Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!
05:54:33 SL, SilverLined
so once*
 Captain Ezra
05:54:30 Pirate Lord
some times I wish we could delete our own posts if we mess something up
05:54:17 SL, SilverLined
Maybe one day. I have major imposter syndrome some once I conquer that it's over for everyone 🫡

I'm waiting for my art to improve a bit more
 Captain Ezra
05:53:22 Pirate Lord

correct link I think
Silly, ugh, please open comms here.
 Captain Ezra
05:52:44 Pirate Lord
opp messed up the link
 Captain Ezra
05:52:28 Pirate Lord

this is the only art I have right now :)
 Golden Meadows
05:47:51 Ollie, Gold
Oh, didn't realize everyone was showing off their art! It all looks amazing!
 Golden Meadows
05:46:33 Ollie, Gold
Artfight attack #7 complete :)
05:44:50 SL, SilverLined
I've been doing more manip style things this week because HEE. Here's my recent and my current WIP

05:35:41 Kat ?
Mmmm everyone has such beautiful art <333
 Broken Dawn
05:34:35 I complain a lot
This took forever. Newest attack for artfight.
 Thunder Struck
05:34:30 Thunder
trusting the process
05:31:24 Spider,Rake(He,Him)
i need motivation to clean my closet
05:28:07 Don't call me BJ.
Newest Artfight piece :D
 Wolf FangZ
Ah, thank you, I see it, I appreciate it <3
05:23:06 SL, SilverLined
Bottom of your den page ^^ not silly at all
05:21:54 she/her
-WP Click-
 Wolf FangZ
Stupid question, how do you use the bronze figurine?
-WP Click-


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Cougar : +2
Jaguar : -4
Bobcat : 0
    Fall Month: 1   Day  Weather:  Light Rain
 Battle  Explore In: Now

Den Of Enigma


157 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Neutral
Join Date: Apr 25, 2022
Last Seen: Jun 15, 2024
Territory Level: 586
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 118
PVP Power Rank: 4795
Membership: Basic

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Pack Happiness

About This Pack

Status: Last of my explore team has passed, so it is time for me to finally go. If you miss me, try to find Adina in your wolf's bloodlines. I cannot truly express how much you guys were a part of my life for those couple of years. Thank you.

That's all folks!

I really enjoyed my 5 years on this game. When I first joined, I was in a dark place, and Wolf Play was like a sanctuary where I could nurse my wounds in peace. I got better, but then the pandemic plunged me right back.

However, this time I was not alone. I made friends in university, a group of amazing people who have surprised me again and again at every turn, who look out and care for each other, just like in the movies. They continuously drag me out of the shadows into the light over and over again, and they were the reason why I could not hit the record for hunting tournament! (I was hanging out with them). And if you're curious about that, I missed it by 439 mush. But I for sure set a new record for mush made in explore in one day: a whopping 62k.

I wish I could go back in time, and tell my past self how much better things would get. Just a reminder to those who are going through hard times, it will get better.


I was not alone on Wolf Play either. A lot of wonderful people helped me along the way. Many are no longer on here, but I hope they are living their lives out to the fullest, like I will be. Here's to you, the online friends I made. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And sorry if I don't get everyone, I have so many memories. If you were to message me and I remember you, you can assume you were on this list as well. Vice versa goes too: you might not remember me, but I remember you!

