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Den Of Iconium


26 Paws Up

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Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Oct 18, 2022
Last Seen: Jul 7, 2024
Territory Level: 1
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 5311
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
I'll probably edit this later to make it look more aesthetically pleasing, but I'm a literate writer looking to broaden my RP horizons :) More info on that on my profile, but please do not PM me if you are not willing to write at least 750+ words per post, or if you only write animal-based RPs. It's not gonna be a good fit :)


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Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 15 spots for wolves.

My writing style can be best described as creative and passionate. I am a sucker for extremely angsty romances in the forefront of wildly elaborate plots. I am always in search of another RP, and I pretty much always have an idea on hand, if not several. I also love hearing your ideas, and incorporating them into my own, no matter how unconventional.
That being said, I am a big fan of multi-genre plots. Let's make an RP about a home for supernatural orphans who want to join the NFL. Let's make an RP about how a modern day free-diver gets caught in a time traveling situation and ends up stranded in the middle of the ocean in the 1400s with a pirate. I am a fan of unconventional, and I am a fan of putting intriguing twists on old plots and old stereotypes. I'm willing to try it all.
I typically write 750-3k+ words per post, and I normally post once or twice every week or every other week. I expect the same length of post back, and I'm willing to wait. Please don't nag me, I am very busy in my personal life and spamming me with 'why haven't you posted' emails will only make me not want to write with you. I'm a great communicator. If I am too busy, or I am not gonna get a post in one week, I will typically tell you in advance. Spamming me with emails that are plot-related, "i love this character" related, "what if we..." related, and "i wanted to tell you about this headcanon..." related will make me absolutely love you. Emails that are solely for the purpose of trying to get me to post sooner will not make me love you, and will probably cause our writing partnership to come to an abrubt end.
As far as pairings and plots, I generally prefer heterosexual pairings, but there are certain instances where I am open to other types of pairings. It depends on the writer, the chemistry between the characters, and whether it feels forced. I'm not totally against it, but it would have to be a special circumstance. Feel free to pitch it if you're passionate about it, and I'll give you my honest thoughts :) In addition, I only write humans, though I am open to humans with supernatural powers and human hybrids. I just wouldn't want to write a plot featuring an interspecies romance between fern plants and aloe vera. Please don't pitch me plants, animals, objects, etc., I've seen and heard it all and I am just not interested. :)
If you've gotten through all of this and you're still interested, I'd love to hear from you! Please send me a message with some info about you, your writing interests, etc. Please send me a writing sample or several with your message, I want to get to know you as a person and a writer and get a clearer picture before I commit to anything. You can send a google doc link, a forum link, or copy and paste something from elsewhere. I am also happy to provide one or more if you so desire, I'd love to introduce you to some of my brain people :))
Let's get a conversation going! Feel free to reach out <3

Recent Forum Topics
1. iconium x tea | equestrian 1x1 - 1 month ago - 1x1
2. bruiser x iconium | 1x1 - 2 months ago - 1x1
3. iso literate roleplay partners - 3 months ago - 1x1
4. Ebanon x Iconium | 1x1 - 3 months ago - 1x1
5. iconium x edling | fantasy academy ii - 3 months ago - 1x1

Recent Forum Posts
1. iconium x tea | equestrian 1x1 - 1 month ago - 1x1
2. Peacekeepers Pledge | Royal RP | Open! - 2 months ago - Sign-Ups
3. Summer In Paradise | RP Discussion - 2 months ago - Discussion
4. bruiser x iconium | 1x1 - 1 month ago - 1x1
5. Summer In Paradise | Semi-Literate Roleplay | 2 Spots Left! - 2 months ago - Sign-Ups

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