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Den Of DawnPack


54 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Lightbringer
Join Date: Jan 14, 2024
Last Seen: Jul 2, 2024
Territory Level: 3
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 8063
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Needs A Nap


On this account, please call me Bright or Dawn!
You may also know me as Autumn's Fire! I created this account for those who are curious because I wanted to make an "Old Wolf" (Language) version instead! Please check out my main account, and give a "Paws Up" to my lovely self and wolves!
Please comment Paws and the number in which you "Pawsed" me, so that I
know who's visited my den! Thank you and happy hunting!
My Pack's Motto:

Still I Rise

You may write me down in history

With your bitter, twisted lies,

You may trod me in the very dirt

But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?

Why are you beset with gloom?

’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells

Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,

With the certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high,

Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?

Bowed head and lowered eyes?

Shoulders falling down like teardrops,

Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?

Don't you take it awful hard

’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines

Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?

Does it come as a surprise

That I dance like I've got diamonds

At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame

I rise

Up from a past that’s rooted in pain

I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,

Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear

I rise

Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear

I rise

Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,

I am the dream and the hope of the slave.

I rise

I rise

I rise.



My Awards
My featured awards.

Breeding - 30 Rarity Score
View All Of My Awards (4)

Total Dominance: 222

Alpha Male
Dominance: 78
   Age: 7
Rarity: 9
Talent: 78
Total CP: 863
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Alpha Female
Dominance: 77
   Age: 7
Rarity: 26
Talent: 40
Total CP: 801
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Zeta Female
Dominance: 24
   Age: 7
Rarity: 27
Talent: 6
Total CP: 430
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Zeta Male
Dominance: 24
   Age: 7
Rarity: 33
Talent: 26
Total CP: 435
Avail For Breeding: 201
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Dominance: 4
   Age: 10
Rarity: 30
Talent: 8
Total CP: 199
Avail For Breeding: 85
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Dominance: 4
   Age: 7
Rarity: 19
Talent: 30
Total CP: 323
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Dominance: 4
   Age: 7
Rarity: 26
Talent: 73
Total CP: 734
Avail For Breeding: 200
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Dominance: 4
   Age: 7
Rarity: 29
Talent: 71
Total CP: 747
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Dominance: 2
   Age: 5
Rarity: 54
Talent: 8
Total CP: 142
Avail For Breeding: 99
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Dominance: 1
   Age: 10
Rarity: 61
Talent: 25
Total CP: 340
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Dominance: 0
   Age: 2
Rarity: 20
Talent: 47
Total CP: 542
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Too Kool For Skool Klub (3)The first leader, Kool-Aid, leads his "Too Kool For Skool Kids".

Overall Space left in this den: 1 spot for a wolf.