Legend - My favorite 1x1 RP partner of all time. I'll never forget the magic you brought my life.
Richard, Nighthawk, Alfred F. Jones - My great friend, I knew you first and always as Richard. Maybe I'll see you in Hawaii one day.
Tooch - I still remember the singing clip of "Moral of the Story" you sent to me! Thanks for your crackhead energy, you've calmed down a lot but I can tell it's still there haha.
Owsla, Echu - My sweet explore protege. Move mountains and ford oceans with your new secrets. May the world know what an amazing person you are.
Shulk - You were the first person to show me kindness on here. You didn't have to make me a custom wolf for the one of mine you accidentally retired, but you did.
Aven - Gave me the last apple for my first ever den expansion.
Berserkers - Gave me the apples for my first den expansion when I rejoined the game. And laughs!
QueenAlderamin, Ragnarok, Jo - I know you're off in the UK starting your new life, so I have nothing to worry about for you. Take care.
Darkgold - I wish I'd known you sooner, but I'm thankful for the time we had together. I enjoyed being devious with you, and I hope you are well wherever you are.
Temptress - Rest in peace, my love.
Corax Noir - Your unmistakable signature charming characters never ceased to bring a smile to my lips, and your writing never failed to deliver every time. Congrats on finishing your book! I hope I get to read it one day.
Candor - My most steadfast RP partner, I will miss our plays and chats when I leave. Thanks for all the kind words about my writing, you too are an excellent artist of prose! I feel you're still salty about me stealing that one FMC, I cannot apologize profusely enough, and assure you it was nothing personal.
Mafia - I always am delighted to see your PMs in my mailbox. Thank you for giving my kids a better life within your pack!
technoblade - You are an incredible saver and explorer. And I assure you, you could have easily taken the FMC from me if you had the time. You were the first returning face I saw, and I enjoyed our years of chats. I wish you the best on becoming a millionaire!
Lightningwolves - One of the first three players I RP'd with, of ever I think. I know you're gone now, but I wrote some of the most beautiful paragraphs when we RP'd together, so thank you for that.
Polly - Another one of my first RP partners, whenever I see your name it evokes a warm and deep sense of nostalgia. Glad to see you're still on the ball!
Scarlet Hollow - I was too scared to tell you that your character's name sounded like enema. Anima was slightly better though haha. If you ever see this, I apologize, and though it's been long I haven't forgotten you.
Carpe Noctem - Carpe Carpe Carpe! I enjoyed our conversations in Chatbox, as I hope you had gathered from my enthusastic hellos.
Dire - You guided me through the principles of explore when I was first spreading my wings, and taught me tips and tricks that I still carry with me today. You are insanely intelligent, and are who I believe to be the greatest explorer of all time on WP. I know you're doing better things with your time now than crush the entire server on FMC, but if you ever decide to return to the field, I discovered a new trick that will half your time to getting to 69420.
CriesInTheNight - Eons ago, you started as a RP partner, then a trade partner, then a friend. I forgive you for mistaking me for a noob when I first rejoined haha!
bluebird - I met you as The Unspeakable, though that username was dope I love your current one even more. You made me cackle like a little bitch in our PMs. I was glad to see you were still around when I returned. I hope you take that sassy 'tude wherever you choose to pursue, and wish you nothing but blue skies.
Elbowen - You brought the life out of my Vanessa, and apples out of her hands, with your writing. Stay Elbowen :)
Silly - Last I saw you two years ago you were getting married! Congrats on that, I haven't gotten to see you much but I know you're probably fabulous. Keep finding the silver linings in life.
Rageing Stormz - I was upset one day for reasons I forget, and blocked you on my old account. I have since regretted it, and am sorrowful I could not apologize as you had blocked me back. You were a great friend.
Twisted Fate - Twistie! I'll always remember your old username, but your current one is cute as well. Sad I haven't seen you as often in chat.
arlo - Who I believed to be a kindred soul when I read your enthusiastic response to my apology about buying up all your feathers. Thank you for the subsequent endless supply, and the chuckles in PMs.
Ducks Whispers, Death valley - My sweet Doritos Thanos. Keep munching away, until those chips become a part of your blood xD I will greatly miss your presence in chat, and seeing the adorable wolves you have to show me. Since you are always broke when I talk to you, I have left you a little something. Spend wisely my friend.
Empty Veil - Veil ;_; Thank you for your kindness when I first rejoined the game. I didn't know what I did to deserve it. I named the wolf you gifted me after you! And thanks for giving Fife a good rest of his life.
Eno - Ahh my favorite DH supplier <3 You always kept your prices reasonable, and were a good friend as well. I sent your Vignette and Primera Sangre to the stars as promised, where they have both placed their pawmarks on WP history by setting the record for highest mush made in explore in one day. If you're still making DHs, I have jasmines for you if you PM me before I leave.
Fusty-Dudget - Fonkers <3 <3 <3 I have been such sadge I didn't get to see your derpy patootie around more often ;_; I'm glad I grabbed you when I saw you though! Your eager energy will be much, much missed.
