Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!

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Bobcat : +5
Mojave Green Rattler : -3
    Winter Month: 3   Day  Weather:  Fog
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Den Of DevilsPlayground


312 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Feb 11, 2023
Last Seen: Jun 30, 2024
Territory Level: 16
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 4
PVP Power Rank: 8452
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack
Status: Vibing



Status Meaning: I'm Vibing Alongside Mafia <3


He's My Love <3 I love you Baby <3


Let me be very clear... Lay a hand on Mafia and ur done. <3


Mafia: I'm so glad I met you! thank you for making me smile everyday. You bring me joy in my darkest of times and a Thank you is far from being enough. I love you <3


Avi was made on Picrew (Credits on Avi)


My Pronouns are They/Them Or He/Him. She/Her is fine too!


Welcome to DevilsPlayground, Take a look around and enjoy my wolves.


crazyclaw @287157


This pack blogs! Visit Blog

My Awards
My featured awards.

Top 5 Alliance Member This Week
Breeding - 30 Rarity Score
Breeding - 50 Rarity Score
View All Of My Awards (10)

Total Dominance: 2200

Devils Bad Habits
Dominance: 200
   Age: 7
Rarity: 35
Talent: 19
Total CP: 390
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Devils Haven
Baby Maker
Dominance: 200
   Age: 8
Rarity: 54
Talent: 15
Total CP: 354
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Devils Nightmare
Dominance: 200
   Age: 12
Rarity: 37
Talent: 2
Total CP: 220
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Devils Plays
Pack Bitch
Dominance: 200
   Age: 14
Rarity: 64
Talent: 4
Total CP: 280
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Devils Red Eyes
Dominance: 200
   Age: 11
Rarity: 6
Talent: 1
Total CP: 215
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Devils Smile
Dominance: 200
   Age: 11
Rarity: 13
Talent: 4
Total CP: 240
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Dominance: 200
   Age: 8
Rarity: 82
Talent: 3
Total CP: 1404
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From my love ❤️
Beta Female
Dominance: 200
   Age: 2
Rarity: 13
Talent: 56
Total CP: 930
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Peppermint Devil
Beta Male
Dominance: 200
   Age: 17
Rarity: 90
Talent: 1
Total CP: 220
Avail For Breeding: 100
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Pup 78
Dominance: 200
   Age: 7
Rarity: 26
Talent: 47
Total CP: 672
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The Devils Hellfire
Dominance: 200
   Age: 14
Rarity: 60
Talent: 4
Total CP: 286
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Overall Space left in this den: 4 spots for wolves.


Many Ask me what my Pronouns are. I Use all of them.

If you dare touch any of the people listed you can kiss this world Bye Bye.

Siblings In law: Serpents, Falcon-The-Wolfy, Nux, Blood Knights, Night Shade, De Vil, Forest Pack, Notbyejustbi, Junipero

Siblings: SunGaze, Erebus, TerriaxanHounds, Vonteraz

Husband: Dagger Clan

WP Husband: VirgoFox

Children: Bloodshed Pack, AshesAndStarlight, d0ggidollz, Pixie Kit

Nicknames i have been given

Austan Vinder: Tobias

The Hollow Cliff: Dollop

Stxrmmix <3: Mythical creature

BJake: Roku/Utsukushi/Kanpeki/Yakedo

VirgoFox: Cuddle Bug/Love

Cinnamon Bun: FeFe

VirgoFox: You're Amazing <3 My WP Love <3

My Nicknames i've given others

Stxrmmix <3: My Mix

BJake: Hero/Alpha/Sunshine/Wolfie

VirgoFox: Foxy/Cookie

Cinnamon Bun: CiCi

Voxtexy: I enjoy talking to you when i have the chance! you're so very kind! <3

Mafia: I Miss you and i hope you return home soon! <3 Pls be safe!

♡Willow♡: We're going ta be amazing friends! <3 Love you! :D

Dagger Clan: Love you, you're an amazing Friend! <3 if anyone touches Dagger... oh it wont end well for you. So Do. Not. Touch. Him.

BJake: I enjoy our chats! Thanks for being an Amazing Friend! <3 I cant tell you how much i Love you. you're one of the most amazing Friends ive made on this Game and i care about you so much. My life wouldnt be the same without you.

Sivality: Don't Stress We Can Get Through This Together <3 I'm Here For You <3 I got ur back bestie <3

Soldier69- Emotional Support Friend... You're amazing, thank you for listening and making me smile ❤️

Hi Everyone! Here Are A Few Facts About Me!