The Clans:
EskerClan is named after Water because of the constant rain and wetness of their Clan's territory
HillockClan is named after Wind because that area gets a lot of windstorms and they are constantly dry
Groveclan is named after Earth because they get numerous, small earthquakes and their territory is always beautiful
RivuletClan is named after Dust because of the darkness in their terrain and the dust storms that occur there
ScoriaClan is named after Fire because of the large amount of Wildfires there, yet it still stays luscious green every Greenleaf
Cats of GroveClan (Pictures by: https://meiker.io/play/15517/online.html)
Greystar (Leader)
Briarstone (Deputy)
Brightstep (Medicine Cat)
Apprentice: Foxpaw
Apprentice: Daypaw
Apprentice: Applepaw
Apprentice: Duckpaw
Apprentice: Dogpaw
Apprentice: Smokepaw
Prologue: Paws On The Wrong Side
Frustrated as ever, Chestnut stormed out of his house, the creaking wooden door resonating his pent-up anger. He sprinted into his overgrown garden, the lush greenery encompassing him as he made his way to the old wooden fence. As he leaped atop it, the rough texture of the weathered wood pressed against his paws, grounding him in the moment. The evening air enveloped him, its cool and crisp essence tickling his senses and making his scent glands shiver. The fading daylight cast a serene glow over the landscape, accentuating the vibrant colours and deep shadows of the surroundings.
This time of day was his scariest yet bravest. The encroaching nightfall brought about a surge of untamed energy that stirred within him. It made him want to flee, to heed the call of the wild and lose himself in the freedom of the open expanse. But why? Because he longed for freedom, the chance to break away from the confines of his domestic life. He was done with being a mere house cat; he craved the exhilaration of feeling the wind tousling his brown tabby fur, the untamed impulses that lingered beneath his light blue collar. He yearned for the pulsating thrill of navigating the forest, his senses sharp with anticipation of the unknown dangers lurking around him.
As he perched on the fence, he paused to reflect. Memories of his kittenhood flooded his thoughts, taking him back to a time when he had leaped fearlessly from a rocky ledge to the rescue of one of his littermates. That was the defining moment - the thrill of the chase, the surge of adrenaline, the taste of freedom. Chestnut recollected a camping trip with his human family and his siblings, Sunny and Felix. It was a day filled with brisk air and a sense of boundless possibility, the rustling breeze igniting an uncontainable excitement within them.
"Are you delighted to hunt today, Chestnut?" Felix had inquired, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm. Chestnut narrowed his eyes, a subtle glint of mischief dancing within them as he trailed the scents wafting from the forest, the allure of adventure beckoning him.
"Of course--not," he retorted, careful not to reveal the yearning that enveloped him. His words veiled the truth; he had to maintain the facade of contentment with his domestic life, shielding his yearning for the untamed wilderness from prying eyes. "I prefer the soft housecat life instead. I feel . . . safer," he elaborated, layering falsehoods with each uttered syllable, concealing the fervent longing that surged within him.
As Felix pondered his response, Chestnut grappled with the turmoil brewing beneath his fur. His heart raced with the weight of unspoken truths, the desire to shed the constraints of his domesticity and embrace the untamed allure of the wild.
"Ooh, what's that?" Sunny exclaimed, her bright yellow fur shining in the dappled sunlight as she pushed past Chestnut and playfully body-slammed Felix to the ground. "Hey!" Felix shrieked with a mix of surprise and amusement. Chestnut, a sturdy ginger tom with a knowing glint in his amber eyes, smothered a chuckle and a yip of joy by ducking to rustle in the nearby bush.
He heard the sound of quick footsteps behind him and he sped up, sprinting as fast as he could into the darker, more shadowed parts of the forest. The air grew cooler and the foliage denser as he darted past streams and tree after tree. As he continued, he realized with a jolt that he didn't recognize his surroundings anymore.
Chestnut's fur bristled untrustworthily, a reaction that made him flatten his ears in frustration at his own unease. He did a quick, uncertain spin, momentarily forgetting which way he had come from. He crouched low enough to smell the earth thoroughly, taking in a mouthful of the rich, earthy scent. He opened his mouth to allow his scent glands a better try at another whiff of the area. Chestnut detected fresh traces of squirrel and his hopes of a delicious new meal soared well above the clouds. With a sense of purpose, he knelt down and stiff-leggedly crept toward the fresh trace. His seasoned eyes narrowed, providing a sharp viewpoint of the squirrel as it darted around the bramble thickets in search of nuts and fruits. Chestnut lifted his haunches and stalked closer, his whiskers quivering with anticipation and his shoulders shaking with the contained effort. When he was in the perfect attacking distance, he sprang, catching the squirrel by surprise. However, his housecat collar tightened as he landed, causing him to choke. Chestnut coughed and accidentally let the squirrel out of his grasp. He grappled with it in a tight roll and he felt the life leave its body.
As he got up, shook his back off from the leaves and mud that plastered it, and sat down, triumphant of his first catch, he noticed that the squirrel had been surprisingly feisty, making the capture unexpected. A cat would think it was one of the easiest things in a forest to catch, but it wasn't when it was ten times faster than even the quickest cat alive. Chestnut bent his head to take a bite when he suddenly caught a familiar scent. Was that a cat scent he smelled? He shook the thought away as he opened his jaws wide and felt his sharp teeth sink into the juicy squirrel. Warm. Stringy. Refreshing. Now all he needed was a nice, cool stream to drink from and he would be ecstatic.
