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Den Of ConjuringCassiopeia


131 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Darkseeker
Join Date: Oct 15, 2022
Last Seen: Sep 13, 2024
Territory Level: 334
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 0
PVP Power Rank: 4846
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Hoarding Apples

PSA: I DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS IF WE HAVE NEVER OR BARELY TALKED! ...But if you wanna be friends, please don't be afraid to chat with me :> I just get weirded out when somebody I don't recognize sends me a friend invite.

Hi guys. I disappeared for the thousandth time and somehow my account didn't get deleted T-T thank the Gods. It's been like 6 months or so, but I think I'm back for good again.

Please put all CP on my girl, Göndul! :)

Also, I'm usually buying Apples! I tend to buy them at MOST for 750 mushrooms and under. Typically I'll buy them in bulk for 600-700 mushrooms each. PM me if interested!


Here in this pack, I like to give every wolf a chance. Unless I truly 100% believe that nobody will want the wolf, then I do not retire them. You are very likely to see me putting up auctions for 0 mushrooms, or generally very cheap, because I really want to give them a chance to go to good homes! Of course I tend to put up defects, high rarities, boosts, etc... for higher prices, but overall I like to give every wolf a fighting chance, whether if I bred them or got them from one of my many trips to the wolf casino (Wolf Party). Maybe you'll be able to find your new favorite wolf here! Keep an eye on my sales folder if you're feeling lucky ;)
Secondly, my pack is themed around Ancient Norse Mythos and History. Many, if not all, of my female wolves are named after Valkyries and so, have beautiful wing/feather gear on them as well. I've been considering changing my pack name to something related, but I don't want people to be confused on who I am in chat :'D


- Another 3 Months of Premium (20/20 Apples) DONE
- More Den Space (10/10 Apples)
- More Den Space, AGAIN (10/10 Apples)
- More Den Space x3 (10/10 Apples)
- More Den Space x4 (10/10 Apples)
- More Den Space x5 (2/10 Apples) [Note to self: DO NOT buy more den space until all wolves are Good or Excellent Affinity!]
- Extra Folder Slot (10/10 Apples)
- Relic Hole Expansion (5/5 Apples)
- Fully Train the WHOLE Pack
- All Wolves have Excellent Affinity
- Get a CL Pelt Defect Wolf
*Leucism G1
*Black Phase G3 (Big thanks to my pal Plumpkin [#276299] for helping me with this goal! :'>)
- Hoard/Save Apples (22 Apples so far) [Wasted 16 on Geodes; nothing yet] (Thanks to Plumpkin [#276299] for an Apple <3)
- Get Bones for Dune Background (800/800 Bones)
- Get Bones for Forest Fire Background (300/300 Bones)
- Get Bones for Bone Gear (222 Bones so far)
*Elk Antlers (300 Bones)
*Bone Wings (300 Bones)
*Finger Bone Necklace (300 Bones)
*Crescent Moon Earring (150 Bones)
- Save up 10,000 Mushrooms (300/10,000) [Someone restrain me, I need to stop spending ;-;]
- Get ALL FMC Backgrounds
*Pine Forest
*Aspen Forest
*Milky Way
*Tundra Aura
*Starry Night
- Get ALL of the Angel Wing gear
*Gold (July Event)
*Sandbar (July Event)
*Silver (August Event)
*Starling (August Event)
*Surf (July Event)
*Tempest (August Event)
- Get ALL "Feather" gear
*Eurasian Crane
*Snowy Owl
*Bald Eagle
*Golden Eagle
*Grysaker Falcon
*Cardinal + Gauntlets
*Blue Jay + Headdress + Gauntlets
*Raven + Headdress + Gauntlets
*Red Tailed Hawk + Headdress
- Recreate my original Alphas; find some decent Wolf Party wolves and customize them. Not sure how many mushrooms or apples it will take yet, but I'll keep this updated <3
I'd like to dedicate this part of my bio to my buddy: Mafia (#197901). You have given me like 50+ apples for my custom wolves (Freya & Tyr) and I appreciate that so much ;-; I feel bad because I disappeared and let them die, but I loved them dearly for the time I did have with them. THANK YOU SO MUCH <3


My Awards
My featured awards.

Number 1 Explorer This Week - Premium
Number 1 Explorer - New Packs
Scariest Of Them All
View All Of My Awards (23)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 35 spots for wolves.