  1. I Enjoy Horseback Riding.
  2. I'm Invested In School Work.
  3. I Have Social Anxiety. (Mostly Irl.)
  4. I Own 2 Cats.
  5. I Own A Black Lab (She's My Whole World)
  6. I Enjoy Art.
  7. My Sign Is Sag!
  8. Most Of My Time Is Being Spent With Family And Friends.
  9. My Dream Is To Become An Accountant! (Just Like My Step Dad)
  10. I'm Really Into Reading (I Read Just About Anything)
  11. I'm Not One To Give Up That Easy!
  12. My Spirit Animal Is The Wolf
  13. I Enjoy Shopping
  14. I Love Long Walks On The Beach In The SummerTime
  15. I'm Bi
  16. I'm More Of A Laid Back Person.
  17. Side account Diamond Back
  18. I'm a bit of a cuddle bug and love bug 😅

Some Dates I Will Never Forget:

Jan 19th, 2022. I Miss You So Much Dad!! You Were The Best Step Father One Could Ever Ask For... Thanks For Stepping Up And Giving Me And Mum The Best 5 Years Of Our Lives! It's Not Fair That You're Gone. I Love You So Much! Fly High Up There With Your Mother!

Sep 13th, 2018. Omg Great Grandpa... I- I have so much I can say about you... It feels like only yesterday i was in pre-k and Grandpa would drop me off with you while he was out driving bus... you would take me down to the barn so i could play with the cows and horses... and as time went on and i grew up... you showed me the true meaning of hard work... watching you and great grandma... it showed me just how a real man would treat a lady... you showed us kids so much... and when you passed... it hit so hard... I struggle everyday without you.... The love you had for farming... the love you had for family and friends... you were the glue that held our family together... <3 i love and Miss you so very much

July 18th, 2020. Omg... how i miss you Grandma.... :( life just hasn't been the same without you... i hope you and dad are sitting together talking about all the good times... pls watch over me... i loved having you as my Grandma! When you and dad came into my life... everything changed... sure i'll always have my Mom and Her parents but... I miss you and all the fun we had together...

Jan 7th, 2023. Omg I Miss You So Very Much My Friend! Fly High! Bro... it's not the same here without you... thanks for making me smile when i was having a bad day... Thanks for giving me a chance.... you were the first friend I made in high school.... I keep your picture with me no matter where I go... it makes me feel close to you... your smile could light up any room... I'll never forget the times I had with you... it was the best 2 years of school... So thanks for taking me under your wing... I'll never forget how I found out about your passing... I feel as if I took a bullet to the heart... I feel so lost without you... Life is just- it's hard here without having you... i can't say it enough... I Fucking Miss You Bro..

those deaths hit me hard. i lost my step father last year... and i lost my great grandfather in 2018... i lost my friend in a car crash... my grandmother on my step dads side died from cancer....