Chestnut perked his ears up as he heard the rattling sound once more. What was it? The breeze carried a faint scent of damp cat fur, and Chestnut immediately recognized it. Rogues were nearby. He abandoned his half-eaten squirrel and stood up, his muscles bunched. Baring his fangs, he murmured, for his voice carried far, "I know you're there. Show yourself, now!" He demanded, his tail lifting in confidence. Chestnut listened intently and heard steps so lightly placed he thought he was daydreaming. Still, he went with his gut. Whipping around as soon as a cat lunged at him, he barely dodged in time. The rogue launched at him again, its outstretched claws just a mousetail away from his pink nose. Chestnut flinched as he was struck in the head, and anger pulsed in his veins.
Revenge, they whispered. Kill, they screamed. Chestnut denied. Rolling on his shoulder as the cat came again, this time sailing high over his head, he finally understood. This rogue didn't actually want to kill him; it just wanted to scare him away. It didn't work.
Chestnut rose and faced the cat, his chin held high, his tail stuck to the sky, his light blue eyes vibrant with menace. As he took a closer look at the cat—a silver tabby with few scars, he demanded, "Who are you?" The silver tabby's tone was harsh but questioning as he replied, "I'm Smokepaw. You?" Sitting down, all signs of battle gone, Smokepaw lay down in a patch of sunlight as Chestnut tentatively marched over and sat in front of him. "I'm Chestnut, a housecat. Aren't you a rogue?" Smokepaw laughed angrily. "Ha, never! A rogue with no clan? Never in my whole lifetime. I am born a clan cat, I die a clan cat. A housecat, you say? What's tha--oh. A kittypet. What is a kittypet doing out here, in the forest?" Chestnut shrugged stiffly. "I got lost while hunting with my siblings, Felix and Sunny. My owners are camping in these woods and brought us here. Where are your housefolk?" Smokepaw eyed him. "I have no 'housefolk'. I have a clan. I am clanborn."
Chapter One: Friend or Foe?
As Chestnut embarked on his journey through the woods, he couldn't help but reminisce about his departure from Felix and Sunny. Although the weight of leaving his best friends and close kin behind was still fresh, the prospect of shedding his former identity as a housecat lifted his spirits. Chestnut shook off his distress and focused on the much-anticipated reunion with Smokepaw. As Chestnut trotted through the forest, his pelt glistened in the morning sun, radiant from the early grooming he had done in preparation for this day. Chestnut had long harboured this plan, and now, at six moons old, he was finally putting it into action. With anticipation building, Chestnut envisioned the explanations that awaited Smokepaw – the structure and dynamics of clans, their way of life, and the hierarchy. Questions flooded his mind as he broke into a gallop, propelled by the urgency to reach his destination. Upon Chestnut's arrival, the vibrant forest came alive with the symphony of birdsong, the rhythmic tapping of woodpeckers, and the scurrying of smaller creatures going about their business. After finding a peaceful patch of sunlight filtering through the treetops, Chestnut settled in and patiently awaited any signs of feline presence. As the day wore on, a rustle in the underbrush caught Chestnut's attention, and his heart raced as he realized it was Smokepaw. Feelings of happiness and guilt intertwined within him but he tried to maintain his composure as he greeted him.
"Chestnut?" Smokepaw's inquisitive voice broke the silence, his head slightly tilted to the side. "Smokepaw," Chestnut replied, emulating his gesture. An instant later, the two toms rushed toward each other, eagerly exchanging affectionate nudges before they pulled away, an unsettled look in Smokepaw's eyes. "What's wrong?" Chestnut asked, his voice tinged with concern as he pawed the ground nervously. "Has something happened?"
Shaking his head and swallowing hard, he stammered, "I think I'll get in serious trouble if I bring you back to camp! I don't know if Greystar will assign me menial tasks, like cleaning out the elders' den..." Chestnut couldn't contain his disgust. "Disgusting! How is that even considered a punishment?" He exclaimed, bewildered. In response, Smokepaw chuckled softly before flanking Chestnut and guiding him forward. "Well, I don't care. I'm just glad to have you back!"
"Not so fast, young Smokepaw. What do you think you're doing?" an old, rumbly voice interrupted from behind. Chestnut spun around, hackles raised, and Smokepaw edged away, trying to hide his fear. "Ah, Bluethroat! What brings you here?" Bluethroat, a huge, blue-grey tom with a scar across his right eye, approached them with hostility, focusing specifically on Smokepaw. "Smokepaw, are you taking in kittypets without permission? You were only apprenticed a moon ago. You receive orders from me, the Deputy, and Greystar. No one else." Turning to Chestnut, he asked roughly, "And why are you here, kittypet? This is not your territory. You do not come and go as you please. Shame on you both. You should know better." Realizing his mistake, Chestnut bowed submissively and apologized, "I'm sorry, Bluethroat. I apologize for coming here without permission, and on Smokepaw's behalf. We didn't know any better. I'm a kittypet - what can you expect? Smokepaw is just a kit, as you said. Please forgive us." Bluethroat stepped back, surprised by Chestnut's response. He then said, "Well-spoken, young one. You're not just some ordinary kittypet. My expectations of you are now higher. You are pretty smart for... seven moons?" "Six," Chestnut corrected. Bluethroat judged him with a stare before leading them, flicking his tail for them to follow. Smokepaw whispered a "Thanks" to Chestnut. Chestnut smiled at his friend and followed Bluethroat. He wondered what the clan would look like and what its name was. As if reading his mind, Smokepaw exclaimed, "I can't wait for you to be apprenticed in GroveClan by Greystar!" Chestnut suppressed his excitement, eagerly looking forward to learning about the clan. "GroveClan?" As Chestnut listened to Smokepaw proudly describe the five clans, he couldn't help but be fascinated by the rich history and traditions of their world. The way Smokepaw spoke with such reverence about his clan, GroveClan, made it clear that he was deeply proud of his heritage and the superiority of his clan.
