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Den Of ~Fearless


149 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Sep 29, 2014
Last Seen: Jun 2, 2024
Territory Level: 1035
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 152
PVP Power Rank: 6098
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Exploring


↠ Quick Things To Know ↞

➳ I'm Fearless, I've been around since 2014 so feel free to ask me anything
➳ I am an avid explorer and mostly all my wolves are battle wolves
➳ I am a semi-literate to literate writer and have a couple of personal short stories, feel free to PM me about Roleplaying, depending on the topic maybe we can fire something up
➳ I'm an introvert and don't exactly know how to start conversations, I also often end up, 95% of the time, in awkward situations. Yet online, I am more of an extrovert, but I still probably will lean more to the introvert side, simply cause I am bad at holding a conversation if we are being honest
➳ If we are talking about a topic I am really into, I probably won't shut up about it. I'm very passionate about the things I like

↠ Things I Am Interested In ↞

Mythical creatures, weird facts, backstory/lore to subjects, Norse mythology and other mythologies I find interesting, food, Kingdom Hearts, Harry Potter, Shameless, Game of Thrones, different anime's, art, music, Skyrim, other various games, dogs, there should be more TV shows and movies but I've seen too many that I like, conspiracy theories, dark/gruesome stuff, along with travel places

↠ What I Look and Aim for ↞

My pack is strict, I only allow wolves with a rarity score of 35 and up in my pack with 10 or more talents. They must be first to third generation, nothing more. I will allow wolves with less than 10 talents if it has a decent rarity, and/or boost or defect. If a wolf in my pack doesn't meet those requirements then it is probably carrying on one of my favorite wolves bloodlines. Any other wolves that don't meet these requirements will be retired or sold. The wolves that have names usually won't be for sale unless I need space. I aim for mostly battle boosts or boosts in general, also veering off if it has one of the pelt changing defects I like. I also aim for mostly heavyweight wolves and heroes, though those do not matter as much to me. Regular wolves of the pack will have names that are the names of anything I like, customs will have the names of my favorite characters from games, movies, shows, etc. None of my customs will ever be sold.

↠ Top Battlers ↞

1. Kullevasi, 7320 BE
2. Jerdialo, 4684 BE
3. Xenolexica, 4337 BE
4. Me W/O Us {Squishy}, 3938 BE
5. Fierté, 3445 BE

↠ Top Studs ↞

1. Eden, 118R, 675 Offspring
2. Project Impossible, 113R, 231 Offspring
3. Jerdialo, 30R, 133 Offspring

↠ Pack Slang, Terms, and Symbols ↞

"*" After the name means the wolf has been reserved by a buyer. The pack name of the buyer will be in the wolf's bio
"TaN" Means "Train and Name." This usually goes on pups I am CP training and just got, can also apply to wolves I just bought without a name
"$" Anywhere in the wolf's name means I am accepting offers on the wolf
Total Den Space: 33


My Awards
My featured awards.

Number 1 Explorer This Week - Premium
Number 1 Spirit Ancestor
Number 1 Hunter
View All Of My Awards (54)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 30 spots for wolves.

Credit to @ThisPoisonedOne on Deviantart for all dividers

↠ Fearless Services ↞

The following are the services I do, for a fair price. PM me to negotiate prices and services, do not PM me about a service that says "Closed" I will not accept it.

↠ Pup Training ↞

Since I explore quite frequently, I can take one of your pups to take along with me for CP, I will also use any pup toys I have available on them. I will make sure to max at least two of the attributes. Now the price on this varies, depending on how much CP your pup gets by the first spring of the next year. The price can range from 100-700 mush depending on how many pups you want to be trained, how quick you want it done, and how much CP they have when I'm done.
Current Status: Open

↠ Battle Training ↞

For me to train your wolf would be 1 mush per BE, 525 BE = 525 mush total.
If you want them trained to Death Grip (925 BE) the total would be 1325.
The reason being, every battle experience after 525 counts as two mush instead of one.
525+400=925, 2x400=800, 800+525=1325
(In case you wanted the math behind it)
525 BE would cost 1 mush per BE, anything after would cost 2 mush per BE. I can do any amount of BE, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 all the way up to 525BE. I will take up to three wolves but I usually focus on one at a time, so if I have more than one wolf to train, excuse me if it takes a bit longer than expected.
Current Status: Somewhat open, PM me

↠ Weight Checks and CL Checks ↞

Weight Checks cost a solid 15 mush. As for CL checks, it costs depending on the generation your wolf is, if it is 2nd Gen, it'll cost 10 mush, 3rd gen is 15 mush, 4th gen is 20 mush, 5th gen is 25 mush, 6th gen is 30 mush, any more generations after 6 will cost 50 mush
Current Status: Open

↠ Wolf Bios and Pack Bios ↞

Depending on the length, your wolf bio will cost 30-80 mush depending on the length and complexity, preferred personality and backstory is helpful but not required. Pack bios, yet again depending on the length and complexity will cost anywhere from 50-150 mush, theme and backstory would be helpful, but they are not required
Current Status: Open
That's it! Thank you and PM me with any questions!

My Alliances


Retired Bunch
2 of 3 slots used.

My Roleplay Stories
The Evolution
6 Paws Up

Recent Forum Topics
1. Chasseurs Retreat - 1 year ago - Alliances
2. Useable Temporary Pack Upgrade Items - 2 years ago - Suggestions
3. Wolf Party Raid - 2 years ago - Socialize
4. My OC Art Collection - 2 years ago - Art Gallery
5. Confirmation for Deleting Custom Designs - 5 years ago - Suggestions

Recent Forum Posts
1. Chasseurs Retreat - 1 year ago - Alliances
2. Dexxs |Realism| Art shop [open/CLOSED] - 1 year ago - Art Shops
3. Useable Temporary Pack Upgrade Items - 1 year ago - Suggestions
4. Rolling Wolf YCH (Closed) - 11 months ago - Artwork
5. Wolf Party Raid - 2 years ago - Socialize

Recent Blogs
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 17

Bones This Event: 0
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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