Fir Pack - Paws
AlteoriPaws - Paws! to you as well
Coldwind - Paws!!! You have a cute avatar and great taste in music! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH
Bona Vista - Paws back!😀
Gamers pack - paws and i wish you a happy pride month. cool that you made the letters on your profile in lgtbq colors :D
Mapleberry - paws! you wolves are gorgeous!
Vile - Return of the paws, #249! Your cat is so adorable <3
Blue Raspberry - Paws #250!
♡Junipero♡ - CAT.
Zelda - Paws back
Ghostpanda - Pfote!!!
NightSkys - Paws 114^^
Luckshan Forest - Paws Back ^^
♡Junipero♡ - PAWS 200!!
NotbyejustBi<3 - Paws💖 Hope you have an amazing year!!
Lonely - Paws^^
Axelotl the Great - Paws back!!!
Shadow Tree - Pawzies!
Anniedaqueen147 - Paws back! :3
Cassian - Paws back! Have a good day/night/afternoon
DojejeTheWolf - Paws!
mushroom.mist - paws!
A_Person - Paws right back atcha, thank you!
Catori Moon Pack - Paws back!
TerriaxanHounds - Paws :D
💧Raindrop_Snowstorm - Pawsies!! ❤️
Calypso Uchiha - Paws ^-^
🐝 - Pawsies back!!
crazyclaw - Paws! :3
Vortex - Paws back!! ^^
Problematic User - Paws!
Goldmeadow pack - Paws back! ^^
Raccoon Gold - Paws Back!
Hoalvinous - Paws Back :D
phoenixwolf8285@gmai - Paws back! thx for the paw u left me
Professor Poopypants - Paws back!
Haunted Nights - Paws back <3
Loveless - Paws
Le Stalk - Paws back! for a second i got a jumpscare cause i thought you had my old pack number, 269879, haha
Fireheart777 - Paws up #146! Cool wolves. I love your avatar! The pic you took is beautiful.
♡Willow♡ - Paws!!! <3
Night Stalkers - Paws back!
ShatteredIce - Pawz~
BeaconHills - Paws!!
d0ggidollz - I'll keep that in mind!
Don't be afraid to send me a PM at any given time. Always open to family and friends! ^^
Strike Pack - paws
d0ggidollz - Paws~
Would you be "mom?" :>
Buggy - pawssss!
Dagger Clan - Paws!
Npi - Paws back!:D
LoyalAtHeart - Paws up! Love the picture!
Silver Creek - Paws up! 🐾
Jawa Supremacy - paws~ love your avi!
Moonlight Seekers - pawz back :D
strawberryfangz - paws back! Aries is so pretty <3
cavendish - paws back!!
Perseus - Paws back :)
STS - Paws up, thank you, ^^
Cruella - Paws Darling 💝
ccyro0 - Paws :)))
~Morpheus~ - Paws! 🐾🐺
Hi! 🤗
Deathclaw - paws back
Flybye - Paws I guess
De Vil - Paws back darling!
Howling on the cliff - Paws up back <3
FairyTheStrayPup - Paws back <3
E N J O Y - Paws!!
.Dragon King. - Paws Back! ^^
iArema - Paws back!
Haven - Paws Back!
DrasticMeasures - Paws
TheBelibers - Paws back 'atcha :))
VirgoFox - Paws Up!
~A Moment of Calm~ - Dog toes back at ya!🐾
quivrz - paws back :)
Edling - Paws back ;)
Bruiser - paws back :D <3
Fallen Hero's - paws back #92
Ølympus - Paws back #91
.::Hybrid::. - Paws back #90
CriesInTheNight - paws bakc
Caprvis - Paws back :D
Lady Vibe - Paws back :)
FrozenInTime - Paww
Hypersomnia - 🐾 back! :3
The Local Southerner - Le paws
Fangsoffire - Paws back! 🐾
Teddy Bear - Thankyou <3 Paws back
Crying moon - paws!
Lovelol217 - Paws
Blood_Moon - Paws! :)
Latin Indigos - paws back
Elaysia - Paws right back to you <3
TGCF - Paws right back at you :3
The Mystic Pack - Paws Back^^ <3
Biohazard - Paws ^^
Iron Pack - Thank you! Paws back!
Fire Paw - Paws up!❤
StarryNight - Paws back <33
Corona Borealis - Paws back ;)
Die Antwoord - Paws back at ya
TinyAtiny - Paws back! <3 of course ^^ welcome to WP!
Flybye - Paws and nice wolves
Berserkers - welcome!
Futon_Stalker - paws back :)
Snake - 🐍🍪
here, have cookie
Vanitas - Paws back.
Falcon-The-Wolfy - paws <3
drakefan3000 - returning paws! :)

Recent Forum Topics
1. Poll - 3 months ago - Polls
2. New pack name ideas - 5 months ago - Polls
3. Dagger Clans & Free Runs Wedding! - 1 year ago - Discussion
4. Ask Free Run Anything ;P - 1 year ago - Socialize

Recent Forum Posts
1. Poll - 3 months ago - Polls
2. Could You Fight a Bear? - 4 months ago - Polls
3. New pack name ideas - 5 months ago - Polls
4. Bounties in explore - 7 months ago - Suggestions
5. Optional stealing in explore - 7 months ago - Suggestions

Recent Blogs
1. Top song i love - 2 months ago
2. Cont of Grief - 4 months ago
3. Grief - 5 months ago
4. 1/29/24 - 5 months ago
5. I miss you - 5 months ago
My Characters


Howling on the cliff/The Hollow Cliff #296736



Done By Leo pack number 310238





Ty BJake :3 I love this so much <3





meet Zeelen (Made By Vonteraz 265801)




thanks Thy Local i love this <3




Voodoo Quest

Voodoo Doll Count: 18

Overall Voodoo Dolls: 18
Spend the Voodoo Dolls you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Voodoo Dolls this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Voodoo Dolls in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!

Current Contest Leader: 
Link Cat with 3594

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