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I've been on and off this game since Brindle/Leopard Markings were introduced. Haven't been here for a year or two, so I apologize if I make mistakes or get confused with the game. Hope to build my pack to be as strong as it used to be! :)
Who am I? Well- I'm Cassie (she/her), I'm Bisexual, and I'm 22. I have "Borderline Personality Disorder" (BPD) which can make it hard to form lasting connections with others, regulate emotions, and it comes with a deep fear of abandonment (along with many other things). I also have Anxiety and mild Depression disorders.
What do I do? I've been on and off college for a couple years now due to COVID making it harder to learn and go to school. Been struggling to find a job, but I do tarot readings for people sometimes for extra money since that's one thing I'm mostly proficient at. I've been reading the cards since 2016-17 and its my favorite thing to do both as a hobby and semi-professionally!
Speaking of Tarot- I'm an Eclectic Grey Witch, and have been for many years of my life, although I did initially get started on the "Witchy" path with Wicca. I consider myself to be Pagan, though I was raised in a Roman-Catholic household. I went to a private school that was quite traumatic and I have drifted from that faith completely because of it. Lots of bad memories. However, I respect others' faiths and really only keep this to myself (although it can be triggering if it's preach-y or heavily pushed, which is mostly why I'm mentioning it).
If you're curious and into Astrology, I am a Virgo! If you're into it DEEP like I am (talking about charts and such) then my big three signs are Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, and Taurus Rising/Ascendent!
I decided to hop into this game again so I can get lost in it and just forget about the real world for a bit. The past few years have been rough and full of tragedy, but this place brings me to a better time in my life. I only hope to make new friends and find my old ones, though I have mostly forgotten my usernames, unfortunately :( ...But I also hope to rebuild my beautiful empire of wolves and grow a strong pack again! :)
Thank you so much for reading and getting all the way down here <3 ...and don't be afraid to message me about anything at any time! My mailbox is always open to anyone! :)
EDIT 10/17/23: Editing my profile a bit. I disappeared again around like, last spring? Again, I might be a bit lost on the controls of this game or anything new that's been added, but please be patient with me ;-; Though, I am planning on offering tarot readings on the forums soon, if I haven't already, so check out my recent posts if you're interested! :)

My Alliances

Coven of Witches
1 of 3 slots used.

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1. Currency Icon Customization - 1 year ago - Suggestions

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1. Currency Icon Customization - 1 year ago - Suggestions

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My Characters
--I've decided to use this "characters" page as a description of my pack's ranks. Enjoy!--

High Rankings:

Alpha (1-2) - Usually there are two within a pack, although, sometimes there is only one. However, there can only be one of each gender holding this position. They are normally the active mating pair. They are dominant over all the rest of the pack and what they say should always be considered law. They take an interest in what goes on in their pack, and if they've been away for any length of time, they look to the Beta(s) to learn of what went on while they were gone. Most Alphas live out their rank until their eventual death, and their mate typically retires and becomes a Gamma, so that the Betas have a chance to rule and produce their own pups. One of those pups will then continue the Alphas' bloodline, and the cycle continues (Leaders).

Beta (1-2) - There may be one or two in a pack; one of each gender. They may or may not be mates and are second-in-command. When neither Alpha is around, they take charge as the responsibility automatically falls to them. One Beta always has to be a descendent of the Alphas, or at least of the Original Alphas. It is preferred that the First Born of the Alpha's first litter becomes the Beta. Typically, their mate becomes the second Beta. They must have clean bloodlines at the very least; the Alphas' future bloodline must not be tainted (Second-in-Command).

Gamma (Unlimited) - Those holding this position are usually, if not always, the oldest and wisest of the pack. Through their stories and their phrases, they pass on their wisdoms to the others within the pack. They delight in telling stories to the pups. Even though sometimes what they tell is just legend, each story usually has some sort of moral to it. At one time, they may have been an Alpha. However, the current Alphas may put others here should it seem right to them (typically when the wolf turns 10-15 years old). There is usually only one or two who fill this position and normally only one of each gender, especially if they were a prior Alpha pair. Those who hold this position are much respected and loved by the rest of the pack. They are also apart of the wise councel that advises the Alpha(s) and Beta(s) (Elders).

Delta (1-4) - They are the messengers of the pack; they travel among allies as well as enemies of the pack at times. They risk their own lives by doing so, but it is their duty and they must make sure that those who need to know a message are told. Sometimes, they work in conjunction with the Upsilon. Those who seek this position must be agile, patient and have an even temperament while speaking with other packs (Messengers).

Epsilon (1-2) - They are the guardians of the pack. Their job is to ward off intruders and are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the pack, especially in regards to the higher ranks (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, etc...) and they can be used as their personal bodyguards if needed. They should have at one time been either a Zeta, Eta or Mu for they will need the skills of peace as well as fighting. Although, they should only resort to violence should peaceful persuasion fail (Guardians).

Zeta (1-3) - The war general of the pack. They take direct orders from the Alpha(s) in case of a war. The Alpha may be the one to declare war, but the Zeta leads the army and is the one who plans for war. They also train new recruits for positions such as Eta and Zeta to take his or her place in future. Normally, there is only a single Zeta, but if the population is high there can be as many as three (War General).

Eta (2-8) - There are at least two in a pack. The Eta are the warriors of the pack. They are led by the Zeta or even the Epsilon during skirmishes and wars. Although, they will take orders from the Alpha or other higher ranks if given, but the Alpha's orders take importance above all (Warriors).

Theta (1) - They are the lead medics within the pack, therefore it is this wolf that the Iota aspire to be (Lead Medic).

