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Den Of Nightfall Everglades


98 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Oct 9, 2023
Last Seen: Jul 2, 2024
Territory Level: 10
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 8747
Membership: Explorer (free)

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: Devastated

⤞About The Pack⤝

Hidden away somewhere in the forested area of a gigantic swampy bog is the Nightfall Everglades Pack. The founding members of this pack have lived many seasons, rejoiced and wept at the packs victories and losses. Amora and Remus were the first Alpha's and the ones to settle this territory into a proper pack. Due to the harshness of this land their pups never made it to adulthood and therefore they passed the Alpha title to another pair bonded set of wolves. A spirited and head strung wolf named Fire Lily and her mate Mikeo, a bulky wolf who prefers to let his teeth and claws do the talking. They had many pups some of which are still in this pack today.

In this pack you MUST be strong to survive, the weak die off long before the next spring comes and those that manage to survive but break the pack rules are dealt with swiftly either with claws or walking a lonely path away from their home and into the wilderness.

This pack is extremely loyal to one another as they must have an excellent affinity with one another to survive such a harsh land. They will not directly attack you until it is too late for you to surrender and they will enjoy your pleas for mercy as they make an example out of you.



Alpha Male/Female

These two are pair bonded wolves whose job is to lead the Nightfall Everglades Pack; They must be capable of battling off other wolf packs, hunt when necessary, maintain order within the pack by whatever means necessary and nurture the other pack members to do the same. They make all decision’s together and their word is law here. Don’t like it? Then leave.

Beta Male/Female

These wolves are second-in-command to the Alpha’s. They are chosen by the Alphas and hold all responsibilities of the Alphas when they are not available. The Beta’s are responsible for leading/training the Hunter’s and being able to help the Alpha pair with anything.


The Hunter’s are responsible for finding food aplenty to feed the pack and play the role of “security” for the pack, they will go on the most patrol’s around the border and will make sure nothing or no one gets into their territory without the Alpha’s knowing. They are kept at the highest standard since the packs safety and wellbeing falls on their shoulders.


When the food supply is enough and the Alpha couple allows it certain pack wolves may be able to breed and carry on their line. They are typically of the Alpha line OR have proven themselves worthy of such an honor. This is normally reserved for wolves with 25+ Rarity and/or high talent count. ONLY those that are marked HERO vitals may breed without exception from the Alpha’s.


Any wolf that reaches 12 years old may be given the rank elder unless they are an active Alpha, Beta or are actively training a replacement for their role. (i.e A hunter training a juvenile to take over) All elder’s share their wisdom with the pack and help to train new pups on the ways of the pack to further the packs glory. Should an elder reach 17 years of age they will retire out in order to make room for new members and allow them a “Gracious” exit from this world. They will be given a proper burial fitting of their many years of life and for those that have earned it they will receive a memorial for all new generations to remember their name.


Young wolves that have survived their pup years and are officially part of the pack. They may start more rigorous training and begin training for a profession if available. If they do not decide on a profession or there are no spots available by their fifth year they must leave the pack.


All pup’s from birth - two years old; and any juvenile’s that have not picked a profession yet. Not to be left unattended for any reason.


Wolves who normally wouldn't fit in with the pack but for some reason are allowed in not only as a pack member but as a Special member. They are to be treated with respect at all times, afterall you never know how they made it into the pack.


⤞Pack Rules⤝

◈Any sighting of other wolves must be immediately reported to a Beta or Alpha for further instructions.

◈If any Male is opened for breeding their pups will only be accepted into the pack if approved by the Alpha’s and they will never be allowed any rank above Hunter.

◈ONLY OPS are allowed to be inbred. Inbred wolves CANNOT be Alpha's unless an emergency happens. They will only be allowed to breed if they have proven themselves worthy to carry on their genetics and their pups MUST prove themselves and go through rigorous training in order to make it.


Please Read


GIFTING CP: If you are giving CP to my wolves, please give it to the wolves that have "💙" in their name first. XX

10 CP=20 Mush for any of the 💙 wolves

GIFTS TO OTHERS: Occasionally when I have extra food or other items I will gift them to a random newbie that is online. You NEVER have to pay me for this!!! If you feel you absolutely must pay me I will always accept Paws, CP or a small amount of Mush. AGAIN payment is NEVER required!
⭕All pups are yours unless otherwise marked and will be given as soon as I login after birth.
〰️I may offer to buy a pup for a portion of the breeding price or rehome them if you wish to give them back for whatever reason. XX
⭕Females are always 20-40 mush starting price due to the limited amount of breeding's female wolves have; unless you pay for her to have another litter( in which case you get 2 free breeding's after that)⭕
❗- Price goes up for the lower gens, HERO wolves and high rarity/talent wolves.
❕- Always willing to talk about a lower price so long as it is a fair one.
P.S If you don't message me and I cannot track you down through the male wolf you bred to my female (i.e you culled it or sold it before birth) I reserve the right to do as I wish with the pups. If you do not pick them up from me within 2-3 days unless another arrangement is met prior. I reserve the right to do as I wish with the pups
PS: Check Profile Tab for info about the person behind the screen of this pack XX