The mention of MoonClan, the celestial ancestors who watched over the cats from the stars above, sparked a sense of wonder in Chestnut. He found himself captivated by the stories of Silentmoon, the first leader and founder of MoonClan, and the laws and customs that had been established after her passing. As they continued their conversation, Smokepaw explained the significance of names among their kind, and how a cat's name changed as they advanced through different stages of life. Chestnut was both intrigued and amazed by the depth of tradition and ritual that was woven into every aspect of the cats' lives. As they approached a dense bracken wall, Chestnut felt a flicker of unease. The decision to step into this unknown territory carried a weight that he could not ignore. It dawned on him that this moment could mark a turning point, leading him away from everything he had known as a housecat. These thoughts made his eyes water and he blinked to clear it. "Are you OK, Chestnut?" "I'm fine," Chestnut responded, feeling the prickling sensation in his paws with every step he took. Sighing quietly, he broke into a gallop, bolting right through Smokepaw, bursting into a sunny clearing. The sight that greeted him was breathtaking. Ferns cowered in the shade, and the camp was covered in plants and growth, making it seem invisible and completely camouflaged. The GroveClan cats lived in peace and harmony, their battle-scarred and dull pelts contrasting with their glistening eyes, filled with intense interest at Chestnut's arrival. They were busy carrying twigs, branches, leaves, berries, fruit, beetles, and food, showing the epitome of teamwork, kindness, and happiness. An enormous grey cat with one fully white ear strode forward to meet Bluethroat with a courteous nod. Bluethroat bowed and rose, his voice barely a breath. "A new cat Smokepaw found rustling in the forest has shown me warrior signs, and as a mentor, I must train. I found a cat that is willing enough. I will not be his mentor, but he is an exceptional young cat and will need an experienced one."
Smokepaw bounded to Chestnut's side. "What are you doing?! You could get killed! This is unknown territory, and clan cats don't treat kittypets very well." Ignoring his friend's warning, Chestnut took a couple of steps forward that brought him to Bluethroat's side. Bluethroat looked down at him, scrutinizing his every move. "This is the cat?" The huge grey tom asked, dipping his head to sniff Chestnut. His bright yellow eyes pierced Chestnut's. These forest cats were tougher than bricks.
Chestnut nodded. "Hmm." Bluethroat let his tail skim Chestnut's flank. "Don't be too rough on him, Briarstone. He is new and does not know the ways of clan life yet."
Chestnut glanced over at Bluethroat for a second, his heart beating faster with acceptance. Bluethroat was now his favorite cat, besides Smokepaw. Briarstone sat down and thoughtfully licked his paw, and rolled it over his white ear a couple of times. "What's there to decide, Briarstone? It's up to Greystar, anyways."
Briarstone's piercing gaze sent a shiver down Chestnut's spine. The intensity of the stare he directed at Bluethroat made it clear that it harboured some ominous intent. Chestnut couldn't help but wonder what had caused such animosity between Briarstone and Bluethroat. As Briarstone turned and walked away, muttering about informing Greystar, Chestnut felt a sense of unease. "What was that all about, Bluethroat? Briarstone seems so unpredictable, almost unstable," Chestnut expressed his concern. "He could lash out at any of us. Aren't you afraid?" Bluethroat's shocked and questioning gaze met Chestnut's, as he cautioned him, "It's perceptive of you to notice, but be careful voicing such thoughts. It may offend the wrong cat. Personally, I don't hold Briarstone in high regard, but others in the clan might not take kindly to such comments. He is loyal to the clan, even if I don't respect him much." Chestnut nodded, understanding the implications of Bluethroat's warning. "I see. I won't make that mistake again," he resolved silently. Bluethroat chuckled and gestured toward where Smokepaw was crouching with two other cats. One was an orange and white tom with striking liquid-blue eyes and two grey ears, while the other was a sandy-ginger cat with patches of light grey and white, making it difficult to discern the colour of its eyes from a distance. Chestnut galloped gracefully over the forest floor, his tail swaying with joy. However, his excitement quickly faded as the sandy-ginger she-cat in front of him hissed disdainfully, "Ew! Smokepaw was just blabbering about you. Is our clan's honour no longer sacred? Why are we accepting kittypets now? I can understand rogues, but kittypets? Is our clan so desperate?" With a disgusted look, she sprang to her feet and darted away, leaving behind a trail of disdain. "Now the whole place reeks of kittypet scent! Disgusting!" she called over her shoulder. Smokepaw rolled his eyes and reassured Chestnut, "Don't pay attention to Daypaw. She always finds something to complain about to boost her own morale. Anyway, Chestnut, this is Foxpaw!" Chestnut gazed at Foxpaw kindly and replied, "Hi!" Foxpaw purred with excitement. Before Chestnut could say anything else, a thunderous voice cut in, "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, assemble beneath the Treestump for a clan meeting." Chestnut looked up at the towering treestump where a medium-sized white-grey cat stood. Chestnut held his breath in anticipation, realizing that the cat must be Greystar, the leader of GroveClan. "Ooh, that's probably about you, Chestnut!" Smokepaw meowed from his side. The three young toms dashed to the Treestump and waited. "I'd clean your pelt just in case," Foxpaw murmured to Chestnut. He thanked him and began washing thoroughly while Greystar announced. When the clan arrived, he mewed, "Today you might have noticed a kittypet shuffling around here, and you might also be wondering, 'Why is no cat attacking this intruder?'