Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game!
I think the pack are just nomads. Wolves don't really settle down in one particular area of their territory because they continuously need to move around to find food, unless it's mating season and the mothers dig dens. So the other pack members just eat whatever is dropped, with the exception of their buried stash
12:38:47 Running Dog

How does it get to the food den? I get ya with the heaps of stinking corpses (my wolves can't eat more than about 3 moose in a day)... but it gets there somehow
12:36:38 Running Dog
I know! What is with that? Bringing 200 prey, 15+ caterpillars, and all the other junk, not to mention the glass jugs!
12:36:16 Waterfall,Zane,Pixal
ninjago rp pm me im bored
I just imagine my wolves running through the territory mowing down everything in their path and leaving thousands of rotting, uneaten corpses everywhere. Because once a territory is complete it's technically their home
 Midnight Moon Pack
12:34:28 PointyGardener(PG)
What about the green house lumber?
Just casually dragging a couple 2x4s through the woods
12:33:00 Running Dog
Anyone ever wonder how our wolves drag home so much dead rabbits and squirrels? And the caterpillars! How on earth do those get home? Do they have little jars?
12:32:58 Dawn
I didnt mean to send that.
12:30:41 Dawn
-WP Click-
12:30:25 free palestine
Its because of the dog event so the event npcs are silly
12:30:06 Running Dog

I know! And isn't his suit traumatizing!!?
 The BloodRose
12:28:58 Mr.colt
I forgot about my wolf son of gun
 Midnight Moon Pack
12:28:55 PointyGardener(PG)
Whats the guy in suspender underwear & flip-flops doing fighting wolves along sides 5 squirrels??!!
 Project Arcturus
12:27:58 Cryptor,Zane,Pythor
Pup 33 licks Cryptor empathetically.

Stats: Social +1
Affinity: Strong Like
Mood: Protective pup 33 is a pup fresh of the factory to Join my amry the other is the general (if talking wp blood they are father daughter )
 Ninjago Realm
12:25:53 Waterfall,Zane,Nya
Kai hunts prey and brings it to Master Wu

Stats: Social +2
Affinity: Strong Like
Mood: Triumphant
I would qustion this but yah seems like a Kai thing
12:24:29 Dawn
I was thinking either that or some gear or wolves but to get more wolves I need an expansion so IÂ’m going to lol
12:24:28 Waterfall,Zane,Pixal
-WP Click- Names pm me
12:24:10 Running Dog
 Midnight Moon Pack
12:23:30 PointyGardener(PG)
I think den expansion is a good idea
I haven't regretted buying one
The answer is always yes if your goal is to make stonks, unless you can think of a better idea to use 10 apples on


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Red Fox : -2
Black Bear : +1
Black Panther : +1
    Summer Month: 3   Day  Weather:  Heavy Rain
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Den Of Astrolistic


27 Paws Up

Pack Number:
Allegiance: Lightbringer
Join Date: Aug 25, 2021
Last Seen: Jun 3, 2024
Territory Level: 3
Pack Vs Pack Wins: 4
PVP Power Rank: 5029
Membership: Basic

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About This Pack
Status: Rebuilding My Empire

Chapter 1

As you tread through the dense undergrowth of the forest, your senses alive with the scents and sounds of the night, you catch a whiff of something different—a scent that speaks of belonging, of family. Intrigued, you follow the trail, your steps light and cautious as you navigate the shadows.

Emerging into a moonlit clearing, you come face to face with a patrol of wolves, their forms illuminated by the silver glow of the night. Leading them is a she-wolf of regal bearing, her amber eyes holding a wisdom that seems to reach into your very soul. There is no ruling male present, but you can smell him on the she-wolf's pelt.

You watch in awe as the small group moves with fluid grace, their movements synchronized in a silent dance of the hunt. Every member plays their part with precision and skill, their unity a testament to the strength of their bond.

In that moment, you realize the truth that has eluded you for so long—you are not meant to wander this world alone. You yearn for the companionship of your own kind, for the warmth of a pack to call your own.

With a mix of trepidation and hope, you step out of the shadows and approach the pack, your heart pounding in your chest. The alpha female regards you with keen eyes, assessing you with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Ah, I thought my senses had been failing me. Aspen I knew I smelt a newcomer." Her voice was soft yet commanding.

"Hm yes, perhaps this wolf will be the one." The wolf who answered to Aspen stepped out of the shadows from behind the female. This was clearly the alpha male.

"The.. the one?" You stutter, trying to sounds submissive yet confident.

"Yes. However, we shall see. Come with us now, young one and we shall find out in due course." The female picked her words carefully and you could almost see her wizzing thoughts as you followed them to their, and your new camp.

Having arrived earlier, you now stand before them, baring your throat in a gesture of submission. Then you spy something shift in her gaze—a recognition, perhaps, of the loneliness that has brought you to their doorstep.

"This is the one Aspen, I'm sure of it. We must hasten towards an initiation ceremony. This wolf will save our pack."

The female speaks directly to Aspen, who nods and pads away. It is only then that she turn to you.

"Be ready when the owl calls."


In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, where the moonlight filtered through the canopy in ethereal beams, there existed a pack of wolves known as the Silver Crescent. They were guardians of the wilderness, their howls echoing through the night as they roamed the vast expanse of their territory.

Among them, there was a tradition, a sacred ritual passed down through generations - the initiation ceremony for the young wolves who came within their ranks from the world outside the Silver Crescent territory.