Hallbjorns - Wahhh, you're a big kid now with a dapper green hat xD It's much deserved and long overdue, I know you will make a fantastic mod. I still have the free pride art you made me <3
OokamiDono - I have you to thank the most for my springboard from the bottom to the top within 10 days of rejoining the game. I am grateful for your faith in my abilities, and if you would like to adopt Emiline, my albinoxDH, feel free to PM me before I leave.
SheperdsRule - Shep! Didn't get to talk to you much as you seemed busy, but I'm glad your health is doing better.
Trenzalore - Trenz! You speak so elegantly, and I am regretful that I did not get to see how that played out in dialogue for the RPG I could not finish. If you would like, I give you permission to use the material I have created so far to launch your own campaign.
Sjuk. - Another big kid now with a green hat :') You are making a fantastic mod--- the ones who take the time to mod while being kind to the players are the best ones. I read your ant chronicles at some point, I hope they are doing well too!
Tolkien - Ahh Tolks... I really wish I had seen you more often in chat, I missed you. I was delighted to see your green hat, you are a great fit for the mod role. But where did your Montak boob banner go? xD
Z O D I A C - Not sure if you're still around, but I still think about the falling out we had. I regret catching you on a bad day, and extend my condolences for your cat.
Saphire - One of the many, transient new players I have taken under my wing. You're definitely still not around (hence the transient), but you were adorable :)
Xuan - My old username twin! Congrats on the green hat :D I will remember you as I first knew you.
Raewyn - You gifted me my namesake's decor back when I first joined the game. It was my first gift, and I have never forgotten
Specific Ocean - The first ever friend I made on here! You are long, long gone, like fossilized haha, but I have never forgotten you either, and the art you made for my first failed departure from Wolf Play.
starwolfs - Not quite a friend but whom I consider to be a worthy opponent, you are an extremely tenacious explorer and I had to keep my wits about me when I was debuting in the FMC! I admire your persistence, I have no doubts you will hit 100 FMC wins someday.
Blood Demons - A formidable explorer! I consider you to be one of the great dragons of explore. Maybe when I come back one day, I will see you up there on the leaderboards again.
Leopard Lover - Whenever I see your nickname I want to call you LL Bean :P So I do! I'll remember our discussions about the fastest BE training times, 3hrs is still the quickest time I have ever heard of. I wonder if you can go faster with the new explore moves update!
Ouija - Weggie board <3 I'll miss our goofy talks in chat, and finding new ways to remix your username.
Crush - You're probably the only one on here that I think I might get to meet again. Proud to call you a country comrade, and proud of your progress so far on life. Keep at it, you are such a kind and funny person. May you get only heroes and become one yourself.
devine - The source of all mush hoarders' greying hair. I would pay good money to see the amount of cash that's flown through your account haha! You gifted me my first DG wolf, Fife, when I first rejoined the game, and since have worked together with me to accrue data that all WPers can now use to make their exploring lives easier. If I ever return, I hope to see you on the leaderboards once more.
~DragonSoul~ - Come baaaack! I loved chatting with you in between breaks during FMC exploring, and I consider you to be one of the greatest explorers of all time. You are super sweet, kind, and very funny ahaha, you're one of the people that if I heard you returned, I would also return to the game.
RabidWinter - Hey Rabid! You always greet me when I show up in chat :) I enjoyed our talks, and I hope Merci carries you to the stars.
Kitties - You were a such an enormous help in getting my pack from trundling along to firing on all pistons. It appears as if you have taken a break from the game, but your training services were much appreciated, and I regret not paying you more, because you sure deserved it.
Redwood Wolves - Woody. Since I rejoined I have been trying to find you. I'm not sure if this addressed to the correct person, the timestamp of creation seems correct, I just know I got your nickname from redwood. Thanks for witnessing my antics in chat before I milded down, and supporting my climb to the status of undefeated egg pun queen.
Quoth The Raven - My old RP partner! And one of the good 'uns from the golden ages of the pandemic chaos. I'm glad you've survived thus far, and hello? You became an amazing artist while I was away! I hope you stay creative, forevermore.
Cherokee Pride - My most memorable RP partner of the ones who joined the second ever RP I ever made. I admit I and Celia had a huge crush on Lianne, and was sad when you were unable to return for round two of the shapeshifter school RP.
Nox - It's been a while since we last talked, but I remember you as being insanely funny.
Falcone - You had sale on old DG wolves in which I purchased my first ever DG wolf, whom I used to train up my first ever DG team. She was the beginning of my entire explore career, and her line lived on as long as my old account was active. Thank you for providing that opportunity.
DasGurkenglas - I have great hope for you and your potential in explore! If you ever decide you want to take things to the next level, please don't hesitate to reach out, and I can lend you some tips and tricks. Thanks for being a good sport, and I'll see you around :)
Feiella - Fee :D I'll miss talking to you in chat. When I returned, seeing my name mentioned in your bio was really touching. Thank you for that.