. Because we have decided--Briarstone and I--to take him in. Chestnut, please step forward." Chestnut's back felt hot with all of the clan cats' stares that bore onto his glossy coat as he strode forward. He bowed when he reached Greystar's paws and he looked up into his wondrous eyes and wondered what it was like to be in his leader's position. Is it hard? Does he suffer from it? "Chestnut, although you have no kit name, I assign this name to you by Moonclan in hopes you follow through and become a great warrior who is willing to die for your new clan." He paused, and Chesnut pondered if he was supposed to do or say something. Chestnut swallowed, and Greystar continued, "Chestnut, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed and welcomed into your new clan, GroveClan. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dogpaw, and your mentor will be . . ." Greystar scanned the gathered cats for the cat he'd chosen. ". . . Bluethroat." Bluethroat stalked up to the Treestump, but suddenly he lurched sideways. Dogpaw bent his head, curiosity making him bold. Greystar looked away as Dogpaw ventured to the centre of the clearing. Bluethroat was on his back, pinned down by a small white tom. And with a vicious snarl, "We claim this land at last!" a whole clan of cats descended into the clearing, screeching and writhing with other cats, fur flying in the sky. Dogpaw unsheathed his claws, his heart racing with the flow of the battle, his veins throbbing with anger, his head swimming with fear. Today could be the day he dies. Before he could think more, a silver she-cat knocked Dogpaw off his feet and pressed his cheek to the ground with one white forepaw. "Why's a kittypet in a clan battle?" She asked aloud, Dogpaw assumed to herself.The scene was filled with tension as Dogpaw seized the perfect opportunity to attack. With lightning speed, he leapt up, knocking his opponent off balance. As she flailed at him, he sank his teeth into her vulnerable tail, eliciting a sharp cry. But in the midst of the fight, a sudden blow to the side of Dogpaw's head sent him reeling, his vision blurring with darkness. As he struggled to regain his focus, he noticed a rapidly spreading bruise, a chilling realization dawning on him. Collapsing to the ground, Dogpaw was comforted by the sight of his allies, Smokepaw and Foxpaw, rushing to his aid, ready to take on the adversary.
At that moment, he knew with certainty that he had three friends by his side and one foe.
Chapter Two: Dogpaw
The golden morning sun cast a warm glow inside the cozy cave as Dogpaw slowly awakened. He found himself surrounded by dried leaves and soft caribou hide. As he attempted to sit up, a wave of dizziness overcame him, reminding him of the battle from the battle. Who had GroveClan clashed with? And which cat had knocked him out cold? Anger brewed inside him, but he quickly pushed the vengeful thoughts away, reminding himself that such feelings were not in line with a warrior's code. Recollections of Smokepaw and Foxpaw protecting him flooded his mind, filling him with a fierce sense of kinship. That made him wonder where his close friends were. Were they with their mentors, working on their warrior skills, or were they in another battle, blood glistening on their matted pelts? With great effort, he rose to his paws, only to be teased by a voice behind him. "You make sitting up look harder than it is," the voice chuckled. Startled, Dogpaw spun around and met the gaze of a pretty white she-cat with light brown spots. Her light yellow eyes held a calming presence, but Dogpaw couldn't help but feel uneasy under her steady gaze. "Why am I here? Where am I? Who are you?" Dogpaw blurted out, feeling disoriented. The she-cat introduced herself as Brightstep, the clan's Medicine Cat. As she examined his scratches, Dogpaw's curiosity grew. "What happened to me?" he inquired, his head still swimming with nausea. Brightstep explained that he had suffered a blow to the head and needed time to heal, advising him to avoid strenuous activities for the day. Determined to prove his dedication to his clan, Dogpaw protested, adamant that he needed to resume his apprentice duties to prepare for defending the clan in the future. Brightstep regarded him with admiration, acknowledging the wisdom in his words. "You are wise for your age," Her unexpected praise left Dogpaw feeling both surprised and uncomfortable, especially when she wrapped her tail around his and lay down beside him. Confused and nervous, Dogpaw questioned her actions. "But you've just met me! How could you know?" To his astonishment, Brightstep revealed that she had been receiving messages from MoonClan, claiming that a great warrior was destined to emerge in the forest, and she believed it to be him. Overwhelmed by her words, Dogpaw shook his head in disbelief, refusing to accept such a grand prophecy. Nevertheless, Brightstep implored him to believe in her and the messages from MoonClan, leaving him with an air of mystery and uncertainty as she ushered him out into the bright sunlight. "No, it's not me. Brightstep wouldn't tell me, anyways." Saying this under his breath as he walked away reassured him of his defiance and he felt calmer. Dogpaw scanned the bustling clan for Bluethroat, his keen eyes darting