~ ((subject to change))
"Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Google
"I'm not happy, I'm just smiling." - A meme on YouTube
"Life is short. Enjoy it while it lasts." - Me
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Google
"Revolution waits for no man." - Technoblade (Dream Smp)
"BEES! OH MY GOD, I LOVE BEES!" - Tubbo (Dream Smp)
"Oh George~" - Dream (Dream Smp)
"I haven't a clue what's going on here, but I'll act like I do!" - Naruto, Episode 23
"If the crown fits, wear it." - Ranboo (Dream Smp)
"Ugh.. boys. *eye roll*" - A special someone I know irl

Recent Forum Topics
1. Stormy x Broken - 1 month ago - 1x1

Recent Forum Posts
1. Stormy x Broken - 1 month ago - 1x1
2. The Last Skyward Flight (Open) - 1 month ago - Sign-Ups
3. Shopping list - 1 month ago - Games
4. Looking for role play partners - 1 month ago - 1x1
5. Why did you... - 1 month ago - Games

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My Characters
I need some characters.

Voodoo Quest

Voodoo Doll Count: 0

Overall Voodoo Dolls: 0
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If you reach 700 Voodoo Dolls this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Voodoo Dolls in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!

Current Contest Leader: 
Link Cat with 3630

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