Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Cougar : +2
Jaguar : -4
Bobcat : 0
    Fall Month: 1   Day  Weather:  Light Rain
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Den Of Ravenstone


21 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Jan 4, 2024
Last Seen: Mar 11, 2024
Territory Level: 11
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 6991
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
I'm on here primarily on a phone so i apologize in advance for any accidental reposts.
Pack theme song: Wake the white wolf by Miracle of Sound
CP focus order: Pack name history Pack Goals: Helpful forum links:
1 Battle
2 Resolve
3 Perception
4 Luck
-> Resolve helps with opponent fleeing.
-> Agility helps with getting injured less
I'm into Dagorhir. That adrenaline rush can be insane. I love it! It's mostly in America I believe but I could be wrong. One of my first events after entering a guild was named Ravenstone. I absolutely loved it. Got my first tail there actually.
Hiya. Until I figure out what project I want to do I'll just be training future hopefully DG hunters.
Current students:
-> Sebastian
-> Each season is 3 days long.
2024 Game Years (Revised 1/14/24)
Year # Start Date End Date
300 12/22/23 1/1/24
301 1/2 1/13
302 1/14 1/24
303 1/25 2/4
304 2/5 2/15
305 2/16 2/26
306 2/27 3/8
307 3/9 3/19
308 3/20 3/30
309 3/31 4/10
310 4/11 4/21
311 4/22 5/2
312 5/3 5/13
313 5/14 5/24
314 5/25 6/4
315 6/5 6/15
316 6/16 6/26
317 6/27 7/7
318 7/8 7/18
319 7/19 7/29
320 7/30 8/9
321 8/10 8/20
322 8/21 8/31
323 9/1 9/11
324 9/12 9/22
325 9/23 10/2
326 10/3 10/13
327 10/14 10/24
328 10/25 11/5
329 11/6 11/16
330 11/17 11/27
331 11/28 12/8
332 12/9 12/19
333 12/20 12/30


My Awards
My featured awards.

View All Of My Awards (3)

Total Dominance: 5

Alpha Female
Dominance: 4
   Age: 18
Rarity: 6
Talent: 0
Total CP: 772
Quick View

Training group (1)Decided to give training for BE and CP a try.

Overall Space left in this den: 13 spots for wolves.

Age: 30
Other names I go by online:
DaemonFox / Lunarknight
Daemon / Lunar
Little about me:
I have extensive experience with playing similar breeding games like this one so somewhat know what I'm doing...I think. (Lol). I'm a old school furry. My 2 fursonas are named Lunar Knight and Daemon Fox. I'm a Wiccan/Druid. I'm a Pluviophile (rain lover) and a Nyctophile (night/darkness lover).
I'm a blunt person who has no filter between my brain and mouth or in this case fingers. If I offend or upset anyone it's pretty much guaranteed to be a accident. In real life I'm not very social and have never really been even as a kid. In short, my social skills tend to be bad. However I am working on improving. At least if you want a genuine opinion about something you can trust my honesty. That's about the only thing good that comes out of it. I've even outed myself multiple times for being late to work when my boss didn't even realize I was a few minutes late. -_-

Recent Forum Topics
1. Ravens Sale Nook - 6 months ago - Trading Post
2. Can't make a raffle - 6 months ago - Bugs
3. Im buying daily CP if anyone is interested - 6 months ago - Want Ads
4. Explore countdown bug? - 6 months ago - Bugs
5. Explore countdown bug? - 6 months ago - Bugs

Recent Forum Posts
1. Ravens Sale Nook - 5 months ago - Trading Post
2. Can't make a raffle - 6 months ago - Bugs
3. Im buying daily CP if anyone is interested - 6 months ago - Want Ads
4. Market Den Search - 6 months ago - Suggestions
5. Explore countdown bug? - 6 months ago - Bugs

Recent Blogs
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 0

Bones This Event: 0
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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