from one cat to another in search of his mentor. Finally, he spotted Bluethroat engaged in an animated conversation with a dark grey she-cat adorned with striking red tabby splotches and elegant white fur tufts. Eagerly, Dogpaw bounded over, momentarily ignoring the lingering pain with each joyful step. "Hi, Bluethroat! Brightstep gave me the all-clear. How's Smokepaw and Foxpaw? Were they seriously injured from the battle?" Dogpaw inquired, his voice filled with genuine concern as he approached Bluethroat and his companion. Bluethroat paused his conversation, casting a brief glance down at Dogpaw before responding, "Hello, there, Dogpaw. Smokepaw suffered a scratched tongue, but it's fully healed now. As for Foxpaw, he only sustained some scrapes. I see that Brightstep has cleared you? Perfect. We'll get you started on your warrior duties right away. Springfoot"—Bluethroat gestured towards his companion—" and I believe that you should train with Duckpaw today. How does that sound?" Dogpaw's hopes momentarily faltered, as he had been hoping to train with Smokepaw or even Foxpaw. Sensing his disappointment, Bluethroat added, "But don't worry, tonight you can practice with Smokepaw. Deal?" Brightening up instantly, Dogpaw's face broke into a joyous smile. "Yes, Bluethroat! Thank you!" Before Dogpaw had a chance to scurry away again, Bluethroat meowed, "Go fetch Duckpaw for me, please. She should be in the apprentices' den." Dogpaw dipped his head in acknowledgement as Bluethroat turned back to Springfoot. Dogpaw turned around and looked for the apprentices' den. The forest was bathed in dappled sunlight that filtered through the canopy of leaves, creating a soft and serene atmosphere.
After a moment of searching, Dogpaw spotted Daypaw lingering outside of a bright cave covered with ivy and realized that it must be the apprentices' den. He dashed over and walked up to Daypaw. "Uhm, Daypaw..?" She spun around kindly, her bright amber eyes reflecting curiosity, but then her expression hardened when she saw Dogpaw. "What do you want?" She demanded angrily. Dogpaw flinched, feeling a pang of confusion and hurt. "I need Duckpaw, please. Bluethroat and Springfoot are taking us out into the forest." Daypaw eyed him unkindly but backed into the den and poked her head in. She called something Dogpaw didn't hear, and an unfamiliar she-cat came storming out. It was clear that Dogpaw wasn't the only cat that disliked Daypaw. "What, Daypaw? Oh, hi! My name's Du--" Daypaw snapped before the she-cat could finish, interrupting in a rude tone. "He already knows who you are!" Dogpaw could see that she had an irritated look on her face.
Duckpaw approached Dogpaw. She looked graceful with her sandy yellow pelt which was only broken by a single patch of white, and her beautiful green eyes shone like emeralds, reminding Dogpaw of the sparkling dew on the forest leaves. This she-cat truly possessed a captivating elegance. As Dogpaw turned to leave, he waved his tail for Duckpaw to follow. She blinked nervously at him and then glanced away, her shy demeanour adding to her charm. She followed reluctantly, trailing behind Dogpaw as though she had to follow him. The sun was filtering through the thick canopy of leaves, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor as they made their way through the dense underbrush. Duckpaw reached Dogpaw's side, and Dogpaw decided to break the awkward silence by asking her a question. "So, Duckpaw, how long have you been an apprentice?" Duckpaw answered immediately. "Two moons now, since I'm eight moons old." Dogpaw nodded once. "I see. So, who are all the other apprentices?" Duckpaw shrugged. "Well, you've got Applepaw who's mentored by Nightleaf, Foxpaw who Darkskip mentors, I who's mentored by Springfoot, Smokepaw who Lionstripe mentors, and Daypaw who Cloversight mentors." Dogpaw nodded again. "So, basically, I've met all of the apprentices." Duckpaw purred. "Correct. You haven't met every cat, though." Dogpaw shrugged. "I will someday." As the two cats gracefully stalked across the sun-dappled clearing, Dogpaw couldn't help but notice the ease and comfort with which Bluethroat and Springfoot interacted. The way they laughed and conversed animatedly, occasionally playfully swatting each other's ears, made Dogpaw certain that these two were indeed best friends.
"Hey, Dogpaw!" The sudden call jolted Dogpaw from his reverie. It was Briarstone, a senior warrior known for his sharp but warm demeanour. As he approached, the unease in Dogpaw lifted at the sight of the friendly gleam in Briarstone's eyes. "What are you two doing?" Briarstone's voice carried genuine interest, setting Dogpaw at ease. "Bluethroat and Springfoot are taking Duckpaw and me into the forest today! Isn't that exciting?" Dogpaw replied, the excitement evident in his voice.
Briarstone chuckled softly. "Not so exciting for a cat who's been there already, but I'm sure it will be quite the adventure for you two. Where's Bluethroat now?" Dogpaw gestured with his tail, pointing towards Bluethroat and Springfoot engaged in their hushed conversation. Briarstone thanked Dogpaw before heading over to join them. As they conversed, Dogpaw's attention was drawn to a flicker of warmth and affection in Briarstone's demeanour. As he settled down in the center of the clearing, he couldn't help but wonder what was the cause of the tension between Bluethroat and Briarstone. Their heated and intense exchange hinted at something more beneath the surface. What could be the source of this conflict? As Dogpaw watched, Duckpaw interrupted his thoughts. "Hey, Dogpaw, do you want to go see Beaversplash and Ravencreek's kits in the meantime?" Aren't you worried about Bluethroat and Briarstone, though? Dogpaw suppressed asking this question aloud. How are the clan cats so oblivious to this heart-wrenching situation? It's painfully clear that the two aren't getting along. So, what's an easy fix for their broken friendship? Dogpaw rose to his paws and silently trailed Duckpaw, following her scent without looking up. He couldn't shake off the worry that burdened him regarding Bluethroat and Briarstone. What if, one day, one of them snaps and inflicts severe harm on the other? What would the clan do then - exile them? Execute them? Dogpaw, still unfamiliar with the clan's customs, pondered what fate would befall a traitor. This lack of understanding only added to his concern, for he remained unfamiliar with much of the warrior code. Sighing heavily, Dogpaw came to a halt at the entrance to the nursery. "Are we allowed in?" Duckpaw called out. "Depends on who it is. Who are you?" a voice grumbled. Another, softer voice intervened, "It's okay for anyone to visit the kits, Darkskip. Duckpaw, is that you?"