Iota (1-2) - They are the medics of the pack, knowledgeable in herbology. They have vast knowledge on what plants and other natural resources will help cure and heal others. (Medics)

Kappa (1-2) - They are the lead hunters of the pack. Normally there is only one, although sometimes there are two depending on how large the pack is. They lead the pack's hunts when the Alpha or the Beta (when substituting) tell them to. They make sure that the entire pack is well fed and will not starve. They oversee that the pack has a well balanced diet, too (Lead Hunters).

Lambda (Unlimited) - They are the hunters of the pack. They follow the Alpha, Beta, or the Kappa during hunts. Those who hold this position are loyal and quick to follow orders. They have stealth and agility on their side and together are able to take down larger prey. A good sense of teamwork is necessary for this rank (Hunters).


Mid Rankings:

Mu (1) - They are the peacekeeper of the pack; using mediation between those who're angry with one another. The Alpha may bring them along to speak with another pack when discussing a treaty, truce, or compromise. They also make sure that no serious fights break out within their own pack. They may at times also work with the Delta, Zeta or Upsilon (Peacekeeper).

Nu (1-6) - They are the sentries of the pack. Their duty is to keep track of natural resources within the main camp, finding dens and areas of abundant food for the pack. However, their main duty is to keep watch of the pack's surroundings; making sure to call the Epsilon, Delta, Lambda or Upsilon when they are needed, such as if they smell a herd of prey nearby or even an enemy (Sentries).

Xi (1-2) - Their main duty is to keep an eye on the pack's resources such as water supplies, and potential den areas. They may at times even assist the hunters. Should an unwelcome visitor infiltrate the pack's territory with the intention of stealing, they are able to call upon the Epsilon. They make sure that water and food is always abundant, and can request a refill of them when they are low in stock (Resource Watchers).

Omicron (1) - The Omicron is usually the lead Pi and makes sure that each one is taking care of the rest of the pack's problems in a way that won't harm anyone. With permission from the Alpha, they may choose who will become a Pi (Top Therapist).

Pi (1-4) - The Pi are the therapists within the pack. Often, the other members will come to them to confide in, because it is the duty of the Pi to keep such grievances confidential and to try and help those who come to them. They give them advice and advise them on what course of action might be best for them. Even though they are not always right, they should be able to help out and be a good listener at the very least. It is also advised that they themselves do not make judgements of others, and have an open mind (Therapists).

Rho (1-2) - The Rho are secretaries to the Pi, making sure that they have breaks in between appointments. Those seeking the therapist must come to the Rho in order to make an appointment, so things do not become too chaotic if everyone suddenly wishes to speak with the Pi; especially after the death of a beloved packmember, or any other kind of tragedy (Secretaries).

Sigma (1-2) - The Sigma are the Tutors of the pack. They know much about every little thing within the pack. They often work with the Phi in order to teach the pups, as well as the subordinates and others who might need a bit more knowledge within the pack. They are typically some of the most intelligent wolves in the pack (Tutors).

Tau (1) - The Tau is the lead Scout/Upsilon. They give orders to the Upsilon on whom to spy upon, or which packs to look at. They are also known as the best of the Upsilon, and only those who've proven themselves may be promoted from Upsilon to this position. However, their direct orders always come from the Alphas (Lead Scout).

Upsilon (1-4) - The Upsilon are the scouts or spies of the pack. They go into other pack territories in order to find out what's going on. Afterwards, they report back to the Alpha and tell them about all that they have seen, even should it simply be that pups have been born. They will also report to the Zeta if they were asked to find wolves of their own for battle, or they report to the Alpha pair (Scouts/Spies).


Lower Rankings:

Phi (1) - They are the pup sitters of the pack and delight in teaching the young what they will need in the future, before they become a Psi (who then graduate to being taught by the Sigma). However, if a pup gets lost or hurt, they are typically held accountable, should the pup have been under their care at that time (Pup-sitter).

Chi (1) - They are the jester or the comedian of the pack. They help to make others laugh when things get stressful, and are very lighthearted, as well as clever. Sometimes they will help the Pi with therapy sessions (Jester).

Psi (Unlimited) - These are the subordinates of the pack. Usually, they are new members, or juvenile wolves, who start here and must prove themselves before they are given a better ranking. However, they need to be careful and achieve a higher ranking, or else they may become the Omega (Subordinate).

Omega (1) - They are the scapegoats of a pack. Often, they are picked on by the other wolves and are last to eat. Sometimes, things may become so bad that they might even up and leave the pack, though there are those who remain to stick it out. A lot of the time though, these wolves were the troublemakers in their Psi ranking, or even worse: they commited a crime against the pack. Therefore, they are punished here, and may return to being a Psi if they behave for a certain period of time (Lowest Rank).


No Ranking:

Pup (Unlimited) - They are the young, usually born into the pack under the age of one. Depending upon morality and the attitude of a pack, as well as the food and space that is available, the number of pups in any pack may vary.



Age 1 - Pup

Age 2 - Juvenile/Teen; Psi

Ages 3 to 5 - Young Adult

Ages 6 to 9 - Adult

Ages 10 to 14 - Middle Aged and can become an Elder/Gamma

Ages 15 or Older - True Elder/Gamma

Halloween Event

Overall Brains Count: 0
Brains Count: 8
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