This pack has an auction! Link

My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 10 Alliance Member This Week
Top 5 Alliance Member This Week
Breeding - 30 Rarity Score
View All Of My Awards (9)

Total Dominance: 2175

Dogmeat OB.🩵
Alpha Male
Dominance: 200
   Age: 8
Rarity: 7
Talent: 1
Total CP: 537
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Icy Isla OB.
Alpha Female
Dominance: 199
   Age: 9
Rarity: 63
Talent: 44
Total CP: 825
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Mew Beau OB.
Dominance: 198
   Age: 15
Rarity: 13
Talent: 6
Total CP: 642
Avail For Breeding: 10
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Coondog R.
Dominance: 197
   Age: 13
Rarity: 54
Talent: 6
Total CP: 394
Avail For Breeding: 15
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RavenKing A. +43
Dominance: 196
   Age: 7
Rarity: 4
Talent: 3
Total CP: 821
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Divine Fire OB.🩵
Dominance: 195
   Age: 5
Rarity: 17
Talent: 59
Total CP: 876
Avail For Breeding: 5
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Selene OB. 🩵
Dominance: 190
   Age: 6
Rarity: 8
Talent: 0
Total CP: 435
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Frost 🩵 OB.
Alpha in Training
Dominance: 156
   Age: 3
Rarity: 10
Talent: 6
Total CP: 341
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Fire in the North A.
Dominance: 99
   Age: 9
Rarity: 21
Talent: 12
Total CP: 357
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Kio +20 R.
Dominance: 97
   Age: 6
Rarity: 19
Talent: 41
Total CP: 513
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Soulless A.
Dominance: 57
   Age: 2
Rarity: 22
Talent: 62
Total CP: 743
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Nursery (2)All pups, breeding females, and elder females reside here. Elders watch over and help guide the pups into adulthood.

Overall Space left in this den: 7 spots for wolves.



Originally joined somewhere within years 1-3

Rejoined briefly in year 240

Officially back now in year 293


I am a woman somewhere in the age range of 22-28

On most games I go by Nyx or Wolfy

I got married to my amazing husband on my birthday! 4-28

I am a traveling SAHW; basically due to my husbands job we travel most of the USA and while he is at work I am a stay at home wife and fur mama to our doggo.

Speaking of, we have a 2 year old husky mix that we rescued in July of 2023 named Lola Mae. She is an absolute riot XX. She has a personality a mile wide and loves to tell you when you are upsetting her by huffing or gruffing at you lolz.

We also just got a new pup, he is a 10 month old toy Aussie named Ozpin or "Ozzy" he may look tiny but this dork is so full of personalitiy and spunk. He throws down like he is a big dog XX sometimes forgetting he is only 12 lbs vs Lola's 40 lolz

Miss Lola Mae
Lola Mae
Ozpin "Ozzy" Reign


I love to Read, Sleep, Eat and play video games. Right now I am switching between Wolfplay, Minecraft, Skyrim and Sims 4.

This pack is currently breeding mostly for HERO vitals, talents and rarity. More or less my wolves are mostly meant for my pack alone; meaning I don’t breed for a specific defect or a certain “sellable” type. If they don’t have the right affinity then I either sell them or use their bones. If you get one of my wolves then please take care of them XX or use their bones… they are yours lolz. I do have a buyback policy if you want to give them back feel free to ask.

Recent Forum Topics
1. Relic game says I finished in 2000+ seconds when I hit play - 2 months ago - Bugs
2. Need A Brindle Stud - 9 months ago - Breeding Discussion

Recent Forum Posts
1. SW boarding & pup training - 2 months ago - Trading Post
2. Relic game says I finished in 2000+ seconds when I hit play - 2 months ago - Bugs
3. The Curiosees | Alliance Forum - 2 months ago - Alliances
4. New defects/boosts ideas - 5 months ago - Suggestions
5. Rate The Food Above You - 4 months ago - Games

Recent Blogs
My Characters
Blue Shadow
This lovely character was created with the help of my sister in law in real life. She made the line work of the wolf and gave lots of helpful suggestions as far as the background of this particular image. The recolor and meshing of a few free to use images for the background was done by me. We named him Shadow.
Here is the same OC just without any background or extra editing
A gift
Kleki here was made for me by Farm Cat's Den as a mysery doodle.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 0

Bones This Event: 0
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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