"Yes, Ravencreek. Dogpaw is here with me, too."
"Oh, that kittypet! Fine, fine. He belongs with his twolegs and not our clan. Why have you brought him?" Despite the venom in her voice, Duckpaw appeared to be oblivious. "Well, just to pass the time!" Dogpaw lowered his head sadly. It was only his second day. Why couldn't anyone give him a chance? Suddenly, Dogpaw's ears perked up. His collar! It was gone! How did this happen? Recognition beamed in his eyes. It must've been during the battle. He remembered feeling a tug at his neck and a blow to his head. That's when it must have fallen off. Now he was officially free from his housefolk! But the real question is . . . where is the collar? Dogpaw had a regretfully pleasing idea of what to do with it. Dogpaw carefully trailed behind Duckpaw as she expertly pushed through the draping lichen that guarded the passageway to the nursery. As they entered, a wave of fresh, warm scents enveloped them, and the sound of mewling kits filled the air. "Oh, my . . ." Duckpaw's voice trailed off in admiration and affection. "They're beautiful!" She squeaked, her eyes sparkling with delight. Dogpaw also couldn't help but gaze fondly at the precious scene in front of them. "What're their names?" Dogpaw looked up to see a light brown spotted tabby she-cat nuzzling her kit—a darker spotted tabby instead of his mother, but equally as lovely—towards Duckpaw happily. "Mine's Deerkit and Ravencreek's is--" The bashful black and white she-cat cut her off. "I can tell my kit's name, thank you very much, Beaversplash! I'm not mute," Ravencreek muttered to herself the last bit but snapped the first half. She was curled protectively around her kit, and her eyes softened a little. "Her name is Badgerkit. Isn't she wonderful?" Dogpaw purred in response. Badgerkit looked fierce like her mother, and Dogpaw knew she would be a formidable opponent in battle. Thank goodness she's on Dogpaw's side! He wouldn't want to find himself on the receiving end of her sharp claws. Dogpaw leaned down to gently lick the top of Beaversplash's forehead. "More awesome warriors for GroveClan," he whispered warmly. Duckpaw, his fellow young clanmate, mimicked the gesture before the pair gracefully made their way out of the nursery. Dogpaw's sharp eyes scanned the camp until they fell upon Bluethroat's distinctive blue-grey pelt. His gaze then wandered, wondering about the whereabouts of Briarstone, as he noticed Bluethroat standing alone, seemingly standoffish.
As Dogpaw approached Bluethroat, an urge to reach out and comfort him tugged at his instincts, but he hesitated. Being new to the clan, he was uncertain of how his actions would be received. Would Bluethroat appreciate the gesture, or would he react with aggression, potentially causing harm to Dogpaw? A fleeting thought crossed his mind - perhaps he was being a coward for not wanting to risk getting hurt. However, Dogpaw quickly dismissed it. He reasoned that he wasn't being cowardly, but rather cautious and smart. Aware of his importance to the clan as a young and promising warrior, he couldn't afford to jeopardize his potential contributions by getting injured or maybe even worse. So much thought shouldn't be put into simply asking a question. Dogpaw raised his voice, attempting to ask his anxious mentor a question, but Duckpaw beat him to it. "Bluethroat, are you OK? Well, we need to eat and to do so we need to provide for the clan. What do we do? What do you want us to do? Where's Springfoot?" Bluethroat whipped around, clearly startled. He faced Duckpaw with a snarl of outrage. Dogpaw shrunk back in horror. He was ferocious, and petrifying the two young cats and that was unacceptable behaviour coming from a well-seasoned warrior. Then, almost as though he got his bearings and noticed he was growling at an apprentice, he flattened his fur immediately. Bluethroat's ears flicked back a little, indicating he was sorry. He glanced sideways apologetically. "Yes, yes, I'm aware you need to eat. Let's go, then. Springfoot, are you coming?" Bluethroat turned his attention to the pretty she-cat staring out into the forest, at the edge of the camp. Without turning around, she mewed, "Yes, Bluethroat. In fact, it's a matter of you coming to me. I've been waiting the whole time, I'll let you know!" Bluethroat chuckled and got to his paws, dashing to his partner's side, which left the two warriors-in-training standing bewildered and astonished. What had just happened? To Dogpaw, Bluethroat seemed like he was letting off more than he wanted to. What had just occurred proved his point. But Dogpaw decided not to put too much thought into it as Duckpaw didn't seem the least bit worried--maybe that sort of thing happens at a common rate in the clan and Dogpaw is simply new to it? He shook his head and padded after Duckpaw. As he neared the edge of the camp, he turned to a voice. "Hi, Dogpaw." Awestruck, he spun around. Had Daypaw, the meanest of the apprentices, just said hello to him? Of all cats? Something definitely was off. But . . . maybe that was just Dogpaw's fur that stood on end, and his racing heart and his drying tongue.
But, whether he chose to believe it or not, Dogpaw was his new favourite name.

