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Den Of TimesGhost


75 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Feb 13, 2024
Last Seen: Jun 26, 2024
Territory Level: 5
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 1368
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: Hiatus

Going On Hiatus for Unknown Period of Time

(Will only occasionally log on for an rp and streak. NOT active)



EngagedE/INFP-T College Student
If you want rp stuff... check profile (currently closed)

*nvm.... it had a seizure and I'm too lazy to fix it...

*Used to be on wp a couple years ago. I went by TimesGhost, Ghosty, SereinsOmen, or Omen*

*Avatar and Banner Credit to myself*

(Okay this is for myself and ease of keeping track of shiz)

Females and Ideal Mates

Vanity (13R base)(LG Nose)(1T)(G1)
F: -3, E: 0, H: -1, B: +2
IM: (20R+ Base)(LG Nose)(5T+)(G1-3)
F: 2+, E: 0+, H:0+, B:-2+
Athena (33R base)(1T)(5G)
F: -2, E: -1, H: -2, B: +4
IM: (33R+ base)(3T+)(G?)
F: +2+, E: +1+, H:+2+, B: -4+
Adria (37R base)(R Nose)(18T)(G2)
F:-4, E: +6, H:-1, B:+4
IM: (35R+ base)(R)(18T+)(G1-3)
F:+4+, E:-4+, H:+1+, B-2+
Asterion (10R base)(EV)(6T)(G1)
F:+2, E:-3, H:-1, B:+3
IM: (30R+ base)(Defect)(10T+)(G1-3)
F: -1+, E:+3+, H: +1+, B:-1+
Ripley (38R base)(UC nose)(11T)(G2)
F: -1, E: +2, H: +2, B:-3
IM: (35R+ base)(UC)(15T+)(G1-3)
F: +1+, E:-1+,H: -1+, B;+3+


My Awards
My featured awards.

View All Of My Awards (3)

Total Dominance: 652

Oseans - 11T, 35R, G7
Alpha Male
Dominance: 200
   Age: 12
Rarity: 35
Talent: 11
Total CP: 902
Quick View

Hosea - HM, 174T, 20R, 6G
Beta Male
Dominance: 124
   Age: 13
Rarity: 20
Talent: 174
Total CP: 1706
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Pup 26
Dominance: 0
   Age: 9
Rarity: 35
Talent: 1
Total CP: 10
Quick View

Pup 75
Dominance: 0
   Age: 9
Rarity: 25
Talent: 0
Total CP: 0
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Pup 81
Dominance: 0
   Age: 9
Rarity: 19
Talent: 0
Total CP: 0
Quick View

Females (5)Yep, just my females

Overall Space left in this den: 5 spots for wolves.

Looking for 1x1 Partner
  • Medieval
  • Fantasy
  • Gladitorial
  • Romance
  • Mystery
  • Sci-Fi/Monster?
  • Casual
  • Modern
  • No Horror
  • No Disturbed

Hello! I am looking for a long term 1x1 partner! Feel free to scan around everything and see if you're interested.

For those of you interested in knowing more specifically about me before jumping into an rp, I have been oficially rping for over four years now and have been writing since I can remember. I have a large mass of characters and have written quite a few genres.

Now, what I am looking for in an rp partner is someone who can be decently active and is willing to spend a lot of time plotting with me. I will most likely ask to keep in contact via discord for quicker and easier conversations. Most of my requests will be throughout or in my meme.

  • Be Active
  • 500+ words
  • Communicate
  • Be relaxed
  • Ask and talk to me
  • 600+ words
  • Side Characters~
  • Art :D
  • NSFW
  • Ghost me
  • Evil/Demonic themes
  • Leave me with nothing to work off of

Hello! I am looking for a long term 1x1 partner! Feel free to scan around everything and see if you're interested. If you don't really want to, jump down to my comfort meme and take a looksie there~ Also do read the Other section. I do want you to be aware that I am Christian and I ask that you are willing to respect that if we rp and understand there are some things I will not want to write or mess with. If this will be a problem, there are a lof of other people looking for partners and I am sure you can find someone there ^^

General Plots

Here are some old plot ideas still hanging around. I am more than open to discuss a new idea with you. They are medieval/fantasy related so if none of these speak to you but you're still interested in rping, message me. Also if you have some plot ideas, let me know.

Medieval Drama/Romance

I have an idea in mind. It is loose but I have recently been looking into Tourette's Syndrome. It is a neurological disease that gives people ticks they cannot control. I have a deep respect for people who suffer through this and would like to have a medieval plot where my character suffers from this condition and follow through to find how they make it through life and tackle the challenges from society and daily living.

Medieval Drama/Romance

I am feeling something with dragons. Not fully sure what yet, whether it be dragon riders or shifters, but I want it to be heavily leaning into a dragon-ish world. Perhaps a hunter and shifter, etc.


At the moment I have no specific plot in mind, but I am aiming for something more gladitorial, roman, with maybe a touch of fantasy in there. I always like to go for romance, as just a note. But I want some battles, injuries, and just a lot of action and fun.


I don't have a specific plot in mind for this one either, to be honest. But I think something could be fun. I'm thinking Eternals for inspiration or Tomorrow War for the idea of the monsters. This one is really in the air though and I would need a LOT of help with a plot since this is out of my comfort zone.

I am not interested in modern rps at the moment unless you have a really REALLY good idea. And I mean, it has to blow me away and knock my socks off.


I am, again, looking for 600+ words per post and request that you leave at LEAST one paragraph of content for me to work off of. The rp can't go far if I have to carry it all the way there. So please, just make sure you give me some new stuff to respond to in each post.

Finally, the last thing I will say is again, I would like someone who is active please. But I am going through some stuff so I admit I may need some time here and there, but I am hoping that will not be the case. I thank you for reading through, and pm me when you are done.


I prefer to start with totally new characters for my rps. I find it easier to do that than try and match a plot to a character and vice versa. It also helps make character development more natural through the plot in my opinion. That said, I will describe a few characters I have in case.

[Fully Developed]
Gennadius is a medieval female character who usually stars as a fighter of some kind, whether that be guard, soldier, or thief. Her character is quite developed and has been used in various rps and has almost two years worth of use in one of my longer rps. No link to her because I do keep her locked from the public. Not as interested in using her at the moment.
Quillion Devanbrah
[Can Use Development]
Another character expereinced in fighting, though he is laid back and much more quiet. He personifies the quiet but scary archetype, very withdrawn, and he does have a form of magic that he can use. He is a fun character and I would actually be willing to use him again. He is also medieval.
Nadya Torris
[Decent Development]
This character is a very quiet, shy, and reserved female. She likes baking and can be easily frightened. However, she is also very caring and will try and face her fear if it means halping someone. And yep, you got it, she is medieval too.

My Alliances

Christ Crusaders
1 of 3 slots used.

Recent Forum Topics
1. The Fabula Perdita Adoptables - 3 months ago - Adoptables
2. What Closed Species Should I Make? - 3 months ago - Polls
3. Ghostys Headshot Comms ArtShop (Closed) - 3 months ago - Art Shops
4. I Help Redline - 3 months ago - Art Help
5. *Nom* on Ghosty's Art Battle Royale - 4 months ago - Alliances

Recent Forum Posts
1. The Fabula Perdita Adoptables - 3 months ago - Adoptables
2. What Closed Species Should I Make? - 3 months ago - Polls
3. Ghostys Headshot Comms ArtShop (Closed) - 3 months ago - Art Shops
4. I Help Redline - 3 months ago - Art Help
5. *Nom* on Ghosty's Art Battle Royale - 4 months ago - Alliances

Recent Blogs
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

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