"You can always tell who the strong people are. They are the ones you see building one another up instead of tearing each other down."

If I loot your items and you want them back, please send me a screenshot of the steal notification! If it matches up with the time of the item I stole, I'll send it over :)

Super freaking busy. Between the last time I played this game and now I became a tryhard in school and somehow managed to bag myself a social life, so you know what that means to my sleep schedule and everything else. Highest activity is around the FMC.


Returning player, hungry for nostalgia. Where did everyone go? :(

Became the newest player/account to win the FMC, only 10 days after joining the game. 05/09/22

Currently trying to save for my first ever custom! I will be 'mizing my stud Kale, design not decided on yet but I'm open to suggestions. As such all of my wolves with dom under 100 are open to offers. I won't be accepting anything less than 3 apples for any of them.

The beauty in my avatar is Nike. Or Nyx. I can't remember, as they are pretty much identical creatures called jexles, my OC creations. Looking to commission more art of them, PM me if you're interested!

If you're looking to drop CP, please place any spare CP on Beasty's perception. Thank you!

I run a matriarchal pack, which is why the males may be listed lower than the females!

If you'd like to help and don't know how, please send me your unwanted herbs, relics, and pop wishbones on my wish. Thanks for all the kindness so far guys <3 It warms my heart, and I really appreciate it!


My Awards
My featured awards.

Number 1 Spirit Ancestor
Number 1 Hunter
Top 10 Total Mush Found - 🔥Becca
View All Of My Awards (62)

Total Dominance: 0

Overall Space left in this den: 55 spots for wolves.


Labor kicks in at 80-96 hours, lasts for 2-5 hours, pregnancy totalling 82-101. Wolves have a chance of giving birth every half hour.

Copypasta for sales ad(if you are reading these in my bio, note that they aren't all live):

Looking for HW lowgen DH or ery males to breed to, or HW ery females to buy.

Join Stonks Alliance if you'd like money! High dominance, competitive alliance focused on making bank.

Taking offers! Chim 8 female pup with defectxDH dad AND mom. CL MW +6 with no negative vitals.

Looking for MW-HW DH female pups (can be male if they're really good) and G1 DH males to buy or breed to. More info here:

Offering pup CP training during my FMC exploring! Pups will reach over 1k CP. PM me to claim slots for this spring

Introducing Kale! G2 GB, with DH blood. Mother's super fertility passed down to him: he has sired albino twins, one of which had a boost, GB, DH twins one of which had a defect, and most recently an AMELANISMxCHIMERA BUG WOLF! in his very short time on the market, as well as a gazillion other goodies. 50% hit rate of producing a boost or defect! PM me for reservations

Trading my toucan feathers for binoculars, backpacks, and rifles. Will adopt unwanted G1 hero females over 89lbs!