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~My OCs~
Name: Juniper
Name Pronunciation: June-ip-er
Name Meaning: Juniper signifies "Evergreen." He came into the world during a lush, verdant season, when the evergreen trees and juniper berries flourished abundantly, creating a rich and plentiful landscape.
Age: 6.3 (Wolf Years)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: Straight
Sexuality: He/Him
Rank: Packmate
Pack: The Miracle Isles (Aetorea [Ay-tore-ee-ah])
Backstory: Juniper's origin is deeply rooted in his lineage, with his mother, Chestnut, and his father, Ghoul. The inspiration for his name stemmed from the magnificent evergreen trees that flourished during his birth. Since his arrival, Juniper's insatiable curiosity has set him apart, a characteristic that is both a gift and a peril in the Aetorea Pack. Within the pack, secrecy is a way of life, and those who delve too deeply into the truth often face dire consequences. The wolves are bound by an oath of unwavering honesty, and failure to uphold it results in exile or worse. Juniper's inquisitive nature has often drawn reprimands, instilling in him a sense of caution in his inquiries. Through these trials, he has honed his intellect, learning the delicate balance of timing and discretion. Yet, his astuteness has not gone unnoticed, drawing unwanted attention that threatens to betray his clandestine nature. Despite his youth, Juniper's innate wisdom has given rise to a hint of resentment from the elder wolves. While they have laboured for years to attain sagacity, Juniper possesses it effortlessly, though he remains reticent about this. This realization fuels his ambition, driving him to seek a higher standing within the pack. However, amidst his ambitions, loyalty reigns as one of his foremost virtues.
Curiosity - Juniper has always been curious. From the moment he was born. He has gotten scolded by his mother/father I don't know how many times, for he always asked personal questions or questions not meant to be asked.
Intelligence - Curiosity makes him intelligent enough to know if you're lying. This also means he can't be deceived easily. Juniper is intelligent when it comes to any situation, for he seems to always know what's best though he's young and not yet considered "wise".
Ambition - He's very ambitious to the point that it makes him queasy. It clenches his stomach and makes him writhe when he's not in a powerful position. Though Jupiter is loyal, he always gets upset when a wolf is ranked higher than he is when he is the perfect candidate for that position. It urges him to keep going and prove that he's worthy of his pack's time.
Loyalty-Juniper is loyal. No matter what. Although he disagrees with his pack on certain things, he is loyal to his Alpha at all costs, and that never changes.
Inexorable-Juniper is an inexorable wolf. He is hard-headed; you can't change his mind once it's made up. This sometimes makes for unnecessary fights or rough times, for Juniper gets confused and doesn't know what to believe, so he decides to believe in himself.
Frustration-Juniper gets frustrated when he is told otherwise. What I mean by this is that when Juniper is doing something already, for example, hunting, and he is told to do something else like swimming, then he will do it. When this happens three or four more times, by the same wolf, mind you, he gets annoyed but severely frustrated, because the wolf telling him what to do is a higher rank and you have to listen to them. Not only this, but Juniper gets frustrated when a wolf is "dumber" than he is.
Bashful-Juniper uses his strength to his advantage by being bashful to lower ranks. If they really anger him, then he will become physical with them and not just verbal. He will make his own choices from then on, which makes him feared.
Dominant-He is very dominant, despite his low rank. Most times when wolves are confused, he steps in and guides them. A lot of them are grateful, but the rest are accepting and sometimes will want his order and his order only. Some of them won't listen to the Alpha, but just Juniper which creeps him out.
WIP (May add others)
Relationships (Mates): His beloved, Amethyst
Relationships (Friends): WIP
Strengths: Authority, intelligence, loyalty, curiosity
Weaknesses: Dominance, Frustration, Curiosity
Likes: His mate, being dominant, chocolate cake
Dislikes: Cookies, wolves who have good roasts
Other: He is somehow related to Nothing
Rarity Score: 125
Name: Amethyst
Name Pronunciation: Am-a-this-t
Name Meaning: Amethyst was named after her mother by her father. Her mother died while giving birth to her, so she was named Amethyst so that Amethyst's mother will be remembered.
Age: 6 (Wolf Years)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: Beta
Pack: The Miracle Isles (Aetorea)
Relationships (Mates):
Relationships (Friends):
Rarity Score:
Name: Dogstar
Name Pronunciation: Dog-star
Name Meaning: Dogpaw, Dogclaw, and Dogstar were all names given to him by his MoonClan ancestors with nobility, honour, courage, and faith.
Age: 18 Moons (2 Years and 2 Months for human years)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: Leader
Clan: GroveClan
Backstory: The freezing temperatures and brutal conditions of the forest made survival a daily struggle for the clan cats. Amid this desperation, Mapleflower, heavily pregnant, and Snowstream made the heart-wrenching decision to seek refuge with the Twolegs. Finding a warm and welcoming home, Mapleflower gave birth to her kits, among them Dogstar. Originally, the rogue clan cats had planned to return to the wild and bring up their kits as true warriors. However, the comfort and security of life as kittypets proved too alluring, and they ultimately abandoned their plans to go back to the forest. As a result, their kits, with their warrior heritage, missed out on their destined life. Nevertheless, Dogstar defied the odds and rose to become an extraordinary leader. His remarkable story is one of unwavering resilience and unwavering courage, illustrating that his ancestry and early life did not dictate his future. His journey embodies the timeless struggle between the allure of the wild and the comforts of domesticity, and his leadership ultimately paid homage to his roots while embracing the path he chose.
Nobility - Dogstar embodies the utmost nobility, carrying himself with an air of regal grace and wisdom that is rarely found. His majestic presence is marked by a captivating combination of strength and elegance, making him truly remarkable. Dogstar's keen intellect and critical reasoning abilities elevate him to the status of an exceptional thinker. His thoughtful nature and clever insights make him a beacon of wisdom and guidance for those around him. Engaging in the art of contemplation and analysis is not just a pastime for Dogstar; it is a passion that he pursues with unwavering dedication. As a leader, he approaches every decision with careful consideration, always mindful of the impact his choices will have on those under his care.
Certainty - Dogstar embodies a profound sense of conviction in every decision and choice he makes for his clan. His leadership is characterized by unwavering determination and an unyielding sense of responsibility. He deeply believes in the idea of collective belonging and purpose within the group, and this belief forms the cornerstone of his leadership philosophy. With a keen insight into the needs and aspirations of his fellow clan members, Dogstar consistently strives to not only meet but exceed their expectations. He perceives his role as not just a duty, but a true calling that ignites his relentless dedication. For Dogstar, the interconnectedness with his clan is a wellspring of strength and motivation, driving him to consistently work towards the betterment of the entire group. His leadership is underpinned by a profound understanding of the importance of his role and the impact it has on the lives of those he leads.
Faith - Dogstar's unwavering faith in his clan is as vast as the starry sky above. It radiates from within him, infusing every aspect of his being with a resolute strength that uplifts not only himself but every member of his loyal clan. His beliefs are not merely words, but a wellspring of conviction that runs deep within his heart, propelling him to lead with wisdom and courage. In the glow of Dogstar's unshakeable faith, his clan finds their reservoirs of hope and determination. When he believes in the resilience and potential of each clanmate, they, in turn, find the confidence to face any challenge. The bond of trust between Dogstar and his warriors is unbreakable, a reflection of the trust they have in themselves and their steadfast leader. Under the steadfast guidance of Dogstar's unyielding faith, GroveClan thrives, each member empowered by the knowledge that they have a leader who believes in them unconditionally. It is this profound faith that fuels their collective strength, shaping them into a formidable force that no adversary can hope to vanquish.
Honour - Dogstar is a truly exceptional leader, esteemed for his unwavering commitment and loyalty to his clan. His character is a testament to the deep reverence he holds for the values of loyalty and honour. Throughout countless trials and challenges, Dogstar has exemplified the utmost loyalty, always placing the needs of his clan above all else. His unwavering dedication is a source of inspiration to all who follow him, as he consistently demonstrates the true essence of loyalty in every action and decision. For Dogstar, loyalty is not merely a word, but a guiding principle that shapes every aspect of his leadership. He wholeheartedly believes that genuine loyalty is the foundation of a strong and united clan. His commitment to his clan members is very strong. He holds the belief that true loyalty is not just about being present in times of ease, but standing firm and resolute in the face of adversity. He understands that loyalty is a bond that transcends words and is exhibited through unwavering actions and unyielding support. Furthermore, Dogstar is acutely aware that his life is not his own, but a vessel dedicated to the service and protection of his clan. He comprehends that to give his life without a just cause would be a disservice to his clan, as his truest fulfillment lies in living each moment to its utmost potential in service of his clan and their prosperity. This profound understanding further underscores the depth of his loyalty, as he tirelessly endeavours to preserve and nurture the unity and strength of his clan. In every sense, Dogstar's embodiment of loyalty is not merely a reflection of his character, but a guiding light that illuminates the path for all members of his clan. His unwavering dedication, deep-rooted honour, and unyielding loyalty make him a truly exceptional and revered leader, whose legacy will endure as a testament to the immeasurable significance of loyalty in the intricate tapestry of clan life.
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Dog Days Of Summer

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