As the seasons shifted from the bountiful warmth of summer to the crisp chill of autumn, you stand at the edge of a clearing, your elegant fur shimmering under the moon's gentle glow. You had found the pack, and were finally ready to partake in the ancient rite of passage. Around you, the elders of the pack gather, their wise eyes gleaming with anticipation.
At the center of the clearing lay a circle of stones, arranged in a perfect ring, with shimmers of moonlit water in a smal central pool. The ripples danced and flickered, casting intricate shadows upon the forest floor. You approach the circle with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, your heart pounding in your chest.

The pack's leader, a formidable wolf named Aspen, steps forward, his fur coloured like the bark filled forest. His voice resonates with authority as he addresses the assembled wolves.

"Tonight, we gather to welcome this wolf into the ranks of our pack," Aspen declares, his words carrying on the wind. "They have proven themself worthy of our trust and our respect. Let us now commence the ceremony of initiation."

With a solemn nod, Aspen motions for you to join him at the center of the circle. As you step forward, you can feel the weight of centuries of tradition settling upon your shoulders. You take your place beside Aspen, your eyes fixed upon the water dancing before your curious eyes.
One by one, the elders approached you, each bearing a gift symbolic of the virtues valued by the pack - strength, courage, wisdom, and loyalty. From the oldest elder came a sprig of sacred herbs, their fragrance filling the air with a sense of calm and reverence. From another came a gleaming stone, imbued with the resilience of the earth itself.
With each gift, you feel a surge of pride and determination coursing through your veins. You accept each offering with grace and humility, knowing that you carry the hopes and dreams of your pack within you.
Finally, it was Ria's turn to speak. With a voice like thunder, she addresses you directly, his gaze unwavering.

"Tonight, you stand on the threshold of a new chapter in your life. You have proven yourself to be a worthy member of our pack, and now, you shall bear the mark of our trust and our kinship."

With a swift motion, Ria dips her paw into the water, drawing forth a streak of droplets. Gently, she presses his paw to your shoulder, marking you with the symbol of the Silver Crescent pack.

The water seems to diffuse into your skin, eating away at your fur until a small half moon shape stands clear like a brand upon your skin.
"As this mark is upon you, so too are you bound to us," Ria proclaimes, her voice echoing through the forest. "May you wear it with pride, and may you always remember the strength and unity of our pack."
As the ceremony draws to a close, you feel a sense of peace settling over you. You know that you have been accepted into the fold, welcomed as a true member of the Silver Crescent pack. With your head held high and your heart full of determination, you join your fellow wolves in a chorus of howls, all voices rising into the night sky like a symphony of wild magic.


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Top 10 Howlers
Number 1 Alliance Member This Week
Breeding - 70 Rarity Score
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Total Dominance: 21

Dynamic Coat 1st Gen
Alpha Male
Dominance: 21
   Age: 12
Rarity: 78
Talent: 10
Total CP: 221
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Pup 100
Beta Male
Dominance: 0
   Age: 9
Rarity: 14
Talent: 12
Total CP: 120
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Pup 24
Alpha Female
Dominance: 0
   Age: 9
Rarity: 14
Talent: 10
Total CP: 100
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Pup 7
Beta Female
Dominance: 0
   Age: 11
Rarity: 4
Talent: 22
Total CP: 220
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Pup 72
Dominance: 0
   Age: 9
Rarity: 4
Talent: 11
Total CP: 110
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Overall Space left in this den: 10 spots for wolves.

RP Rules:

1. You are active as much as I am - I understand that everyone has a life outside of WP, so do I. So I expect activity at least once or twice a week, unless I am told otherwise by yourself.
2. You are literate and can write a paragraph or two per post - Otherwise the RP will really never get going. Also, I am not the grammar police, but please make it readable. Thanks.
3. You must write something that I can respond to - As I said above, otherwise there's really not any point in doing the RP.
4. I will only do MxF - I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community but I personally only feel comfortable doing that gender pairing.
5. Don't just ghost the RP if you're not enjoying it - At least let me know. Come on.
6. I only RP in forums - It's just an easier format for Roleplaying in my opinion.


RP Topics that I will participate in:

Other Animal
Greek God
SOME Human Ones

My Alliances

Recent Forum Topics

Recent Forum Posts
1. ANTIDOTE X Astrolistic - 3 months ago - 1x1
2. Through the Winter | RP Thread - 3 months ago - Literate
3. Not Your Average People | RP Thread - 3 months ago - Literate
4. Through the Winter | Discussion - 3 months ago - Discussion
5. Not Your Average People | Discussion Thread - 3 months ago - Discussion

Recent Blogs
1. Aspen - 2 years ago
My Characters

╔══ ♠ • ♠ • ♠ ══╗

These are the real special ones <3

╚══ ♠ • ♠ • ♠ ══╝

Name: Breeze
Age: 5.5
Species: Rare timber wolf
Art below done by @FallenSpirits on WP


Name: Night Fang
Age: 3
Species: Tundra wolf
Art for this one was done by @Lost_Griffin

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Bone Count: 0

Bones This Event: 0
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If you reach 700 Bones this Event, you will receive a Trophy!

Find Dog Bones in explore. The more you collect, the more prizes you can buy!
Also, these count toward your faction and the winning faction members will receive 200 mushrooms!

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