Come check out the wolf swap megathread! Never suffer a bad affinity wolf again.

Offering pup CP training during my FMC exploring! Pups will reach over 1k CP. PM me to claim slots for this spring

Free food and berry tarts on request :)

I will be tracking my progress in here publicly, so that anyone can learn from my experience.

Day One: Joined the game. Purchased two DH female pups to be my first generation of warriors (Becca and Nadie), two adult males to flesh out my explore team, and was gifted two wolves including an old DG! Spent roughly five hours shredding through forest levels 1-6. Mush went hand to mouth, would love to see the chaos on my secretary bird but I don't have enough to buy one.

Day Two: Explored more low-key today, forest 7 keeps slinging me sub 20 enemy counts despite multiple restarts. Decided not to spend anything until I get out of there. Received 6 battle wolves from an old friend <3 who was leaving the game </3 and sold my two adult males to make space for pups.

Day Three: Lots of progress today. My new girls are wiping. The. Floor!! Thank you so much Rag <3 Hit jungle! Mush still like street food in a new country: into the mouth and straight out the butt, however my girls have taken down every single mythical creature they have encountered without fail, securing jasmines which I sold. Becca and Nadie full battle, now CP training Billie. Mush profits are tipping into the positives!! Which is great but jungle is destroying my teams lol, gonna end up sinking all of that into health pots. Started BE training Adina.

Day Four: BE training time! Got Adina to DG, which makes her my first self-trained DG since rejoining <3 Then started using Adina to train her previous teacher to DG. If you're wondering how this happens, teacher had a lot of CP and just enough BE. Will be grinding mush for spring when my girls age up. Billie CP training complete, now onto Finem.

Day Five: DG'd the rest of my adopted explore team out of boredom to maximize damage output. Finem CP training done, Primera has joined the pack :) Saving mush for my DH girls come spring!

Day Six: Just grinding jungle for mush, mush, mush. Twiddling my thumbs waiting for Spring 1!

Day Seven: RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! With spring one we spring forth as many. Forgive me it's like 5am, I only got home two hours ago. Mush will be coming out of my holes, goals! Update hours later: jasmine coming out of my ears!! Profits soaring to new heights! Remembered an old tactic and now I'm managing to save a huge margin lol. On track to purchase my second den expansion!

Day Eight: More explorin'! Adina's kid Frey has 1k CP after all of yesterday. Beasty, a beauty boostxdefect who came from Desiree, has started CP training. Jasmines are still raining from the sky, assigned a pack to board my relics *^*

Day Nine: Grinded explore some more, building up the CP of my explore team. The last two members are not of age yet, so I will have to use sub-ins for the FMC. Jasmine suddenly dried up kekw, but I've got what I need.

Day Ten: Full fledged prepping for FMC. Accumulating bj feathers, BE training my explore team. Mush only so I can buy more moves.

Day Eleven: Start of the FMC showdown! Aiming to become the newest pack to win the FMC. Got Finem and Billie to DG just in time. Highest mush split so far was 3,151/hr.

Day Twelve: Might have overestimated how prepared I needed to be... decided to chill out for the rest of the FMC and explore normally. Two more pups to CP train!

Day Thirteen-Fifteen: Got sick and forgot to update. Became the newest pack to win the FMC on 05/09/22. Pack age when I began: 10 days.

My Alliances

Stonks Alliance
1 of 3 slots used.

Recent Forum Topics
1. Research on Explore/Battle Mechanics - 2 years ago - Guides

Recent Forum Posts
1. Please close, will remake new and improved! - 2 years ago - Suggestions
2. Deleted mail section - 2 years ago - Suggestions
3. The Prince and His Posse | Chicken RP | Lit | ReFresh | OPEN - 2 years ago - Sign-Ups
4. D&D Style Roleplay | Discussion - 2 years ago - Discussion
5. Research on Explore/Battle Mechanics - 11 months ago - Guides

Recent Blogs
My Characters
I need some characters.

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 1482

Bones This Event: 0
Spend the Bones you collect in the Event Shop! Link

If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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